Far Cry 5 Review - Is it Worth a Buy?

Far Cry 5 Review - Is it Worth a Buy?

Worth A Buy

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BadBill336 - 08.11.2023 00:15

I like this game but I definitely agree with your criticisms and what you said about the National Guard was my same thought to

anttt - 01.11.2023 03:31

Damage direction indicators 😅

Arcane Soothsayer
Arcane Soothsayer - 07.07.2023 12:06

Better than Far Cry 4 and Far Cry New Dawn for sure, the guns are better and in Far Cry New Dawn you were constantly being killed and revived by grenade spam or something when assaulting strongholds plus the game quality went down in Far Cry New Dawn

Silviu Chitic
Silviu Chitic - 06.05.2023 14:25

I wouldn't buy this. Got it on games pass and I dislike it. Main issue is the story is so unrealistic. Who the fck lands in the middle of a private army with 3 lightly armed people and goes to arrest the leader. It's such BS. I thought let's give it a chance maybe the gameplay is good but even that I'm not really enjoying. 2 hours in and I've got a few bugs also. Wooden fences are impenetrable apparently, every now and then the auto drive function kicks in "oh you want to go there mate" and takes control of the wheel even though it's disabled. Some early mission to retrieve a car, I go there block the car with mine start shooting the driver in the head, nope he drives off because I HAVE to go on a chase.

DJ Punyer
DJ Punyer - 22.04.2023 14:48

The story and villains aren't believable? Have you ever been to America? It's a great story (until the ending) with a great villain. And the siblings and cult followers are supposed to just be misguided because that's just religion. That's what it does to people. I love the fact that religion is the main villain in this game and I wish people gave that more credit, because religion is the main villain in real life as well, not so much here in the UK, but definitely in America, especially in Texas and other southern states, but it still happens in northern states like Montana, where this game is set. A lot of Americans just won't tolerate anyone who isn't a Christian fundamentalist wanker. It's disgraceful and completely bullshit. And this game was so much more fun for it as well, because you got to butcher these people who constantly proselytise good individuals whenever they can. So how can you not love to hate Joseph Seed?

Faith Contending
Faith Contending - 14.04.2023 06:27

A far cry with no supernatural or mutants
An open world that's properly and interestingly populated
No stupid fetch quests, towers or grindy crafting
The brutality and survival feel of 2
The fun perks, mechanics, gadgets and gun play of 3-5
The interface and progression of 5
The gun customization of BF4
And the guns for hire of 5 but with more personality, interesting banter, and more skills/classes, maybe with some small perk trees for them

That's the far cry we want

Paulo Morisio
Paulo Morisio - 07.04.2023 09:02

It's been a while since I laughed so hard that tears came to my eyes.
Mainly in the part of the incredible punch.
Because the guy was unbearable.kkkkkkkkkkkk

KIillabytez - 16.03.2023 11:58

Remote explosives are boss as they literally shred an enemy right before your eyes as blood erupts and body parts go flying. Really satisfying if you hate religious nutjobs.

Nathan Chisholm
Nathan Chisholm - 11.09.2022 05:14

First thing i said when i played this is what a load off bull shit! The military would roll in and wipe them out...

Ryeinaldo Bettahavmamony
Ryeinaldo Bettahavmamony - 02.09.2022 07:56

The Russian invasion idea is a good one

John Bambrough
John Bambrough - 26.08.2022 06:26

And on micro transactions and pay to win and all that shit it’s evil in my opinion basically like gambling using people’s addiction for profit

Plus you don’t even need to do it all gaming is supposed to be about fun and the “journey” hate that word but it’s true..

John Bambrough
John Bambrough - 26.08.2022 06:12

Love this review as a fellow Mackem ahh shit are you a gerodie?! Lol always lived the Far Cry series just started this one loving the soundtrack particularly and the story reflects the state of America right now

light487 - 03.08.2022 05:43

So this is free on game pass now.. but it's still a terrible game that is an absolute mess and just not worth playing even for the low low price of $0..

light487 - 03.08.2022 05:43

So this is free on game pass now.. but it's still a terrible game that is an absolute mess and just not worth playing even for the low low price of $0..

Gunsalves - 26.06.2022 22:39

I've never played far cry 3. It's the only one I've never played. I ended up playing the classic edition on ps5 recently and I fail to see how it was better than this game in any way really...I mean sure you could say the villain is better but other than that it's in no way better... at least not in my opinion.

