Stalker Anomaly's economy is brutal but genius

Stalker Anomaly's economy is brutal but genius


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M Amory
M Amory - 09.10.2023 04:36

This is way to much micro managing for me. If it was that you can use the file as much as you want for an example it would have been great to me. The fact every single item is expensive and obe time use or you have to repair is a deal breaker. Not to mention the need of different types of meds and having to est, sleep and drink. You are spending more time on these annoying mechanics than actually playing the game. I understand that many people love these mechanics but i would love to have a lite version of anomaly for players who don't like useless grinding and simply want to explore, fight and complete quests.

Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash - 19.09.2023 20:53

There are a ton of ways to make money and to buy anything you want

xamnoir - 13.09.2023 15:17

l love Stalker games, and spent, l guess 100+ (or even more) hours in Anomaly. I use Expedition modpack, l like it, since it keeps the menu and icons vanilla, but updates the graphics and NPC skins. And got another 35 additional QoL mods installed.
But my own economy setup is ... more on the maso side haha.
My setup is...
- traders don't sell guns or armor (only 4 weapon attachment at time), barely sell food
- Hardcore AI aim and dynamic faction turned on
- Trader buy price (you selling to them) is at 0.5x
- Trader sell price (them selling to you) is at 2x
- Item repair / upgrade is 2x
- Mission money gain is 0.5x
- Weapons can be only sold with 75% durability or better

Problem is, that coz of Expedition or some mod l got, AI can drop 100% weapons which sell (normally) for 10-20k, so you can make money really fast. With all these limitations, l can only get guns and armor from NPCs, got a nice ammo maker mod too, which uses ingame icons, so won't crash the game, though... l did fine tune that too, needed more ammo case / powder to make ammo. Atm l play as Bandit, spent around 1 in-game month, already got an exo (repaired one at day 29), and it did cost a lot.. This though forces you to use the crafting system more. l crafted headlamp/NVG, lots of ammo, repair kits, detectors, so it's fun to play, challanging, but fun! (sorry for the wall of text.....)

Александр Гаврилов
Александр Гаврилов - 12.09.2023 21:37

To fix ammo you need tools which you can't buy or aquire with guarantee chance
and it's still not worth when you can buy ammo.

same with crafting tools like detectors. you need to find 3 types of tools (not all of them at once), recepie and components OR work for fraction, unlock thing you need and buy it

anomaly designed to live in a zone for a long time but it's too much
Some great ideas realized not like alternate but a skippable masochism.

Mitchell Wright
Mitchell Wright - 11.09.2023 18:39

An apt description of all STALKER games; “Murder hobos fighting other murder hobos, some of which are literally fucking insane, others just want shiny rocks to sell to other people, and the military is just kinda watching them from the sidelines, think Baltimore”

Charlie Munson
Charlie Munson - 08.08.2023 01:21

Can make an insanely detailed economy….can’t model an AR15 reload properly.

sCorpiOn - 04.08.2023 22:44

Yeah S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is brutal and as a Veteran Loner I can tell you the economy is painful but extremely rewarding when you get the piece of armor or weapon you've been grinding, Anomaly is one of the lighter ones with economy, for instance GAMMA and Escape From Pripyat have even harder economies but they're balanced out with the stuff you can buy and improving relationship with the factions and or even the traders will lower the prices to an agreeable amount. PS. The first Army Exoskeleton that I got I didn't even buy I fixed it myself and how I got it? Painfully eliminating a platoon of the strongest soldiers and getting it from a corpse.

j7ndominica0 - 24.07.2023 23:24

So how come a mechanic doesn't have the tools to repair anything economically? That is his job. Repair costs more than a new gun.

If I went out to loot a pack full of crafting components, I couldn't carry any weapons to fight with. Everything except motor oil that you can indefinitely top up conditition with has narrow applications and I need to find multiple components to put them to use. I never crafted in Fallout either for this reason.

