Numerology : 33 master number personality

Numerology : 33 master number personality

Roshan Sylvia

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@kotis2021 - 21.08.2024 21:35

All 33 people attendenc hear👇👇

@miguelrobe - 27.08.2024 21:54

I was born on September 3rd 1974, the birth date given in your video. Alsmost cried when listening, this is really touching me ...

@KinazALKHANI-fq8xp - 27.08.2024 22:55

Thank you for this video! It was a top interest for me. Please i was looking for someone who knows. I hope you don't mind if I ask for your help on the following fact: my life is full of number three , i was born at 3'clock, on the third day of the month, in a year with number 3. I am the number 3 son, at age 33 two daughters were born .....the first letter of my name is k, it has three crossing lines....could you please tell me something about these things? Thank you!

@aloywallen3022 - 01.09.2024 02:16

Thank you, this is right on target. My master number is 33/6. You are 💯 percent on point, loneliness, and living away from loved ones from an early. You have described my life perfectly. I am now on a spiritual journey of awakening. 🙏

@malvicashuklla5903 - 06.09.2024 10:13

I am 33 master number as well. I was married and settled in abroad and then suddenly went to India and then never went back. Life completely got changed and a purpose.

@skkatvi - 08.09.2024 09:23

I am No. 33 and as you said had a difficult time in my life, which I now realised after watching your video started from the age of 33. Thereafter followed an age of struggle, loneliness and feeling useless. In the journey I have been a healer myself. As you mentioned I have been giving hope to people. God bless. Keep in touch. Let the Light within us illuminate the whole world.

@im33lap - 11.09.2024 21:40

I have lifepath 6, destiny/expressions 33/6 are these similar? Personality no 22/4

@rainbowbridge5259 - 12.09.2024 08:12

absolutly spot on 🎉❤

@369martinar - 21.09.2024 11:51

I can relate exactly to what you are saying. I am a Master number 33, born without having father’s love in my life and unfortunately I never knew him in this life. However God has blessed me with a very beautiful mother in and out.

After the age of 33 I got separated from my husband and it has got me closer to spirituality. There is so much love inside my heart….. sometimes I wish I could hug the entire world. I love people irrespective of how they treat me.

The world today needs unconditional love however they are chasing behind superficial love.

@lmason56 - 24.09.2024 08:21

I am a 33 and 68 have never found a purpose for my life. Became disabled at 30 my life is almost over never was what I dreamed my life would be.

@MimiinMumbai - 29.09.2024 09:15

So true❤️❤️ I am currently 26 years old, whatever you said resonated so so much with me! You are right, at the age of 18 I had to make many big sacrifices like my family, friends, hometown. I am going through intense loneliness from many years but I have immense faith in the divine and I know that this universe definitely has a plan for me and I trust it with all my heart. From my childhood I always felt an undying need to good to the society and spread love, kindness, healing among every living being. I am waiting to turn 33 in a few years ❤ I hope from the bottom of my heart that I can be of use to this society for a divine greater cause that will help humanity rise altogether 💓

@yarepayes7157 - 30.09.2024 00:27

12.18.1992, as i was listening to u i said to myself she has to be a 33, then u say u are also lol.

@NehaKhosla-xf9kf - 02.10.2024 21:53


@AnthonyWest-o4f - 04.10.2024 03:42


@RosaCastaneda-sm3sx - 12.10.2024 11:28

My birthday add master number 33/6. My age is 68

@Astrosinmyicecream - 13.10.2024 01:04

Thank you for your time, once I read the aquarius reading of personality type and I reaaally related to it. Since then I knew I could trust what you say. Sending love from Mauritius 🇲🇺 p.s. love your orange wall too!! 😄❤️

@1461993able - 13.10.2024 01:40

Okay im sobbing here. I’m 33. My parents divorced when I had only 1 year. I don’t have any contact with my father. And with my mother is struggle everyday. My psychologist told me I have structural loneliness, and because of that I can’t form any deeper relationship,even if I do I will always feel i don’t belong anywhere. And there were a lot of other terrible things later in life. I have 31 years. I have finished law. I was in the best law office in the country yet I did not feel it fulfills me. Still I don’t know what is my purpose in this world. 🙏

@DMougal - 20.10.2024 21:58

Master no. 33 here 😊

@Maria-kp6xm - 29.10.2024 10:29

Fist time visiting your channel, I am a 33 master number, I am a tarot reader, reiki practitioner, and I am learning Vedic (SIDEREAL) astrology, nice meeting you sister 🌹

@sonirahul1011 - 31.10.2024 03:58

I’m 33 years old and my master number is 33 and 2024 is worst year for me

@erjonasaliasi9345 - 13.11.2024 00:22

I am 33 years old and a 33 master number. I am amazed by what you said about it. I have been feeling like that my whole life. Now I am waiting patiently for my calling 🥰

@alnour5667 - 23.11.2024 22:11

I’m 33 and I experienced all what you say it is not easy especially with my family

@alnour5667 - 23.11.2024 22:13

Please can you talk us about twin flame journey with number 33

@garimasomani5960 - 24.11.2024 18:23

Me and my husband both have destiny number 33. Our age is 40+. I found this video relatable

@Brijeskjhfd - 04.12.2024 15:41

My number is 13/ 07 1984 Total is  33.

