Sim Update 15 Delayed Indefinitely | Microsoft Flight Simulator Sim Update 15 | What Is Going On?

Sim Update 15 Delayed Indefinitely | Microsoft Flight Simulator Sim Update 15 | What Is Going On?

Fast Times Vero

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@fionafaulds1714 - 08.05.2024 01:09

I am totally done with msfs, I am really losing hope on msfs2024 because if they cant fix a sim update then god knows how they will cope with 2024. MSFS YOU ARE A SHAMBLES AND YOJ DESERVED TO BE SHAMED!

@VoicefulRiver - 08.05.2024 01:22

Spitting facts.

@stopspewinshit7878 - 08.05.2024 01:40

Disappointing … poor business practices

@xstavinhouu - 08.05.2024 01:50

With all these delays, it is to be expected that the update will come with very few bugs

@sergivan08 - 08.05.2024 01:53

It's simple, it isn't ready yet

@smax3117 - 08.05.2024 02:02

It is a shame that they are experiencing so many issues but updates are a very complicated business, especially as they need to work of both Xbox and PC. Personally, I would rather wait and let them get it right before release than have it pushed out before they are confident it is OK. There are literally millions of different PC specs that the sim has to work on and the update needs to work for everyone. That is a major challenge even for a team the size of Asobo and Microsoft.

@outdoorsdelmarva5691 - 08.05.2024 02:26

Par for the course!

@GOBUCS82 - 08.05.2024 02:27

At least they found out it was going to make it worse and Stopped the release. I still play MSFS 2020 on Xbox everyday and I Love it, I'm not going anywhere.

@JohnCillis - 08.05.2024 02:42

I heard via another video that update 15 broke all the Xbox third party add-ons. Sadly, they prioritize the PC and treat Xbox users as kids, simply because we chose a platform that should not require the investment that obsoletes PC's when every new version of the sim is released. We do not tolerate PC users adding troll posts in Xbox discussions saying "get a PC".

I have a PC--meant for business or legacy sim titles, like No LImits Coaster, never released for the Xbox. MSFS initially ran well on the Xbox, but midway thru the update cycle, something got broke introducing black screens on glass gauges, stutters, and CTD's.

Seem less on the Xbox S than X users reports, but that does not mean PC users should tell us how to spend our money by investing in a new PC, or Asobo suggest "wait (and pay) for MSFS 2024".

I still enjoy the sim, even study level titles, complex add-on cities and airports, but if a long flight, I choose a major airport like my Phoenix add-on and land at a secondary airport, like Orlando, or Portland, or Ontario. Far less likely to produce issues.

But when Vero posts, I only lend my support, when I can, as a former pro business developer our motto was despite what an end user pays for a license, support should be equal because our users income or profitability should not determine quality of service.

That is a software development team member's (formerly a MIcrosoft and IBM and Dell partner) point of view, saying that one does not have to be a developer to be qualified, like I feel Vero is, in an honest opinion.

@estsidedemon - 08.05.2024 02:45

Taking time off this game until 2024 releases recently just got a ps5 been enjoying that more recently which is heartbreaking because id rather play msfs but its nearly impossible now on xbox unfortunately

@robskey - 08.05.2024 03:08

This is mfs fix simulator 😅😅😅 we got 2024 to come but this newer was finish 😅😅😅

@mallatratt36 - 08.05.2024 03:22

im glad thay delayed it ive not really had much issues with my sim on series x ive only down loaded 2 airports think airports are a big problem if it takes su15 another to get right it fine by me but i dont think i will invest my cash on sim 24 ill stick with what ive got

@LonzieSeal-lc4wm - 08.05.2024 03:33

So when is it coming out, cuz this is taking the fucking piss mate I’m not the type to go and hate on a company but fuck me have that just taken the day off or something because it’s been like this for ages

@dont155 - 08.05.2024 03:34

Wow... what hyperbole... 😅

@-qwerty-4422 - 08.05.2024 04:00

SU15 is the last Sim Update for MSFS2020 this year. The delays are good because it means they're getting it right. SU15 is meant to be the biggest update yet so it's good that they're taking their time.

@thomasmckendry8566 - 08.05.2024 04:10

Ay C*rumba

@F1racer14-px2hd - 08.05.2024 05:13

Wanted to make this comment (this coming from a former Xbox player). Pc is having a lot of issues with dx12 and msfs wants to get this solved for this update since it’s final release as well as wasm being a major issue on pc (not so sure abt Xbox). I get it’s frustrating but it’s way more frustrating with it crashing every 3 flights and literally 3 fps

@Gamerguy-501 - 08.05.2024 05:38

So when are we going to get the Sim Update 15?!?! They keep doing this god damn shit over and over and OVER! Like stop pushing this damn shit over!

