Zabbix Database Partitioning

Zabbix Database Partitioning

Dmitry Lambert

5 лет назад

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@TheMaxnux - 07.08.2023 17:53

there is this script for postgres?

@nahueld9326 - 01.11.2022 17:01

Is this guide useful to perform partitions on zabbix 5.0 or 6.0? and is it better to upgrade from 5.0 to 6.0 before or after patitioning the database?

@bruhattamishra6924 - 22.03.2021 17:37

Hi @Dmitry Lambert
thanks for this informative session. I have an use cases issue. I have many files getting updated during a particular time of day where cpu gets used much. all those files are history*.frm and history*.ibd.

are these due to house keeping jobs?
If yes, I wish to stop this because these use much cpu. In config file housekeeping parameter is set as 0 but still the jobs are running and takes 7 hours. and bunch of these history files gets generated and appended
any clue how to fix, (zabbix version 4.0.5)

@manupmukherjee - 18.03.2021 11:02

Does doing zabbix partitioning, remove history and trends completely? So much so that graph and data from hosts is not visible on front end? the requirement is for audit related stuff, need to show data of a complete year starting from June to May.

@llesomora - 12.01.2021 16:54

dmitry hello what happens if i partitioned tables history, trends but the problems/alerts table has increase and we have some issues with performance on that tables.

i can turn on housekeeper to this tables and dont have any problem ?

my tables problems/alerts has 8 bilion registers and we face some slow queries

@jarnestaelens7046 - 07.04.2020 12:11

Hello, Thank you for you video, they are very helpful.
But I have a question. Is it also possible to make partitions for longer than 1day? vb: 1 partition for 3 days or for 1 week? If you partition based on days than you will have 365 partitions for the history tables if you use the default settings.

@waelthebigboss - 13.03.2020 18:50

If i found out after 1 month that the script stoped working and the data are stored again without partionning, so if i run the script again will that damage the database ???

@yogeshpatel701 - 11.03.2020 12:29

Thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge , Could you please create similar video for postgresdb on how to perform zabbix db tunning and how to cleanup old history and trends table

@Olson83CR - 17.12.2019 23:14

Nice post, really appreciate the effort.
I have been postponing this for months since I am not a DB person but have some general knowledge on DBs. My db does not use a unix socket, uses a tcp connection. Do you think the stored procedures described in the wiki will help me to archive the same result?

@dfisicaro - 21.05.2019 20:50

What happens if one of the tables returns a NULL value? Of the 7 tables I need to run the ALTER commands on. You just run the ALTER command for the last day?

@subkhanave - 12.02.2019 03:18

after implementing partitioning, should housekeeper be disabled or leave it as it is? I read about that in someone’s blog
thanks for the knowledge

@ChrisHale0629 - 11.02.2019 05:44

Thanks for this video! I started using Zabbix a few months ago and this is by far the best resource for the software.

@maxtissera - 10.02.2019 22:51

I would love a video about templates and how you deploy zabbix agent on multiple servers, lets say windows 2k12/2k16 or Linux servers. I have 200 VMs to monitor, and it will be impossible doing it 1 by 1

@maxtissera - 10.02.2019 22:45

New subscriber here. Amazing video, will configure in my zabbix server this week. Thanks.

@ygtntxrf - 10.02.2019 16:26

Thank you for great channel '-)
Please can you make tutorial about smart HDD monitoring with notifications?
