Create Calendar Event from Google Sheets with Google Apps Script

Create Calendar Event from Google Sheets with Google Apps Script


2 года назад

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asmida laelasari
asmida laelasari - 14.10.2023 11:44

How to add it only at the end so that existing data is no longer included in Google Calendar? please help me Mrs.

Unpopulr - 13.10.2023 02:56

Hello there. Super helpful. So I am not a coder but I would like to use the code. I've done everything mentioned in this video but once I run it an error message states undefined and it's indicating the error is on line 5. I see this video was created 2 years ago but hopefully you have time to get back to me on this. Either way thank for sharing.

Bhem Polina
Bhem Polina - 25.09.2023 03:23

Thank you for sharing. It works for me.

Katerina Apostolaki
Katerina Apostolaki - 12.09.2023 14:52

Is there a way to include events that repeat once per week until a specific date? Also, can we automate the notifications we receive for those?

Richard The Magician
Richard The Magician - 09.09.2023 00:48

Great tutorial! A couple of questions. Will the script run automatically every time there's a new event added to the sheet or is it set on the timer? I'm assuming I can just have checkboxes until the script to add an event only if the box is AND there's actually an event present.

Second question: if I wanted to make this and then share it with a client, what would I need to type into the script so it will look for a particular cell on the sheet where they can paste their calendar ID instead of having to put it in the script itself?

I'm very new the app scripts. Try to move away from using all the plug-ins. I appreciate the help.

ecoed96 - 01.09.2023 06:15

Thank you, this works like a champ. The only problem I'm having is when my google form updates the google sheet it is creating duplicate events. I haven't been able to figure out how to fix that. Any suggestions.

hollow_grimm - 23.08.2023 06:29

How to automatically run the code everytime I update the data and also avoid duplicating the existing events?

Fábio Dozza de Miranda
Fábio Dozza de Miranda - 21.08.2023 07:15

Amazing, thanks very much! . But how to make it easier for the user not to have to type the date twice, just the times, and including the date, which is in another column, as many times as necessary, in case there are several times in other columns to fill in (all times of the same day , which was already filled in in the previous column)?

Sukhdev Singh
Sukhdev Singh - 09.08.2023 17:09

Hi, How do you color code the events in this script?

Solehin Fathullah
Solehin Fathullah - 07.08.2023 10:04

so stupid

The Angloacademy
The Angloacademy - 03.08.2023 20:31

Just brilliant

Jonathan Labbe
Jonathan Labbe - 28.07.2023 17:55


Is there a way to prevent duplicates of events already added to your calendar?

Desmond Maker
Desmond Maker - 10.07.2023 11:52

Hello. my Script is working but it still not sync to my calendar, ive tried everything :(

Eliot Hochberg
Eliot Hochberg - 10.07.2023 09:22

A great video! Definitely appreciate the clarity and demonstration.

I have this working, but I have a puzzle: I want to use a spreadsheet to be able to change dates as well. Is there a way for the script to delete an event it already posted and replace it? The only thing I can think of so far is to create a separate script that somehow recognizes a selected cell, activates, and then you can replace. But I don't want to run the whole script again on the same page, as it will duplicate the event. So then the second question is, can such a script check if the event is already there and not add it again?

Muhammad Dhika Hanif
Muhammad Dhika Hanif - 30.06.2023 07:04

thanks for the knowledge, btw how if i want to add notes & invite people on the event, what script i have to write

Valentin Bar Cohen
Valentin Bar Cohen - 22.06.2023 14:16

Great explanaition! can I also add guests to my invite? did not manage to do so, thanks!

Michael john Gonzales
Michael john Gonzales - 14.06.2023 11:53

My script doesn't run. And the calendar is null ewhat should i do

Frances Moore
Frances Moore - 05.06.2023 20:08

It ran and was executed; however, it's not showing up on my calendar. Do you know why?

Gar ich
Gar ich - 25.05.2023 08:34

Thank you so much for sharing the video on how to connect the sheet to the calendar. It was incredibly valuable, and I learned a lot from it. However, I'm currently facing a couple of issues. Firstly, when I add new content to the sheet, it doesn't sync automatically to the calendar. Do I need to run the script every time I add something new? Secondly, when I delete or modify existing content in the sheet, the changes don't reflect in the calendar. The old content still appears, and it doesn't get deleted or updated accordingly.

I would appreciate any guidance or suggestions on how to resolve these issues. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

aman singh
aman singh - 17.05.2023 15:54

I want to only use one date without entering any Start or end time and date. I just want to enter one date and the event shall be created.
please help me how can I do this...Seriously please help me...I am ain't able to find this anywhere.

Claire Schwaegler
Claire Schwaegler - 10.05.2023 20:39

Thank you so much for this- super helpful! Is there a way to update/write the code so that it can recognize if events are already on the calendar or not so the script can be run/calendar can be updated without creating duplicates?

Eamonn Cottrell
Eamonn Cottrell - 09.05.2023 23:00

Brilliant; thanks!

