Coffee Shop Etiquette Tips YOU SHOULD KNOW

Coffee Shop Etiquette Tips YOU SHOULD KNOW

Stefania Marzelia

3 месяца назад

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@kennetheilen8818 - 07.04.2024 19:03

Oh right. The POS system. The terrible system of presets.

@lifewithmarissa3695 - 07.04.2024 21:46

Agreed with everything here, except, one thing I will ask of baristas is to not get an attitude or be rude. If I’m asking you where something is, because not, everybody has functioning eyes to be able to just look for something.. that’s my only constructive criticism
I’m partially blind, I’m with trying to make sure that I’m out of the way of people, I try to be as independent as possible, but sometimes it is not easy for me to locate things because of the fact that I can’t see like everyone else . Other than that, everything was spot on.🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

@rochellethundercloud346 - 07.04.2024 21:50

Please and thank you go a long way.
Be polite.
Wait your turn.
State what size you want,hot or iced, don't make it overly complicated.
State if you want non dairy or diet sugar,and please specify the type.
Equal,sugar twin,tru ia, Splenda,agave nectar,honey,sweet and low,etc .and amount

@moramet - 07.04.2024 21:54

From a former barista bestie to another barista bestie - thank you for this

@TheSchnoodlemom - 07.04.2024 22:07

Well said. Too bad we weren't allowed to tell the customer when they got sassy.

@omiai - 07.04.2024 23:18

i'm a barista of over 16 years. based on our POS, I would love people to start with drink type (ie: latte) then everything else, because i literally cannot put in anything else until i know what the drink is. So often people will give you a long drink order for a single drink (ie: can i get a grande xhot, wet, soy, extra shot, vanilla...) and i cannot input any of this until i know if it's a cappuccino, latte etc. but because you're not pressing any buttons, often the customers think you haven't paid attention to their order, and then start treating you like an idiot. also, usually i can retain the information you gave me, but sometimes i cant, but if you say it's a latte (or whatever) first, i can quickly add the components and therefore i'm less likely to make a mistake.

i will happily explain the menu to people who look terrified to be in a coffee shop they've not been in before. i'll talk them through everything, make it a less intimidating experience.

had an older man once, ordered a tea. he said 'but dont put it in one of your silly cups' and gestured to the stack of takeaway paper cups behind me. now most older customers prefer a mug, so that's no problem. i put it in a mug. i handed it over and he yells at me 'what did i just say? i told you not to put it in one of your silly cups!'
i apologised, and explained i thought he meant he didn't want a paper cup, but i was happy to change that. so i went to pour the tea from the mug into paper, and he yells again 'what do you think you're doing? you'll make that fresh!' so i did. left him space for milk as requested (milk was on the condiment stand). he's back a minute later yelling at me 'i've put too much milk in this! make me a fresh one!' as if it was my fault. so i did. he came back again 'i've put too much sugar in it! this is ridiculous! you think you lot could get a cup of tea right!' so i made him another. i was furious by this time. his (i assume) daughter came up and apologised to me for his bad behaviour.

i used to work in a kiosk in a train station. people running for their trains was always an issue, so we made it very clear how long the wait would be (when it was busy, and we always over estimated the time) so people could decide if they could wait 5 mins for their coffee or if they'd miss their train.
one day a guy orders 2 americanos. we give him the price and he says 'oh, that's a lot cheaper than last time' and we were, rightfully, confused. so he says 'yeah last time they took so long i missed my train to london'
sir. why did you miss your train for the sake of 2 coffees?! there is a coffee cart on the train. you knew when the train left. why did you wait until it was literally about to leave to order the coffees? how is any of this our fault?! but he acted like he wanted us to refund him the cost of train tickets! hah!

i could literally talk/type for hours about my experiences as a barista. but i'll shut up now XD

@Dude-its-Del - 07.04.2024 23:32

Watched this on my 10 min break and loved it!

@paulakidd9532 - 08.04.2024 00:09

PREACH!!! Love it, and couldn't agree more with EVERY tip!

@jeniferj - 08.04.2024 01:03

Another suggestion is that if it is a regular drink that you order every time, put it in your notes section and large it so that you can just show the barista from your phone if it's really loud and busy, or if you're the kind that does not like to yell or make a scene just to be heard.

