Psychiatrist Reacts to ADHD TikToks

Psychiatrist Reacts to ADHD TikToks


2 года назад

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Maj Mak
Maj Mak - 04.10.2023 22:39

I was recently diagnosed with ADHD after being treated for anxiety/depression for a few years. The only way I could be productive was through anxiety and it got really bad when I got to college and the anxiety got to the point that I was having panic attacks. The problem is, once I was on medication for anxiety, my productivity strategy for the last 20 or so years went out the window too. The medication was helping a little but I felt like there was something else or something more going on. I asked my therapist for a referral to a psychiatrist, thinking I'd find out if a different medication might work better. On the first visit, I listed some of my symptoms, she asked a few questions, about 15 minutes later she asked if I'd ever considered if I had ADHD.
If I hadn't gone on medication for anxiety, I might never have found out I had ADHD

Dr B
Dr B - 01.10.2023 01:00

The first kid is just cringe-polar! 😂😂😂

Walker Hensley
Walker Hensley - 30.09.2023 00:33

The thing with adhd for me is i always remember the deadline of a project, but i often wont even begin working on the project until the day its due or if im given time to work on it the day it's assigned. All the time in between that i completely ignore it

Walker Hensley
Walker Hensley - 30.09.2023 00:22

Tiktok is the worst thing to happen to mental health since lobotomies

Jaana Berg
Jaana Berg - 23.09.2023 22:44

I actually thrive at my workplace which I've come to realise is specifically because of my ADHD. Okay so, I work at a hotel buffet, right? My job is basically to pickup used plates, chuck them into the dishwasher, and basically just be there making sure the tables are clean and that the buffet is in order, as well as occasionally pointing a clueless customer in the right direction. What this basically means is that most of what I do 4-9 hours a day is react to situations as they arise. People say ADHD is inattention? I say that's bs, because when I walk out there into the dining room I let my attention just fully flicker around which means I notice everything that's going on. Customers leaving? I'm there collecting their plates. Coffee machine needs more coffee? Boom, on it. Forks run out? Done. Anything that needs to be done, I see it, and I react. Any individual task that needs to be done requires almost no brain power, and because I know most of the things you have to watch for, all I've needed to learn is each individual minute task. Basically, I walk into the restaurant and just unleash my ADHD onto the place 😂 And I get paid!!!!!!

I mean the restaurant can be a sensory nightmare at times and I almost always end up completely overstimulated with the occasional fullblown sensory overload, paired with some funky little rejection sensitivity thrown in there just for fun, but my meds actually help with that most days. And I've learned to just take my time to properly self-regulate and stim and all of that, but eh what can you do 🤷🏻‍♀️ Pros outweight the cons and I've learned to give myself all the space I need after work. Part of this is also accepting my limitations and fulfilling the needs I have because of my ADHD (and probably also ze 'tism) but everyone has certain strengths and challenges so all in all we vibin' 😎

Britt Lyn
Britt Lyn - 21.09.2023 16:26

something interesting about my ADHD is that i’m actually INCREDIBLE at focusing, and i am able to focus on one thing for extremely long periods of time. people have this perception that you get constantly distracted by every little thing, but no. i focus HARD, but only on the thing i want to focus on. and i focus SO hard i lose track of time, dont eat, and if something happens while i’m focused, i completely ignore it, i don’t even notice it’s there. i swear my house could be on fire and i wouldn’t know. and then when i am forced to switch gears i get so pissed. coming out of hyperfocus is the most painfully annoying thing and i cannot for the life of me pay attention to anyone talking. if i’ve just focused all day and then have to attend a social event… forget it. i’m gonna be awkward as hell.

Im just a fly
Im just a fly - 20.09.2023 05:45

as someone who has adhd this can be VERY true, but for me its just like 5x worse because i have dmdd too and it makes it way harder but yes these tiktoks are sorta funny.

