Ultimate Solo Build Baldur's Gate 3

Ultimate Solo Build Baldur's Gate 3


9 месяцев назад

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Marcos Garcia
Marcos Garcia - 26.09.2023 03:41

Did this with a trickster/wizard gale. It helped me in a punch simply because they couldn't kill him lol

Niek Esselbrugge
Niek Esselbrugge - 22.09.2023 22:33

very mediocre build. doesnt even come close to a durge lockadin (warlock/paladin). with the full dark justiciar set.

Thaddeus Lyons
Thaddeus Lyons - 18.09.2023 23:08

or you could just go warlock for levels 1 and 2, then sorcerer to level 3 to get your darkness spell (so total level 5) which shouldnt be too hard solo with e-blast (make sure to take agonizing blast as the other invocation- then just eblast from the darkness once you hit level 5

Andrew Wentzler
Andrew Wentzler - 18.09.2023 19:15

This video is such clickbait, solo build? This doesn't even start truly operating until level 7, at which point you're halfway to max level and most likely somewhere between the very end of Act 1 and the beginning of Act 2 if you are doing everything possible for exp

Sir Arthur King of bobland
Sir Arthur King of bobland - 17.09.2023 17:22

Nice "Solo" build, with 3 party members on normal,

Dubya_Tee_Eff - 17.09.2023 12:59

Umm, if you would have gone one more level into Warlock you'd get access to Darkness.

heathengypsy - 17.09.2023 12:35

There is a ring in Act 2 that allows you to see in magical darkness so you could bypass Warlock all together and get a third feat by putting 8 levels in fighter.

Jerimiah Mahoney
Jerimiah Mahoney - 11.09.2023 12:40

I am always getting hit in the darkness.

Cheerwine091 - 11.09.2023 10:36

I was actually thinking about playing a drow d.urge solo playthrough, and this build works so well for it!

P.L. P.L.
P.L. P.L. - 11.09.2023 01:24

its awesome how you find those op builds but when im playing like that i feel like im cheating and not enjoying the game that much. but exploring the game's builds is a part of the game.

LN Link
LN Link - 10.09.2023 07:09

Yeah the sorlock version of darkness abuse is way stronger

Asterius - 10.09.2023 04:33

Accidtally stumbled on this 'mechanic' today cheesing popping in and out of darkness clouds to kill

WillDrivesU - 10.09.2023 02:09

Darkness is pretty silly....I recently started a solo rogue dark urge play through. One of the drow minions of the spectator dropped darkness on me, and I just stayed in it, and only popped out to shoot people, then right back into the cloud until the spectator was dead, xD

I love that they expected people to play solo and added special dialog etc for when you do it.

Minstrel - 09.09.2023 00:38

Feel like this is a lot more fun in a real DnD game than it is in BG3. Sadly, the AI isn't smart enough to understand that the super obvious cloud of darkness might be the thing attacking them.

They really do be out here having that Skyrim reaction to being attacked from stealth.

Xellius13 - 08.09.2023 17:13

Why not to start as drow ranger, get cookie from gloom stalker on 3, then get both second attack and darkness from racial on 5, and then take 2 into warlock, 1 rogue or vice versa? Also ranger can pick either +50% acid/fire/cold resist right away or heavy armour mastery.

MAXIMUS - 08.09.2023 09:56

It shows the spell you're concentrating on below the picture of your character. You can see how many turns remain there.

Upolaf - 07.09.2023 22:20

You can get infinite free darkness spell simply by using the "Shar's Spear of Evening"

Danny d’Monic
Danny d’Monic - 07.09.2023 12:00

Somehow this makes me think of the Dave Chapelle “DARKNESS!” Bit lol

Scott Stapleton
Scott Stapleton - 07.09.2023 09:24

The Jason Asano build. Also, you said "Dipping Your Weapon in Something"

IM PARANOID - 06.09.2023 23:58

Я бы предложил, для быстрого старта:
Дроу - одноручные арбалеты, "тьма" на 5-м уровне.
3 чернокнижника - 6 заклинаний "тьмы" до полного отдыха, но по два за бой, если его не покидать.
1 вор - для стрельбы с двух рук одноручными арбалетами за действие.
Далее всё на доработку и усмотрение. Но я бы предложил взять +2 уровня вора для "убийцы". Это сделает на два хода "смертельное напоминание", тогда можно даже не уходить в "стелс", а пускать бонусное действие на выстрел.
В любом случае, это нуждается в доработке. Отличная идея - я сделал 500 лайк!

cjnf11 - 06.09.2023 14:49

You can get this fully online at lvl4 - 1 rogue + 3 warlock. Or anything that wouldn't be bad with a bow instead of a rogue, really, 1d6 sneak attack is useful, but not crucial. At a warlock 3 you can cast 2 darkness spells each short rest.
Also you can buy bracers of archery from a goblin at goblin camp, and they shamelessly give proficiency in both shortbow and longbow, so you don't even need to worry about those.
I killed githyanki patrol at a lvl4 like that, but it took several tries, because the AI doesn't seem to be consistent with the darkness cloud. Sometimes enemies are totally clueless about me in it, sometimes they run inside and hit me in melee, and can succeed too, since blindness is just a disadvantage, not an actual penalty to hit.
A general advice here - steal/buy lots of special arrows, they're quite handy for such solo assassinations. And also I somehow successfully applied Bane from Gloves of Power like that, even though they say this works in melee.
Another IMPORTANT note is that it seems the game doesn't properly differentiate between darkness from an arrow of darkness and a spell. I had a situation, where I first used an arrow, and then cast the spell later, and when the darkness from the arrow ended, so did one from the spell!

