Titus Reacts to Linus Tech Tips Linux Daily Drive Challenge

Titus Reacts to Linus Tech Tips Linux Daily Drive Challenge

Chris Titus Tech

2 года назад

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D - 19.09.2023 22:15

From the makers of Mario X Wario : Linus x Titus

Robin Daniel
Robin Daniel - 11.09.2023 23:57

There's no perfect OS, windows or linux, everyone has problems

Logan Kaval
Logan Kaval - 10.09.2023 03:19

I use MX Linux. It is almost impossible to break.

C0dePr0xy - 28.08.2023 05:25

When i use pop shop It freezes sometimes.

Bowiehunter - 22.08.2023 23:25

Thank you for not being a stereotypical elitist saying a whole bunch of nonsense and accusing them of just bashing on Linux (cough DistroTube cough). I liked hearing your input

TX2015 - 18.08.2023 21:38

I still find interesting the "Do not use a GoXLR. It will absolutely not work outside of Windows. Buy stuff for Linux instead".

Like, I get it? You buy stuff for the OS you're using, I understand that. But also, what if you already have it and have no other option? Or if you're going to get that because no other option is as good or comfortable to use? Maybe there can be a middle ground, just saying.

scott metcalfe
scott metcalfe - 12.08.2023 21:13

i know this video is old but im trying linux myself gaming through bottles gotta say its not too shabby some stubborn programs that are iffy but most of my games i play are working ( i used bottles because it was far simpler than lutris) just could not get a hang of lutris nothing worked in it for me....if you have any resources to make my experience any better would be welcome i opted for pop_os looked most newcommer friendly

I lost the keys
I lost the keys - 31.07.2023 11:09

Hey lol why in Linux Mint I went to my website (I’m a web designer) and I have a parallax effect animation but on Linux Mint felt like I was going so fast missing the animations beauty. Why!!! I literally looked and tried to find the scroll speed or anything that would fix this. All to find it’s only the website YT or anything else no issue

TheSeranath - 30.07.2023 15:49

Except it's only faster if you already know the name of the package you want to install so...

Embrace The Penguin
Embrace The Penguin - 28.07.2023 13:14

APT: my guy you boutta nuke all these essential packages, make sure you absolutely know what you're doing.
Linus: I dunno what those packages are so I guess they're not important. Do as I say.
Linus after nuking the DE: I think I didn't do anything unreasonable they just didn't make it clear enough.

Feel Alive Musix
Feel Alive Musix - 19.07.2023 23:13

Imagined being named Linus and still using Losedows

asdfasdf9477 - 14.07.2023 06:41

If it says “don’t do this unless you know exactly what you’re doing”, and you aren’t sure what you’re doing, don’t do it. That’s a lesson you only have to learn once. Ok three times tops.

Xavi3RElvis - 14.07.2023 02:00

So to sum up, don't pick the wrong distro, throw away your gpu, click the hidden setting to operate as it should, throw away your sound and thunderbolt equipment, don't use any ui store to install things. All legit points...

Mike Perreman
Mike Perreman - 13.07.2023 20:30

Linus really just took his desktop our back and blasted it through the head trying to install steam

NortherlyUser85 - 11.07.2023 19:28

If I were to daily drive mint, how far would it take me before I needed a different os? Can it do a lot of advanced stuff even though it's beginner friendly?

Mark Luffman
Mark Luffman - 09.07.2023 20:42

Nice presentation! Thank you for your efforts.

Motivation Exceeds Me
Motivation Exceeds Me - 30.06.2023 15:07

Linux is meant to be able to do anything you want it to, but users constantly complain that nothing is supported. Then make it supported. That's the whole point, right?

RGB OK - 28.06.2023 23:55

I recently hard swapped to Linux mint just recently and I had absolutely no issues doing that. No bugs, nothing. It was super stable and it works great

TG Stars
TG Stars - 28.06.2023 12:44

Try tuxedo OS... It's great.

Electronik-FArts - 28.06.2023 05:52

man i do think linux does have to address some of these issues.

Ilia bakhshi
Ilia bakhshi - 28.06.2023 05:45

dude it would be great to see you break down the different parts to linux and get us started on the fundamentals.personally i am learning new and i have been willing to research but i dont want to have to hunt for help. i would rather search haha. although sometimes you have to hunt.

MasterOogway - 26.06.2023 01:09

Thanks a ton, your commentary is teaching me a lot. I'm taking the dive to ditch windows now and am learning as much as I can

TheTastefulThickness - 19.06.2023 11:44

Its not "so much faster in the terminal". The GUI DOESNT WORK. Thats why the command line is a better experience. Because your operating system is broken. It doesn't work. Good day sir.

Jeremy Kothe
Jeremy Kothe - 19.06.2023 09:08

If you're working with AI/ML, an AMD card is not an option. NVidia is required. And yeah... "that hardware isn't going to work, toss it and buy another more expensive one that will" is kinda why Windows is still king.

Jaq Hass
Jaq Hass - 16.06.2023 06:10

When i try linux there is always a dealbreaking problem. I’m currently on nobara and it can’t even access the internet. Only mint would work fine so far but even it had issues with game compatability.

iyoe - 14.06.2023 17:33

I had pop OS do that the one time I installed a package without reading the warning, after which I couldn't decrypt my machine, feel like I probably ran a rm -rf / and got trolled as I was a complete noob 😅

Though if anyone has a bios locked machine they can't be bothered to flash a random firmware for that model off internet in order to fix or get the password reading the flash and sucks at using grub2 then rm -rf is useful when your SSD is soldered to the board. Obviously need to back up the data first, in my case it was worth the risk as I have the tools to read the bios flash I'm just lazy.

