The Complete Evolution of Ultimate Weapons

The Complete Evolution of Ultimate Weapons

Final Fantasy Union

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Final Fantasy Union
Final Fantasy Union - 17.12.2019 00:12

We hope you enjoy this recent exploration into how concepts have evolved throughout the Final Fantasy franchise! It was a pretty interesting one to dive into and it makes us very excited about what other themes, tropes and topics we can explore in the future! ~Darryl/Lauren

Adrian Woloszyn
Adrian Woloszyn - 16.07.2023 14:50

What i love is lionheart from VIII Back when internet wasnt so advanced, and you had to find marerials on your own

Gunplaultimatebackup - 15.07.2023 17:15

Hahaha Excalibur 2. I remember playing through FF9 5-6 times before finally using my Gameshark to get it

Michael SpaceZombie
Michael SpaceZombie - 13.07.2023 03:35

I always considered the Blood Sword to be the ultimate weapon of FFII. yeah it's stats are bad and against normal monsters it sucks, but against boss fights it's broken as hell. Firion even uses it in his EX mode in the Dissidia games

Shaddeux - 12.07.2023 20:32

FF3 was an interesting entry for a variety of reasons, but I loved the DS remake’s approach of hiding some ultimate weapons behind bosses in Eureka.

Even more interestingly, the ultimate Dragoon weapon, Gungnir, has to be stolen from an optional boss in an optional underwater dungeon only accessible late in the game. And you have to have a thief with a high enough job level (75 iirc) to actually steal it from that boss

Adam Link
Adam Link - 16.06.2023 08:53

Fun Fact: In the Kingdom Hearts, Ultima Blade is the strongest weapon in the game and is a reference to ultimate weapons in Final Fantasy games.

abelardo diaz
abelardo diaz - 26.05.2023 08:53

I played FF XI for over 10 years. Took me 5years to get my first fully upgraded relic weapon for Samurai and 2 more years to get my second relic for ranger. It was very time consuming. I love this video. Can’t wait to see more like this.

[Ocky]オッキー - 22.05.2023 18:54

What about the Blood Sword in FF2?

Digital Zeryphim
Digital Zeryphim - 25.03.2023 00:14

I imagine making these lists gets challenging with Final Fantasy 15 as we know so much of the game just went unfinished it's hard to measure it to past games.
LIke in the bosses video Ardyn had a second form that was completely cut.
Here Ultimate Weapons are probably different in aquisition due to so much of the intended world not being developed and whole dungeons cut like Tenebrae.

Zanido - 11.02.2023 00:01

ff11 and ff14 shouldn't be in these lists. They're a completely different genre. There's no such thing as an "ultimate weapon" in an mmo where ilvl cap raises every 6 months.

Whild Hair83
Whild Hair83 - 09.02.2023 15:20

Lulus Onion Knight is my favorite because I never thought I could dodge lightning 200 times to get it and I may never do it again...

Surno - 24.12.2022 23:04

Ya ff15 is kinda weird. You have to upgrade the engine blade several times to unlock its true potential and turn it into the Ultima saber. This is weird because it isn’t even the strongest weapon in the game

Sexy Toaster
Sexy Toaster - 12.12.2022 05:17

Final Fantasy Tactics got no love :(

David White
David White - 11.12.2022 02:34

You Euro trash fuck, it's not Masamunae, it's Masamune.

Dominican Frankster
Dominican Frankster - 23.09.2022 22:12

I like it when developers don't insult the player. If I spend 200+ hours getting the "most powerful weapons" it means I'm not interested in natural progression or whatever. I've already mastered the game, it means I want earth shattering OP levels of power that break the game. Give me my dopamine gdmit.

death taco
death taco - 18.09.2022 04:03

I thought the brave blade did more damage that Ragnarok in ff5

Sunil Choudhuri
Sunil Choudhuri - 14.09.2022 04:06

The wyrmhero blade is definitely the strongest weapon in the original release of FFXII. The combo rate was rediculous.

Alelric1 - 11.08.2022 11:07

Kingdom Hearts has the Ultima Weapon to.

Why no mention. Its a spinoff / crossover of Final Fantasy and disny maid bay square enix to

In-Ear Studio
In-Ear Studio - 05.07.2022 21:09

is the ultima weapon on ff IX a double sword ?

Dat DekuBoi
Dat DekuBoi - 20.06.2022 01:00

Says that FF12 has everyone able to equip every weapon

Proceeds to use an image from the Zodiac Age, which uses a job system, limiting weapon usage

Conundrum - 26.05.2022 18:51

No Final Fantasy Tactics? It has by far the weirdest ultimate weapon in the series, where you have to take a specific character into an optional hidden battle and then use that character to climb onto a normally inaccessible area to get it with a specific ability equipped (Move-Find Item), and it has a name identical to a relatively normal weapon so an unobservant player might not even realize how powerful it was. Furthermore it was a rare drop so you might not even get it.

Pyr8 - 23.04.2022 01:42

Your expertise on FF is truly extensive and exceptional! I know myself and my kitty cat, which I named Aerith, throughly enjoy watching your vids! One request, however, could you spell out Sephiroth instead of saying his name in future episodes? Both me AND Aerith go absolutely bonkers when we HEAR his name! d>_0b

Link M
Link M - 12.04.2022 06:07

Ultima weapon from ff7

Rodrigo Bueno
Rodrigo Bueno - 01.04.2022 22:37

I though the ultimate weapon of II was the blood sword

Marishi Ten
Marishi Ten - 09.02.2022 04:51

Weapon skills aren't Limit Breaks my dude. You'd know that if you played FFXI.

