Java Program to check if year is a LEAP year or not  | Java Tutorials for Beginners

Java Program to check if year is a LEAP year or not | Java Tutorials for Beginners

Code Stack

55 лет назад

116 Просмотров

Program to Check for Leap Year in Java
Concept of Leap Year -
The rule states:
“Every year that is exactly divisible by four is a leap year, except for years that are exactly divisible by 100, but these centurial years are leap years if they are exactly divisible by 400.”

For example,
if year = 2400, it is a leap year,(Condition 1 satisfied)
but if year = 2200, is NOT a leap year, (Cond. 2 not satisfied),
and if year = 2020, is a leap year, (Cond. 2 satisfied).
#java #hindi #codestack #JavaTutorials #PradeepSaini #OnlineTraining #OnlineClasses #DakshSaini
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