This Unturned Mod Changes EVERYTHING

This Unturned Mod Changes EVERYTHING


1 год назад

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Ongjming - 17.09.2023 20:32

The mod can't be found as of now (18 09 23).

vVJIROMainVv - 16.09.2023 10:16

It’s sad that the mod is shut down no longer in works

Liem Pall
Liem Pall - 12.09.2023 02:15

Hey I’m in this video

FoxhLuvsMk18 - 01.09.2023 00:11

I would like a mod that adds animations from 4.0 in 3.0, that would be awesome!

bobograndman - 20.07.2023 10:37

This is literally the problem and what is killing the game. The game's actual identity is being ignored and all that's happening is the shitty clones of other games are becoming popular. The game will die if the only reason people go to it is for a worse version of Rust or Tarkov or Battlebit.

us army
us army - 08.07.2023 21:43

mods on unturned are coming although some are on xbox or ps4

us army
us army - 08.07.2023 21:42

Mod ps4 unturned is coming sonn

Mega_Jonne15 - 08.06.2023 19:02

Now if this was a dayz mod with all movement n such i would play it 24/7😊

Nate Potter
Nate Potter - 07.06.2023 22:06

aged like fine milk on a hot summer day

Sk3tzo PT
Sk3tzo PT - 02.06.2023 14:33

you were paid by P9nda to talk about his mod, sad

coolboy boy
coolboy boy - 30.05.2023 02:55

have you ever played ILLmatik?

Armin Ghasemi
Armin Ghasemi - 22.05.2023 15:40

and its dead now😑

Caelumrobocop - 22.05.2023 06:06

robokast what is your opinion on sliced bread

Androide_T53 - 13.05.2023 01:51

This is just an advertisement with a sponsor on it.

Asterrix - 12.05.2023 15:43

Client and server disagree on asset "Weapon Case" configuration. (File: "Metro_Weapon_Case" ID: f867cdd2e4724ec19bc32d3757dcb3e2)
Usually this means the files are different versions in which case updating the client and server might fix it.
Alternatively the file may have been corrupted, locally modified, or modified on the server.
Client hash is 5E9C62B978BF12B7E463B513DA1936B52DC0814B, whereas server hash is EE52E7D3143F68C097231322E7F57AAFECA85B39.
Client and server agree this asset is from Workshop File "Elver Assets (Always Updated)" (2169329608). Can you explain what to do?

Moisa Nichita
Moisa Nichita - 11.05.2023 20:49

Го унтурнед

softsebby aka Big chungus gaming deluxe HD
softsebby aka Big chungus gaming deluxe HD - 11.05.2023 15:15

ok i'm not gonna lie i was pretty let down when it ws just a call of duty mod
but i get that the point is that there's never been something this professinol and high quality in the unturned modding scene,
and now that it's a thing and it's out it's sure to shake up said scene,
and perhaps lead to equally impressive/high quality mods in the future
but i feel like it could've been conveyed a little better (not that i think i could've done it better)
either way the video made me wanna play unturned again so imma go do that now

WarriorLion - 06.05.2023 15:10

vack when i played unturnov it was in peak popularity and was a lot of fun but the game itself burnt me out like it did you

MattheLord - 01.05.2023 00:55

Nelson sexton the creator of sex

Brendo Sendo
Brendo Sendo - 20.04.2023 13:59

I wish this was on console 😭

TNTspaz - 15.04.2023 06:56

Welp it's dead now due to a internal dispute between the developers. It was already going to die and the guy basically admitted it. Nearly no one played it cause Unturned is like 95% private servers and single player now.

Unturned has no future as a open multiplayer game, at least not anymore. The game doesn't even really have a public community anymore. Nearly everything is gate kept

MAStard Gas
MAStard Gas - 09.04.2023 08:18

And then it died

ManicGamingGuy - 07.04.2023 02:50

This game is down now

szyefanR - 30.03.2023 18:55

Tbh if would be cool to see some roblox like platform but unturned, roblox is completely ruined nowdays, but such big project would require just too much to happen and it can't be created just as a mod but whole platform

Jfoshe101Soccer - 26.03.2023 08:49

Bro put the nylex intro in the video lol

KOLI - 24.03.2023 15:17

Was crazy sadly xD

Luke Bai
Luke Bai - 20.03.2023 14:52

Too bad Blackout fucking died

0si - 15.03.2023 23:29

Aaaaand blackout has been shut down

SunTheSpectator - 09.03.2023 08:34

Ngl, Blackout does give the Black Ops nostalgia but it feels like Roblox's Phantom Forces in some ways, maybe cuz blocky models (both character and weapons) but Phantom's weapon models are more smoother now and def P2W for a lot of players since all guns and attachments have the highest differences or some goofy attachments. But I do love Unturned and Roblox (not the cringe side like RP games or def kiddy fantasy-like games or "aesthetic games" if people understand me)

Lt Doc
Lt Doc - 07.03.2023 18:28

Just go play cod...

