ОтветитьI really, really wanted to be there for this show specifically, but things didn't work out the way I planned. Thank you for uploading this.
ОтветитьOh yeah! So much fun being there!
Ответитьseriously, they would not stop playing, so they just shut them off! how metal is that!
ОтветитьThis is totally epic! Devin's no slouch on drums, but God, I miss Ted! I know he's looking down on this live show and smiling! RIP Ted Kirkpatrick! Miss you, buddy!
George (ChosenNightwolf)
Thank you!!!!!!
ОтветитьWho is the other guy on Guitar! He is an awesome guitar player
ОтветитьLuke Easter, one of the greats. His vocals are amazing.
ОтветитьIt's so good hearing Guy do those classic early songs again!
ОтветитьThank you, I live in Japan, there is no way I could have been there! You're awesome!
ОтветитьAwesome, thanks a lot for the recording! I am a bit sad that Aaron Guerra wasn't a part of this project, though.
ОтветитьHow amazing and epic this was!!! Thanks for recording!
ОтветитьAnd they are coming back next year!!! SO STOKED!!!!!!
ОтветитьAbsolutely Flawless!! \m/ Thank you 4 sharing!
ОтветитьThis is just great! Thank you for uploading!
ОтветитьLUKE EASTER! I LOVE Vanishing Lessons! My fave album!!!!!
Ответитьthey need to take this out on the road so amazing
ОтветитьWhen we opened up for them at Texas Rockfest in 93 we did the very beginning of this song but stopped short...
ОтветитьThank you for recording this for those of us who couldn’t make it👏🤘
ОтветитьTourniquet é a banda mais subestimada do thrash metal
Ответитьthx 4 sharing dude
ОтветитьMake this great show a live album STB LIVE ON
ОтветитьMan I was so glad I got to be there to witness it.
ОтветитьFirst Pantera comes back - and sounds good, then The Mars Volta comes back and sounds better than ever and now I can see Tourniquet with Guy Ritter and Gary Lenaire?! What's happening, am I dead and in heaven or is this just a dream?
ОтветитьGreat band I have there CD God bless this band
ОтветитьEspectacular!!!!!! Ojala se hubieran jubtado todos cuando estaba Ted!¡!
ОтветитьTHANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for recording and posting this MOMENTOUS occasion! I've been enjoying ALL of the sets you were able to records from Immortal Fest II!
ОтветитьQue bueno verlos reunidos despues de tanto tiempo!! Saludos desde Argentina!!
ОтветитьThis is awesome. I was also so happy beyond belief to hear that Gary came back to the faith.
ОтветитьCool yeah!!!!
ОтветитьI want more tourniquet!!!!
ОтветитьThe band has very good musical arrangements, it is not just another metal band. People, we have to give this band a boost, share so that they go on tour and spread this excellent music with a biblical message!!!
ОтветитьLove ya Pastor Bob, you’ve not changed a bit😇
ОтветитьEspetacular,isso é magnífico!!
ОтветитьQue venha ao Brasil
ОтветитьOk so I just started watching this from the great as they sound, I gotta know if GUY RITTER does his falsetto voice at all(aka singing high)? So far in Test for leprosy he's not doing it....:(
ОтветитьEspectacular. Es un sueño hecho realidad ver esto. El gran Guy Ritter!!!
ОтветитьWhat show!!That comes more STB , for yrs!
ОтветитьThis is my favorite thing since the collected works came out, i hope its more than this, im glad luke easter is a part of it as well, it makes it complete
ОтветитьHearing somnambulism is great