5 Best Practices in Power Query

5 Best Practices in Power Query


1 год назад

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@frachiar4444 - 25.11.2023 09:24

Very precious lesson!!! Thank you 👍👍

@DanKnight - 20.11.2023 01:14

Awesome! Excellent video.

@aparnapandravada5073 - 16.11.2023 21:13

Awesome tips…

@SaladSharkGaming - 16.11.2023 14:36

Love your content and really helping me get better at using Power Query!
I was wondering whether you have any content regarding working smarter when getting data from multiple sources and then my Queries panel has loads of Transform file from query folders for each import.
Such files as Sample file, parameter, transform file and transform sample file appear and I'm not quite sure if I can be smarter with how its all constructed.

Beginner trying to benefit from using Power Query

@mathew9665 - 07.11.2023 20:00

Nice - I like to use folders for my queries - grouping Parameters, stagging and loading

@JD_JR - 24.10.2023 18:57

A master of your craft. This is so useful. Liked and subbed.

@udayteja6595 - 09.09.2023 20:24

Removing red was so cool.

@stephenphan2761 - 08.09.2023 07:23

Mind blowing video . I still wonder while practising. In excel data provided by my friend I can see only few tabs ( no hidden tabs) but when I try loading to power query there are many sheets available in front of me. What is that!

@brij26579 - 14.08.2023 19:29

Hi Chandeep
I have a Column with various tables
Each of tables have different number of columns
want to limit all tables to 11 number of Columns , any suggestions or link which will be helpful

@maryjavasilyevna861 - 10.08.2023 04:22

This is exactly what I needed today!

@sharadpunita - 14.06.2023 09:40


@davidfamilydoctor9430 - 09.06.2023 10:51

What would change for a parameter pointing to a sharepoint folder?

@lucianoriquet8552 - 08.06.2023 03:32

Always a pleasure to watch these videos

@kishangzp - 18.05.2023 18:04

All tips are great and practical and I reccomend everyone to watch this video... I would also like to recommend one very important best practice... do not overcomplicate your queries especially when dealing with large data as this can slo down response time significantly.. what is complex unfortunately you can learn this only thru experience

@winnielu520-by2nv - 11.05.2023 07:41

i am fan of power query,i am fully agree with your suggestion and i am already done like your sugeestion in my data processing work,good summay

@iankr - 28.04.2023 01:05

Great tips, many thanks! Just one small point. When you say to 'bin the red', I don't know if it's my eyesight or my system settings, but to me, that hard-coded text is brown, rather than red. Is there any way I can change the colour of it?

@kaylagnapp5509 - 25.04.2023 21:07

Does making the parameter the source hard code it in a way we can’t change the source from the change source settings?

@deepakkumarpatel6454 - 23.04.2023 22:32

In the first point of best practice, is it better to rename the steps without using "space". Any advantage of doing this.

@alializadeh8195 - 21.04.2023 05:08


@punchbuddies220 - 14.04.2023 14:19

The best! Cheers man

@OmisileKehindeOlugbenga - 12.04.2023 20:05

Thanks a lot for sharing. Always a great pleasure to listen to you teach these stuff. My PQuery skills have improved greatly since I started watching your videos.

@kesavaraju9652 - 12.04.2023 18:50

Hello Chandeep,

I’ve a query, think will help me out,
I have a table workers which contains name, rolenum, start date and end date
And one more table called rates with rolenum, Rate, start date and end date.

How can I lookup the appropriate rate, the problem here is we might have more than one rate for particular roles, let’s say one rate for first 3 months of the year and some other rates for rest of the year, which we can came to know with start and end dates in rates table and at the same time we need to consider start and end dates of the employee into consideration……
Can anyone help me on this , Thanks in Advance.

@Dev_Bartwal - 10.04.2023 21:44

Paaji u r awesome

Now you are teaching very clearly
I mean not very fast 😅🥰🥰

@FarhanMerchant - 04.04.2023 17:49

Great content and insights !

