Eve Online : The Quickest Way To Get Over 1 BILLION Isk

Eve Online : The Quickest Way To Get Over 1 BILLION Isk


1 год назад

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TrixMTL L - 12.08.2023 15:18

With an algos costing about 7m isk, and doing rats in low sec for about a week, not even an hour a day, will get ya a billion fast too :D

me - 12.08.2023 11:48

Just returned from an 8 year break. All my good stuff was moved to low sec and is locked up waiting for me to pay a 15% fee. Plex may be my answer

ILLYA - 09.08.2023 12:28

the best way got 1b isks ( if you hahe fulltime job IRL) is use a credit card 😊. dont do it often, but you can easy fit few T2 ships or bunch t1 and have fun. Really.

kirk ogier
kirk ogier - 05.08.2023 13:39

You just saved a life 🙌

Adam Fairbairn
Adam Fairbairn - 17.07.2023 00:06

I moved to Null, joined a large alliance and set up PI and Salvage in systems with over 20k NPC kills in a 24 hour period. Entry level for each is low. PI makes 70 MISK passively in 1 or 2 weeks, Salvaging makes 80 MISK an hour but it's not passive. A Noctis upgrade is sub 200 MISK and allows for better salvaging. Learn D-Scan - find wrecks on sites, save the location then double check in half an hour. If they're still there then go clean up. Each site in Null has about 18 to 22 MISK in Loot and Salvage per site.

Michael Yakimenko
Michael Yakimenko - 10.07.2023 16:25

Hey MAN! I feel you! :) I would go to do a bit more my usual job and drink less bears... and just get cool ships to play game)

Albert Pietrosanu
Albert Pietrosanu - 05.07.2023 23:51

Level 5 DED I maket with a 1 day player but I invest more than one bilion - in 3 days make more that investment but I play. I never play to pay omega is a stupid way

Lipziger - 24.06.2023 09:00

I do that. But since I love to do explorstion and run missions from time to time I also make some money. In the end it's just even more to throw around for fun stuff or collect new rare / expensive ships lol.

I alwqys buy some juicy bundles and such, during events etc. that money lasts me a very long time.

Jason eggleston
Jason eggleston - 15.06.2023 21:47

Buying skill extractors from the eve online store and reselling is a bit more efficient than the plex Mac.

XeL - 14.06.2023 03:32


Tasaroo - 11.06.2023 01:52

I always payed for my Omega since I started about 2 years ago.
I have limited time to play and don’t want to spend most my time to grid to pay for Omega to play the game and end up not having time to play.
I don’t buy anything else with real money, I try to get everything trough playing and upgrading myself which is also valuable to learn on the way.
The most bling ship is no use if you don’t know how to fly it…

Xiangkun Wan
Xiangkun Wan - 10.06.2023 05:24

Don't forget Project Discovery (~9,900,000 isk/Alpha character/day or ~19,800,000 isk/Omega character/day) only takes 25-50 minutes per character per day
30-40 hours to get to 1 billion isk

TheLazy0ne - 09.06.2023 20:55

So basically you ignore the very reason free players are playing.... 👏😏 900 IQ!

Cptjockitch - 07.06.2023 21:07

I was in Jita trying to dual. I want to practice my pvp. Been 7 years and I’m back playing eve. Nobody wanted to dual. I was in a Tristan and nobody wanted to dual. Is the station in Jita not the place? I thought it was.

Joe Connolly
Joe Connolly - 06.06.2023 00:33

fastest way is salvaging in tama and pochaven
You can do it as an alpha in a crappy frigate
I know because i did it

Chao Zhong
Chao Zhong - 05.06.2023 08:25

And PLEX is on sale now

UK_Sgt_7094 - 03.06.2023 23:35

so for me i run 6 CRAB Beacons in just under 2 hours, that normally earns me over 1bn isk, although i do use 2 Dreads and that was a 14bn investment, previously i started running missions in high sec, worked up to lv4's and also mined on the side, easy way to earn money and not to bad isk eather

Matt Rothey
Matt Rothey - 31.05.2023 01:04

If you're going to spend real money theres ways to get a hell of a lot more ISK for it than plex...

