GUIDE to Gathering On Foot Materials WITHOUT Combat in Elite Dangerous Odyssey

GUIDE to Gathering On Foot Materials WITHOUT Combat in Elite Dangerous Odyssey

The Buur Pit

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SimWithDon - 09.08.2023 18:55

One tip... don't park on a landing pad. I did this when doing repower missions, and the settlement self defense thought I was trespassing and attacked my ship! Great video! o7

Rex Ta
Rex Ta - 10.09.2023 07:37

Hi I believe I have found a way to ensure I am going to a settlement where this can be done.

1. Go to one of these systems in recovery as described in video and dcoh watch site
2. go to a nearby space station or outpost.
3. check the mission board for "power up' missions
4. note down the names of settlements these happen in.
5. Proceed as per video

Note I only realized this after going to about 4 different settlements and types and not being able to access any building as anything that looked like a door was sealed shut with no access points.

I was on the point of quitting at an outpost I was at for repairs of my SRV after driving it off the roof of a 4 story square box of some "mining facility" looking for a door inside (No Doors and ramps all the way to the roof btw).

I checked the board and noticed these missions. I went to 1 site and found the command and STO buildings I couldn't find the power building but at least id found somewhere with places I could enter.

I am about to give it another shot now.

I don't know if this will help other on foot noobs like myself as google was no help in figuring out what places are likely useful and which are places with various geometric boxes with no visible purpose when in systems with multiple settlements.

ojciec Vaader
ojciec Vaader - 09.09.2023 11:02

to be honest... I don't dislike this combat as I watch it [bearing in mind how bad reputation Odyssey gathered], but... still enemy AI seems to be very... very stupid. I really don't understand why, in the age of "AI is taking over the world" there is no way to impement decent AI into games....

Mark Farrow
Mark Farrow - 08.09.2023 02:33

Just tried this - I realize there are only about a dozen systems in recovery, so I just picket the second system on the list. Picked the closest Extraction settlement, drove up to the power building, got out, and 2 DBX's popped in and dropped a dozen bad guys. SRV got stuck on a lamp post, and I got blowed up. LOL

GrumpyBear - 07.09.2023 19:35

I have been gathering mats in both these 'recovery system settlements ' and going to reactivation settlements - without taking the mission , and I have found that at both of these types of site if you loiter for too long then drop ships will arrive and deposit some mercs / scavengers for you to play with :)

Agent Exeider
Agent Exeider - 04.09.2023 02:18

I love how Burr starts talking in hush tones like someone's going to hear him... lol.

Atlas Gaming
Atlas Gaming - 25.08.2023 04:56

This is great. Just what I’ve been looking for.

Movie Fan
Movie Fan - 19.08.2023 23:40

In those places there are usually some locked containers.
They could be e-breached, but from my point of view it is better to e-breach one of the large terminals.
Then you can see (and write down on paper) the 4-digit codes of all the containers (under facility).
You could also write down the numbers for the lockers, but I find that too cumbersome.
For me the codes did not change when I came to the place the next time (from supercruise).
So I only needed to hack the terminal once, as I could use the codes I had written down over and over again.

Robert Schmitz
Robert Schmitz - 19.08.2023 23:29

Thank you, just the tip I needed. One important info: I was just done with looting and went to the PWR centre for my power regulator when suddenly the power went OUT! And the regulator was gone! And then the scavengers dropped in and started shooting immediately. I escaped, even though I had some strange lagging problems with the scarab's throttle. But this is important: If scavengers drop in, they will steal your power regulator! So keep a spare one in your hold.

Datan0de - 15.08.2023 00:05

If i had 100 credits for every time I've forgotten to grab the power regulator on my way out the door is have a second fleet carrier. 😂

Gaming Snips and Bits
Gaming Snips and Bits - 14.08.2023 17:21

Never thought of doing it this way, great shout. The next ship review I work on might end up having a lot of ground based ship footage now, as I really need to get my mats up, so might as well kill two birds with one stone 👍. Thanks and o7

Movie Fan
Movie Fan - 14.08.2023 10:54

A great video from my point of view.
However there is one major issue for me. All lockers/crates I found were empty.
I tried 3 different locations (I think there were: Hou Biological Centre, Chen Biochemical Centre, Ponce Excavation Platform) in 2 different systems currently in Recovery (HIP 19781 and HIP 20741) with more than 1 week to go.
So my question is, did I do something wrong or is this patched?