HazardPay - 06.09.2023 07:58

All you need is darkness.
No need for devil's sight

Just step out of it
Step back in

Darkness is way OP in a setting without 'held actions'

Joe Fuller
Joe Fuller - 06.09.2023 00:45

drow get darkness spell at lvl5

Total Nerd: Nerdhammer
Total Nerd: Nerdhammer - 05.09.2023 17:48


RJA - 05.09.2023 04:59

Also, you can’t pick perception as a skill with a wisdom of 8

RJA - 05.09.2023 04:53

Lol you can’t actual start with his recommendations of ability points. He’s at 28/27

Valentin Rafael
Valentin Rafael - 04.09.2023 20:52

Sorc also gives con prof. 2 lvls in warlock for eldritch blast enhancement and then straight sorc. Who needs action surge when you can quicken eldritch blast every round as long as you have sorc points. Fiend pact much better for sustain in case you get hit by area damage. Pick 3 in thieve rogue at some point, so you get 2 bonus actions, one for hide and one for quickened eldritch blast.

Sam Mauback
Sam Mauback - 04.09.2023 16:55

Currently going for this plus 3x companions that are all Eldritch blasters with some rogue dip so all 4 can dip up, attack, then hide lol.

FriskyNips - 04.09.2023 08:50

Press T when hovering over darkness to see it's duration!

Cable - 04.09.2023 07:03

Strong Bild, but you have to hit High Level. So no Option for a solo tactician run imo.

DAoC Nostalgia
DAoC Nostalgia - 03.09.2023 20:15

I put devil sight on everyone but my druid. I put Shadowheart my "Cleric" as 1Sorc 3Cleric 6Bard 2Lock.
She also just sits in the shadows and plink with arrows when she needs to, but in addition to all of that gets false life on demand, which is really nice when warding bonding 3 others. Obviously her 1 perk is heavy armor master to stack with blade ward cantrip.

As a soloist build, sure you can do this, but the honest critique for any solo build is: who does this?
I think you will get much better builds when you design a cohesive squad and not needing to be 100% self reliant.
I have Astarion dipped 10 rogue 2 warlock because sneak attack scales by rogue levels. 2 into warlock is just so useful for every build, for if you want false life, amazing cantrips, and hex.
At 10 rogue you get the 5d6 bonus instead of 1d6 bonus, 3 feats, Evasion (amazing!), and either Supreme Sneak, or Magic Ambush.
I personally like using Darkness as sort of a Hallowed Ground in the middle of the battlefield. Shadowheart sits in it and shoots out, while Astarion is moving in and out of the shadows with Mobile perk executing sneak attacks every. single. round.
View Devil Sight and Darkness as something to compose your TEAM around.
You are not 1 character, you are 1 PARTY

Roque Alva
Roque Alva - 03.09.2023 19:59


Brude187 - 03.09.2023 15:49

I'm guessing this suffers from the enemy's randomly ending combat resetting and healing to full issues that stealth seems to have.

Micu Mihai Stefan
Micu Mihai Stefan - 03.09.2023 12:19

This is a cool build, and yes it works. Thanks for the ideas 😁
The only thing that I would add is this (as an idea), you can also use scrolls for darkness and they do not add the concentration effect. (I just started act 3 and the game give me like 50 scrolls so far, did not even baught 1).

Jonathan Usmar
Jonathan Usmar - 03.09.2023 11:10

"well actually you should blah blah blah blah" 😅

Jonathan Usmar
Jonathan Usmar - 03.09.2023 11:06

Oh wow. At first I thought this was larian weirdly implementing the darkness spell. But that warlock ability to see through magical darkness is just nuts.

Reaves Hill
Reaves Hill - 03.09.2023 10:53

5 Fighter/5 Lock/2 Rogue on a drow gives you 3 attacks per attack action, so 6 while hasted, 2 short rest darkness and 1 long rest darkness and you still get action surge and bonus action hide. Start 17 Cha, get hags hair for 18 cha then the two feats gets your cha to 20 and sharpshooter.

Sam Fisher
Sam Fisher - 03.09.2023 10:40

What?? You have darkness at lvl 3 as warlock

Xerro Fpv
Xerro Fpv - 03.09.2023 07:49

One more lvl into warlock you would have had darkness

Noobmeister - 03.09.2023 05:57

do this with Drow. they get dark vision 24 and i thinks they get darkness spell/skill/natural ability

Stefan - 03.09.2023 05:43

Darkness is actually very bad for your party ....