AtypicalMale - 12.09.2023 21:21

"Here, have a cracker."

Carpe Vinum
Carpe Vinum - 30.08.2023 03:19

Connor dewolf does have some great nuance in his videos lacking from the videos of many other creators. Short form always makes nuance more difficult, but it can be done.

Mak Kieu
Mak Kieu - 28.07.2023 01:41

One of the tik toks are wrong. I actually worked well with deadlines, I don’t miss deadlines. That’s why a lot of ADHD people are in EMT I think. But the thing I submitted would have a bunch of mistakes 😭😭😭

Onddu22 - 25.07.2023 17:06

In the first 20 seconds he explained the whole TikTok

Zirak Guzder
Zirak Guzder - 20.07.2023 11:20

Dr K is hilarious

meltingzero - 23.06.2023 16:58

The three levels of Dr. K disagrrement:

"I'm not sure about that."

"I don't think that's true."

"This is woefully incorrect."

Carrie W
Carrie W - 28.05.2023 13:17

"what if the answer is no?" 😂😂😂 I had the same thought

Nord Kitten
Nord Kitten - 17.04.2023 20:31

yeah i found out i had adhd because of tik tok but then i also went to a doctor to like clinically confirm or refute my ADHD, and they confirmed it, because I met all the check marks they needed and my issues have existed my entire life. but along the way I also found out I had mostly functional autism. getting clinically diagnosed is worth it, even if things dont end up how you expect.

disklamer - 30.03.2023 08:34

“I don’t like this feeling of having no power and no control over my emotions. I don’t want to live like this. I want the bit that makes me feel so bad inside to die. Of course that , too, is a part of me so I should actually try to integrate whatever /that/ is to be a constructive part of my life instead of a death trap. My quest is to figure this out.”

Loading Mikke
Loading Mikke - 19.03.2023 23:08

I work nights at an old folks home. It's perfect for me. Low stress, not alot of contact with colleagues, and most people are asleep.

Not AngeVIP
Not AngeVIP - 08.03.2023 06:40

TikTok made me suspect that I had ADHD when it was actually trauma

Darragh Talorgan
Darragh Talorgan - 16.02.2023 01:59

The dark psychology thing was information taken in the wrong way.
It's a tactic that people with the more troublesome personality disorders use to abuse people; but they do it to a specific type of victim which they choose. If this was done to someone though it may appear like it could be to anyone.

SkelterBane - 10.02.2023 15:44

My man is living in an ikea catalog

Pim Schipper
Pim Schipper - 09.01.2023 05:26

This is great. Can you post something on my ig. Trying to get more medical information .

Giovanni Pacheco
Giovanni Pacheco - 30.12.2022 01:53

Bro, the green thing running aroun the screen is distracting af when you notice it

Cavan Morber
Cavan Morber - 18.12.2022 20:40

An actual react streamer that contributes something to the conversation?? No way...

Magicme79 - 17.11.2022 21:41

I asked my brain “will I do the dishes?” And my brain went “nah.” So I didn’t.

xSkim - 28.10.2022 02:10

destiny ripped intro

Katie Towson
Katie Towson - 18.10.2022 15:04

Your videos are very informative... however... im so distracted by how much you say "like". Like, you sound, like, almost like, a 14yr old girl. Like, I'm sorry but like, I just can't. Like, I wish I could, but like. Nah I just can't listen 🤷🏻‍♀️

Terakahn - 11.10.2022 18:02

I honestly love Connor. He's so great.

Simon Johnston
Simon Johnston - 05.10.2022 00:20

The DSM may not be a diagnostic tool, but Gregory House sure is

Kristal Campbell
Kristal Campbell - 20.09.2022 10:04

I think these tiktoks have the potential to be misused and misunderstood but overall I have to say I am eternally grateful for adhd tiktok because I was relating too hard to these and it had me reconceptualising pretty much every interaction I've had and that hard pill to swallow made me finally go and get diagnosed.