- PowerBAND - GAMER -
- PowerBAND - GAMER - - 31.05.2022 11:57

This game was so boring a couldn`t finish it, The worst far cry game I've ever seen

Jim Baily
Jim Baily - 24.11.2021 19:54

So I just got this game on sale for the xbox.. the gun play is very satisfying. I killed one guard with my fist, the other saw me but I was able to head shot him with my pistol which alerted the third guard who was taken out before he could pull his gun out. It was very satisfying and I legit felt like a badass right from the start. One issue I ran into was I killed a guard with the bow, another saw it and walked to the body, got him with the bow, with another being alerted. This last guy was ready to fight, but instead of going a more strategic route, he just went right to where the other bodies were. I've done this a couple times now, so the AI is meh.. but for $10 I will not complain

coffeemaddan - 06.11.2021 18:35

Some real laugh out louds in that review. Excellent commentary. Thanks :)

Rob @h
Rob @h - 17.10.2021 21:43

Nice and entertaining review..SUBBED 👍

Earpy DE
Earpy DE - 13.10.2021 15:06


Earpy DE
Earpy DE - 13.10.2021 15:06

Great review mate loved this game but you are so right about everything you said especially trying to talk to someone and then a fuckin wolf or something comes out of no where and rapes the fucker

propoetide - 22.08.2021 09:56

Best FC tbh

LWKGD - 07.08.2021 04:52

Every game after far cry 3 is better than far cry 3 the only ppl that think otherwise are looking at it thru rose colored glasses if you never touched a far cry game before and went to play one today far cry 3 will 100% push u away from the series and u prolly wont get further than3 hours into it its way too outdated the best place to start for newcomers to the series is far cry 4

IceMaster972 - 23.07.2021 03:38

I like tagging enemies. So what?

Peter Smith
Peter Smith - 17.07.2021 12:52

The enemy are far to easy to kill.

Colin Bright
Colin Bright - 07.07.2021 22:33


Kissa Kissa
Kissa Kissa - 04.07.2021 21:32

I loathe this game story wise/characters etc. ... but there is still some Far Cry moments when i love it... the games shit :/ and not

Rolf family
Rolf family - 29.06.2021 16:28

This game is $hit. FC3, and 4, were both better. Even the guns feel a little weak in this game. They really blew it with FC5

teardropsonmyfallen - 23.06.2021 17:28

They shoulda made this into a cartel game in Central America. Now thats believable

thestew56 - 30.04.2021 09:42

Red Dawn...thats a good idea for a game Mack

Gary Miller
Gary Miller - 15.03.2021 16:38

Mack daddy I have agreed with you on nearly every point of argument you have ever mentioned except one. Years ago microtransactions were just that---micro. Items use to cost just pennies. Now games offer microtransactions that cost $20 and more. There is nothing micro about that but they still use that term to make us think it is only a small payment---BS. Call them out for it then whack them in the bollocks with your shovel.

Quadro Firehands
Quadro Firehands - 12.03.2021 13:34

I really thought the gunplay in this was just potato
Twas terrible, felt like everything was a pea shooter so I had to runaround with the biggest gun i could get

YouTube Is An Influencer
YouTube Is An Influencer - 02.03.2021 01:25

I bought Far Cry 5 about 1 year after its release but like i always do i like to finish the game's im playing first & I'll usually play 2 to 3 game's at the same time but spread my time evenly over each game...


Well i found certain games can take a little while to get into the rhythm of each game as it can be a bit much to try & take in all the various things you need to do but once you know exactly how to best do this i can find myself getting bogged down with the repetition of many of today's game's...

So i'll usually play a FPS then a Sports Game with can be Soccer/Golf et al & lastly a Beat'm Up & this is so i dont tire of any of the game's I'm playing...

A perfect example of this was (unfortunately) Rage 2 as once you got started there were not enough Main Missions & the Side Quests just kept adding up with every Mobile Date Pad i found & as much as i enjoyed Rage this follow up was bogged down with too many of the exact same mind numbing repetitive side quest that never seem to stop & i know many will say that too many gamer's complain as game's are too short but getting the balance correct of Main Misdions & Side Quests that dont go on tp bore you to tears is the measure of a good game...

I played Rage from Start to Finish over & over & i never tired of that game but Rage 2 just sucked the life out of the fun of FPS game's like this...

I meant to add while giving this another quick watch before starting to play Far Cry 5 i nearly wet myself from laughing so much when Mack said he spent the first hour just going about whacking people over the head with a shovel, as it was just the way he said it got me laughing... lol

I can't comment on other Far Cry game's in relation to this on but I'll take Mack's word for it that the so called bad guy in this isn't as bad as Far Cry 3 Vaas Montenegro, as that was one sick puppy...

I think the developers tried for a sort of Wako sort of scenario but thinned it down away from the real incident & them tried this cult/sect in America as their next instalment but until ive completed it i can give it a full score or opinion but most Far cry games haven't let me down yet (except for Far Cry 2) but i'll wait & see how this opens up/progresses & how it comes to the finale!...

In light of this still ongoing coronavirus outbreak stay safe and healthy wherever you are in this world...


