Vue 3 Composition API Tutorial #3 - Methods, Computed & Watch

Vue 3 Composition API Tutorial #3 - Methods, Computed & Watch

Make Apps with Danny

2 года назад

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@vornamenachname906 - 06.10.2023 22:04

Composition API is all i ever dreamed.

@JonathanLopezSanchez-rg1dm - 20.01.2023 10:39

hi, nice video.

one question, so what is the main difference between computed and watch, it looks like the same heheh.


@lucaswehmuth - 08.01.2023 08:13

Is there any way to rewrite lines 36-40 so that the arrow notation syntax is not used?

@davidemmanuel5057 - 29.07.2022 18:40

thanks for the video, quick question why using const = () instead of use function? Has to do with the script setup declaration?

@arslonbekroziboyev5683 - 19.04.2022 13:02

thanks Danny!!!

@murat6018 - 25.03.2022 12:45

These tutorials are great Danny. I work as a VueJS developer but my background is in React. So far, I really, really don't like Vue. It feels really counter intuitive for me, I'd choose React over Vue at any given time. Anyways, due to the fact that I don't like it, it is very difficult to focus and do a good research on how to do certain things. You help me in overcoming that a lot. Thanks!

@riyad-appscode - 23.03.2022 13:02

Awesome as always thanks

@truthteachers - 23.03.2022 12:33

Hi Danny, with watch i am getting this warning:

"[Vue warn]: `watch(fn, options?)` signature has been moved to a separate API. Use `watchEffect(fn, options?)` instead. `watch` now only supports `watch(source, cb, options?) signature. " What is this?

@ethanroman6883 - 12.03.2022 23:04

What is the release date of the new course ? Thank you

@wiktoriusz007 - 11.03.2022 17:37

Hi Dan thx for great vid. Earlier today I was contemplating replacing vuex with pinia in a fresh composition API + typescript quasar project.

Do you think it's a worthwhile and safe integration or some features will break in either quasar or pinia? Or maybe some external useful packages will have conflicts with either of them?

@tanzimibthesam5861 - 11.03.2022 15:17

Awesome nice btw wanted to.know did you rewrite your fudget app to Quasar?
