Batya Ungar-Sargon: Dems Claim VIRTUE On Immigration, But Open Borders SCREW The Working Class

Batya Ungar-Sargon: Dems Claim VIRTUE On Immigration, But Open Borders SCREW The Working Class

The Hill

2 года назад

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@Krangbot - 20.12.2022 06:34

The fact that 90% of the media continues to ignore this issue and makes excuses for it and attacks the victims of it (border states) shows the state of the media these days. CNN, MSNBC, WAPO, NYT, HUFFPO, ATLANTIC, ETC. They aren't actual news, they're propaganda designed to manipulate and distract.

@JRB2323 - 20.12.2022 06:36

What fun discussing this with you, are you kidding me?

@doncurcuro1382 - 20.12.2022 06:53

Hey the hill your losing me.. Love Bayta and Mondays, Ameishia way to to intense.. Keep looking

@myahmyah - 20.12.2022 07:11

Obama promised a change during his election. What happened to his plan Biden was vice president along side Obama for 8 years so what was their plan?

@cpj80 - 20.12.2022 07:11

Batya, you provided another excellent report. Unfortunately, the Hill is slipping with some of these other hosts...again. Where's Robby and Briahna? We need them back with Batya. I miss Kim too. At this rate i'll only be able to tolerate this program once a quarter if these other hosts do not root their arguments in facts. Ex. rather than automatically discount Mayor Adams on his voiced concerns why not take a look at the population per sq mile of chicago vs nyc then look at the amount of migrants dropped off. nyc pop/sq mile is over 2x greater than chicago yet taking in nearly 7 times as many. we live in a zero sum game and rather than daydreaming that we will serve the migrants and (eventually) current NYC residents, let's discuss logistically how this will actually come to fruition. this virtue signaling is nauseating. I am for compassionate immigration reform but there is none of that in what that other host is spewing.

@myahmyah - 20.12.2022 07:15

We have starving homeless vets. Seniors, and American family’s. Who can not afford rent and groceries. Children, vets and seniors should come first.

@TraditionalAnglican - 20.12.2022 09:06

At least Nancy Pelosi was honest about why Elite Liberal Democrats want illegal immigrants! 😅😂
What Team Left has forgotten is that New York’s homeless problem was largely solved before the pandemic, and Mayor Adams is complaining because he’s now seeing the results of our open borders first hand.
As Nancy Pelosi said, those in charge NEED illegal immigrants so they have a pool of unskilled laborers who are willing to work for low (usually sub-minimum) wages so they can make more money - This has nothing to do with “compassion”!
Try enforcing the laws, securing our borders and letting in the million people who have obeyed our laws and waited patiently on our waiting lists for as long as 7 and 8 years first!

@jaycee8329 - 20.12.2022 09:11

Thumbs down for Ameshia and her ignorant commentary.

@alexmeyer2222 - 20.12.2022 10:16

Dems are so horrible on immigration.I mean they're horrible about lots of things, but on immigration they don't even have a clear principle to articulate, much less a policy.

@mimoslavich6639 - 20.12.2022 10:45

Dems were for lockdowns but claimed that illegal immigrants did not carry the disease, only the American population could do that.

@mjjackal - 20.12.2022 10:53

Ameshia is a bot. Pretty sure she's not there anymore.

@Digimonisbetterthanpokemon - 20.12.2022 11:48

As a legal immigrant, all of this is an insult to all of us who paid and waited to become citizens the right way.

@jeffreyburton645 - 20.12.2022 13:36

Ameshia is so fine, but me and her would not get along

@lovinmclovin5290 - 20.12.2022 13:44

The 2nd person should open up her house to illegal, unvetted immigrants.. but I bet she's a hypocrite... ifs not her that will lose a job, ifs a POC in the ghettos.