@SNIPERTOAST8 - 08.05.2024 07:11

Again 😡

@beachboy0910 - 08.05.2024 07:37

I agree and wonder if the reason for the poor progress is due to asobo focusing heavily on MSFS 2024. If that’s the case I feel ripped off as we’ve been loyal and spent lots of $ on various aspects related to MSFS 2020 (Xbox subscriptions, etc).

@shakingoffthedust809 - 08.05.2024 08:21

I truly believe that this is the next level of marketing put forth by greedy corporations.
You slowly update things to the point that they don't work.
I.e. phones, tablets & watches that no longer hold a charge.
(Apple was sued over this)
games no longer function like they did in the beginning at release, computers slowing down and not processing information like they did before... it is the "frog doesn't know it's in peril in a pot of warm water, but if you increase the temperature slightly over time until it becomes boiling water then its to late for the frog"
this is the new sales tactic that we are all being subjected to, and we are the frogs.
This way, you go out and purchase again and again to replace everything constantly with no end.
We are nothing more than a consumer of goods, a cash cow.

I believe they are purposely breaking the sim little by little until it is rendered useless, and then you are forced to purchase the new sim that works better, etc.
Until they prepare for the next release, and then they rinse wash and repeat the same thing over again to force you to purchase again and again in an endless cycle.
And we all tell each other that we won't go and purchase again.
But we read the reviews, and we see the luster of how it's all working fantastically on all platforms and how they have everything all figured out as long as you purchase this and this it will be great....
Until they start updating everything to break once again and you find yourself in the same dam boat that you were in before.
And repeat the endless cycle once again.
Have you ever wondered why you can still find cars and household items such as toasters, etc. from early 1700s and 1800?
And they still function like new...
But you can go to a store and pick up an item nowadays, and you will be lucky if it works for a few years before it needs to be replaced....
This has been going on for quite some time. We are only just beginning to realize that the water is getting too hot.....

@walkabout8911 - 08.05.2024 08:42

Stop whining just wait for it only a update.. You said it's embarrassing for Asorbo how about your crying that's embarrassing 😂

@VoyagerSimProject - 08.05.2024 09:03

✅ ☑ 🏁

@infinitewisdom9619 - 08.05.2024 09:30

We went to the moon… XD

@taylordetavernier5648 - 08.05.2024 09:33

It's the last update before MSFS 2024. I prefer a big delay to resolve all the importants problems, than another rushed update which destroy the sim forever.

Because, when MSFS 2024 will be here, I doubt Asobo will do many updates on 2020.

@paletobay1017 - 08.05.2024 09:36

I just wanna fly my damn plane 😭

@user-pz9px1jk4o - 08.05.2024 10:36

I've been with Microsoft flight sim since 1984 and over the last year it's the only time they've cocked it all up I agree very disappointing

@kulch-ey7sn - 08.05.2024 11:07

They need to fix fhe WASM issue thst spawned this week, this effects 3rd party aircraft. An update was released today to fix this so we have to test again. The beta is great otherwise. The last 8 weeks in beta is the most fun ive had, no stutters or black screens, i have 100 add ons, maybe 40 airports. There are approx 300 fixes in this update so its the big one and the last one before MSFS 2024, so the wait will be worth it, or dont wait and join beta. Good times are ahead, turbulent free friendly skys 🔥

@thecavemandynamic2685 - 08.05.2024 11:21

Hanger? How do I get one, and does it have functionality?

@user-pc2jr4oy4s - 08.05.2024 11:56

It's important to remember - participating in a beta program means you're pretty much asking for issues, so you can help the developers patch them up before the full release. It becoming entirely broken is part of the process.
With the delays, it's what it is. It's Asobo's product - it's theirs not ours. We are merely buying a copy of it for our pleasure and enjoyment. Therefore, if we want something, we can always shout out but the result of it is up to them. Effectively, if we have issues with it, we just have to suck it up or leave it. Hellar excited for SU_15 regardless!!! It'll hopefully be worth the wait! :)

@erickalonji4408 - 08.05.2024 12:27

You guys are very entitled... Microsoft and Asobo gave us.great game. Before that, we had Xplane, which was great, but also lacked so much! And now, we want to throw our toys because they've taken more time releasing an update? Suppose they release it based on people's tantrums and it breaks things more? What would be the point? Wouldn't it be better for them to sort out the mess and release something stable? Working in the software dev industry, isn't easy. Fixing some codes might break other codes, especially at this scale... Waiting a little longer doesn't hurt. This generation of fast-paced everything, nothing is ever solid and stable.... Sorry for the venting, but let's have realistic expectations of things created by a group of people; it will take time.

@dannymiester5825 - 08.05.2024 14:36

The thing is, Surely they have a backup of Su13, it was pretty good for everyone I thought

@Vitasvia - 08.05.2024 14:55

I honestly don't care about this update. I have not experience any problems

@animaxima8302 - 08.05.2024 16:49

Dude, get real, you said it yourself: It's a VIDEO GAME, it's not the Apollo program!

