Twitch Becomes THE HUB - Crazy New Policy Update!

Twitch Becomes THE HUB - Crazy New Policy Update!

Legal Mindset

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@MrPingn - 16.12.2023 07:19

So many were saying this was a bad idea. People have been saying their prior times of looking the other way on nearly spicy content was bad.

Not that I'm surprised that Twitch ignored these warnings. Just highly amused and disappointed in their lack of will to learn from their mistakes.

@zetsumeinaito - 16.12.2023 05:50

Annnd.. It got rolled back cause as always, you give a inch and some will go the mile.
The funny part is Twitch has always allowed M rated games that has nudity and sexual content. Well, as long as it was a AAA like the Witcher or GTA. As always arbitrary. Suddenly people are outraged because they think "all" games are for kids, so when other types of nudity are allowed they rage.

@JohnKollar - 16.12.2023 03:53

Barely got to watch this video before Twitch walked it back - LOL! Looking forward to the perp walks in RCID.

You need to make shirts "Real Criminals In Disney" (RCID down the side) - you make them and I will wear on to WDW!

@carlosalfredolopezr.1709 - 16.12.2023 02:09

They should just state clear and simple, that they're now a platform to stream soft/hardcore stuff. The gaming streaming was no longer relevant, but a lame excuse for many "female" streamers to scantly cosplay or put the "just chatting" tag, while just showing skin.

@classicalextremism - 15.12.2023 22:53

Word Im getting is they are walking it back? Does no one ever bother to sanity che... no... no they threw all the sane people out on the streets as bigoted istaphobes...

@mustno3 - 15.12.2023 18:43

This pisses me so much I had to stop the video and close the tab. They won ... the agenda is facing resistance in schools, so they turned to the biggest mainstream platform for children, Twitch, and are going to turn it to p-hub for kids now. They won, Simone DeBeauvoir's dream of legalizing 6 with children has become a reality. I would like to congratulate all the sheep and normies on this new era. I hope you enjoy with your kids. I'm out.

@jdruin1 - 15.12.2023 18:28

Twitch might try being the Hub, but will never have as wholesome a comments section.

@bentogel - 15.12.2023 16:13


@InvaderTAK1989 - 15.12.2023 13:06

inb4 the FTC comes in and bitch slaps Amazon with some fines for COPPA violations

@Marbeary - 15.12.2023 10:35

Twitch just gave in. Onlyfans (OF) is making money let us just accept the reality and cash in to it. Why should our "streamers" go there if they could do it here. If only microsoft revives mixer it might work now.

@ShouTan - 15.12.2023 08:40

Waiting for the double standard when a male streamer will host edging streams that involve getting paid to beat their stick for bits and twitch bans them because it isn't artistic nudity.

@T3nch1 - 15.12.2023 08:18

Twitch becomes Chatterbate? It's been that for near a decade now.
Marketing pr0n to children. Typical liberalism.

@gustavmetal - 15.12.2023 07:49

Same as TikTok, I really do not understand the reason why anyone would watch Twitch too in the first place...

@highwindknight - 15.12.2023 06:33

As of right now, from what I know which is a limited amount of information, it seems like Twitch is still banning in erratic ways. With some artists or Vtubers having been banned despite not actually displaying any nudity, one was banned for example due to their art stream, but their art was supposedly just a base naked model, and not a sexualized one. Supposedly it may be related to mass flaggings. Either way, I still expect that if a woman has sex on stream again they'll likely just get a 1 to 7 day ban like the last time it happened.

@tonic451 - 15.12.2023 05:47

I imagine that they're gonna run afoul with many countries' laws over this. It will likely be the nsfw art that does it.

@dogfostermom2018 - 15.12.2023 05:27

It’s child endangerment. Twitch should be charged as such.

@ObscureStuff420 - 15.12.2023 05:23

Who cares? Conservatives can be as insufferable as liberals sometimes, getting triggered over naked women. Liberals see racists everywhere, and conservatives see groomers everywhere. If you don't like it, don't look at it. Don't want your kids looking at it, then do your job as a parent and limit their access.

@daniellindsey7025 - 15.12.2023 03:28

A bunch of chomos and peds very happy to expose themselves to children

@patrickdk77 - 15.12.2023 03:23

How can we really boycot twitch? nothing at amazon makes a profit except for aws, and that is really all business usecases and not easy to move away from :(

@campsitez2355 - 15.12.2023 02:35

Twitch says you can't cheat in a video game but at the same time this category called "call of duty warzone" exists where pretty much every streamer or anyone in the top 250 of ranked players there cheats. Twitch going "FULL ANDREW TATE" shouldn't be very surprising.

@PayThePiper247 - 15.12.2023 02:17

I hope advertisers bail on twitch now and then watch twitch very quickly backtrack on the stupid change. It's quite obvious the change was done by lonely men on staff. There's literally no other reason for it.

@picklouscage5472 - 15.12.2023 01:35

Uh oh, the NFL is broadcasted on twitch for Thursday night football. How many years is that contract gonna last? The next 10 years.