@mikitereszko2222 - 08.04.2024 04:54

This channel is such a blessing. Had my interview hope it turns out well 🤷🏼‍♂️.
Either way great vids

@funcandarmer - 08.04.2024 05:11

This etiquette applies to Dunkin too.

@octag0nal - 08.04.2024 05:40

thought this was a guide on etiquette for first time baristas on how to act behind the bar but nope!! just a guide on how to not be a moron 😭😭 i feel yr pain

(but i mean if you wanted to make that video i wouldn’t complain 🫣🫣)

@leekrizka4073 - 08.04.2024 06:53

I will never understand being mean to anyone in the service industry. Like WTAF is wrong with you???? Be pleasant……it’s not hard. And those who leave sticks on the customer bar thing??? I can’t stand that!! No, I’m not a barista (I wish) I AM a coffeeholic though.

@RachelMassey2531 - 08.04.2024 07:12

As a former barista, someone who orders coffee out often, and a mom to an 11 and 8 year old, I feel this! One small thing I’ve been teaching them is to say “May I or can I” instead of going up and just saying “I would like, or I need a” or whatever. It used to bug me how people deliver their food or beverage order. It’s a small change but makes a huge difference in how kind they come off. I loved this video. ❤

@marie.e63 - 08.04.2024 07:56

I really wish that more people found videos like this. I really love that you make these!

@lzlzlz347 - 10.04.2024 21:16

Do folks actually expect that iced is default when they order a coffee? I do not understand America's obsession with iced drinks, lol! If I order my cappuccino it better be hot! If for some reason I need it iced I will definitely clearly say so. Also please be nice to your barista thank youuu

@qm7497 - 12.04.2024 08:33

Todays standout conversation...

Tweenaged Boy (TB) : My mom wants a caramel mocha blended.

Me: Okey, sounds great! Do you know if maybe she wants a caramel frap with mocha added or like, a mocha frap with some caramel added?

TB: uh....Caramel mocha, but not sure, this is what she texted me. shows the app menu picture of drink

Me: That is a caramel macchiato. Those are pretty specifically not blended together.

We both just stood there for a bit, questioning the contradictory instructions given to him before he made an executive decision on the macchiato and hoped for the best

@dertseha - 12.04.2024 15:59

Question: When paying with card and selecting a tip percentage on the screen, will that amount be shown to the people behind the bar? I might not be that wordy when talking, yet I'm happy to give quite some gratuity. And I wonder if that ever comes across.
Edit: Also, I'm quite hooked to your skits, thank you :)

@alexisphillips5685 - 15.04.2024 05:14


@maryerb6062 - 18.04.2024 02:41

Preach it, Girl!! Love your sense of humor and anti-bs barbs. Shine on!!😂😂😂😂

@liisamichelleharkness159 - 20.04.2024 03:14

Very said especially 'be nice to your barrista'

@capodo - 20.04.2024 23:07

I've been a Starbucks junkie since... Oh... 2002. I love the Bucks so much that I paid for the Gold Card program (I think it was $25/year) back in 2007. Furthermore, I've been to several hundred locations throughout the years. I've definitely made barista friends throughout the years - including those that I've befriended OUTSIDE of the shop! I would have loved to have run into you at a shop! As for your tips... They're awesome. But, I'd like to offer one of my own from the customer's POV. It should be the FIRST thing you say. It's one word, and it's a simple one. HELLO. I never place an order - no matter where I go - without first saying something like, "Hello, how are you?" Then I'll place my order. I'm happy that I've been a friend to several of my local coffee places. I truly believe this resulted in an incredible story from 2009 involving a local Starbucks.

@JustCorrections - 24.04.2024 22:33

Love this! Great content!

@aprildonaldson5729 - 03.05.2024 07:02

Usually when I order like my go to is a white chocolate mocha if I want ice I’ll say iced but if I want hot I just order size white chocolate I guess I’ll start saying hot because I have noticed that a lot of times they will asked hot or iced after thank for this I thought I was being good but now I’ll do better

@myahitt1247 - 14.05.2024 22:33

If the first one doesn’t make sense, think of it this way: if you tell me hot, as a Starbucks barista, I have 4 cups to choose from. If you start with the size, I only have two options to choose from: hot or iced. It takes way less time for me to take your order. ❤

@amandastjohn4735 - 09.07.2024 18:25

I try to ask politely for my order.
