Flashing STM32 with ST-LINK, JLINK and UART Bootloader, cross platform | VIDEO 44

Flashing STM32 with ST-LINK, JLINK and UART Bootloader, cross platform | VIDEO 44

Matej Blagšič

3 года назад

71,078 Просмотров

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Berkay - 06.08.2023 16:47

You're amazing, nice work!

Michał Zalewski
Michał Zalewski - 10.07.2023 16:41

Thank for section about programming using UART!
I just disabled SWD (I set all pins as inputs 🤦‍♂) on processor by mistake and UART is the only option to reprogram it. You are my savior! 😀

Vibhore Jain
Vibhore Jain - 08.07.2023 13:56

Great tutorial, I was wondering if it was possible to upload the binaries over USB with something like maple bootloader installed on cheap bluepill boards?

Riste Ostojic
Riste Ostojic - 16.05.2023 11:22

Pozdrav Mateja. Mozes li mi odma odgovoriti na nekoliko pitanja hitno je?

دانیال کوشا
دانیال کوشا - 06.03.2023 16:44


Алексей абрамов
Алексей абрамов - 19.02.2023 19:12

Very useful video, thank you very much! It helped me very much!

Tome4kkkk - 12.01.2023 17:12

Those interfaces are often more expensive in Poland than the development board. Does neither of these method work with just a plain microusb cable?

Božidar Nemec
Božidar Nemec - 18.12.2022 02:57

Hello Matej. Great tutorial. Can you please help me. I am programm the STM32G030 with st-flash (release 1.7.0) on raspberry pi4 and tool st-link-v2 (orginal ST or clone). Usaly it is not working, programm process interrupts because the tool find wrong processor id, or the programming result is OK "jolly good", but insite the processor is nothing written. what can be wrong? how i can "stable" programm the STM32 with raspberry pi 4 and st-link-v2? please help me thank you.

Trung Hieu Nguyen
Trung Hieu Nguyen - 10.12.2022 17:06

It's a great tutorial, thank so much!

Thiird - 28.08.2022 13:53

Thanks a lot for this video.
One question: in the uart example you show the use of the dtr and rts pins, but the uart interface on any stm only requires rx and tx, and dtr and rts only go to the ftdi chip or whatever other uart-usb bridge one has. Is my understanding of the circuit correct? Does this also mean that if I choose a usb-uart bridge that doesnt have those control signals I won't be able to flash the stm32? Thanks

Zhitai Liu
Zhitai Liu - 23.07.2022 18:43

Thanks for this great video, it help me a lot!

Jeff Hykin
Jeff Hykin - 23.05.2022 04:55

What terminal prompt are you using?
I really like the grayed out username@host on the right!
And great video. Showing how and where the original info is in the manuals/docs was phenomenal.

Pablo Olguin
Pablo Olguin - 03.05.2022 20:22


Thank you for you channel. I really helpfull to me. I would like to know how I configure VSCode terminal with this colors and git location. If you can to tell me how to configure it I'm will be greatful.

Greetings from Chile!!

Alexey Sinushkin
Alexey Sinushkin - 29.03.2022 17:50

Thank you a lot! what will happen if you regenerate project from CubeMx? Will it rewrite you Makefile with your custom jflash task?

P Snyder
P Snyder - 26.02.2022 23:28

I have been helped a lot by several of your videos, thank you very much for your clear explanations. I now have completed my s/w development on an STM32F411RE and wish to use it standalone, that is, with no laptop connected.

Do I have the correct understanding that if I use the STM32CUBEProgrammer to program my flash memory using the project .bin file created by STM32CUBE IDE as you describe, that I can disconnect my laptop, connect a dedicated board power supply, and my code will run as intended? I am unclear, for example, if that project .bin file includes all of the setup actions such as interrupt vectors, clock and peripheral initialization. I understand that I will need to consult the manual to configure the jumpers to allow this to happen, but I can probably figure that out on my own. Thank you.

James MARIE-REINE - 16.02.2022 13:56

Very great tutorial

Majd Kassem
Majd Kassem - 20.12.2021 15:50

Thank you for sharing your experience

Stuff2Learn - 05.11.2021 18:49

can we upload firmware through spi ? If yes, how?

ANieblas - 24.10.2021 00:21

when I use the command 'st-info --probe' I get the following message user/local/stlink/chips: no such file or directory.
I looked for the address and it doesn't exactly exist.

but the device appears:

Found 1 stlink programmers
version: V2J30S19
serial: 066FFF545453726687081832
flash: 524388 (pagesize: 16384)
sram: 131072
chipid: 0x0431
descr: F411xC/E

thanks for your videos.

Sgt-Bond - 23.10.2021 00:58

Inspiring, I just must test this, thanks a lot for the through demonstration. Cheers.

Rob - 13.09.2021 14:20

Programming and flashing STM32 from VSCode is a dream come true. Thank You!

Taurai Mirimi
Taurai Mirimi - 08.09.2021 15:56

great video. am trying to fiddle with stm32s after pics and avrs. also looking for diy flasher coz i hve battery bms from 48v telecom bat boards.

Tanvir Mahmud
Tanvir Mahmud - 04.09.2021 18:22

Hey I have a Pre compiled .bin file. Now I want to upload that file in STM32.
How i can do

Hayden Braxton
Hayden Braxton - 03.09.2021 05:03

Super thorough video! Thanks for this.

Hsen Aed
Hsen Aed - 04.08.2021 14:31

Please.Can you help me explain how to activate a xor mode

EmbeddedSystemsEngineer - 29.06.2021 17:40

I guess you do this for your living. Do you use cube mx in your professional projects ?
