25 Mind Blowing Mandela Effect Instances

25 Mind Blowing Mandela Effect Instances

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Auntie Wewe
Auntie Wewe - 06.11.2023 06:09

What I find so compelling is that while extremely complex, it is notoriously faulty. Even humans with the greatest memories have non perfect memories. Most of these
" effects" have just real slight differences. EASILY confused, misremembered, or mistakenly heard. But instead of just say they're wrong some people actually think there is some parallel universe that exists where some of the most inane differences occur. Talk about the complexity of yhe human mind. It's completely normal to misremember stuff. Especially stuff that happened 30 - 40 yrs ago. I see one person arguing that James Earl Jones remembers it as Luke Im your father. So then well it must be true. Well go ask Hamill and Lucas what it was they were there too right? So that logic is also faulty. With so many copycat movies and spoofs things get mixed up. Lol good for a laugh anyway. Especially those who get so angry and defensive about it.

Josias-Constantinus - 06.11.2023 05:56

Life’s like a box of chocolates you never know what you gonna get

Sinister Vax
Sinister Vax - 06.11.2023 03:20

Curious George is NOT a chimp. Check out A Very MONKEY Christmas or titles of his shows referring to him as a monkey. I have never actually ever seen a monkey w/o a tail.

Debi - 05.11.2023 20:48

I remember watching videos of the Mandela Effects about 10 years ago. Why do i feel like things have changed again since then 🤔

Anson Beeker
Anson Beeker - 05.11.2023 04:15

Smoky taught me to prevent forest fires. Not wild fires.

Casey - 02.11.2023 17:23

I remember reading that Berenstain Bears, was spelled "Berenstein" bears in some countries due to language differences. I wish I could remember where I heard or read this, but it makes a lot of sense to me and I've known it for many years now.

My new favorite one is that around April 2020 I clearly remember major news reports of Kim Jong Un, passing away. Not missing or ill, deceased. I remember it lol but nobody else does. Oh well.

MadMaltMasher - 01.11.2023 02:39

The new one where Bing Crosby says you can PLAN on me instead of count on me....

ibji - 31.10.2023 20:20

The name of the band was always only "Eagles", never The Eagles. Every album cover only has the single word Eagles, even their wiki page is titled Eagles.

Crash? Junk Entertainment
Crash? Junk Entertainment - 31.10.2023 19:21

There’s 2 versions of the Star Wars quote.

The first 3 original films was Star Wars in future and the last 3 original films was the past.

In the first original films it was Luke I am your father.

The last 3 original films it was I am your father.

Crash? Junk Entertainment
Crash? Junk Entertainment - 31.10.2023 19:15

Magic mirror on the wall was from Shrek

Mirror mirror is from the actual princess movie

Made With Junk
Made With Junk - 31.10.2023 07:18

What??? No mention of 007 Moonraker? The villain Jaws and his girlfriend. I remember seeing that movie with my father as a kid and thinking it was cute at the end when she smiled and had a metal mouth like he did.

Except - she never had braces...

Lara - 31.10.2023 00:27

You left out the biggest one. Publisher clearing house and Ed McMahon

Steve Manning
Steve Manning - 30.10.2023 23:09

I can clearly remember shaggy “ swallowing “ and seeing his Adam’s apple go up and down then he said “ like yikes scoob let’s get out of here “

Deacan - 30.10.2023 23:03


Tanya - 30.10.2023 22:58

What if this experience of memory mistakes happens because a person has died on a specific timeline? You wake up/born again on a different timeline with the same characters in play only details get shifted…. Hmmm??? The possibilities within life and existence are truly infinite.

Wes Graham
Wes Graham - 30.10.2023 18:41

I now for a fact the Hurricane in Atlantic ocean Were females and the ones with the Pacific or male names what happened

Rager_Fox - 30.10.2023 15:29

I never saw C3po toys, I remember him being all gold, so much so that when I saw the silver leg, I freaked out and had a weird feeling. It just isnt right period.

Michelle Field
Michelle Field - 29.10.2023 18:09

I do have to mention Sally Fields name changed to Sally Field,I vividly remember because my surname is Field & unless it's a false memory I remember when I watched Miss DoubtFire thinking damn if it was Field I could of pretended she was a relation

Melody Anderson
Melody Anderson - 29.10.2023 16:16

I hate the term false memory. Because it isn't a false memory. There needs to be a better term for it.

PianoMan 2018
PianoMan 2018 - 29.10.2023 13:53

It’s BerenSTEIN. How do I know? I watched it change to STAIN on February 7th, 1987.