@munish2839 - 02.04.2023 17:04

Its a great idea to fetch the column names from the previous table or steps, Is it suitable for huge dataset?

@strangersingh6770 - 01.04.2023 11:35


@raimundojs9547 - 28.03.2023 01:52

You're the best! Waiting for your M Language Course.

@saikumarboga3383 - 27.03.2023 06:34

Hi l. I have Matrix visual with some row headers and one column header which is month. This month column will update every month. Now I am unable to sort the values based on each month as it is not showing sort symbol for month header. How can I sort values now. Please make a video

@OdelLeal - 27.03.2023 03:20

Thank you for share your Best Practices!!! That's great!!!

@MissMicrosoft - 26.03.2023 12:47

Really great video, thank you Chandeep!

@JordanMurphy2 - 26.03.2023 11:46

@Chandeep - when using the Table.ColumnNames best practice, how does one overcome a situation if a column name in original table exists in expanded table?

@Rice8520 - 26.03.2023 10:50

And dynamic tip (about reds) is the best!🙋

@Rice8520 - 26.03.2023 10:41

Thanks for priceless tips!😊
I think commenting have to raise power query skills, but frequently there are a lot of tasks you have to finish "yesterday", so you just quickly finish one and switch to another.🤔

@Rice8520 - 26.03.2023 10:36

I leave default step names cause it will be hard for aliens to read my queries.😂

@emilmubarakshin49 - 26.03.2023 03:25

Great tips - I’ve been using 1-4 based on your videos. 5 is def welcome addition

@geineralbertomejiagarzon4034 - 26.03.2023 00:25

Hi Chadeep. Where can I find your training courses for Power Query AND Power BI in general?

@semakoadovohekpe2365 - 25.03.2023 23:25

Thanks for these tips! Will also review videos on staging queries. 👍🏽👍🏽

@shirleymoreman6725 - 25.03.2023 20:47

Love the "bin the red" - it's a great way to try to get rid of as much hard coding as possible. I also remove the spaces in step names - it makes them much easier to read in the M code. I didn't know about the QAT in Power Query! Great tip.

@stretch233 - 25.03.2023 19:59

I can’t wait for Microsoft to incorporate chatGPT into Power Query so it applies a rename step on its own after it’s aware of what that step is doing.

@grahamc5531 - 25.03.2023 16:38

To add multi line comments, start with /* and end with */ or use the shortcut key ALT + SHIFT + A

The shortcut key for single line comments is CTRL + /

@stephenkaras1523 - 25.03.2023 16:18

Great content! Also love your two interview videos with Chandoo and Matt Arlington. I feel they were ground breaking in that they presented a peek into the mind sets of two leaders within the power bi community. BTW you too are becoming one of the leaders 😊

@antoniogarrido3058 - 25.03.2023 11:22

Thanks Chandeep!! , really useful tips 👍. Avoid the red and quick access toolbar, my favourites.

@vdn5716 - 25.03.2023 08:44

This is super awesome...just quick question..

@theg9811 - 25.03.2023 04:50

Again a great video all types and levels of users Chandeep... 😀 I can highly recommend these Videos and Courses...

@alannavarrovaldez3117 - 25.03.2023 03:03

Great video! Thanks!

@scottcha03 - 25.03.2023 02:49

Genius! Thank you, well done as always. Love your videos

@zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz9 - 25.03.2023 02:26

Oh, cool, I did not know you could rename steps and add comments. Will make it much easier to navigate

@juanignacioXI - 25.03.2023 02:18

Thanks Chandeep great tips there!

Edit: Chandeep in the 4th example can we erase Query 1,2,3 once we have created the path and function?

@JJ_TheGreat - 25.03.2023 01:09

This is an excellent video! Great tricks!

@IanDangerfield - 25.03.2023 01:09

Ah love the parameter idea