Jason Bonell
Jason Bonell - 14.08.2023 01:32

Just started hunting some goids and couldn't help but notice the human ai repairing me after a battle. So great to see these dynamics in elite!

OM Entertainment
OM Entertainment - 13.08.2023 05:37

The literal easiest way I have found to take dudes out in a settlement is with a class 2 or 3 dumb fire missile on a vulture so you can get super close. Alternatively, you could put a laser on the other side if you want to practice your aiming 😉

GreenRosie - 13.08.2023 01:22

Easiest way to become wanted :)

Flynn - 12.08.2023 13:12

"... more than a week left on their recovery time. The longer the recovery time the better" - why is it better?

CMDR Soundo
CMDR Soundo - 12.08.2023 12:24

Works a treat. Ta.

R4dioS1lence - 12.08.2023 00:54

For anyone who doesn't want to travel to the AX frontlines (or just can't), you can also check for Restoration missions near you, and take note of which settlements are being targeted by these missions. These settlements will be offline and are up for grabs as the rest of the tutorial. If you grab the Restore mission, you might get scavengers, which defeats the "no combat" and the scavengers won't just quit (different from jumping out and back on when not on a mission), so keep that in mind. Usually systems in Bust and/or Infrastructure Failure are more prone to having abandoned settlements, but it isn't so cut and dry (but traveling around is half the fun anyways).

Also, yes, U16 got this lighting bug (also ran into it on this specific power building and settlement layout combo too earlier today). The optimization will get us a few bugs, but the performance is getting better with almost every update.

Awesome job as always, Buur!

Beinn Maclellan
Beinn Maclellan - 11.08.2023 21:20

War crime are a thing. we see you. XD

AshleighTheCutie - 11.08.2023 21:09

Oh damnit, now it'll be patched out.

Ian Blakeway
Ian Blakeway - 11.08.2023 14:46

Is this dependant on settlement type as I went to two settlements that were less than 10% complete but there wasn’t a single item to loot in any locker just a couple of ammo boxes and some med packs ?

C'est parti
C'est parti - 11.08.2023 10:10

How do you find a power restoration mission to get the regulator ?

CMDR_R0-N1N - 11.08.2023 04:43

Im so glad there's still an active community for this game, albeit a small one

Jack Clements
Jack Clements - 11.08.2023 03:25

I suppose this is a way I can involve myself in the Thargoid content. I haven't been much of a fan of fighting directly so, we conscientious objector types (players that want other things improved too like basic missions, quests and more meaningful basics) can get involved I guess.

Streya From Space
Streya From Space - 10.08.2023 23:00

"You do know, but you never know" about sums up my view too: why not be prepared? 😁

Great video!

Barkeeper Mo
Barkeeper Mo - 10.08.2023 19:56

Finally a way to grind without tanking anarchy faction BGS lol.
Glad we dumped all those odyssey settlements.
H3L-91W always sells e breeches

Gareth de-Witt
Gareth de-Witt - 10.08.2023 15:36

I have found that occasionally the power won’t initialise which a little frustrating.

ToCoSo - 10.08.2023 15:09

great video, I cant wait until they complete the suit upgrade loop by giving us something to do in them, I like High CZ's on foot but I really need some Thargoid blasting!!!

Ranualf Hunter
Ranualf Hunter - 10.08.2023 12:49

remember that a extra back pack is very handy, or park the srv close to unload and restock e breach, also the settlement type will determine the data collected, overall it is like a normal reset mission, but good info

Devils Advocate Armpits
Devils Advocate Armpits - 10.08.2023 12:47

It would be nice to get some equipment of the scavenger's if they had any enhancements or loot on them.
When there is space to do so I aim my SRV at them and run them down, as I am needing the upgrades for my suits.

