How to Add SHADOWS in iOS | NativeScript Tutorial

How to Add SHADOWS in iOS | NativeScript Tutorial

Alex Ziskind

4 года назад

1,842 Просмотров

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Alex Ziskind
Alex Ziskind - 13.08.2019 23:58

Yay shadows!

Chafyaay Yassine
Chafyaay Yassine - 30.04.2020 15:25

that is working jsut with button and label what about layouts

Murad Ali
Murad Ali - 31.08.2019 03:59

Can you show how to add android billing platform 2

Murad Ali
Murad Ali - 31.08.2019 03:58


Mark Lanham
Mark Lanham - 23.08.2019 17:27

One more question Alex, can the iOS drop shadow be applied to a layout as I can't seem to get it working on a GridLayout or Stack Layout but it works fine on a Label?

Mark Lanham
Mark Lanham - 23.08.2019 14:38

Hi Alex, great video! Does this only apply to NS6, we tried this in NS5 but it doesn't work?

SaiyanJin85 - 16.08.2019 05:26

Nice one..again... Love it.
Suggestion for a couple of tutorials
1) Image loader. Until an image gets downloaded we show a little loader as a feedback that something is going on over there.
2) Image or rather content carousel with swipe gestures.

I don't know if they are simple or difficult to be done though.

Thanks again Alex

Dean Grande
Dean Grande - 14.08.2019 16:27

Cool video, many great tips in here. Thanks!

Alan Neri
Alan Neri - 14.08.2019 07:51

Ok no more spanish ;( , amazing

Afnan Shaikh
Afnan Shaikh - 14.08.2019 06:47

Hi Alex, Can this be done in android?

Alexandru C. Antonica
Alexandru C. Antonica - 14.08.2019 00:15

Hi Alex,
Great video :)
I am wondering if you know any way how to use clip-path to take an SVG file to create a mask for a container in {N}. As an example, just create an SVG file with an open envelope shape. To make this a bit complex, think about all the corners of the envelope are rounded. How would you do that in {N}?