How come you have to throw out a file or a canister of brunox oil after a few uses? I've never oiled a gun, but my half full canister of spray has lasted for years. Or you have a pack of cigarettes with only one or two smokes ever in it.

At least meds have no or next to no weight. Big tobacco and big pharma at work.

No you can't have fun and steal dead people's loot. If you do that you will spend way more bullets than you get back, unless you have a mod like Loot Rebalance and dial the settings towards easy.

This game is a crazy punisher made by elitist hardcore players.

Ch1ll_blitz - 21.07.2023 10:57

Honestly you are sorta wrong i gotta say dead air has a better and proper economy i mean who the fuck buys a full condition pm makarov for rubles

FragileBitch - 20.07.2023 06:46

I remember starting up Anomaly and thought I could pull the same tricked from Pripyat or Clear sky. Turnout I have to re-learn literally everything from the scratch.

- Weapons (and even armors!!) drop are surprisingly abundance but they are in pretty much sh1t condition and repairing cost are hair raising.
- The starting weapons, even at your own choice are pretty much weak. So I have to use the drop weapons and armors and try not to get hit too much (At the start of the game you are so weak you are literally are soft shell crab walking)
- I thought "Let's explore" and farm those artifact or ammo so I can selling and making a money from the shopkeeper. Its not easy at all: one is that most selling price on your item are low and two is that you will require a real beginner luck to either snatching the artifact from dead bodies or simply walk into one. Wihtout proper expensive gears, You will not be able to come across the artifacts much.
- For awhile I am running around in the raggedy drop armor (Better than the start up armor anyway) and a guns in condition so bad without using the single shot mode, I am doom to die over.
- But afte working on the missions and collect enough Ruble to repair the guns I'm finally overcome those obstacle.

And when you finally got how things work around. YOu can't stop playing this game at all.

SpookyBigotGaming - 14.07.2023 21:42

aight garbage man

Diogo Duarte
Diogo Duarte - 23.06.2023 12:44

Radiation is giving you cancer? Smoke some tabaco and now the smoking is giving you cancer.

zombiewafle - 21.06.2023 17:50

It's almost like Tarkov's economy where the driving factor is how much you can loot at once without dying or wasting resources for it. Except, yknow, it's not full of hackers who one tap your from a mile away that saw you spawn in. Besides Cats, fuck those muties

Soviet Weeb
Soviet Weeb - 19.06.2023 00:56

Solution: artifact hunt for 3 hours and get 500,000 plus rubles

Locomotive Breath
Locomotive Breath - 06.06.2023 00:37

Good thing all of this shit is customizable in Anomaly
Because i hate grindind and convoluted crafting systems

N1ghtStalker - 18.04.2023 17:14

You can't be serious...

Donfeur - 16.04.2023 01:06

ayyyy one of my favorite games, nice man

DAYMAN - 11.04.2023 07:26

The anomaly gamma mod is even crazier, you cant even sell the weapons haha

Lmao. - 09.04.2023 22:04

bloated ass mod, misery sucks too

Wendelin Spegel
Wendelin Spegel - 07.04.2023 11:13

Ye its nice at start. But then the immersion kicks in... I file a a rotating lock and the file has 2 uses then its done?! I am sorry but it's just not "immersive" that everything in anomaly is broken, every tool everything breaks after a few uses, also the guns... In real life you can empty 5000 rounds through an old ak and it doesnt fail alot, in anomaly you do 400 and it starts giving up. Dude unloads 30 bullets flat from his ak > I kill and loot him > gun is so broken can barely do 2 shots. How? Did the gun break while gunfight or from the drop to the ground? This happens everytime until your "rank" improves and they drop slightly less broken guns what makes even less sense bcs its not about their gear its about your level what they drop.

I highly recommend using anomaly mods to make anomaly more immersive, like YOU would imagine stalker to be and not how to make the most hardcore looter shooter possible. I play it for the immersion not for the grind tbh.