Sonic. exe fino
Sonic. exe fino - 04.03.2023 12:00

Nelson SEXton


RxdiumsAura - 02.03.2023 00:09

yeah well blackout is dead as fuck already.

Danyal Assi
Danyal Assi - 01.03.2023 23:28

Do u know that this was a Roblox game?

NachoMan - 23.02.2023 20:58

if you like call of duty, then wait this year for SM2, its a COD fangame what combines the best guns, maps, character, UI, etc
there is a LOT of cool stuff from the COD franchise

pilot - 22.02.2023 21:11

Nelson worked on a game in roblox before Unturned called Battlefield. This mod reminds me of that game a lot.

Kujo Jotaro
Kujo Jotaro - 21.02.2023 04:26

Ya know I love Unturned one of my favorit games ever and the first game I downloaded on my laptop but im terrible at pvp thats the problem

Szkox - 20.02.2023 18:25

not point of video but wow i played drakensang back like 8 years ago and it feels wierd knowing that its still alive and well and sponsoring you

Armazenamento esgotado 💚
Armazenamento esgotado 💚 - 19.02.2023 20:23


JaceTheJackal - 09.02.2023 11:47

what's the point in trying to recreate a game, inside a game, of which that game is dead.

If you wanted a COD clone and couldn't afford it, just play phantom forces on roblox.

All this is to be frank, is a waste of time. This game is dead. Whether on console or PC, this game is dead.

The ONLY servers still active are ones with extremely malicious P2W features, ill managed RP servers usually owned by teenagers, or servers flooded with plugins that break the game balance so hard it isn't even worth playing (/home /tpa /kits, ect)

Rust in Unturned works, because nothing else out there offers a more simplistic gunplay combined with the gameplay loop of rust. Unturned basically IS rust.
Tarkov in Unturned works because that's the goal of Unturned in the first place, get geared, kill people for their gear, stash and hoard.

COD doesn't. Because COD is just "shoot people". Its boring. There's no longterm goal besides get a more OP gun to kill the same people over and over again, you can't get a huge stash of loot, or make a cool base.

This mod offers absolutely nothing that Phantom Forces from roblox, or real COD doesn't do better.

Even if it didn't have the issue as described above, the game is dead, period. You won't have a playerbase to appreciate what you've made.
A new official map just released today, Polaris, I couldn't find a SINGLE full server. That's how dead this game is. The only servers left are RP servers and servers flooded with so many plugins you're playing on preschooler mode.

Hell, even the RP servers have degraded in quality severely. The original ones you had to actually interact with people and roleplay, now they've been monetized so much that everything is automated, wanna join the police? Instead of interacting with the police chief and having to go through a training, instead, donate to unlock it and do /job, Wanna earn ingame money? Sit AFK and wait for your job to automatically give you money at set intervals. Too slow? Donate so you can earn more money per hour. What's the point of running a gun store if I can just /buy whatever I need via a plugin? What's the point in trying to buy that fancy house when EVERYBODY on the server is a millionaire running around with full military gear and 10 cars?

I've never understood the point of PVP servers when loot is just given to you, then your loot has no value and you're just killing for nothing. Its mindless.

As someone with 5000 hours and has been playing since PEI was the only map it is so saddening to see that this game has deteriorated from a more casual and easier to get into DayZ, into a shitty blend of GMOD and Roblox while lacking the strength of either games. How about some mods to overhaul the survival aspects of the game? Or the raiding? Or literally anything other than an overglorified UI for a PVP server that will just be used as a way to trick kids into gambling for crappy server only skins.

It doesn't matter if this game started in roblox, this game isn't roblox. This is like trying to swap the brain of a monkey and a man, the game just ain't built for it. Its fruitless.
In the end you will end up with the same boring Unturned PVP. I can also see that Nordic armory is used, so prepare for every weapon to kill you in .23 seconds because the damage values for that mod are absolutely busted.

Esteban - 08.02.2023 18:53

Always nice seeing you posted

Nong Benz
Nong Benz - 01.02.2023 15:47

Broke Protocol can do this too. I can send a bunch of game keys if you can cover it

SillyGoober - 29.01.2023 08:11

If only Rust had mod support, too bad Facepunch really let us down.

vetamesh - 25.01.2023 04:28

Finally I can play Phantom Forces for free instead of buying Roblox!

Roca - 24.01.2023 23:20

Spent 3500 hours to make another generic shooter. Took everything that was good about Unturned and deleted it.

vikketik v
vikketik v - 23.01.2023 21:00

howly f moly

Ezic  Guy.
Ezic Guy. - 23.01.2023 12:20

Realm of the what lord?

wide - 22.01.2023 06:51

Making cod but worse and with 2 yearolds don't make a good mod
