The ONLY Starfield Weapon Mods Guide You Need | Starfield Handbook

The ONLY Starfield Weapon Mods Guide You Need | Starfield Handbook


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Just2tyte - 27.11.2023 01:50

Do you know how to avoid the bug where you become unable to locate new temples? Or how to fix it. My first play through I got a bug where I was directed to a planet with a temple and the temple didn't exist there. I spent hours on the surface looking the scanner never malfunctioned like at the other temples. Oddly enough I've entered systems where temples were and THOSE quests popped up and I was able to get powers there but it was only by chance that I entered those systems.

Pdragy - 27.11.2023 00:12

Man, I found a full auto advanced magshot fairly early (lvl30 I think) but I always found Magshots difficult as there's no crosshair and green is hard to see I've found... but fully auto makes it TWICE as pointless... at least in my hands. It has a mag size of just 6 (I think) and runs out almost instantly! plus the kickback is IMMENSE even in semi auto (single shot) so fully auto is like trying to hold an ENRAGED cat! Absolutely BURNS through your precious .43 MI ammo as well. Thing is that when going fully auto you typically see IMMENSE lowering of you damage... but with the mag shot you don't o.0 Now I can't handle it but I had been meaning to try my companion with this gun. Anybody tried something like this already?

Chaz3r 22
Chaz3r 22 - 26.11.2023 23:06

I really thought that you could make a legendary rattler look like the deadeye that you get from freestar rangers quest or make a legendary lawgiver look like the justifier, peacemaker, or head ranger uniques.

Fuckyougoogle - 26.11.2023 21:53

Any thoughts on the Double Barrel Muzzle for the Big Bang?

Isdezenaambezet - 26.11.2023 12:53

I think the crafting is another failed attempt at a system like this. You don't naturally level up your skill, you just find the lowest resource mod and repeat that 30 times to skill up. 5 skill points is also far too much to complete the skill. I feel like bethesda could have done away with at least half their skill tree and it would have been better for it.

XoRandomGuyoX - 25.11.2023 05:28

Well, I found one use for Ignition Beams on energy weapons. I put the mod on the Orion I gave Sarah so I can tell which alien she is shooting at, so I can deal enough damage to get XP from it before it dies. Penetrator Rounds I use on the Hard Target, especially when hunting bulky aliens. Choke and Flechette has been standard on shotguns, too much fun, and useful to boot.

Jorge C
Jorge C - 25.11.2023 02:02

Bull Barrel with sniper skills = never hold breath again. Its 100% steady and relaxed.

Vaporjoes - 24.11.2023 21:17

Evntually you will have all the mods. If you do exp farming you can have most of them in a day.

Me Last name
Me Last name - 24.11.2023 14:20

I haven't finished the game yet but I already regret investing so much time into weapon/spacesuit skills. when I replay it, ill put more into quality of life skills that seem useless but are time savers. im at 57 I think, & ive only got the first melee skill that came with a stealth build. you start to find better and better weapons pretty quickly, so there's no need to invest in these two skills. they need to have a mod where it removes half the ammo available, or survivor mode where meds do little or are more rare. unless its something really unique ive stopped picking up stuff because its became boring and abundant. and outside of hornets nest, I can't tell much of a difference in the heat of the moment of rarity attributes, or level damage. I think the game gives you too much too soon. weirdly, I hated starting 76 because it was so difficult with very little. but it did force you to invest/hold on to a particular weapon or armor longer.

Wyatt Fitzwater
Wyatt Fitzwater - 24.11.2023 05:20

The reload speed works for the tactical grip if you unequip your grenades. One of those makes no sense bugthesda things

Matt C
Matt C - 24.11.2023 05:05

This content is invaluable, and I'm subscribing just for this

Kirhean - 24.11.2023 03:45

Regarding Shotgun mods: I've noticed that a choke + slug combo appears to increase the accuracy/range on the weapon's tooltip, and I FEEL like it actually is improved...but I'm not actually sure if it's a real increase or if I'm imagining it. Can you offer any insight?

Pendant Blade
Pendant Blade - 23.11.2023 16:49

Even if this ain't getting the views like they used to I still enjoy this series immensely.

Dorian Shepard
Dorian Shepard - 23.11.2023 14:56

Anyone using tac mags be aware that if you have grenades equipped none of your reload speed buffs will work. Another glorious bug that's been unaddressed since launch

Алексей Чехович
Алексей Чехович - 23.11.2023 09:52

How to put a second like to a video? Just for the skins related topic alone. Can’t agree more, it was such a underwhelming news for me that there is literally no in-game skin rewards whatsoever while every weapon has a skin slot. Such a waste.

Deca4531 - 23.11.2023 03:17

Is classic Starfield fashion, half the content serves no purpose and is just there to make it look more fleshed out than it actually is.

Tyler Scott
Tyler Scott - 23.11.2023 02:20

I totally thought it was a Nexus mod review 😂😂😂

Kenshin Saeteurn
Kenshin Saeteurn - 22.11.2023 19:52

I was really hoping this would be the next video… and it was!

Thank you so much, for your time and dedication to answering questions I am far too lazy to figure out myself.

Suit/pack mods next?..

LXTrouble - 22.11.2023 14:27

If you use commands, you can add the hornet's nest mod to the keelhauler

RedPine 20
RedPine 20 - 22.11.2023 11:55

Hey, at least SF provides good fodder for bug/glitch/exploit/documentation hunters.

Ozymandias TOTB
Ozymandias TOTB - 22.11.2023 08:51

Absolutely agree with you that so many content creators have such shallow & single minded videos on superlatives & what they think is the best.

I wish I can subscribe to your channel twice.

Kevin Korenke
Kevin Korenke - 22.11.2023 07:36

I know the explosive rounds aren't the best, but consider this. Now I have a bolter named The Emperor's Mercy. Worth it.