Seriously, the amount of entitled drivel in this post is what gives the sim community its reputation of a bunch of entitled crybabies when your favorite toy doesn't amuse you the way you want???

Give me a break dude!!! Seriously, you need time away from your PC!!!

@atibbo - 08.05.2024 17:01

You think we went to the moon? Jesus

@TheOneTrueSpLiT - 08.05.2024 18:17

It seems to be the norm these days for devs to push out a product and call it "early access" that lets them hide behind when the shit hits the fan. To me, MSFS is in that boat, it has never been a 99.9% complete and functioning sim, the devs have been constantly having to fix things while at the same time introducing new features - it is just not done this way, or rather it didn't use to be done this way. We didn't have this approach for FSX or any of the other previous releases, so why is it "acceptable" now? I've been a professional Software Engineer since 1987, I was part of the teams that wrote the code for the HUDs for C-17, F-16, EuroFighter, TRN for Tornado GR1 and the FCC (fly-by-wire computer) for Boeing 777 - imagine if we took this approach when we released our products. It's unacceptable and I fear we will be left with a broken and stagnating half-assed product while all the attention is switched to MSFS 2024 and support is focused on that. I have no confidence in Micro$haft nor Arse-obo anymore. In addition, the PC and Xbox versions should be their own products and not one product that attempts to work on both platforms, they've been hacking the PC version to work on the Xbox since day one and thus breaking it for both, and that's a joke.

@kacperkorol7400 - 08.05.2024 20:00

Beta is Like a Virus

@lime-ky5tm - 08.05.2024 20:28

Adobo and Microsoft have literally thrown this game to shit, the discord is lost in a reckless shamble of bad moderation, the game is failing to meet deadlines, and the game just gets buggier every update. It’s done for them.

@ScreamingEagle101st - 08.05.2024 22:25

PC players toxic af blaming xbox. We deserve a working patch for the consoles

@johanuyttewaal3986 - 08.05.2024 23:07

I have no problem with mine because I didn't download the Beta I guess? Lucky me.

@paulkirkland3263 - 09.05.2024 00:16

The sim is running fine for me, and I'm perfectly happy to wait for SU-15, no matter how long it takes. Too much drama over nothing.

@tubeloobs - 09.05.2024 02:20

Dude stop whining. They just fixed the DX12 tile bleed issue so be quiet and let Asobo cook. It is the last damn sim update of the year and you want them to rush it? Buy a PC and stop crying.

@activex7327 - 09.05.2024 05:21

Xplane had no updates in months and even after the release, their updates were just bug fixes. I would not complain. It could be worse.

@SkyIsCalling2 - 09.05.2024 07:34

The time for patience is long over! This SU15 update was supposed to be released in March!! Two months ago! And mere days before what is supposed to be the release date and it’s in the worst shape ever. They need to stop giving release dates at this point as it just makes them look incompetent and ridiculous. The sim has been a wreck since the first week in December. We are 5 months out! 5 months!! Whether you have $300 or $3000 invested in the sim, we all deserve to have it working well with the ability to use all of the add-ons that WE HAVE PAID FOR!!! We aren’t getting anything for free on Xbox and they know that. Thanks for keeping it 💯 as always FTV!

@rotorcraftsimulation - 09.05.2024 12:54

Chill out bro, Asobo has been releasing a lot more updates then any other Flight sim developer in the market, they are at a transition stage implementing a few changes to the flight model in order to bring better physics, that will be similar to what we will see in MFS2024. Yeah, indeed we went to the moon seventy years ago, but have you seen the budget they had and what asobo's got? lol

@jeffreyuprichard3754 - 09.05.2024 13:39

I'd just like to roll back updates that give me problems .
But as a once real world pilot light single and twins with a decent spec PC and a VR headset this is as close to the real thing that you will ever get.

@CaptainAbir - 09.05.2024 20:51

Brother, I have got 8204 hrs of flight on this simulator. Just think how I feel when I start a 16 hours flight from Mumbai to Newyork and when I’m on final approach I seee Post Apocalyptic JFK with abrupt tiles on runways …. It kills me from within bro. I have a full blown simulator setup just because it’s my passion. But asobo doesn’t care !!! I’ve tried informing the issues to Sebastian on LinkedIn but he is least bothered to look at our msg. I’ve got RTX4090 and the Sim Fails this God of a GPU as well . Lost hopes ….

@arthursmedley - 10.05.2024 03:34

‘We went to the moon seventy eight years ago’ wtf!?

@erikhany4486 - 11.05.2024 10:52

Calm down a bit. 😊 SU15 comes when it comes. SU14 works great in the meantime. 👍

@gertwallen - 12.05.2024 22:37

At this stage I can confidently say that building a new FlightSim from scratch with ChatGPT will be much better than waiting for Asobo