Albrecht - 05.04.2023 12:11

Somewhat disagree. I appreciate that you made this video but at some point buying stuff becomes more viable than crafting. I was looking for a long time for parts for a AR 15 but at some point, it became cheaper to buy it than to craft. Gamma forces you to craft. I personally like it more but that's a Very subjective mechanic

Monolit Woods
Monolit Woods - 03.04.2023 02:06

I'm kinda not a fan of anomalies insistence on crafting and junk collecting, then agian most of anomaly is still stuck in MISERYS shape, all the drugs do so little, suits have minimal protection, artifacts are kinda useless etc. I'm glad addons like Old world exist to keep it just like vanilla.

tgc - 27.03.2023 01:57

What I’ve learned is that economy should support gameplay

BredPitt Brasileiro
BredPitt Brasileiro - 25.03.2023 20:13


Gabriel Mariano
Gabriel Mariano - 24.03.2023 09:27

Another layer on how cool the economy is is how different factoons have merchants for different items (e.g., some areas do not have doctors or some factions solely sell warsaw pact guns and ammunition). Knowing where to sell and buy different items can save you heaps of cash, especially if you become reputable with those factions.

Ashton Kilburn
Ashton Kilburn - 23.03.2023 03:35

Stalker anomaly: the game where you get alcohol poisoning to negate radiation poisoning.

OriginalPunkCLN - 20.03.2023 19:38

Anomaly is great, I enjoyed my time with it. But when I started GAMMA, it's a whole new ball game. Anomaly's early game is tough, but with enough time, you can buy guns and all the things quite easily. That's why I think the balance in GAMMA is pure genius. No guns, no armor, no progression items from shops - the player needs to go out there and scavenge for scraps. It's actually super satisfying to finally build yourself a functional AK. It never trivializes the looting and workbench mechanic, making you care about the economy from start to finish.

PriMs WaRlorD
PriMs WaRlorD - 20.03.2023 15:14

I don’t think they know how a file works

Junglizm - 20.03.2023 08:20

RIP Volodymyr Yezhov. We’re still out here running it up all these years later.

Daro Gonzalez
Daro Gonzalez - 20.03.2023 01:44

Inside the community, anomaly is hated for this but is exactly how life inside the zone is supposed to be. Vanilla games are great, but apart from enemies who one-shot you, the zone isn't harsh at all.

Varlia Syl
Varlia Syl - 18.03.2023 07:10

FOR MONOLITH! (why are my 9x19 rounds so pricey TwT)

SergeantRogers - 17.03.2023 22:04

Glad to see you pick up on the stalker games, they are my favorite.

Murder Cubes
Murder Cubes - 17.03.2023 03:46

I have never had money problems in this game not even in survivalist, usually you are always gonna be able to afford the basics, however getting better equipment is the struggle. I won't say it's crushing, it is a grind but a good one

ItzJoyless - 16.03.2023 20:18

I've been playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R Anomaly while waiting for S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 to release. I have to say I have been having a blast playing it.

Sisyphus Of Ephyra
Sisyphus Of Ephyra - 16.03.2023 20:00

Wait are we using cigarettes to fight cancer in this game?

Zelarket - 16.03.2023 13:21

Honestly mostly all i did in the game is just doing quests, sell mutant parts and artifact hunting and i managed to get 560K before i even disable the brain scorcher 😅 (hell, i literally raided radar with duty nosorog)

also tips for beginners :
1. If you found a weapon with the same calibre as yours unload the weapon you will get the loaded ammo, it's not a lot but it certainly saves u some rubles
2. Do quests, a quest can give u between 5K all the way to 20K it's really profitable
3. Maximize selling profit, if u want to sell an artifact/high tier mutant parts go to prof Sakharov/Hermann they gives u up it 3x more money for artifact,
Sell shittier mutant parts to butcher at hangar, garbage he gived u about 10-50% more money than other traders

freakyskull516 - 16.03.2023 12:43

wait... you can fix the junk bullets!?

