How to Express Your Feelings & Emotions Without Fear

How to Express Your Feelings & Emotions Without Fear

Stacy Rocklein

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Alejandra Castro
Alejandra Castro - 17.08.2023 16:59

I hold everything in. Literally and to others it may seem that i’m Obvlious or not catching on to what’s going on but I get so scared to respond but the only thing that’s doing is putting me back and not living true. It’s scary to be vulnerable and let others know you love them and keeps going without overthinking. I think the more I keep quiet the more i hurt others and hurt myself bc i’m the one who suffers with not expressing or feeling what i’m actually feeling to not hurt others, instead of helping i’m hurting them and myself. We’re all human with emotions and it’s okay.

Азербайджанец Бакинец
Азербайджанец Бакинец - 24.06.2023 03:41


Aid3nFromYT - 24.04.2023 00:36

New skills unlock

Anna Marshall
Anna Marshall - 19.04.2023 01:38

watching this vid because even tho ik we both feel the same way I just shut down whenever I want to say anything, could be some odd coping strategy or something but I can't seem to not

ola - 25.03.2023 18:02

I am afraid that sharing my feelings in a relationship, negative or positive will immediately drive the person off which results in rejection, shame and pain.

Ibrahim McClure
Ibrahim McClure - 18.03.2023 08:35

The thing is I don’t know how to express myself on how I feel on a situation so I would get sad and cry about the situation because I overthink about it and it gets hard and then it gets hard to talk to my significant other because I may seem awkward is there a way for this to stop

Kahlan Harris
Kahlan Harris - 16.02.2023 03:49

Ive been the protector almost my whole life and in the past have been told to stop crying and care for my twin sister. So I did. I think that might be why. Im not sure. But I try to talk about my feelings and I start crying its not accompanied by any kind of emotion. Im mainly just embarrassed but it usually takes explaining how I feel out of the question. I can joke about how I feel but when its the honest straight up answer Im unable to talk without my throat closing up. Im pretty sure people get more worried about my tears than what im actually trying to tell them. Anything that other people say about how I may be feeling that hits the mark also makes me cry. I would like to talk to someone about it but I don’t even know why it’s happening.

Usakuo - 10.02.2023 14:20

Thanks for sharing! It’s helpful🥺🥺🥺

Sageinadaze - 03.02.2023 22:13

I'm terrified to share how I feel. Anytime I did as a kid I was shamed put down or made to feel like my feelings weren't valid or accepted by my family friends or relationships. My most recent ex would take my concerns and feelings and turn it into a fight. They'd call me crazy. But now I'm with someone I really want to be open and vulnerable with and it's so hard. I don't know how to do it. I don't know how to be open and honest without fear of how they'll react and if I'll be put down again.

Isaac Jacob
Isaac Jacob - 02.02.2023 04:42

I passed on the road and I saw this girl I love her
But I don’t know how to start and express my feelings for her

Misha D
Misha D - 15.01.2023 18:20

Never had close friends I lose relationships it’s so much wrong with me 🥺

JG - 08.01.2023 08:20

What if you have trauma of expressing this or being vulnerable and having a girl leave you?

Imani - 01.01.2023 19:46

Thank you so much for this! Just what I needed. That tip about telling people how we want them to respond before sharing emotions is gonna be so helpful😄

carolyn shahi
carolyn shahi - 13.12.2022 05:36

I am very expressive I guess over expressive. I feel that my boyfriend don’t wanna hear me anymore. I think I annoys him being so expressive. What can I do not to annoy him with my feelings. Is there any way I can control my emotions. Need help.😢

COOL MUSIC - 05.12.2022 16:45

thanks for your suggestions 😍 😍

Opnaltech - 14.10.2022 14:42

Looking ways to express my dissapointment and anger on something else my parents grounded me when im about to leave for a debut and the reason is Because i said so

DoctorRekha - 04.10.2022 08:55

However, as an Ayurvedic doctor, I can say that, explicitly expressing emotions for a long time can do more harm than good. For example, Ayurveda mentions 4 emotions that affects digestion - Sadness, Overthinking, Fear, Anger and expressing these emotions explicitly can lead to digestion related issues. And according to Ayurveda, every disease is due to a bad Agni a.k.a gut health. So to take care of your health, one must have control over one’s emotions.

