Basic Electricity - What is an amp?

Basic Electricity - What is an amp?


12 лет назад

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Ciprian Crut
Ciprian Crut - 21.10.2023 15:41 matters when I charge the laptop with a different charger that has 2 amps more.. (the original one has 20 w 4 amp, and these 20 w 6 amp)...the battery is defective and I keep it in the laptop just to not turn off the laptop suddenly when the power goes out...I tried with a charger with 3 amps but the laptop its work slowly...thanks..

Sweet N' Juicy
Sweet N' Juicy - 21.10.2023 05:18

This is the best thing ever

Yunior Prades Medina
Yunior Prades Medina - 16.09.2023 21:45

My IDEA is that current flow is when ever u manipulate it to go but electrón flow is unly to the ( - ) SIDE or what i call the one who needs more charge than the other. And ofcourse electron will go there through the one is at the biggining of any 🖇️ ,plus the first one Will offer less resistance than the resiver .that way is the way of efficiency ... own concept ok if is use full so take it i AM sharing.

Alexander Graffeo
Alexander Graffeo - 28.06.2023 06:48

proton are the positive charge partials that are part of the nucleus not the nucleus its self. I just learned this in school

chesshooligan 1
chesshooligan 1 - 22.06.2023 02:00

I'm sure nobody pulled the number 6.24 x 10^18 out of a hat. You probably should have explained where the definition of ampere comes from.

John doe
John doe - 10.06.2023 23:16

A minute and 3 seconds into the video and my mind is blown

rassim simou
rassim simou - 08.06.2023 13:25


FatigMaker's - 29.05.2023 08:58

this 11 years old content is really useful to me

ThatGuyJoker - 12.05.2023 01:24

Im 27 and i now understand electricity. Thank you!

Jerfree Pfundira
Jerfree Pfundira - 08.05.2023 11:33

I like the way you simplify this stuff. This is the way. Thumbs up

Thoughts from the sea floor
Thoughts from the sea floor - 12.04.2023 16:37

I'm lost thx for trying I just wanna know why I would want to increase amps over volts or vice versa

Dalida Dondo
Dalida Dondo - 10.04.2023 01:19

Thank you

Don Feto
Don Feto - 29.03.2023 01:04

Great Video to be honest .

Nick Broughton
Nick Broughton - 20.03.2023 04:09

I'm pretty sure at high enough charges the electric potential / gradient becomes so high, it can pull electrons right through the air. Lightning is proof of that. Air is resistance only. An as proven if the resistance is over come it can jump. I only say this because i believe the subject is miss understood because when it's "simplified" little facts that make all the difference in understanding the subject better, are lost.

Jorge Monteiro
Jorge Monteiro - 19.02.2023 23:44

So so good :)

domain mojo
domain mojo - 16.02.2023 23:06

So... does "electrical current" refer to "the flow of electrons"... or "the amount of electron flow"?
It's confusing. Some people say it's the first, others say its the second and this video first says it's nr.1... then later says it's nr.2.
Which is it?
Anyway, the positive to negative makes sense, cause for a split second when an atom loses electrons, it is positively charged... until one of the atoms before it in the circuit causes it to again be negatively charged- and then that atom is positively charged and so on.
So while elctrons are flowing in one direction, you can envision that "positive charge" flows in the opposite direction- hence "conventional current" (which is correct- just that it's "positive charge" that's flowing the other way, and not electrons)

ChickentNug - 09.02.2023 08:44

Why don't they just fix the conventional current formulas to have electrons flow negative to positive? I'm sure there's a reason but it seems really simple to me to just figure out how to rewrite it with negative to positive flow

kafkasringfinger - 14.01.2023 20:46

the best part was roxas joining the conga line

Rivas aprende electr
Rivas aprende electr - 14.12.2022 04:09

Tengo problemas con el asunto de la corriente convencional y la real. ¿Cual fue la conjetura que hicieron? ¿Cual fue su razonamiento? ¿Por que un polo se llama positivo y el otro negativo? Se supone que uno esta cargado negativamente al tener exeso de electrones, pero eso significa que en el flujo real le cambiaron el nombre al negativo o esto ya se sabia y se utilizaba esta nocion.
Si tomo una pila los electrones fluiran de la parte negra (indicada como negativa) a la dorada (indicada como positiva)
o fluiran de la parte dorada (que en realidad sera la negativa en el sentido real) a la negra.
¿Que experimentos se pueden hacer en casa para saber la direccion de la corriente?
¿En que orden ocurrieron los descubrimientos de positivo y negativo? y que experimentos se hicieron para demostrar estos errores?