Axel Penny
Axel Penny - 28.02.2021 17:05

Just finished the game today. I did like it a lot, but I can 100% understand the problems you have with it :)

Lucien Fantke
Lucien Fantke - 24.02.2021 02:48

Worst far cry game I have ever played. 1. Only one third of the story is remotely interesting (the girl part) rest is copy paste of previous games. Setting is not as interesting as Himalayas. Stealth sucks for worse than before. Graphics with hdr on pc look just not as good as I hoped. Worst. Worst of all: played with a buddy and failed some checkpoints. Respawned and suddenly we miraculously passed the check point. What? No challenge at all. Good part: guns. Flying and hanging from a chopper and jumping off it. And fishing. For the first few times at least. Rest is just meh to bad. What a pity. Downfall

Mayson Crowe
Mayson Crowe - 06.02.2021 06:38

As somebody born and raised in Hope County Montana, the landscape is dead on. The town layouts and design as well. I recommend everyone visit the area sooner rather than later. We are starting to get a lot of California money buying up the land so there are fewer and fewer places that you can actually go anymore that don't have a "No Trespassing" sign.

Shares Games
Shares Games - 03.02.2021 22:10

You complained (rightly) about various feats that award perks, but have not mentioned the most patronising and infuriating part of the game, the forced cinematic sequences that cannot be skipped even if you are playing second time, and the most vile of all, the forced abductions and boss fight checkpoints which in my opinion destroy this open world game. If you reach the checkpoint you cannot continue, you will be abducted again within seconds and will have to complete the sequence before allowed to play the game again.

Warrior Chief Mussolini
Warrior Chief Mussolini - 02.02.2021 21:33

Okay if people were really smart,
They would give bad reviews on the games they actually like and give good reviews on the games they don't like that way when the game company does what it will do and has been doing is charging you more for the games that you like for example far cry 3 is $30 this is b***** I played it 6 years ago on a PS3
And I got the disc for $11 then...

Should I put it very bluntly when you tell people you're honest reviews they make greed and money out of that, so you're better off telling them for example far cry 5 is the best and far cry 3 sucks that way so we can get far cry 3 for an actual reasonable price instead of this malarkey...

So take the words and consider not being honest with game companies..

and off hand far cry 5 sucks they tool away knife kills they took away so much stuff from this game and...

you know what the best thing I will suggest is that you get far cry New Dawn it actually has water animals like sharks and has knife kills still
and after beating the game the enemies don't stop.
here's one main big thing you must know in this game you'll get followed by a plain noise that will annoy you no matter how many people say it doesn't or how much you think it won't constantly picture a stunt plane flying over you the whole time no matter what region you're in constantly and when I say constantly I'm not b********* you man constantly it does this so do not get this game it is crap bro...

EvulDali - 02.02.2021 03:41

Mac! As far as the "i don`t buy all this" goes. Look up Rajneesh cult. They did actually take over a town in the US quietly. Also responsible for the biggest bioterorist attack on US ground. Also look up FLDS. At this moment, they also own an entire town. With fake police and everything. They have their own hospitals, police stations, fire departments etc. They literally took over. Great review btw. The only reason why the national guard does not react to taking over the towns is cause they would have to do exactly what you suggested. Kill like 10.000 people. Imagine that on the news!

Jesse Doyle
Jesse Doyle - 28.01.2021 07:38

So glad to see you're still doing reviews Mac! Great review, too!

Sharmac77 - 25.01.2021 16:08

“its bullshit...wouldnt happen”

Fucking happened across the entire racist bullshit country and ended in insurrection. Might wanna do an edit mate to say how fucking wrong you was.

Oz wsda
Oz wsda - 20.01.2021 14:26

main villain is disappointing. interesting setting but poor execution of the story. not immersive at all and the game play is not addictive. controls are mushy, vehicle controls are worse. gun play is inconsistent (bullet drop is shocking at short distances). overloaded with enemy presence at random nonsensical locations. game relies on bullet sponge enemies to increase the challenge, with no change in enemy ai or tactics. the game is a mess.

i understand if 1 or 2 of the core game mechanics are flawed, this can be overlooked. but when all these aspects are subpar the overall game plays just shaite.

Khai Warner
Khai Warner - 15.01.2021 07:51

The main menu music is amazing in this game

cebuch - 12.01.2021 23:58

This game was total bland for me, big disappointment. I much disagree with your gunplay opinion, it in my opinion is nothing special, maybe even worse than average on the market.

Debokarsho Dutta
Debokarsho Dutta - 27.09.2020 11:38

I just found this game to be generic and somewhat boring. The poor AI and the unimpressive villains didnt help either. Waiting for FC 6.

guitaoist - 20.09.2020 17:04

This was my first far cry game so i love it, despite the boring long pauses during dialogue in the cut scenes
