Post Processing Workflow –Software and Hardware I use

Post Processing Workflow –Software and Hardware I use

Matti Sulanto

4 года назад

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Jukka Niittynen
Jukka Niittynen - 23.10.2021 12:44

One of your best videos, thanks a lot Matti!

Grey Ghost
Grey Ghost - 14.06.2020 16:37

Great idea with the Keywords !

Simon Rabeder
Simon Rabeder - 30.05.2020 01:29

I am working in film and video. It seems stills are much more relaxed.

Simon Taylor
Simon Taylor - 20.05.2020 00:44

Thanks for the useful video Matti. I'd be interested to know what hardware and approach you use for printing photographs (that may have been a factor in you getting that BenQ monitor maybe). I guess that not many others will be interested in this though. I use the built in screen on an iMac 27 which is great for screen viewing but not great for printing although I don't do enough printing yet to have much experience of this.

Dubai Geek
Dubai Geek - 19.05.2020 11:07

That was helpful

KevinPuumala - 17.05.2020 10:52

Matti, Kiitos! It would be great to see your video workflow as well as software/hardware, it's always very helpful to see behind the scenes. You and Peter Forsgard make me proud to be a Finn, it's too bad I live in Canada :P Cheers!

sl7293 - 17.05.2020 04:11

Interesting to learn how you go about your workflow. I agree with you about using local storage and about not wanting to depend the cloud. However, unlike you, I don't completely trust multiple local storage drives either. I prefer the added redundancy of going with multiple local drives and the cloud. That said, I find that latter to be aggravating at times.

Dominik Valeček
Dominik Valeček - 17.05.2020 03:05

I love open source so I don't use Lightroom but RawTherapee and I don't use Photoshop but Gimp. Give it a try it's free and very close to Adobe. :) Thank you for your tips.

Benny Stevens
Benny Stevens - 16.05.2020 21:18

Hi Matti, I always enjoy your videos, and of course also this one. I have more or less the same philosophy as yours when it comes to post production and careful framing and shooting. Perhaps because like you I have an analog photography background. I will probably follow your advice and start shooting in RAW more often and... buy myself a good monitor.

Ananda Sim
Ananda Sim - 16.05.2020 14:34

Good video and interesting discussion, my friend. I notice you have the monitor in front of a lit wall, is that intentional so that you equalise the dynamic range of the screen and the room? I use ACR (similar editing to LR). Over the past year, I have established default presets based on the raw file signature usually based on a develop profile, auto exposure, as the starting point. White Balance, Olympus gets it right to the way I like, I do but seldom tweak it

Kathleen Hickey
Kathleen Hickey - 16.05.2020 10:19

Thanks, Matti! Very interesting.

Ruud Dirks
Ruud Dirks - 16.05.2020 07:59

All first camera buyers should get a compulsory course on the importance of keywords. Starting with them after a couple of years and a backlog of ....K photos is a herculean task. (Still not completely finished :( )

Yousef Omar
Yousef Omar - 16.05.2020 00:38

Thanks Matti! Your content is always simple yet fantastic. I am gonna use keywords from now on in LR. I just figured out while you were speaking that it takes me so much time to search through my photos.

qwe1231 - 15.05.2020 23:21

For Lightroom, when I import I change all file names to yearmonthdaytimesecond. And before clicking import if all images will be sharing some tags I'll have them applied automatically upon import.

Samrat Pal
Samrat Pal - 15.05.2020 21:37

This also give a fitting reply to my comment the other regarding usability of RAW,that I made on your last video which was about busting different myths