Means 1+3 +7 =11 and 1+9+8+4=22
I.e 11+22 =33

@shanus9878 - 07.12.2024 23:33

❤wow i am surprised to have come across this video that speaks bout this call or healing. All the other videos that i saw were about materialistic achievements of 33. 😢though m little worried about the mention of traumatic event hope things r fine as i turn 33 next yr.

@sherrytoor7510 - 22.12.2024 03:13

I really love listening to you ...the way you speak and positive vibe is uplifting...this was your calling ...i am a 33 and you described me perfectly thankyou for doing this for us 🙏

@ShreyanMukherjee09-09 - 01.01.2025 12:55

I am master number 33but doing nothing 😢

@CarmelleLeahey - 08.01.2025 15:09

I’m a 33 master soul and at the age of 33 is when I conceived and thereafter became a mother to my first born ❤
My D.O.B is 31/07/1984

Thank you for this video. It resonates with me and every single day I feel blessed with my divine journey. Always grateful for my guides and Angels.

@TheGift202Suzy - 10.01.2025 08:38

At 13 I was catapulted into the center of a room from sitting to standing. I’d picked up an energy in the room and my mother then taught me tarot and awareness. Life has been very difficult. At 42 I became a professional reader my mother passed away.10 years meditating lost brother and father . I channel write for people and help them get on their path. I have given up meat drinking smoking celibate five yrs . We can connect with animals plants the water . We’re never alone . Thank you for this video .

@Swimmer1128 - 12.01.2025 12:38

....wooow. Born 9/12/1974. I've had 3 NDE's. Finishing a book. I'm astonished at your accuracy! ❤😊🎉 I sensed/recognized your energy signature. My best friend is an 11. Life has been SO HARD. 2 Abusers but I realize I cannot be killed. Strange huh!? Love to you sister. See you soon as the Tribes unite! ❤

@leilanefallace - 15.01.2025 19:23

Im about to turn 30 and watching this video my mind finally rationalized a feeling i’ve been having for a while now, and it’s so complicated to explain it but it’s like, I’ve lived a LOT and I’ve had so SO many experiences so far in this life that, at the same time, I feel like my life is coming to an end, like I’m over 90 years old, and so it feels like I don’t have much longer to live - not in a depressive kind of way, it just feels like that’s where I’m at now. BUT at the same time, I have this certainty within me that my best days are ahead of me and that I have real great things to accomplish and that Im on my way there…and now watching this video made me realize: I think that’s a feeling that I might be about to rebirth. I don’t know for whoever is reading this comment but for me it just made perfect, perfect sense. Thank you so much for this. 💕✨

@apriliawatisuhardi9085 - 18.01.2025 14:48

I'm number 33. My life isn't easy🙏🙏
Always pray up❤

@AdanuGabriel - 18.01.2025 22:22

I thank God for His mercy upon me

@sourcesupplies338 - 28.01.2025 13:34

Thank you sister Roshan. it resonated 🙏

@Master_33 - 29.01.2025 22:43

Thank you very much for this message 🙏😊

@Shreelakshmi-l2y - 31.01.2025 22:41

I came to knw today I m having 33 as my num

@SonySouldahcreator - 01.02.2025 12:19

I'm also a 33 life

@NeelamKhadke-i5v - 03.02.2025 11:26

My birth day is 11 9 1957 Neelam

@mritunjoydey4019 - 08.02.2025 09:16

my date of birth is 24\11\1987 ,,, but, I am useless 😩

@breafarbe1065 - 20.02.2025 09:11

By 33 nothing happened for me, things got worse in my life . I like to go back to 33. I rather be alone than in the wrong company. I never knew I was #33 . I just found out.

@friendlyneighborhoodniczel6640 - 22.02.2025 04:00

Im 33 also. This is my wake u call. Thank you. Im that amazing one , i thought i wouldnt be.

@MsNichasie - 24.02.2025 01:22

I was born under the Master Number 33 on August 12, 1975. Since childhood, I've often been called eccentric, walking a path uniquely my own. As a business owner and honor student, I’ve embraced both discipline and independence, thriving in my solitude. My purpose is crystal clear, and I pursue it with unwavering passion. The Divine’s presence is a constant in my life—guiding me, whether I drift in dreams or walk in waking consciousness.

@JaguarPaw-z3n - 24.02.2025 22:23

I'm a life path 33. Thanks for sharing. ♥️🙏♥️

@countrymusiclovers-dx2gl - 27.02.2025 12:31

it make a lot of sense because my life path number is 33 and my job is a teacher , i lecture in university , and i have been in two universities so far teaching since i was 21; right after i graduate; and you know the salary is not good enough but i feel good about my job, i am always learning , reading , encountor to some other world reality and wisdom every single day ,always amazied by new knowlages i come across .when i hear you now ;i realize the fact that i already got my misson even early ,i might not go farin my profession as i supposed to but still i don't lose the right way and i should be gratefull for this .thanks God for guidance in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@Pushinghard101 - 09.03.2025 13:56

Thank you that made me cry💚 sat making organite pyramids to help stop the thought's about the recent loss of my mum, I cared for mum for 14 months. Lifepath 33, new direction now 🙏

@luckymoe1713 - 13.03.2025 08:13

28 years old
still collecting soooo much knowledge about many things aren't related
also thinking more of the spiritual reality than the physical
I've always known deeply that im here to play big but yet many mental blockages
i also know it wouldn't be the hero's journey without obstacles
i love and im very blessed to be experiencing this life that what we cant experience on the other side
love and hugs to all of you ❤
