VideoLAN VLC Player TV Tuner Streaming Tutorial

VideoLAN VLC Player TV Tuner Streaming Tutorial


11 лет назад

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rizwan maitla
rizwan maitla - 02.07.2021 04:47

how to check winfast tightvnc

Glen O'Riley
Glen O'Riley - 29.10.2018 17:12

Doesn't show setting the frequencies or anything.

Ken - 21.01.2018 18:25

Would this work with a FireTV? I can install the VLC app on a FireTV

ShesThe1yup - 20.06.2016 13:07

doesn't work for me either

Isteak Ahmed
Isteak Ahmed - 01.01.2015 20:49

PLs help me my video is showing but audio not come out what i do now pls help

Clluthu - 03.11.2014 15:21

This tutorial kind of confused me, but I was after streaming the actual tv channels off the tv tuner. But the tv tuner also actual captures video inputs, and in this video it seems to be capturing footage from another source other than the tv tuner itself. You need to use the digital-tv option in the vlc capture device and set the frequency to see the channel and the rest is the same as in the tutorial.

Holwa Network
Holwa Network - 07.08.2014 09:47

Hello ! i have a satellite channel, and i would like to stream it online, i have a FLV / MP4 player on my website and i would like to be able to preview the channel stream on my website , my server is linux based and the stream server is windows, can you help me with that please ? is this possible ?

stephen kollenborn
stephen kollenborn - 28.05.2014 19:45

and a desktop screen recorder and you can pirate any channel on cable and have it rebrodcast live online 

stephen kollenborn
stephen kollenborn - 28.05.2014 19:44

all you need is a tv card

Kerry M
Kerry M - 17.11.2013 06:06

The IP address you enter, is it the IP address of the server or an unused IP on the network?

DarkoAqua - 02.07.2013 09:45

If you have Android OS on your SmartTV just go to play store and search for "VNC" or "VNC viewer", try for example Remote VNC (no Android ICS4 support yet) or android-vnc-viewer. Also, on your PC you need to install TightVNC Server (free) or RealVNC (free and commercial, also check their website, they have Android and iOS viewers on their own). You have to setup IP addresses, best way is to configure your router and give them static IPs, also user name & password for security.

Uriel Diaz
Uriel Diaz - 02.07.2013 06:15

with this you explain, you can see the PC screen on TV through Wi fi with this program? I have a smart tv 46 and want to see the screen of my PC directly to the TV you know how to do that?

DarkoAqua - 16.05.2013 04:07

Hey, thanks for asking :) The tune is one of my own makes quickly crafted for this vid, it is not really any officially published song. Working title is "Chromaticity". Song features Prosoniq Morph plugin to morph between several different sounds, which reminded me of hue/ligtness color changes = hence the working title.

ABDo Mindfreak
ABDo Mindfreak - 16.05.2013 03:38

song name plz

DarkoAqua - 28.03.2013 01:32

You will notice first line: cd C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC 2\ cd = change directory (old DOS command). You have to specify this line so the script knows where VLC is installed. Modify the path for your VLC installation. Hope this helps :)

DarkoAqua - 28.03.2013 01:30

my example string (from the video with modified MPEG compression levels and volume at startup set to 50): #Begin batch file cd C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC 2\ vlc dshow:// :dshow-vdev="ASUS TV7134 WDM Video Capture" :dshow-adev="Realtek AC97 Audio" :dshow-size="384x288" :sout=#transcode{vcodec=mp2v,vb=4000,scale=1,acodec=mpga,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:duplicate{dst=rtp{dst=,port=5004,mux=ts,ttl=1},dst=display} :sout-keep --volume=50 --zoom

DarkoAqua - 28.03.2013 01:30

Whenever you click on .bat file VLC will start automatically with all the settings you have made. Search for some tricks like muted volume or preset volume, default zoom etc... @ batch file startup on the net.

DarkoAqua - 28.03.2013 01:28

3) You'll see in new window "Generated string output window". Copy entire string code 4) On Desktop/wherever create New Text Document (right click mouse > New Text Document > Paste (CTRL+P) generated string of code > choose Save As > from a drop-down menu select "Any format". Save it for example with a file name "vlcstream-tvtuner-preset.bat". It is important to use .bat extension.

DarkoAqua - 28.03.2013 01:25

Yes, in fact, there is a built-in feature inside VLC! 1) As in my tutorial video, set up your VLC to stream whatever you like (webcam, tv tuner, etc. - any sutable device) 2) On the last step in VLC's window "Stream Output" (look at the very top left corner!) when you have set all the options including source, streaming format, compression levels and IP addresses click at the very buttom on "Option Setup" menu. (continued in next post)

DarkoAqua - 20.03.2013 17:45

a) for analog tv cards, you must have models with 2 or 3 built-in tuners (maximum I have seen on any model) and multiple instances of VLC with probably different IP addresses/ports to avoid packet collisions b) for digital tv cards you should be able to decode all PS (program streams) contained in common TS (transport stream) but I am not sure if VLC supports this, but should work at least in theory. For completely different channels you need multiple tv tuners/dvb cards.