AceofSpades0725 - 28.05.2023 19:44

The fastest billion i ever made was on the hypernet. I bought a firesale carrier for 3bil and listed it on hypernet for 5bil. Sold in about 45 minutes after paying someone to spam it in chat channels. Cost about 650mil in fees.

Marakuyo Vimalesh
Marakuyo Vimalesh - 27.05.2023 02:10

yes... It is the fastest way to get 1bil. But, it's a game, why not find a way to get it that's actually fun? Forget about "quick", find ways you enjoy that earn a profit.

darugdawg - 25.05.2023 00:27

can you stop griefing new players. your playerbase is already low as it is

SBeatZ - 24.05.2023 08:20

If you only make 100 mil an hour at best then that equates to 1 dollar per hour so if you spend 250 bux on plex per month u would be richer than u would have worked without having to work. Nice game. So what should I do now that I bought 5 billion? Is that enough to finally pvp?

Omar Sanchez
Omar Sanchez - 23.05.2023 18:43

Stupid video, u want isk? Go to null and start ratting hours, thats how i get over 20 b in a month with 2 accounts in 2 praxis

Dark side Pitr
Dark side Pitr - 23.05.2023 15:59

Dang, I would have expected someone to drop you a bil right away. Well, answered my question. - Thanks MacGybo!

Im Sorry
Im Sorry - 22.05.2023 20:47

This man speaks the truth.

CreativeFox - 22.05.2023 19:50


Carlos Serrano
Carlos Serrano - 22.05.2023 19:29

I pay. I fly 50m frigs and under 150mil cruisers. 20$ last me forever lol

Mark N the Trails
Mark N the Trails - 22.05.2023 18:53

Actually asking was the 1st thing I thought of, as a laugh. I'm having fun getting away from would be killers, I'd say gankers but does a Venture on a belt really have anything to gank? I may be bait now in the slow zone...🤣 👍✌🖖🥃

Trevs Truckn RC
Trevs Truckn RC - 22.05.2023 18:10

Honestly as someone that works a 50 to 60 hour week this is a option i have used a few times. I just wish the NZD was a little stronger

Larynx Austrene
Larynx Austrene - 22.05.2023 09:24

The way I did it when I started is the same way I would it again if I had to start over again. Doing Wormhole Exploration starting from Highsec far from Jita. The investment is a 10m ISK Frigate and you probably make 50m to 150m ISK per hour with that. And while it is definitely a grind, it gives you some good knowledge of the people out there in space and how they play, and is always an adventure where you might bring back a story or two as well.

MikeyB00o - 22.05.2023 07:37

Bin doing this for aboot 5yrs now but I do Huff gas from time to time also and that can do good payouts also

Gank Marvin
Gank Marvin - 22.05.2023 04:31

Not a bad way to spend you're shilling

Rafael Gonçalves Dias
Rafael Gonçalves Dias - 22.05.2023 03:28

I log in 2 times a day single acount. Update my buy and sell orders and make about 3 to 5 bils monthly

N3onGlowStick - 22.05.2023 00:43

pay to win😢

Dave's Not Here
Dave's Not Here - 22.05.2023 00:35

Do something you like to do and "before you know it" (See what I did there?) you'll have a billion isk.. fastest way I've seen after 15 years of playing.

Malcolm Lionel
Malcolm Lionel - 22.05.2023 00:26

For me I have 9 characters doing planatery interaction on a total of 40 planets to print 150 million isk a day, though I also pretty much always keep a balance of about 3,000 Plex on my account for a rainy day or to yolo a ship for fun.

Insane Crazyman
Insane Crazyman - 22.05.2023 00:10

Just forgot to mention to everyone that the best way to transport your PLEX is in a shuttle.

devIant - 22.05.2023 00:00

What is the point of this video?

Mike - 21.05.2023 23:56

The real answer here is get a marauder, wait for the winter event, join a solid low-sec corp, and go ham on the sites. You're funded for an entire year, easily, and you get some amazing fights to go with it.