@tyloniussquib4000 - 20.12.2022 14:01

I have spent a year without my wife waiting for her green card I came back to America to purchase the house we wanted in the hot housing market and to be with my dying grandfather this has been one of the most difficult years of mine and my wifes lives and it drives me up the wall that to actually get here and be legal requires so much time money and frankly risk while we give out handouts to people to come and dilute our culture and make our city's more dangerous and unpleasant to live in

@stupidpooper - 20.12.2022 14:12

Batya you are far and away the best on Rising!

@christofonobrown3659 - 20.12.2022 15:31

I like how Ameshia goes through great pains to blame Trump for this and at the same time fails to recognize the huge immigration surge that came literally when Biden came to office.

@michaelktm6061 - 20.12.2022 15:44

Stop using illegal immigrants for cheap labor that will solve the problem.

@MQT.Onewheel - 20.12.2022 15:53

Ameshia I rather have 1 thing done right, than 2 things half assed

We have limited resources. Act like it

@jasminecrandall2262 - 20.12.2022 16:15

This is about cheap labor that exploits migrants and benefits corporations at the expense of the tax payers.

@imrael496 - 20.12.2022 16:21

Amisha wants NYC to solve the illegal immigration problem when we can even solve our own homeless and public housing problem. She out of touch. Her bias is what I come to The Hill to escape.

@vladp4116 - 20.12.2022 17:25

Go Batya, show them what common sense sounds like. Continue to scratch your heads dumb lib politicians and the voters who keep them in office.

@joemartin9056 - 20.12.2022 17:43

Batya is at her best when she reveals herself as a cheap imitation of Anne Coulter. Batya Coulter spits out anger with hatred in her voice and stare. Her natural state is as a nagging right winger. When Batya claims she is a leftist she sounds absolutely phony. Batya shines as angry right winger, please keep doing that.

@vladp4116 - 20.12.2022 17:48

Of course Ameshia sees no problem with illegals flocking to the cities up north and taking up resources. She’s as dense as her sister Brianha.

@willcurley3607 - 20.12.2022 18:03

No you can’t do both.

@edwardlujan1325 - 20.12.2022 18:29

They're trying to crash the economy and lower wages so we are at the mercy of the government

@CHA-TC84 - 20.12.2022 18:38

Put some gators in the river

@CHA-TC84 - 20.12.2022 18:44

Ameshia is good for showing how dumb democrats are. Never bring a strategist from either side on the show, they spew trash talking points

@edwardlujan1325 - 20.12.2022 18:49

Ameshia is an idiot that doesn't understand economics,food supply,housing I'm all for taking care of immigrants but we have to take care of our own first

@anonosaurus4517 - 20.12.2022 19:43

Batya provides good and solid analysis, but it remains a fact that this regime is a massive disgrace and deserves only the harshest penalties for the crimes they perpetrate against the people of this nation.

@barnabusdoyle4930 - 20.12.2022 20:43

Our current immigration system is horrible for the working class. Companies will always try to hire cheap labor and they will be able to exploit workers better when they can just call ICE to get rid of them. There really isn’t a solution to this issue without changing our foreign policies

@firefighter0585 - 20.12.2022 20:46

This is an invasion. Any politician that isn’t working to stop it is a criminal and needs to be removed from office immediately.

@johnwolkenhauer4080 - 20.12.2022 22:55

Ameshia ... Geeze ! Where does Rising find these glittering jewels of collosal ignorance ? There seems to be an endless supply. I'm guessing she doesn't live in a border state, and hasn't had to deal with any of the crime or poverty that comes with human trafficking. Perhaps she would be willing to open up her own home to some of these people ? She seems to value them over her own fellow Americans welfare.

@johnprospect78 - 21.12.2022 01:05

Ameshia has an impressive ability to twist the truth and reality. Hopefully she realizes that seeking "asylum" is much simpler for those Venezuelans and Haitians coming from South America in Colombian, Ecuador, Argetina, etc.. Calling these illegal immigrants "political refugees" or "Asylum seekers" Is either misinformation or a lie.

