Yes it is True, The Most Horrific Scene From 1923 Was Based on a True Story | Easter Eggs

Yes it is True, The Most Horrific Scene From 1923 Was Based on a True Story | Easter Eggs


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James Kelly
James Kelly - 04.10.2023 06:23

Mistreated ? That was flat out torture, hands down. Those nuns and priests should have been stripped of all priveledges and imprisoned for 20 years for what they did !! This does not even show the half of it. Theose children were raped, beaten killed. They had NO voice at all and were worse off than prisoners..

Julie AB
Julie AB - 29.09.2023 04:33

Is this a movie? If so what's the title?

Kim Diongzon
Kim Diongzon - 28.09.2023 16:51

What is the title of the movie

Teri Davis
Teri Davis - 15.09.2023 02:01

Why is it so hard to believe this horrible abuse? We can see from history, the broken trust in government and land ownership.
Truth is plain sight is often ugly. When you refuse to accept a distrustful governmental, entity that will not embrace your culture.
The belief in making others accept Christianity is false. Seeing that the nuns and priests couldn’t keep their eyes or hands off the children. Therefore, hiding behind false religion is not Christ based.
This young woman is powerful.

HUDA - 09.09.2023 03:05

I was catholic born catholic and now I am studying in islam no force no harmful people no pain alhamdulila so peaceful not this kind of nuns faht till now exist but they deleted the new about this Vatican Christian church graveyard full of human bodies and 1 nuns escaped and testified taht 32 priest abusing her almost inside 8 years fucking her and even some nuns raping her too.. But I didn't heard the news now it's deleted... This religion is horrible 😢

бобовый росток
бобовый росток - 02.09.2023 12:32

Для тех, кому было интересно, сериал походу называется "1923"

Javo Roma
Javo Roma - 28.08.2023 07:30

Oh, the old fashion ways of teaching and spreading "the love of God" since the beginnings of christianity.

mandy - 25.08.2023 22:40

My father to
Cuz he was a lil darker
Got his beatings every day
Every hour

mandy - 25.08.2023 22:40

My grandmother n papa
Were lucky they had some white in them
😢cuz this is all true
They k
Illed so so many

Randilee Hornbrook
Randilee Hornbrook - 16.08.2023 08:47

Half of my family survived Residential School and Day School here in Canada, the last school to close like this in Canada was in 1996, this wasn’t very long ago, I was lucky to be born in 1999.

Monkey Cat
Monkey Cat - 15.08.2023 20:49

I find it just incredibly strange that Catholicism was actually part of the whole force reintegration into society. But what I find interesting is that literally the US government would have supported this role, but however, being Catholic at the time, especially in the eyes of the government was probably not, then their best interests. The reason I say that is because even around that time political officials in power, especially their supporters we’re not so fond of Catholics. Like it’s true anti-catholic sentiment existed around that time. People seem to forget that part a lot.

John Bonham
John Bonham - 14.08.2023 21:51

Catholic nuns and priests have been physically and sexually abusive to children for hundreds of years because your pagan religion is EVIL INCARNATE

Miss Leo
Miss Leo - 13.08.2023 02:47

Can someone tell me the title of this movie? Thank you.

Armando Gonzalez
Armando Gonzalez - 12.08.2023 16:35

😡 ....mfks

Ненад Илић
Ненад Илић - 03.08.2023 11:50

It's the Catholics no surprise there...

Mireilla - 28.07.2023 18:24

and they say islam is a terror religion now look at this.

Yard Hatch
Yard Hatch - 23.07.2023 16:09

What I find most disturbing is not that they were doing evil but that they thought they were doing the right thing.

Mr. Whisper
Mr. Whisper - 21.07.2023 05:25

Religion can be a thing of virtue, or a thing of utter evil like child abuse.

serenityheart18 - 19.07.2023 20:50

What episode is this

Brian Lannoye
Brian Lannoye - 18.07.2023 17:40

It's not a part of history if it isn't true. For me to believe you, I would have to believe Catholic priests roamed the prairies to abduct and torture children up to and including death, and we didn't know about it until 2023. Basically a holocaust in America. I think it's a sack of lies conjured from a grain of truth. Remember when the Native Americans attacked pioneer wagon trains, killed the men, raped the women and sold the children into slavery? See how that works?

Kirbo - 15.07.2023 22:38

Hot take but tbh I couldn't stand that girl with her attitude and anger, I wanted to see her get punished for attacking the nun, not the other way around

aldiboronti - 10.07.2023 15:26

It must be remembered that the Christians running these places absolutely believed that they were saving their students from eternal damnation by converting them. Doesn't excuse them but it does help us to understand where they were coming from.

Venus - 09.07.2023 21:35

Fell sorry for those who suffered during that era 😢

Nel Prana
Nel Prana - 09.07.2023 13:26

Catholicism,religion borne by Satan himself. Not surprised at all. Pagan idol worshipers

Bastian Luis Santos
Bastian Luis Santos - 09.07.2023 08:57

I stabbed one priests in my brother’s school for humiliating him in front of the class and keep threatening him to burn his mother’s house along with his other family member

Lola Truitt
Lola Truitt - 08.07.2023 16:08

This is why I reject Christianity with every fiber of my being They tell you they want to save you from the devil when there’s a devil their selves all they do is lie steal and kill

GOLDHAJIK - 06.07.2023 02:37

My grandma was beated by nuns only cuz she was left handed apparently that means she is inviting the devil . So she was forced to learn how to be rigth handed. She had no respect for nuns she called then sluts and that they were fucking the priest. Yet she still was devouted christian.

