Thank you for breaking this down. it's been a while since I took statistics and this helped tremendously!
ОтветитьAmazing concept. Thank you
ОтветитьI haven't watched the video yet, but I wish it will help
ОтветитьGod I hate making pico question
ОтветитьNicely explained 👌
ОтветитьGreat examples! Will be using with my grad level class. Thanks!
Ответить(just notes for me for next time i visit this video). Outlines your clinical research question. Asks you to think about aspects to investigate. Patient / Population. Who is receiving the treatment. Intervention / interest. Comparison intervention group. Outcome. Patient = how would you describe your patient. Most important characteristic of patient. Relevant to research question. Intervention. What test / exposure / drug / test do you want to do. Comparison. Variable vs Control. Comparison is the control group. Compare intervention. Outcome. What are you expecting to see. What are you hypothesizing that your intervention will cause. Time. How long will this take? Type of question or study. Different designs of studies. PICO. Research question. What effect will campus smoking ban have on people who smoke. What are ways to test the intervention. Patients, students who smoke. Intervention is smoking ban. Comparison is no smoking ban. Outcome could be students smoke less. Time could be semester. Using PICO, do college smoking bans decrease the amount that students smoke. Concepts of question / search. Search for literature. Smoking. Ban. Students. College. Smoke less. Now see if there is literature. Synonyms, different words. Best most relevant results. Plural singular words. University. Get a bunch of words. Population. Intervention. Control (comparison being made). Outcome. Now turn into database language. And Or Not. And is going to combine concepts together. Or tells the databases we are flexible. College Or students Or university. Smoke Or Smoking. Search by truncation. Smok* = wildcard. Any endings are included in search. We are telling the database to look for core word. Smokes, smoker, smok, smoking, smoke. Useful with plurals too.
ОтветитьI don't even smoke and this video makes me want to smoke.. smoke.. PS thank you for the lesson!
ОтветитьWhy is researching so confusing
ОтветитьVery engaging, thanks!🦋
ОтветитьVery good lecture and easy to understand guide on PICO, thanks.
ОтветитьGreat video!
ОтветитьP i c o
ОтветитьPlease be aware of the wet mouth sounds, they are triggering for some like myself and therefore make it super difficult to listen to and finish the video.
ОтветитьPico: me?
ОтветитьThank's, great exercise
ОтветитьThank you
ОтветитьGo pico yeah go pico yeah go pico xd
A deep voice singing machine
Hey everyone go search up "picos school!"
Ответитьthank you!
ОтветитьGreat video! Helps allot!
Yang2020 btw
While reading my lecture notes on PICO, I kept yawning, wanting to fall asleep, & not absorbing anything. Then I found this video & now it makes sense. Many thanks!
ОтветитьShe sounds thirsty...
ОтветитьVery good presentation! You made my worker easier and the example you gave on smoking was really clear! Thank you!