Lost Empire Entertainment
Lost Empire Entertainment - 16.03.2023 00:37

jokes on you, i ended my last stalker playthrough with over 1m roubles 😎😎😎😎
but yeah jokes aside the start is rough, at some point if you dont try to rush through the storyline youll go over the point where you no longer have to worry about money, i'd say after you have found a great rifle and a side weapon, usually a shotgun or sniper and a great suit and you have them all fully fixed then at that point you an just worry about getting the money to upgrade them, once thats done theres literally nothing to spend money on, i reached 1m, maxed all my gear which placed me down to around 200k then after about 6 more hrs of playthrough i reached over 1m again. money is very easy to find if youre smart with it

Eelyy - 15.03.2023 22:58

thank you for calling it a mod lol its so annoying seeing people act like anomaly is the 4th game in the series or something

kot - 15.03.2023 21:40

If you don't play the hardest difficulty you can grind lots of money pretty quick circling aroung swamps and bar

DWLRazgriz - 15.03.2023 16:45

STALKER GAMMA is even better about the economy, IMO, because it wont even let you purchases weapons from traders at all. Theres always this point in STALKER games, particularly late game, where you just have so much income, usually from selling artifacts and guns, you can buy all the best gear, but GAMMA doesn't let you. You have to find it, then you have to repair it. And you can't sell guns, either, so that takes a big chunk out of your income that you'd normally have. Of course, that means that disassembling all those spare guns becomes the best use for them, and you can then use all those parts to repair the guns you DO want to use, and you CAN sell the spare parts you don't want. The same goes for armor, as well, which makes getting a new set of armor a big, watershed moment where everything changes for you. And its a process, because you have to spend a while working your way up to getting a new repair kit you need, or finding one specific armor component you need, all the while that cool armor you found is stashed away, just waiting for you to get the one thing you need.

medicann coping
medicann coping - 15.03.2023 11:41

its standalone, not mod

ArmoredStone - 15.03.2023 04:32

I made several spreadsheets figuring out optimal ammo/meds/food/water/rad removal. Man 7.62x25mm is crap but CHEAP. PPSH start is a great start if you use single shot for most combat. 71 rounds per reload, just tap bandit heads all day long

WHCW11 - 14.03.2023 23:56

Reading the title:
"not another overly analytical video essay"
Noticing it's from Garbaj:
"oh. His videos are brutal but genius"

Sippin - 14.03.2023 05:41

i’m doing my first play through of Anomaly with a hand full of mods and i’ve never played a stalker game. but man i gotta tell ya.. jumping in blind has been so fun and frustrating at the same time. i’m already in love with this game and i’ve barley even touched the surface yet despite dumping around 10 hours of gameplay in. i can’t believe i’ve never played this mod and the best part is that it’s COMPLETELY FREE and holds up better than some modern AAA titles. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Franco Buzzetti
Franco Buzzetti - 14.03.2023 02:57

when i played this i messed with the config and i had millions by the time i understood the game, so i just bought everything i definitely need to do a second playthrough with harder settings

Danmaku - 14.03.2023 01:31

Try gamma

Berten - 14.03.2023 00:44

I'd love an "openworld sandbox" Stalkerlike but for the Metro series. Maybe with persistent factions having control of places like the reich and red line fighting eachother and the stations actually switching control or even be able to take control of a station yourself and become the leader of your own little faction. So many possibilities for that series imo.

TeamChemicalDestruct - 13.03.2023 22:36

This seems very simmilar to Escape from Tarkov, i will have to try this. A singleplayer ETF Game would be great

Philip Fahy
Philip Fahy - 13.03.2023 21:20

Alright, gotta say the cigarette thing bugs me, because if anything they should irradiate you more. Smoking cigs puts alpha emitters in your lungs that are absorbed by the tobacco plants.