@stangman962 - 21.12.2022 05:01

So does the government use magic money to fund programs for illegals or do they use our money??? Why do Americans keep voting for crooks?

@thatbroad5848 - 21.12.2022 08:05

We know what? She not real bright guys. Mistake

@Aule22 - 21.12.2022 18:54

Let's see. I made it a far as where the cherry picked factoids stopped, and the class warfare of pitting the already American working class in opposition the the one class worse off than them, began. Broke assed assylum seekers, and other broke assed migrants are the bottom run on the ladder.

Now Batya, and who ever else falls for that gibberish? Who is it that benefits from having the American working class fixated on people even worse off under the capitalist pig dogs who own and run everything? Why it is the capitalist pig dogs, of course.

This is a very sick, twisted, and bizzaro world, inverse interpretation of "populism." Populism that reinforces the dominant ruling class being the overlords of the rest of us, isn't really populism. It's Burke's conservativism, and Smith's capitalism.

In any case, as I was reminded in a piece over at Salon a few days ago:

"An immature culture is especially vulnerable to exploitation by right-wing fake populists and demagogues who care only about power and have no conception of the common good or responsible governance."

That was Chauncey DeVega, referencing what is some really very basic Political Science analysis.

I don't get why, after centuries of this garbage being proven to be wrong and exploitative, ordinary people keep falling for that right-wing fake populist garbage. No matter how well I understand The Dunning-Kruger effect, and Stockholm Syndrome, I just don't get it. However, I do get why selfish people who are up to no good, use that garbage to manipulate people.

@michaelsullivan4703 - 21.12.2022 20:14

I see that Ameshia is involved in this, even just on the periphery, and know I’ll be enraged. No thank you

@EzraKramer - 21.12.2022 23:39

I do think it's a false dichotomy (not an either/or), but we cannot literally care for the world's poor via open borders (and a welfare state) while caring for our own citizens (veterans, etc). You can't bale water fast enough to keep the ship afloat...and the lowest decks will flood first. But the elite care less when there is no water on their deck.

@edgaribarria - 22.12.2022 00:36

Give it to Batya to put people against each other. F! This B!

@MJMilano7 - 22.12.2022 12:53

Democrats work for the corporations that’s why they receive most of the donations. Unlimited cheap labor is a gift to corporations.

@MJMilano7 - 22.12.2022 13:01

Amesha and Bri are a living proof for why affirmative action is a bad idea and it should be abolished.

@felixoupopote - 22.12.2022 14:21

Thank god someone is mentioning this issue. It's a hamster squeaking during a riot, but thanks.

@skunkworks9-3 - 22.12.2022 15:11

Wow, how wonderful of you to be able to travel to other countries while the rest of us were locked down and forced to be alone. Wish I or anyone I knew was that privileged. Somehow I feel you still want that student loan payment on hold but feel COVID isn't an issue anymore and to open the floodgates at the border.

@cefoye - 23.12.2022 03:53

We actually ARE still in a pandemic - our government has just decided it looks bad, and they're willing to sacrifice our lives to Capital.

@gabrielpedneault6293 - 23.12.2022 17:31

Omg the point went 100 feet over her head...

@bruceh6353 - 24.12.2022 02:58

Where does rising find such confused liberals?

@tuckeriacobacci - 26.12.2022 18:33

Batya is acting like Dave Rubin again, saying she’s on the left, while spewing right wing propaganda and rhetoric.

Ameshia doesn’t even call her out for that stuff, which is sad, but at least she says “we can do both” which is true, people like Batya act like it’s one or the other, when we can multitask, but she doesn’t want that, cause Batya is anti-immigrant, when immigrants are job creators at 2X the rate of native born citizens, yet Batya says immigrants take people jobs, when they are the job creators.

@williamangeles9761 - 01.01.2023 00:26

Nancy pelosi said it we need New slaves they won't complain about the low wages

@jenningsmills5398 - 04.01.2023 10:12

Ameshia is still on the plantation.