Barney O'Mulligan
Barney O'Mulligan - 10.08.2023 12:41

Thank you Buur, this is so useful. I have been struggling to get into the on-foot.

Jožo Mrkva
Jožo Mrkva - 10.08.2023 10:41

On legal raid occasions, I have tendecy to use my silenced Eclipse and silenced (lol, FDev, really?) Karma L-6. Lasers for shields, rockets for meat

Gabe G.
Gabe G. - 10.08.2023 07:29

interesting info and resources...

how to get e-breach from anarchy system? are those just simply sold there?

Wyvernaut - 10.08.2023 07:28

This is awesome! Thanks so much for this!

I got a lucky regulator find out of an SRV on another mission, so didn't have to steal one. Went to this very settlement... which also has about 7 million credits in exobio within easy SRV drive , BTW, for anyone wanting some credits as well as mats.

I got scavengers both times I ran through this, maybe because I was taking a bit of time... they seem pretty easy to dispatch with the SRV, especially since they chase after it in a big long line, one at a time, like a sort of 'human twizzler' attack

David W. Scott
David W. Scott - 10.08.2023 07:23

I always dismiss the ship after disembarking in the SRV. Just to be safe - a few times I have missed the tiny on screen notification that my ship has come under attack from arriving pirates.

Mark Zero
Mark Zero - 10.08.2023 06:45

See? Who says the Thargoid War didn't give anything to pacifist players who'd rather hug our mandible'd, multi-limbed terrifying neighbors than fight them? Enjoy your free materials, circumvent the grind, and never fire a shot!

... Someone's gonna complain about this, I'm sure.

William Vorkosigan
William Vorkosigan - 10.08.2023 05:58

Good video. Thank you.

Blue Mystic
Blue Mystic - 10.08.2023 03:47

Meh, where the heck a newbie will get the Regulators from? you failed by not putting on our shoes.
its better to do instead Power Reactivation Missions, the regulator will be provided by the mission and after you restore the power, the settlement is free to loot, mission also gives ya a g3 clearance, so all doors gets open. In addition, you need to complete 10 of these missions to unlock Jude Navarro.

To resume: Reactivation Missions give the Regulator, give mats, give Clerance, and unlock an Engineer.
On Inara look for 'Star Systems' having 'Controlling Faction State' = 'Infrastructure Failure'

Eoin Small
Eoin Small - 10.08.2023 02:43

Thank you, never thought of using an ebreach on a deserted settlement without getting a level 3 access. Will try it when doing scavenger kill missions.

Freekees S
Freekees S - 10.08.2023 02:38

Super handy info, and great find. Thank you.

sgoalder - 10.08.2023 02:26

Thanks for the video. Tips to enhance looting er…. collecting materials is always helpful. My weapons of choice are the intimidator and tormentor.

ssjsjb - 10.08.2023 02:18

Might have to try this, thanx again for your great tips and awesome content.

Martin Palmer
Martin Palmer - 10.08.2023 02:18

Really helpful video, thanks!

MRxMADHATTER - 10.08.2023 01:46

He makes it look so easy. o7 CMDR Buur

BreechBang Clear
BreechBang Clear - 10.08.2023 01:04

If only there was content to utilize upgraded suits.

OmegaPaladin - 10.08.2023 01:01

One thing I noticed - I maxed out everything much faster than data. Data is a real bottleneck, especially since you can't trade for it at the bartender.

Steveww57 - 10.08.2023 00:35

And there was an opinion poll in the CMD date port.

WinterWolf - 09.08.2023 23:54

For anyone having trouble finding the missions for the power regulators, they will show up when the system/factions state is infrastructure failure or bust.

Like he said in the video, Take the mission "turn on power to the settlement" or similarly named, make sure they provide you with a power regulator then abandon the mission. You will get a 100k fine that you can pay off as well as a little decrease to rep.

Ivan Angel
Ivan Angel - 09.08.2023 23:40

Very encouraging Thank you 🫡 ❤

Yotta Guns
Yotta Guns - 09.08.2023 23:16

Why did you worry about the alarms? Abandoned places don't get reinforcments.
