Japanese Steam Streamliners  (Volume 18)

Japanese Steam Streamliners (Volume 18)

Streamlined Steam Locomotives

55 лет назад

3,063 Просмотров

all of my reels & tapes from my collection of film footage & all of my modifications done in all of these film footages in all of my uploads in this account is all copyrighted ©

Background Music is ''Heritage'' by Dmitriy Mityukhin


''Streamlined Steam Locomotives'' (2018) is not and will never be affiliated with any other channel.


#Japanese_Steam_Streamliners #Nobutaro_Yoshino #Hideo_Shima #4-6-2_pacific #C5343 #c55 #japan #Manchurian #JNR #jnr #South_Manchrian_Railways #railroads #Pashina_Class_981 #Streamlined_Steam_Locomotives #railways #Trains #streamliners #art_deco #locomotive #steam_engine #Stromlinienförmige_Dampflokomotiven #Locomotoras_de_vapor_aerodinámicas #lok #Dampflok #Baureihe
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