FLASH GAMER - 06.09.2022 20:15

i don't know but last few weeks i feel very strange towards someone . Actually i don't know that i am in love or not but when i see her my heart beat very fast if it is love then i don't like it bcz i am a college student and 1st i want to achieve my future goal before falling in love with someone but my heart didn't listen to me so thats a big problem i have faced for few weeks what should i do have i express my feeling or just ignore these feelings .

Jparcasm - 06.08.2022 04:44

opening up to others about your feelings is a scam

Sayali - 04.08.2022 01:49

Currently watching videos like this to be able to communicate my feeling with my significant other. I shut down and build a wall when I have sad of upset. I understand how it developed through my childhood and my relationship with my mom. But it's still so hard to overcome the wall I build around my friends and family

Jamie Cee49
Jamie Cee49 - 01.08.2022 13:35

Everytime I do. I get hurt. That's why I close up.

Nicole Mayorga
Nicole Mayorga - 26.07.2022 06:00

I want to learn to express my feelings I always seem to cry or laugh and I make others feel worse when they've triggered me why is it hard for me to have my own voice 💔 😔 😢 have that communication skills and not be scared what the he'll is wrong is wrong me I'm the problem and I don't have no family nor support 💔 I just feel like I honestly deserve this my whole life all I want is to change my life but sometimes i tend to feel or think I shouldn't be in this world I've lost a brother and my own father and now everyone is against me family and the reason why my ex lefted

Christian Schmid
Christian Schmid - 25.07.2022 01:37

Great video. I will definitly try the 'tell others what I expect'-part.
Problem for me most of the time is I cannot name my feelings. Not sure if its Alexythymie or not.
The other way around I am pretty quickly overwelmed by the emotions of other people. My default is a complet shutdown (dont move, dont say anything, etc.), which in turn is interpreted as ignorance.
By the time I processed the feelings of my relevant other the conversation is over already.

Checkmate - 23.06.2022 23:19

My mom was a psycho bitch. My family was pretty messed up and she was really aggressive and probably bipolar. She would make us lie to cops and she was sometimes over protective and other times angry that we would show emotions. I don’t know if that’s why but for some reason things that I’m not even sad about I will kinda choke up just from the fact that I have to speak or have to talk. Like if I were to make a statement and someone say well what do you mean by that or asks me to explain further I know what I want to say but my brain just won’t let me talk.

Traves Cot
Traves Cot - 20.06.2022 06:52

Thank you for making these vidoes

Apphia Queenz Music
Apphia Queenz Music - 13.06.2022 02:52

Theres a God who can turn any weakness into strength..even if its a process..he created you fearfully & wonderfully..he knows everything about you & knows exactly how to fix it.
Jesus is alive 🙌 🙏 ❤ Call 📞 on him🌟

Vyxie - 08.06.2022 18:20

The thing is im already in a relationship with a girl but I just cant get myself to kiss her. I want to, I really do. And I know she does too. But whenever I’m with her I still find myself hesitating TT

Outlaws Revenge
Outlaws Revenge - 05.04.2022 23:32

A friend of mine is constantly not hearing me when I try to share how I feel. I have a history of childhood abuse and I am familiar with bottling up my feelings because I wasn't allowed to have them as a child. When someone doesn't hear me it triggers me to feeling like I'm living the abuse again. I try to let them know in a in a way that's productive that I don't like feeling like someone is dismissing my feelings. Then I regret saying anything. Why do I do this?

Stanly Shtembari
Stanly Shtembari - 01.02.2022 22:49

I have got problem when a girl express her feelings i don't listen but i jump, to sort out her problem, can anyone help me with any advice ,

Niwashaba Moreen
Niwashaba Moreen - 10.01.2022 14:30

bt for me l don't know what happened to me, sometimes i love someone with much love bt in two weeks i really lose appetite to talk to him, especially boys i don't why

Lulurecord - 10.01.2022 07:50

Thank you so. so. much.

