MOMENTUM Scrolling with Smooth-Scrollbar.js!

MOMENTUM Scrolling with Smooth-Scrollbar.js!


4 года назад

84,120 Просмотров

Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


Faruk Ahmed
Faruk Ahmed - 06.08.2023 15:05

What about fixed elements? Position: fixed not working!

Onkar Bhatia
Onkar Bhatia - 12.10.2022 15:21

Do not work when height of the sections to 100vh

Farves Safiyudeen07
Farves Safiyudeen07 - 09.10.2022 07:24

Hey guys does anyone know how to change color of the smooth scrollbar.js?

Jasonsz Silva
Jasonsz Silva - 09.10.2022 03:09

how to do this to php

Feronanthus - 19.05.2022 21:57

This is so infuriating. The last thing I want on a desktop is for my mouse wheel to act like scrolling on a mobile phone. I wish developers would stop running code on their websites which override the settings a user chooses on their web browsers and devices.

Why am I here you ask? So I can find the code snippet some websites use to do this so I can block it.

"You can notice the scrollbar itself has been hijacked"

Yeah... good choice of words there.

harpreet singh
harpreet singh - 06.03.2022 19:26

thanks but unfortunately i got into a problem . scrollmagic did not work properly when i used smooth-scrollbar .can you help me with that

BloodTusk - 03.02.2022 21:31

Pls help me.
How to turn off the scrollbar completely?

gray fear
gray fear - 12.01.2022 13:32

Hey! how make fixed position with smooth-scroll?)

Faruk Ahmed
Faruk Ahmed - 25.11.2021 23:09

I've tried this but this plugin confilcts with other jquery plugins!

Peywan Sabir
Peywan Sabir - 20.10.2021 16:08

how can i implement this to my web browser for the whole time? like making it to a program? been looking for this answer the whole day... appreciated!

Franny - 11.10.2021 17:35

bro not like this.... this floating head makes me nervous xD

Arghya Banerjee
Arghya Banerjee - 06.10.2021 08:54

Are you a guitarist along with a developer 😍😍😍😍😍😍...??????

Dimitry - 03.10.2021 12:21

Very informative, but due to the "highjacking" of the scroll function of the browser, this plugin makes any sticky navbar immobile.

Erwin Meulman
Erwin Meulman - 15.06.2021 15:09

Smooth scrolling is a mess, same as the volume, controlled by the OS, browser and on your speakers. With the OS on 3 lines per scroll (Windows, Linux, MacOS) and a trackpad and flywheel mouse, surface dial and a JavaScript I confused how far I need to scroll.

naren studio
naren studio - 15.05.2021 15:50

@simon sir it works when Im running it from my visual studio code after pushing it to the github, then I tried to open it from github but the smooth animation is not working ,it remains default any way to fix
Im creating my portfolio please reply me Im your huge fan

Gaurab Dhakal
Gaurab Dhakal - 23.03.2021 21:32

Is there a way to get this smoothness in a wordpress website

Harsh jain
Harsh jain - 19.03.2021 07:22

Can you give me some tips to integrate floating head like my website😂😂😂...

Wojciech Miśta
Wojciech Miśta - 19.02.2021 20:58

I absolutely hate it when a website or an app overrides browser default scrolling behaviour. It's a bad practice in my opinion

Eli Samba
Eli Samba - 26.01.2021 02:00

Hey Gary, Lovely stuff. I am a graphic designer wanting to improve my web design skills. My question is: Is it possible to use this tool and process on a website builder such as Wix? Sorry if it is a silly question, I believe the word to describe my skill level is a "noob" 😊

Dewayne Dailey
Dewayne Dailey - 17.01.2021 19:23

can you paste the cdn version I want to see if I can get this working in wordpress for a client. Thank you.