@Experiment_6_2_6 - 15.12.2023 00:50

Doesn't Apple have a strict policy against adult material in their app store. Couldn't this cause them to get pulled from the Apple store.

@tattootempest - 15.12.2023 00:30

Even more fun, they have no age verification, so I can't wait until the first lawsui from the parents of a underage teen girl streaming nude.

@nightwishfan1991 - 15.12.2023 00:01

Twitch is just going to be a full on porn site by the end of next year, mark my words.

@nxsvagabond960 - 14.12.2023 23:19

What hub are you talking about? am I missing out on something???

@AL-ws5yi - 14.12.2023 23:05

That’s messed up since a lot of kids are on twitch.

@joesullivan3400 - 14.12.2023 22:57

All adult content sites should have to be a pay site.

@egblackfang - 14.12.2023 22:56

When it comes to Twitch and what will happen: nothing. Unless you talk smack about Pokie

@cyborgvalkyrie - 14.12.2023 22:54

They talk about 'female presenting' because of the femboys on Twitch, like F1nn, who look female but are male.

@kevin_ninja_jones2363 - 14.12.2023 22:00

My son just turned 13 and he asked me the other day if he could start a twitch channel i told him i would think about it but after watching this video my answer is a big no not happening.

@silentcalling - 14.12.2023 21:59

Despite abhorring the phrase writ large, I actually think "female presenting" is fine here, because of cases like F1nnster, a cross-dressing gamer who was temporarily banned for adjusting a his breast pad. Finn is, by and large, a pretty tame streamer, and the outfits he wears are generally pretty modest.

@roguehart - 14.12.2023 21:58

Personally I think that businesswise this is a good move for twitch, I also think this is why they pull out of Korea. I would have liked them to stay just a game streaming service but that ship sailed long ago and with this change I suppose it opens up a few more games to go off the twitch ban list.

@justacat472 - 14.12.2023 21:58

so how long till credit companies start pulling out cause they dont want to be associated with porn.

@kanrakucheese - 14.12.2023 21:57

On using parent made or family account: IIRC AZ accounts can either be used, or at least linked for perks.

Did they at least keep the part of the ToS that gives a zero tolerance policy for minors in any state of undress?

@pathfinderlight - 14.12.2023 21:28

It's very interesting that Angela Hession decided that the "industry standard" was p---hub and that Twitch needed to follow suit with them, without regard to the fact their customer base is heavily children/teens, therefore not eligible for the hub.

@jamesw8698 - 14.12.2023 21:17

honestly, they should force people to put their channels on mature mode and any channel listed as such gets no thumbnail image on the stream, not the best option, but its a start for those honest impressionable kids out there that arent logged in on their parents accounts

also, does that mean people can straight up watch animated stuff now live on stream an if it shows stuff, twitch gives the thumbs up? or is it only whatever the streamer is drawing or their own model? seems all bets are off by the wording on the animated part

@e-henne - 14.12.2023 20:55

Twitch is goin’ full Hentai. Man, everybody knows you never go full Hentai

@madnus - 14.12.2023 20:49

Twitch is that desperate for Money now. Pokimaines Platform is now the hub. When the Hub has less nudes then Twitch what is the world coming too.

@shdagentzulu5855 - 14.12.2023 20:39

Boycott Amazon!

@jonrussell7567 - 14.12.2023 20:38

The female presenting actually makes sense in that context.

Since they weren't ok with transmission tits. The fact they were the result of hormones didn't help.

If they went the other way and chopped the tits off, twitch was OK with that.

Basically it was explicitly female appearing breasts, no matter what the actual gender of the person was.

@connormcclenny9681 - 14.12.2023 20:37

Twitch will nuke you if you state how many combos these options make: 1. XX 2. XY

@noneyabizz8337 - 14.12.2023 20:35

Slots gonna slot it up

@Elban19 - 14.12.2023 20:16

Wouldn't it be easier for Twitch to just buy chaturbate?

@AndrewTheFrank - 14.12.2023 20:13

By the way i can make an argument for Twitch allowing this stuff if they had a block on it for kids. As in you had to have an age verified account and be 18+ to access such streams or streamers. They don't. I know this because the other night I went to verify the degen, without being logged in, and it allowed me to access all of it. Even streams that it advised me were for more mature audiences. They are doing nothing to attempt to prevent children from seeing such content.

If Twitch is not careful it will be stigmatized like OF is in that people wont want to put content there unless its pornographic in nature.

@AndrewTheFrank - 14.12.2023 20:10

Either we will see conservative states start to block twitch or there will be some lawsuit against Twitch for showing pornographic material to minors. Maybe both.

@kenjifox4264 - 14.12.2023 20:02

I’m going to erase my twitch account and delete the app.

@MrNorker77 - 14.12.2023 19:55

Would it be too much of an exageration to say Twitch allowing this would be akin to Cartoon Network starting to show prawn?