Mach Dude
Mach Dude - 08.02.2022 05:25

I do love the fact that sequence breaking and prioritizing exploration can really juice your performance in FFXII while still letting you use those toys against the numerous challenge bosses. Many of the "non-hack" gear could be found throughout the game and they remain relevant throughout. The "busted as shit" gear is useful for trial mode which gives them some use as well.

Coat Guy
Coat Guy - 20.01.2022 16:31

While I really like the existence of ultimate weapons as a token of mastering the game, I can't stop but feeling like they are redundant. Don't get me wrong, almost every ultimate weapon has great stats and a design that put's every other weapon in the game to shame, but by the time you get these weapons, let's be real, what is there still to do with them?

Most of these weapons require you to beat the secret boss / super boss of the game. So by that time you have probably killed every other optional boss, completed every quest and grinded your character/s to max level with the best abilities. You literally did everything in the game to prepare for said secret boss / super boss because otherwise you wouldn't stand a chance, so by that time you are basically guaranteed to easily take care of the final boss of the game. So what use is there for this ultimate weapon?

Unless there's a proper NG+ with enemies being upscaled in level / health and damage, these weapons are realistically useless...again I don't hate on these weapons, they are awesome little extras from the devs to give you a reward for your troubles and acknowledge your mastery of the game, but their existence is fundamentally flawed in my opinion.

Sonnen Rot
Sonnen Rot - 14.01.2022 19:26

good video, you was missing the kingdom hearts ultimate weapons :)

Er ik
Er ik - 31.12.2021 01:31

I subbed

Esp Ni
Esp Ni - 29.12.2021 19:00

Can you get sephiroths sword in ff7 as cloud and use it?

Mopey bloke
Mopey bloke - 14.12.2021 23:08

It's really weird that you would say the effectiveness of ultimate weapons in VII is essentially the same as IX. The Ultima Weapon deals quadruple damage of a normal 100 attack sword. It's an over 4 times increase in damage from the next best weapon, and has a perfect slot collection and massive bonus to magic and spirit. The ultimate weapons in VII I think shouldn't even be in the game for how cheap they are. And to you that's the same as IX where they're a much more natural progression to a character's damage output?

Nick Wierenga
Nick Wierenga - 08.11.2021 05:26

Don't forget Locke can doul weild the Ultima weapon and the lightbringer making him a demonic force to reckoned with

Super Retard
Super Retard - 29.10.2021 07:57

“None of these boosts made players all powerful”

Definitely shouldn’t have showed Binding of Isaac footage as you said that…

AscendantStoic - 12.10.2021 21:03

The real ultimate weapon ... the friends we met on the way.

Andrzej Maz
Andrzej Maz - 06.10.2021 00:51

how abour a video on the various job systems throughout final fantasy history?

Eduardo Torelly
Eduardo Torelly - 18.09.2021 10:22

would be interesting to have the kingdom hearts ultima weapons mentioned at least. There is one in almost every game in the series, there are different ways to get the trought the series and they can really be the best weapos overall or have other weapons that suprasstheir power one way or another.

BlackSunshine - 17.09.2021 12:04

Über Veapon

Bi-otch Productions
Bi-otch Productions - 12.09.2021 03:19

Comment #-600. I had to point that out... Anyways, my Ultimate Weapon of choice would always be Cloud's from Final Fantasy 7. However, I can't remember if Aerith could get her Ultimate Weapon before she died or not...

Michael L. Corfey
Michael L. Corfey - 24.08.2021 18:35

Where’s final fantasy tactics?

Victor Kuhn
Victor Kuhn - 18.08.2021 07:08

Forgot FFXII ultimate weapon Seitengrat. Might not be meant to be in game but it is.

Vayne Solidor
Vayne Solidor - 17.08.2021 18:47

Farming the Wyrmhero Blade (FF12 : Yiazmat, Omega, fishimg sidequest) was so much fun.

Araknan Ninja
Araknan Ninja - 26.07.2021 02:48

Why no one remembers FF7: Dirge of Cerberus, Vincent shooter Game? Was awesome

Honoukai - 22.07.2021 04:21

You forgot to mention that in FF6, we had to choose between the ultimate sword and the ultimate spell. ULTIMA spell could only be acquired from the Ragnarok magicite, which had to be sacrificed to obtain Ragnarok sword.
All player in their right mind would choose to keep the magicite intact so that all characters could learn ULTIMA spell.

Joshua Fajardo
Joshua Fajardo - 19.07.2021 00:08

Don’t forget that chrono trigger had Glenn wield the masamune

Smanuelle - 18.07.2021 22:57

Why did you skip the invisible weapons of FF12?

Mike H
Mike H - 08.07.2021 21:28

It's pronounced "ultima weapon." Not ultimate. You know, as in Ultima, the strongest magic? Ultima weapon insinuates strongest weapon.

Turntapeover - 01.07.2021 04:41

Let's be honest here. In old Final Fantasy with the damage cap, ANY weapon that dealt 9999 dmg was an ultimate wpn. Which is pretty much most of semi endgame wpns if your stats are somewhat decent. Ultima wpns were basically just esthetic because as powerful as they were, as soon as you hit damage cap, any weapon was on par with them. So in that regard, I think actual Ultima wpns started in 10 as they were increasing the damage cap...but then again you could craft wpns with break damage limit that were actually much easier to get and would hit the 99 999 damage Ultima(tely), ultima wpns are a huge waste of time and nothing more than bragging rights lol

Turntapeover - 01.07.2021 04:30

FYI the Lightbringer in the original version of FF6 was called Illumina.

NinjaSox7 - 30.06.2021 22:48

"So you're telling me that to get my ultimate weapon we have to beat THE ultimate weapon: ultimate weapon?"