Killer Kenny9049
Killer Kenny9049 - 22.11.2023 06:49

I knew you were cooking something man appreciate you for explaining how awful this game is

Jere7 bear7
Jere7 bear7 - 22.11.2023 06:44

The tesla rounds do go through walls if they are in the aoe. So if you are taking a ship you can shoot at the cockpit door, or if you are doing bounties you can shoot the building. Its a limited effect, but will soften a strong ai

AP - 22.11.2023 04:12

Gut buster is far from OP, but it’s pretty fun. I’m still running a maelstrom with it just for the giggles.

AP - 22.11.2023 03:06

Mumble doing God’s work on this channel…

Ravenous Oubliette
Ravenous Oubliette - 22.11.2023 01:18

Starshard with scatter lens and burst fire is sooooo nice in close quarters, even if it costs you marksman bonuses.

CaveDweller42 - 22.11.2023 00:54

Another amazing video in this invaluable series. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this in-depth research and also thank you for a great balance of pacing, organization, and attitude. So glad for this content as I play through Starfield. Can't wait for the next one!

davryder12 - 22.11.2023 00:19

Can't wait for the Mod tools to be available, so maybe someone can give a redux to most of these modifications an actual reason to use, that and I want Nyan cat skins for the mining laser and other large weapons.

Xezbeth - 21.11.2023 23:03

Another banger. Dense with valuable information.
Gonna have to rework a few of my go-tos next session. Thanks.

Hellknight666 - 21.11.2023 23:00


Jon Mccall
Jon Mccall - 21.11.2023 22:32

Can you do a video going through all the different guns with a breakdown on what's "better"? Like I know there is an argument on best sniper right now.

Jared Alonge
Jared Alonge - 21.11.2023 22:30

bro ive missed you, i think i might have been playing less in your absence, but youre gonna get me back to playing again, thats for sure.

*Edit. I haven’t finished yet but saw you included grips and stocks in the same section. I thought for sure you would test or mention testing the difference between stabilizing and regular stocks, as it says “while standing still” so I usually try to build 2 guns one with regular good stock and one with the stabilizing one and try standing still versus moving and see if the “accurate” shots change or if the range reaches out longer. Hope you mention it

**edit again. It looks like you did mention it, and you said it kinda works on the hard target. I’m not sure how to extrapolate that data towards other things tho but thanks touching it

Chad Harger
Chad Harger - 21.11.2023 22:16

Some more advice about maxing weapon modding skill-
1) Choose Professor background. It comes with 3 of the 4 skill points to unlock weapon modding skill.
2) Do everything related to mod and research challenges at the same time. When you mod a weapon for challenge both research and wrapon mod will get a point.
3) Master weapon modding the moment you are able to meaning after you reach the lodge. The game is not bound by character levels like Fallout 4. You can master weapon modding(and research skill) by about character level 11-12 with professor background and about 13-15 without that background and not putting skill points into other skills.

Mason Koehler
Mason Koehler - 21.11.2023 20:44

I saw a Reddit post not too long ago that said if you have a grenade equipped, then your reload skills/mods won't work. Something about "needing two hands" which is some backwards logic and has to be a bug. But I swear, I've been running without grenades equipped and I do reload noticeably faster.

Schitzoflink - 21.11.2023 20:23

I appreciate your videos. They help to balance the malaise I seem to be in after 150ish hours. Just gotta get through the MC and then off to play a different game for awhile.

Max Lights
Max Lights - 21.11.2023 19:49

i havent been able to load my save for about a week, since the last update, i can get to the main menu and look through my saves but if i try to load one and actually play the game just crashes

Rafael De Leon
Rafael De Leon - 21.11.2023 19:02

Great rundown. Any chance you can look into what animals give the most experience farming killing in outpost husbandry. I know that when you farm all species, they've capped (for me atleast) at level 110. The most I've seen without xp boost is 192xp per. I have a feeling there are better species to farm that can give more.

Brandon P.
Brandon P. - 21.11.2023 18:58

Has anyone crossed referenced this information with the weapon value increase of the mod? When I'm not sure which mod to add, I choose the mod with the largest increase in weapon value. I wonder which cases are the exception.

Jim Cleary
Jim Cleary - 21.11.2023 18:46

Awesome vid UM!!!!

Primus of Catarina
Primus of Catarina - 21.11.2023 18:43

Doesn't ignition beam also increased damage?

Mitmon_8 - 21.11.2023 17:23

Thank you so much for keeping up the great work. Seems like the swarm of crappy content creators trying to capitalize on Starfield's initial popularity has finally simmered down. Probably because Starfield's popularity has also greatly diminished. But a lot of us still love it, so it's great that good content creators are still pumping out the best vids.
You've convinced me to go with a dual Razorback build from now on. I've basically done this already, but still keep a Hard Target around for sniping super far away. But I rarely use it, so I may just hang it up. I have one Razorback that is setup for single shot max damage for sneak sniping (1000+ damage per sneak hit), then another Razorback with the extended ammo effect for handling cq combat. I didn't realize binary trigger was so OP, so I'll be adding that to my CQ Razorback. Thanks again!

Jaydev - 21.11.2023 17:12

Love the work you put into these! Thank you so much for your effort. Cant wait to see spacesuit mods guide next 🦾.
Also a small suggestion, I would recommend you bring back the tier list type ranking to these mod guides and a small recap at the end so we know what are some good mods to invest in.

Seth Blank
Seth Blank - 21.11.2023 15:59

Man, keep it up. I love your videos

Civilez - 21.11.2023 15:55


The stab barrel in the AA99 and stab stock on the Orion were making the weapon range display show increased numbers when standing still. Did you notice something like that?