Islam Audio Station
Islam Audio Station - 12.12.2022 23:44

I wish you were my physics teacher. You explained it very good sir.

D Y G - 17.11.2022 13:52

Schwarzenegger in the end 🗿😭
By the way the clearest explanation I ever listen to,this is how our teachers are supposed to explain and I believe this is science not the memorization of formulas

Alfiya Bakhteeva
Alfiya Bakhteeva - 10.11.2022 00:24

Ooo my God. It is so simply explained! Thank you!!!!!!

Alexis Camio
Alexis Camio - 05.11.2022 22:57

Hello Thanks From France

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime - 24.10.2022 03:46

Wait a if us doing it backwards is what produces doing it proper what does it produce?

ChusKeyo - 05.10.2022 02:47

So the atoms don’t travel? The only thing that travels are the electrons? So the electrons push each other and leap frog over each atom? Is this right?

Star Gazer
Star Gazer - 02.09.2022 01:46

There's an ear in Ampere. Amp-ears not Amp-airs.

محمد مصطفي سليم
محمد مصطفي سليم - 25.08.2022 12:06

♥Thanks for simplifying the information

Karim - 17.08.2022 21:28

Thank you ☺️🌺

pierre jean
pierre jean - 22.07.2022 16:30

How is it possssible that the electrons move @speed of light?

Bobtree - 06.07.2022 04:39

Excellent, excellent video. I am an aspiring avionics intructor that's still working in the field since '05. This is an inspiring video. Its one thing to work in the industry, its whole other thing to teach it.

Electro Logia
Electro Logia - 16.06.2022 12:23

But nobody says why these electrons are moving? What is forcing them to move? Why they have to move from one point to another point?

Kendreth Otero Rodríguez
Kendreth Otero Rodríguez - 08.06.2022 03:37

perfect video

Abrar Faiyaz
Abrar Faiyaz - 09.05.2022 19:10

Simple, concise and illuminating! Thank you!

Peter Riis
Peter Riis - 15.04.2022 21:06

Hey! I know that. An amp. is the abbreviation of Ampere. It's a French dude the unit is named after.

swati babubhai
swati babubhai - 11.04.2022 04:34

Keep up the great work man

Eng.Mohamed Yasser
Eng.Mohamed Yasser - 03.04.2022 19:10

Finally I have understood it

ohnemar - 14.03.2022 00:25

Are you absolutely sure about this?

Royce M.
Royce M. - 08.02.2022 16:27

Excellent excellent excellent

YoreyC - 03.02.2022 13:14

why cant electrons move through the air on the open circuit?

Odd Job Entertainment
Odd Job Entertainment - 02.02.2022 10:01

I've taken several college courses now and not once has anyone ever mentioned conventional versus electron flow. But a lot of things are clicking in my head now.

anıl özdemir
anıl özdemir - 01.02.2022 19:52

Just one thing I don't understand about battery. Why we call the positive side "the positive"?

Just a stranger
Just a stranger - 22.01.2022 11:12

Finally it's clear to me!

Boxer Dogs
Boxer Dogs - 22.01.2022 11:09

Very good explanation, especially the part about conventional flow vs. actual flow.

Wourly - 11.01.2022 04:03

So understandable and funny. "Very handy for when you dont want to die in a terrible fire." :D

Smirking Smirkku
Smirking Smirkku - 08.01.2022 15:51

Is conventional current same thing as initial current? I have 12V 1.2 Ah sealed lead acid battery and it says it's initial current is 0.36A and it's cycle use is 14.4 - 15V

Jos0255 - 23.12.2021 12:34

Thanks! In my native language (Dutch) there wasn’t any good explaination to what amps truly are. They just explained it based on the Formula watts/volts.

Now i finally get it :)