Ģhostrider Blaze
Ģhostrider Blaze - 05.01.2022 04:49

a man can lie to woman, but he can't lie to man, it's not fair

Ģhostrider Blaze
Ģhostrider Blaze - 05.01.2022 02:37

I told my friend he has no time for me. and it's ok

I'm used to being rejected

social rejection my default setting now.

no one accepts me

Ģhostrider Blaze
Ģhostrider Blaze - 05.01.2022 02:15

I tell my friends to lie to me, they don't understand what it means.

Ģhostrider Blaze
Ģhostrider Blaze - 05.01.2022 02:13

I'm going to be rejected if I express how I feel.

Shanice Sollovan
Shanice Sollovan - 17.12.2021 14:49

I just found this and I truly appreciate you

Hiba Soomro
Hiba Soomro - 26.11.2021 12:52

This vedio is so helping and easing my thoughts. ❤

Terka - 22.11.2021 20:31

...I don't know how to tell my parents and siblings, that I love them. Such a Basic thing for some, but we have never ever done it. And I feel like we will not have much time left, but i just dont know how to expres it, when I am with them....theres like a blokade between my heart and my mouth. And I think it would help us get closer, help us be honest about things that we don't talk about, cuz we all are scared of rejection I think...I have always been strong emotional person, but since childhood I had been pushing them away, locking them up in on room of my life cuz of bullying and anxiety ....even now I'm crying. Any practical advice? Thank you

different - 17.11.2021 12:10


Infinity7 - 20.10.2021 05:37

I want to talk to my parents about how I feel cause I’m going through new emotions and I don’t know what to say cause I’m scared

- 11.10.2021 15:11

The reason i came here is because i forgot on how to properly express myself, ive been Abused By My Uncle, when I'm about to cry he tells me not to so the neighbors wont be worried about me i feel dull...

krishun carlos
krishun carlos - 18.08.2021 20:58

I love my family so much. but sometimes my family members think im ungrateful when I dont express emotions. Like if its something exciting I wont express excitement even though in my head, im extremely excited about it. I really want to and wish i could express emotion because they probably would feel more proud and happy, but I would feel weird doing it since i don’t do it often. I feel like when I dont show how excited I am they’re probably thinking how ungrateful I am or if they didn’t meet the standards I wanted. But that’s not true at all. Idk I feel out of place and I want to laugh with them. or them to laugh with me (If that makes any sense). I feel like im wasting my teen years acting like a fake version of myself around my family. I want to be myself around them like how most people are with their family

_sister_james_23 - 15.07.2021 10:22

I fell in love with this boy before the coronavirus. I cannot even express how much I love him. I cry about him almost everyday. My family is too strict so I can't really tell any one about him. Although my best friend knows what I'm going through. It's been 2 years since I've met him... I reached out to him and asked for some time so that we can talk. I am so scared to tell him everything that happened in these past 2 years. Knowing that someome will read this makes me relaxed and kinda better. And I really hope no one goes through the same thing.

bri 💋
bri 💋 - 27.06.2021 03:25

my boyfriend gets frustrated when i get upset because instead of telling him whats wrong and why i feel that way i just shut off completely. i cant seem to explain how i feel or to put my emotions in words, instead i just cry abt it. the other day i thought abt this and i realize my mom was the same way with me and i wondered if that impacted the way i react. she would always stay quiet/ignore me and not even look at me when she would get mad, i feel like receiving the silent treatment made me "devolop" the silent treatment since it was the only example of dealing with emotions i was shown

F Y - 10.06.2021 23:40

I really want to try and be brave and connect with others, but I’ve had so much rejection, invalidation and misunderstanding that I’ve kind of just given up.

I keep it all to myself now and am very cautious of who I share my true feelings with.

Xcenyah The Fox
Xcenyah The Fox - 05.06.2021 04:52

Ive been feeling bad for so long....i really want to tell my partner i love them but i can never say it....i get overwhelmed by my emotions so easily so for their sake (they get upset whenever im sad)so i never say it....they know about this and we have a way of telling eachother "i love you" in different words but im currently working on myself and these issues to be able to tell my partner that i love them.

Beth any
Beth any - 02.06.2021 05:58

its sad how i have to search this up.
