Ep. 002 | 5 Counter Cultural Rules I Live By | John Lovell Show

Ep. 002 | 5 Counter Cultural Rules I Live By | John Lovell Show

Warrior Poet Society

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@leeharris3034 - 09.01.2024 16:15

I wouldn't put a limit on how much love you can show someone.

@MatthewMorizio - 15.12.2023 18:04

Military vet here.
Appreciate the opportunity to listen to this conversation.
This dear brother, well meaning, screams insecurity as he overemphasizes so-called masculinity.
Carnality comes in all shapes and sizes... no less in a fleshly bravado of mistaken identity and function.
This is a full pendulum swing, a reactionary stance to the world (i.e. wokism, feminism, etc).
This has pinned him down in the ditch on the opposite side of the road in a mere culture war (carnality) possing as spiritual conflict.
If we are not careful, talk like this is an ambush to actual existence and thriving as Christians.
Hard pass.

CS Lewis warned us that the Devil sends temptations in pairs.
Effeminacy and barbary.

@Brokeazzchef - 02.12.2023 17:04

The Reverend Billy Grahm always talked about it . Hard and fast rule. I have older couples that I have known while growing up that practice that. Never go out with out the other , and I agree it removes the risk. No matter how strong the man , the Devil will use temptation as an opportunity to weasel into our life. Just my view.

@bjorndavidson9699 - 19.11.2023 22:29

It’s fun when johns son pretends to be him😂

@BroncoDriver77 - 18.11.2023 20:45

Do you have any firearm classes for people with disabilities?

@Tearial311 - 09.11.2023 17:45

My wife and I’s date nights are going out shopping at Home Depot and TJ Max and walking around and joking without our kid demanding attention

@docbroom2593 - 03.11.2023 23:18

late to this video, but nothing shocking or outrageous in your five counter-cultural rules for living, my wife and I live a very similar way, she by preference, me because in a former life, i stepped on those landmines. Thanks for the great information you share about security, preparedness, and most importantly life in general.

@michaelreynolds6763 - 02.11.2023 18:55

I only wish I had your influence in my life 40 years ago

@thebarefootadventurer8467 - 10.10.2023 07:22

"What are you getting from other men that I am not providing for you" hit me like a ton of bricks

@derricksartistryshed5976 - 26.09.2023 04:34

Amen. That's it.

@freedomfields5569 - 24.09.2023 00:51

My husband and i found a way to be a single income household from the beginning of our marriage. He says its the best decision i ever made for us. 😅

@nicholasanthony-thesix11ar73 - 01.09.2023 15:52

“The world would be better if everyone got punched in the face every once and a while” 😂😂

@matthewschoen52 - 10.08.2023 03:03

An immense piece of being a good parent is modeling what a good spouse looks like

@nlee5034 - 07.08.2023 20:02

Man… HOW did y’all miss the title of the episode, so badly?!
“The New ‘F-Words’…”

@DEPUTYGETSOME - 06.08.2023 15:22

You think people work 2nd jobs so they can have a fancy car??? I don’t think that’s most struggling people… I think they want the kids taken care of and life’s expensive but jobs don’t pay well? My dad was able to graduate high school, work at the company his dad worked at, and made a middle class income with no education. Now that we’re having to get masters degrees to get the same pay as our parents, we’re lazy.

@GreggyGTV - 26.07.2023 23:58

Excellent coverage of these topics. As a therapist, I really appreciate you addressing these things and creating an opportunity to dialogue about this content. I wish I could have been a part of this conversation :) Thank you and I appreciate you. @GreggyGTV

@daddoesthings9461 - 11.07.2023 19:38

How can you love your wife more than your children. Unconditional is unconditional

@hyrysc5728 - 28.06.2023 16:22

Mario looks legit!

@spiritandflesh8477 - 19.06.2023 07:27

Dude! You just vocalized my unspoken philosophy for life. I am a career firefighter and follower of Christ. I felt like I was an outsider living this way. I really appreciate you sharing this. This gave me courage to press on. I was introduced to you through Sean McDowell whom I love to watch and now I am an avid follower of your channel! Keep it up brother.

@thearmeddiyer9343 - 02.06.2023 15:02

For anyone that wants to get just some basic medical training, I recommend taking a First-Aid/AED/CPR class from American Heart Association. These are usually very inexpensive and offered through schools, churches, places of work and other community organized events.

Also BLS (Basic Life Support) classes if available...

@sewsinthedark - 25.05.2023 03:29

Is this guy a Christian?

@scottiefirefighter - 21.05.2023 18:32

John I feel like the point you had of people living above their means has a direct contact with the relationship and date nights failing. There is no longer money to have a night out with your spouse, there is of course always cheep fun dates ideas but the culture is stuck on the picking an expensive restaurant and activities. Such a bad trap to fall into.

@sierraharvester - 17.05.2023 00:52

Is John going solar? What better way to be energy independent.

@mirsazzad - 15.05.2023 23:35

salute man.

@joeshirey5448 - 15.05.2023 19:34

One of those conflicts was for me being stupid . Some of the others I chose to stand my ground to gain respect , that enabled me to protect other weaker people, they used to call me big country.