_ūúKapp@$YT - 05.07.2023 20:54

I don’t know why would a priest or a nun would do that to people. Plus, the natives are innocent. The people In the catholic boarding school are brutal, and also why would they do this?

Twr - 05.07.2023 15:53

Name of this movie?

Lu Brew
Lu Brew - 27.06.2023 23:49

Yes, this kind of thing really happened. We have found mass graves in the USA and in Canada from the Catholic Schools. The Catholic Church has admitted that the atrocities happened and apologized, it only took nearly a century for them to admit that they were wrong.

Bowl Santander
Bowl Santander - 08.06.2023 07:57

People love to hate Catholics, esp priests and nuns, because they feel guilty and don't like to be reminded of their personal guilt and contributions to evil in the world. That's why exaggerated Hollywood scripts like this are able to manipulate their emotions so well.

If you never met a virtuous priest or nun I am sorry for you. There are always bad actors even among religious, but tarring and feathering all priests and nuns like this - that is pure evil.

Omar Mccray
Omar Mccray - 07.06.2023 15:44

I remember getting hit just like that back in the 70's, at school a fish paddle thick. Hurt like hell.

Luc Gukelberger
Luc Gukelberger - 31.05.2023 01:33

That right there ,that’s religion, nothing but abuse, pain and misery

Luis Ramirez
Luis Ramirez - 27.05.2023 18:09

What the name of the MOVIE???? Anyone

TomiGun - 26.05.2023 22:14

Libtard propaganda: Whitey bad, especially Christians, minorities are victim saints. 👎

Zariah Rochelle
Zariah Rochelle - 26.05.2023 06:17

As a young African American girl in America I barely even know about the abuse that goes on in life. I learn majority of what my people went through completely forgetting that there are other ethnicities, nationalities, and races that goes through discrimination and abuse like mines have. Thank you for educating me more on this!

zardoz337 - 15.05.2023 21:23

Yes indeed, Dante's Infurno. There is an almost endless litney of horror and abuse. I could give a very long list but better if you do your own research and thereby educate yourself.😮

Gretchen Stormer
Gretchen Stormer - 12.05.2023 22:11

Keto, good job. I never new that there were schools like this until I watched a movie on Netflix in 2020 telling of the horrors that the children of Canada had to endure. The churches and governments should be ashamed of themselves.

Gabriel Frances
Gabriel Frances - 10.05.2023 21:26

El horror que cometieron los católicos las grandes torturas hoy todo sale a luz lo satánico que son

Onyi Ononye
Onyi Ononye - 08.05.2023 12:22

The great depression occurred between 1929 to 1939 not 1923

Daniella Sanché
Daniella Sanché - 04.05.2023 21:49

All schools were like this back then.

Theseus Pellerano
Theseus Pellerano - 02.05.2023 23:02

You people never been to a Cuban school 😂

Deli - 02.05.2023 15:28

One thing that makes the scene more disturbing is that physically disciplining a child was not common practice for Native Americans. It was seen as a very extreme and horrific thing to do. Imagine being taken away from a place where it's everyone's goal to care for each other to strengthen the tribe, to a place where the goal is to kill the person inside of you.. to "save" you.

𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒚𝒏 - 02.05.2023 10:26

Can you dont talk bc I wanna hear the movie sound

Joe Mel
Joe Mel - 29.04.2023 02:09

Back then, the European and American society was set up royally, religiously and politically as rich and poor, power over the poor, with no educated and enlightened middle class to object and have powers to make the required changes. Today, some of the rich and government are trying to mislead the ever eroding middle classes, and to brainwash the middle classes to favor the powers of the super rich ($multi mil. / $bmulti bil). What kind or type of society are the actual super rich really planning now and in the coming decades, with AI, the Military is getting meaner by the years. Hmm.

Joe Mel
Joe Mel - 29.04.2023 01:54

When you see men and women with black robes, run. However, today we have the sciences (scientific methods), philosophical psychology and psychiatry to help guide our societies. Along with the declaration of Human Rights, and many laws have been updated, or deleted all together. But it took 1000s of years of ignorance, hate, discrimination, wars... for us poor apes to evolve into a wiser species.

Native Trike boy
Native Trike boy - 24.04.2023 17:01

My mother survived some of her cuzns were killed and burried next to the school ‘ the people that did this will pay !!!!

SGX Wanted
SGX Wanted - 23.04.2023 23:17

What is this movie called?

Suzett Izaguirre
Suzett Izaguirre - 23.04.2023 02:59

Alguien podría decirme donde lo encuentro completo ¿? Por favor

Debopriyo J Burman Roy
Debopriyo J Burman Roy - 22.04.2023 22:39

Two of the world's known religion is very peaceful..