I get that the cutesy way it's presented can be annoying for some but if it was presented as "this is a nightmare and your life is over" tone I would have stayed in denial. For me the self loathing was so heavy already that I wouldn't have allowed myself to consider another thing being "wrong" with me.

m1sterpunch - 07.09.2022 17:44

Conner DeWolfe is on point

Lou Kabuta'he
Lou Kabuta'he - 28.07.2022 15:42

Mental illnesses ruins your life. Why would you record yourself having an episode of some sort of a mental illness. Any disorder is being glamourized from Tourette's syndrome to DID, from anxiety to schizophrenia. Absolutely disrespectful.

Flikiti Sideways
Flikiti Sideways - 26.07.2022 22:18

I have not seen a single proffecional reaction to all this gender disforia...

Leonidas Diamandopoulos
Leonidas Diamandopoulos - 25.07.2022 06:59

…so if you read a book or watch a film or crochet somthing by yourself to relax…you are just turning off your brain and it’s unhealthy? I agree in part with you on technology because the internet is saturated with ads and generally unethical stuff, but without it I couldn’t watch your video, or learn history and classic board games and classical music at my fingertips at an instant. I couldn’t gaze on mankind’s noblest achievements without it. I couldn’t watch Goodwood historic racing without it. It is a library, but a dangerous one. It is morally ambivalent in general, but contains much that is sacred. Comedy, drama, literature, music, all the classics are present on the internet.

Shydale Lewis
Shydale Lewis - 15.07.2022 16:52

This guy is really somethin lol. He's a strong guy to say these things lol. I'm glad these tiktoks are here bc It Taught me so much about myself. I already knew I had adhd but I didn't everything I go through is bc of it. I just thought it was just me but it was really my diagnosis.

eric ford
eric ford - 02.06.2022 16:29

I'm out here seeing everyone breakdown and analyze this video and I'm just thinking about how distracting that green light going around the corners is

Insanepng - 26.05.2022 02:19

So I recently got diagnosed with ADHD, depression AND, anxiety(15-16 birthday just passed was informed on a Friday after school at my moms clinic when 15yo). So I thought I did before but didn't want to "self diagnose" because I hate when people do it so why should I? So anyway this was INCREDABALY informative. I'm a first time listener, so thank you. I'll be sure to tune in often.

Marlin - 24.05.2022 23:11

I still wondering if I have Adhd, because many syntomes aligned with my day to day life, since I was 11. But I was never treated for it.
I am over 20 now and I still don't know what to believe
Tik tok did made me go look for treatment, or at least a diagnosis

SquidKidsYoutube - 24.05.2022 20:35

I’m glad people with ADHD are talking about their experiences or at least taking steps in that way because that’s very good, but what irks me is that they’ll list symptoms of autism and be like “that’s ADHD!” And it’s like

ADHD and autism are comorbid. I have both. It’s fine to get mixed up every once in a while but saying that it’s an ADHD thing exclusive is just spreading misinformation :/

I think a lot of people talking about autism symptoms and saying it’s ADHD don’t mean harm tho— they’re probably undiagnosed autistic themselves and don’t realize, so I cut em a lot of slack.

Rooting for you, ADHDers.

M.D.C - 24.05.2022 13:51

I love that now everybody is neurodivergent and has autism and ADHD bcause it's cool, so we say everything is a symptom. It's so fucking cringeworthy. I always struggled with mental health because I have a lot of intrusive thoughts and always struggled to be fully happy and not overthink everything and feel stranded, and also I had depression (diagnosed by a doctor) and all of that it's NOT cool or funny or quirky, I FUCKING WISH I was normal and my brain didn't did this to me.
And I don't fucking make tik toks about it so everybody can see how cool and "different" I am.
I wish I was mediocre and like everyone else, I would be happier.

Greta Faith
Greta Faith - 23.05.2022 18:46

that last person was rly advocating the dennis system
