Snooker Advanced Tips Aiming

Snooker Advanced Tips Aiming

Break from life

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@JC-mg1pv - 11.01.2025 12:11

great video

@thepagan5432 - 11.01.2025 12:14

Sound advice, I suffered from unintentional side spin, sometimes only minimal but still caused me to either miss the shot or mess up my cue ball position after the shot. Good post, thanks 👍

@castleanthrax1833 - 11.01.2025 12:16

I aim to put the cue ball where a direct plant would be. It's the same principle but I'd rather think of it this way than thinking of where the tip of my cue would strike the object ball.

Happy New Year from Toukley NSW, Australia.

@darktherapy - 11.01.2025 12:20

The tip knows where it is because the tip knows where it isn’t

@vivekchavan5912 - 11.01.2025 12:20

Big fan of your ❤️

@RiezZ237 - 11.01.2025 12:28

Morning, helpfull video👍

@mohdziauddin5244 - 11.01.2025 12:35

Hyderabad, INDIA

@kaleem9652 - 11.01.2025 12:48

Excellent video as always. I improved my game a lot watching your channel. Cheers

@weejim48 - 11.01.2025 13:04

Good video. Very helpful and informative I haven’t been able to play for the last 5 months as I’ve got a back problem and I can’t lean forward. But hopefully this year I can get back on the table . I may even have to start learning again from the beginning. Greetings for frozen St.Asaph North Wales. 👍👍

@JimGobetz - 11.01.2025 13:12

It's 0500 here on Grand Cayman and I'm watching your Snooker vids! A great reminder to have the basics down. Excellent content as always, I am a better player thanks to you. 🇰🇾🍹

@00Phat12345 - 11.01.2025 13:26

You’re right, this is stuff that doesn’t get talked about enough but is so important to understand to go from beginner to intermediate level. I struggle with the third section of this video, where if I try to play e.g. 10 blues for practice in a row dead straight into a corner pocket, I will miss 10/10 every time the blue will miss to the left of the pocket. I actually have to pretend I’m going to miss the blue slightly to the right of the pocket, in order to actually pot it. And make this adjustment all the time when playing a regular frame. I don’t know how to fix my wonky eyesight, it’s been an issue for years. Any advice on this?

@vikalm - 11.01.2025 13:28

I recently decided, at 45 years of age, to have a go at competing in snooker and your channel is a great inspiration. I'm giving myself until the end of the 2025/26 season to enter my first tournament and need to practice a lot until then. Aiming is my main problem so thanks for making a video on that!
Watching and learning in Västerås (pronounced kind of like 'Vesteros'), Sweden.

@The_Devil_Riser - 11.01.2025 14:05

Most of my misses come from moving on the shot either accidentally or from a lack of confidence because I’m over correcting from my last miss

@tayyabkakagamer - 11.01.2025 15:12

I like your video love you from Pakistan 😊😊

@rashidxd - 11.01.2025 16:05

My friend and I are playing best of 5 and whoever loses it should pay not only for the frames but for the drinks too. This adds a lot of pressure and make makes us miss unmissable shots. If I miss a shot, my confidence drops and it's crazy how hard it is to get back to the right mindset. The pressure is real, and that is the hardest part for me.

@jontyjames9121 - 11.01.2025 16:59

Really solid points and It's pretty much where I struggle. I need to find a consistent way of lining up each shot. Thanks for the help

@HillbillyIslandLife - 11.01.2025 18:35

Love your instructional videos!

@christopherdench7708 - 12.01.2025 00:33


@armanalvi222 - 12.01.2025 12:56

I've been playing for nearly a Year now,and thanks to you and Steven Hendry, yestarday I made my first 56 break

@jerryc1477 - 12.01.2025 15:11

Nice tips, I learnt a way to aim angled shots by looking above the to see the contact point, gotta love the physics of spherical interaction, the hard part is teaching the brain the compensation factor

@ronniecortex4936 - 12.01.2025 16:14

Great tips! Thanks! From Brazil.

@eckateckat3449 - 14.01.2025 15:19

most reason missing pots is not the wrong aim, it is the body movement! otherwise pros would never miss a pot because they know any hitting point on the object ball!

@eckateckat3449 - 14.01.2025 15:25

the unwanted side on the white in terms of deflecting the white is less problem as the unwanted side does on the object ball!

@DarkMatter1919 - 15.01.2025 11:23

Unintentional sidespin is not likely to cause you any problems??
And a whole tip width away??


I don't know which planet you're living on, but on earth any unintentional sidespin affects the line and the pot.
And...n it's NOT impossible to hit the centre of the CB at all!

You could run unbiased experimental shots demonstrating the phenomena you're trying to state and be more scientific.

@alightintheblack7223 - 16.01.2025 12:55

Love the channel, only discovered a couple of months back but have gone back and watched loads of your previous stuff. Great mix of instruction and entertainment. And after watching Luca at the Masters last night, definitely looking forward to the shot recreations from that.
Best wishes from Dunblane, Scotland

@craigstethson7233 - 16.01.2025 17:01

I'm two years into pool and a few weeks into snooker. It's so different and difficult to just aim at those lengths, although I can pot a few balls. I usually go up till 30-40. I'll definitely try this technique and update here how it works out for me and helps in improving my aiming

@abhinavm6035 - 16.01.2025 23:55

Great tips from Hyderabad, india

@Moja-x3i - 20.01.2025 18:51

Can i Some question ??

@PapaHands - 23.01.2025 01:21

Thank you

@albertcugianto2046 - 03.02.2025 00:23

I like your tutorial, it is really a clear explanation about the good technique how to play snooker with the right way, I always feels difficult when I was shooting the snooker ball for the straight shooting. Even I was born in Jakarta, Indonesia which the game of snooker is not a popular game in there compared with the nine ball game.