If you don't play solo, try Greater Invis with 5/7 ranger(Gloom Stalker)/wiz. You need lv7 wiz for the spell slot (also you learn Greater Invis if you can't find the scroll). You will have 4/3/3/3/1 spell slot and 4 arcane recovery charges. Late game bows are pretty decent in damage so you won't need damage spell.

1) That extra lv5 spell slot allow you throw in a Elemental (learn from scroll);
2) you can just Haste yourself or other if GI isn't necessary (but without invis, enemies will hit you first and you will lose conc);
3) those lv3 spell slots are very handy for Counterspell;
4) you have lv1 spell slots for Hunter's mark;
5) you have lv2 spell slots for Misty Step to locate yourself;
6) and most other useful spells.

darugdawg - 03.09.2023 03:30

if i wanted to cheese ill just use cheat. and btw darkness is not that OP

TheLiquidpower - 03.09.2023 03:17

If you mouse over and right click + examine a magical or ground effect like fire, acid pools, or your darkness, it will actually show you exactly how many turns are remaining.

The Spark
The Spark - 03.09.2023 00:59

Currently you will get more mileage with dual hand crossbows. If you find a way to incorporate "Thief lvl 3" you get an extra off hand attack which is handy for the force damage hand crossbow ... can´t remember where you find that one. It means killing almost everything which doesn´t have relatively high HP in one turn.

Dexiray - 03.09.2023 00:33

the 14 in charisma is for what exactly?

Niyack - 03.09.2023 00:18

Even though I said this in a reply comment, I'm going to make a post for it as well.

I have tested "Shar's Spear of Evening" from act 2, despite how it is worded. "Blind Immunity: The wearer cannot be Blinded." It works like devil sight in the darkness spell cast by other party members as well as in the darkness the spear lets you cast. I can cast spell out of the darkness, respeced and try gloom stalker/rouge and I could fire arrows out the darkness like I had devil sight.

Also the spear's only limit on casting darkness is once per turn.

It basically is the weapon to use with this build and not to have to take any levels of Warlock.

PS. If you don't know about Shar's Spear of Evening, there are a lot guides out there on how to get it. All have spoiler warning, as getting it is spoilers for act 2.

Kazz Devlin
Kazz Devlin - 02.09.2023 22:42

Well, I run with a modded darkness, that is it's castable on an item therefore its mobile. So when you get to the prison of moonrise towers. While there, all those undead had the ability to cast chill hand or bone chill and target me. Completely bs as they posses no ability to see in magical darkness. So FYI, being in darkness is not an absolute avoid all attacks, whether it's a bug or oversight. Also, Hadars grasp or whatever it's call the one that creates magical darkness, yet you take damage if you remain in it. Well, if you're in it, you're blind which makes no sense as I have devils sight. I'm ok with taking the damage, but why am I blind?

Saprone - 02.09.2023 22:25

I remember Darkness / Fog Cloud + Hide was exploitable in early access. I expected them to fix this at full release. Spells like Flaming Sphere, Invisibility and Sanctuary can all enable cheese strats. The enemy AI can't handle stealth well.

DJ Tigon
DJ Tigon - 02.09.2023 21:34

Drow (darkness at level 5); 3 rogue assassin (for Assassinate: Ambush) or rogue thief (for extra bonus action) + 5 Ranger Gloomstalker (extra attack + another extra attack from Dread Ambusher + Umbral Shroud takes the place of one with shadows invocation) + 2 Warlock (Devil sight) + 2 Fighter for action surge. Dual hand crossbows.

Getting to the 3rd level rogue, (regardless of subclass) gives you an additional 1d6 sneak attack die (for a total of 2d6 in this build).

Since this is all about sneaking you should be surprising the enemy every fight. Using the build here should give you:
Extra attack (L5 ranger)
Dread Ambusher attack (L3 ranger)
Bonus action attack (off hand crossbow)
Action Surge Attack
Action Surge Extra attack

For 6 attacks that are all guaranteed to crit (if they hit) during first round of combat provided the enemy is surprised and you go before them.

It does drop off to only 3 without guaranteed crit after round 1, so if you're concerned with long fights with lots of enemies (sustained damage) you may find going Thief instead of Assassin may work better for you.

If there is a way to get Devils Sight other then Warlockin BG3 ( I haven't gotten to act 3 yet, I don't know but in the playtest of D&D's next version there is) then another level in Fighter for Champion (proc's crit on a roll of both 19 and 20) and another level in ranger for an additional favored enemy and natural explorer selection or.... You could flip these two and go 3 Ranger / 6 Fighter and gain an additional feat.

We only NEED 3 levels of ranger for gloomstalker, but we go 5 for extra attack which is the next thing we're after, however we can get it. With 2 Warlock, we don't have enough levels to get fighter to 5 so we do it in ranger.

But 3 rogue (either assassin or thief, your preference) 3 ranger gloomstalker is the core of the build.

Going Drow, plus the amount of darkness scrolls and arrows in the game makes going Way of Shadow monk really pretty unnecessary.

Kekvit Irae
Kekvit Irae - 02.09.2023 20:13

Drow and Half Drow are some of the best races for this because they both get Darkness as a free cast from their level 5 racial spells.