@joeshirey5448 - 15.05.2023 19:27

I have personally lived in the past in very low taxed low rent or low house payment black naborhoods being a white & Mexican that looks only white .I was in a few armed conflicts as a adult and a number of hand to hand fights in 70% black schools I love blacks deeply perhaps in particular, but the urban geto culture is rough . My ol lady is black . I feel I had to have courage to survive my old inviroment as a minority in it. Perhaps tougher than having a brother hood of inlisted armed men to back me up & encourage me with pay & VA medical benefits ect .But my main point is that I think you living the way you do now takes more courage & Honor than anything you've ever done in battle because it's not for 1-3 tours its a fight that you stay in the fight every single day for life. And how Dare you have the COURAGE TO SPEAK TRUTH on the internet. Every day real Heroes. When your mom & Dad bring you up like this you generally view them as God given Heroes. But I refuse to worship you but I will say I salute you J.L and with much respect for your COURAGE to speak TRUTH.

@charleschristianson2730 - 15.05.2023 12:38

calm down boomer..

@PhoenixWorx - 14.05.2023 15:43

At first I was a bit taken back by this comment ("I love my wife my than my kids") but your reasoning behind makes perfect sense! I actually found myself agreeing with you after hearing you out, thank you. For me, it's not about loving one "more" than the other, it's a different type of love. I'm not saying your wrong, or I'm right, I think we agree, just have a different way of saying the same thing. Love this show, makes me feel normal for being more traditional in a world going....... (Fill in the blank as you like)

@elib9002 - 14.05.2023 15:34

Gosh, i miss that John guy.
you know, the one with the beard?
He was cool.
This new guy is.... okay, i guess.

@virginiagorg6921 - 13.05.2023 03:06

Totally agree especially about catering too much to children. Thank you for this commentary.

@mart98928 - 11.05.2023 17:18

Plenty of wisdom here. Absolutely agree with these standards.

@ak-488 - 10.05.2023 05:46

Is the purpose of facial hair to show your a man, or just male. Ya can`t seat your gas mask so ya can`t get in my foxhole.

@Huggz13 - 10.05.2023 02:58

Sound Biblical living there, John.
And in today’s world THAT is as counter-cultural as it gets!

@oleboy7615 - 09.05.2023 06:41

All very good points, especially about the kids and other women. Stellar points, indeed. Careful you don’t get Ruby Ridged.

@kemonoyama2084 - 08.05.2023 23:13

Love is an absolute quality, it has no degrees or types. It is merely a pure quality of complete recognition and acceptance...any other emotion is a lesser one based on a give and take relationship(friendship)...We express and experience love differently with each individual...So in my philosophy...you do not love your wife More or the kids less, in fact you love her the same, or should...you express that love and experience it differently Given the unrhinkable choice over death of one or the other...a mother would choose the child, I as father would also...I can only speak for myself...but the pain and guilt of choosing otherwise would destroy everyone involved.

@kemonoyama2084 - 08.05.2023 22:14

🤫We won't ask about the wifely offer.... 😉 for shaving....

@Rubio_Eric - 07.05.2023 20:39

Man, I'm only 11mins in and you've hit so many great points. So many many things that are wrong with the culture we live in today

@BBQDad463 - 07.05.2023 04:16

Thank you for this video.
Yes, this Nation needs to begin instilling concepts like patience, kindness, respect, consideration, tolerance, The Golden Rule, and a sense of community spirit. Without such values, nothing else we teach will amount to anything more than the sociocultural analog of duct-tape on a broken axle.

Fate is about to hand the USA the keys to the future while the Russkies and the ChiComms experience demographic catastrophe. It would be a shame to ruin this glorious opportunity because we just could not get along with each other here at home.

@asherdie - 06.05.2023 23:20

The garden was an echo chamber until the serpent gave a different perspective and the desire for more knowledge got us kicked out.

@michaelosman8881 - 06.05.2023 22:41

Yeah, you look a lot better when your face is covered. 😉

@RobertMurphy-uq8jc - 05.05.2023 06:35

Great content here. New to your channel but 1 thru 4 I feel these are normal. 5 we are not in that position.

@doncampo3993 - 02.05.2023 06:03

Thanks again brother. Always enjoy your stuff.

@MrSkyspy12 - 01.05.2023 22:00

Hey John this is Mr. Willem Besares Ilive in Jonesboro Georgia but one thing that concerns me is that we do not have any friends pro 2A so we feel alone in the woods and when the PURGE starts what are we going to do ? Please let me know any hints thanks and LONG LIVE THE REPUBLIC 🦅

@JoshuaBoldt - 01.05.2023 06:04

none of this was controversial whatsoever to me, thanks for trying to educate people

@Kyle-sr6jm - 30.04.2023 13:07

Does a silverback gorilla shave to hide his age?

A beard says you are a manly man. Grey hair means you have survived long enough to get some experience.

The best counter you can make against this Woke BS is a pistol on your hip and a big bushy beard.

Now you just have Mulvaney Face.

@bradleylayton1741 - 29.04.2023 06:42

I love every bit of this. Wife and I got 5 acres and had a child 2 years ago. I work from and raise our son. Thinking about going home school also. We spend every free moment working on becoming self sufficient. This is the way. Seriously moving foreword i feel like this will be the way soon I don’t like where things are at either at the end of the day it’s not wasted if nothing happens your family is just healthier for it

@FatheringAutism - 28.04.2023 22:43

When it comes to female friends, it comes down to honoring your wife. Perception is important. I would never want to be seen with a female and someone that knows us see me alone with a woman other than wife. I want their to be no question that I’m faithful and our marriage is solid as a rock. I believe it honors my wife to control the perception of others.

@MILESLONG-vj8mc - 28.04.2023 18:30

I was not offended at all, thank you my brother in CHRIST