Though that method will only work if your machine has usb booting enabled and there isn't anything else to boot other then the eMMc storage. If you have removable drive you won't have this problem

Honestly grub is the better method if you have the skills, I wasn't able to make the guides I found online work for my machine but your mileage may vary.

Though likelihood anyone with a forgotten master password that can't be reset without flashing happens to have USB enabled as well as a running OS they can nuke is extremely low, from Windows it's alot easier as you can boot into recovery mode then select advanced options and install over it which is simple enough.

Also worth keeping in mind in my case the system was stuck in secureboot with no way to add new keys without extracting my bios from my machine and grabbing my password so was quite limited to what I could install that was stable on my machine. Took me 20 installs to find something that was stable or would boot, wayland and the open driver's did that job for my machine. It couldn't run xorg for its life and because I needed to use existing keys for secureboot only big distros would work though keys are from 2017 so 🤷😅

Know there is another way to do so from within the OS but I don't know how force that other then the grub method I failed to set up.

Did see am old guide on how to install OpenBSD on Linode over the OS so if that still works that probably an alternative method

Boethius - 14.06.2023 02:51

I've been daily driving Linux for a few years and when I first started I made all the same mistakes Linus made

Marc Lambrechts
Marc Lambrechts - 11.06.2023 21:20

Proton all the way!!!

Andrew Johnston
Andrew Johnston - 09.06.2023 07:06

Just abandoned Linux as my daily driver after trying for a month to make it work. The nail in the coffin was fractional scaling on my portable USB monitor. Also, Thunderbird is hot garbage. Doing my data science and scripting in WSL2.

RIBOI MAN - 08.06.2023 10:35

As a 16 year old, I daily drive Linux, and it’s great! I’m using an out of the box distro right now (Nobara with the KDE desktop, which is based on Fedora), but plan to move on to Arch when I have more time.

Declan Cottle
Declan Cottle - 06.06.2023 02:08

Thank you for talking about the nvidia-xconfig command. I was using wayland and dealing with a blank login screen because X11 wasn't letting me turn the refresh rate up on my monitor. After running that everything works fine on X11

ѕυвƒιѕѕιση - 05.06.2023 07:16

I love this channel. I really like how you explain how to solve these issues as LTT went through them. I wish I had a good Linux teacher in college as they had no idea how to fix these bugs. 😅

trigger337 - 30.05.2023 21:47

"If you have an Nvidia GPU, go with Pop!_OS, it works out of the box"
No it doesn't. Not on legacy graphics cards.

Ric - 28.05.2023 07:13

I was running an old pc with linux and i opened it today and noticed the Cmos battery socket is broken and the battery is just laying in the case somehow it runs just fine without it i didn't even know that was possible

RayBomb - 21.05.2023 09:14

Oh, just shows how much of a computer geek you need to be, to be able to use this smoothly; At least, you need to be more knowledgeable than Linus…..

silicon hawk
silicon hawk - 20.05.2023 18:57

i think i have nuked my ubuntu desktop environment before and god damn i didn't even realise that i did it, idk what but i installed something then for whatever it got blacked out. forced rebooted it and boom no desktop environment, had to go to CLI and still no idea what i did. reinstalled the entire setup

its today i realised that i probably nuked gnome after installation something

down side123
down side123 - 10.05.2023 02:51

That's absolutely right.
The linux community treats you like shit.

regal953 - 29.04.2023 20:17

What would you say PClinux OS is based on? I think it is unique.

Hiking Feral
Hiking Feral - 23.04.2023 02:50

People recommend Mint and Kubuntu all the time and in my experience, they are so buggy and unstable. If a friend asked me what distro to install, I'd tell them Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and not to upgrade the OS until the next LTS version. It's great for Gaming and work and it will work 247 no issues.

Girish Pal
Girish Pal - 17.04.2023 11:23

Make nanite like tool for Linux fedora

Rusty Hodges
Rusty Hodges - 16.04.2023 09:25

I am a linus fan this video popped up in my feed for a few days finally decided to watch it. I am currently considering switching to linux im trying out mint it is my second distro my first was a "gaming fedora" that couldn't run oracle vm. i want to cut windows out. but I play black desert A LOT so atm that is a deal breaker im searching for a work around with virtual machines so we will see. but this video is a great tool as i am learning and your reactions to linus and luke help me a lot. the information/ off hand comments are defiantly valuable to a new linux user.

comp wizard
comp wizard - 16.04.2023 04:20

Being older now i have tried c c++ and xml but i am just lost.

comp wizard
comp wizard - 16.04.2023 04:19

I KNOW THE SHEER ATTEMPT I HAVE TRIED YEARS AGO . I gave up as well. Linux is a scary opsys i learned way back to program in pascal , basic , lisp,madula,Erlan,cobal,and if you remem tha awesome assembly language. LOL that was the days.

Flarebear - 15.04.2023 14:48

It's crazy that I really only got to using linux as a daily driver after getting into programming. Linux is way better for most development but imo that's about it unless you care about privacy and telemetry