Naomi Hinton
Naomi Hinton - 09.05.2023 19:29

What if we need to change the timezones per location?

tawshisms - 30.04.2023 00:22

this was great as usual! do i stick in removeAllReminders() so the default reminders dont get created too?

Patricia Law
Patricia Law - 23.04.2023 17:49

This worked great and I added custom menu to include assigning color, and deleting separate events , my sheet dates from May to the end of September , now it stops adding the entries July 23? I have no clue why

function createCalendarEvents(){
let pexCalendar = CalendarApp.getCalendarById("**");
let sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();

let schedule = sheet.getDataRange(). getValues();

pexCalendar.createEvent(entry[2], entry[0], entry[1]);


anyone see something I missed?

It's Me Buddy
It's Me Buddy - 12.04.2023 06:05

Cool but this gives Jane full access to your sensitive files. No hate. Just sayin

AWAKE TRIPS IBIZA - 11.04.2023 18:39

Hi @saperis! Amazing video. Love it how you explain every detail!!! What I'm struggling with is how do I transfer extra colums to the "meeting notes" part of the appointment in the Google calendar? Thank yoouuuuuuuuu

Alberto Reyes (dayofthetech_error)
Alberto Reyes (dayofthetech_error) - 31.03.2023 21:26

Excellent video, but one thing still looking for is how to automate the process to when a new user enters an event in sheets, gets update to calendar without repeating the already events, so far it keeps creating a copy of each event.

Simon Severino | Sales Coach
Simon Severino | Sales Coach - 27.03.2023 10:53

Wow that's cool!

Mme Bernatchez
Mme Bernatchez - 26.03.2023 01:21

This is very helpful! Thank you so much. As a teacher, I plan on creating a sheet with yearly lesson plan details and then automating the creation of the calendar.

J F - 24.03.2023 06:12

Works like a charm. I made a car-sharing calendar for me and my neighbors with a Google form that was automated with this function. Way to go!

AdeleiTeillana - 21.03.2023 23:34

I typed everything in exactly like you did. Went back and triple checked. It's giving me an error though - Exception: The parameters (String,String,String) don't match the method signature for CalendarApp.Calendar.createEvent.

Smile Wedding
Smile Wedding - 18.03.2023 07:34

hi ! tôi bị lỗi như vậy mong chị hướng dẫn giúp với ạ

TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'createEvent')
(ẩn danh) @ 2 tệp chưa có tê
createCalendarEvent @ 2 tệp chưa có tê

Kathryn Jimenez
Kathryn Jimenez - 15.03.2023 22:06

Hi! Can you teach how to add a custom menu for this specific script? Thank you!! Yours worked when I tried others.

Mimi - 15.03.2023 10:37

Thank you for the tutorial. I really loved your video, but I am new to this and I am setting up a booking system that I want logged in Google Calendar. I have 2 issues: 1. when I try to add a new column it should check (e.g. entry[3]), the code returns an error every time (the field is not blank in the table, so I am not sure what causes this); 2. If I have a range, say a week, in the calendar the last day is not included and I think it has to do with the fact that the time it takes is 12.00 am, but not sure how to solve this.

Abigail Dougherty
Abigail Dougherty - 15.03.2023 00:22

how can i do this with both timed events and all-day events? also, every time i run the code, it adds another event instead of replacing the existing one

Neeraj Nidhi
Neeraj Nidhi - 11.03.2023 10:07

This is amazing, need your help in exporting google calendar data (like who has attended the meeting and for how much duration), please help me with the script

Carl Anthony Delos Angeles
Carl Anthony Delos Angeles - 10.03.2023 01:55

Very informative. Thank you.

Trey Hughes
Trey Hughes - 02.03.2023 07:08

This was extremely helpful. I got it to work making my data match this format, but now I am stuck on how to tailor it to my needs.
I need it to create all day events for my endurance group (list of possible races in the area as well as other big events. Somehow I keep running into issues.

Roger Espinoza
Roger Espinoza - 27.02.2023 23:27

That is awsome, I got a question.
How can I add Description and Location to the code to enable it on the event creation?.

Christopher MacQuarrie
Christopher MacQuarrie - 16.02.2023 20:57

I pronounce it schedule but my my dad pronounces it schedule

Jūlija Barinska
Jūlija Barinska - 06.02.2023 15:32

Great video, thank you! I would like to add +/- 600 events, but code works very very slow. Is there any solution?

Jackie - 04.02.2023 02:26

I have a frustrating error: "TypeError: sheet.getDataRange is not a function" I don't know what I am doing wrong

Candy Paint
Candy Paint - 03.02.2023 05:18

Did it exactly like you and keep getting a "Cannon read properties of null (reading 'createEvent' )

Matthew Cavanagh
Matthew Cavanagh - 02.02.2023 20:05

Very comprehensive - thank you so much!

Matrix 2021
Matrix 2021 - 02.02.2023 16:16

Hello. Thank you for the video. Please forgive me. I have 7 tabs. How can I fix or adjust the code for tab name; "Google-Sheet" I've tried this code and t did not work:
let sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getSheetByName("Google-Sheet");
