SL-1: America's First Nuclear Disaster

SL-1: America's First Nuclear Disaster

Kyle Hill

3 года назад

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Kyle Hill
Kyle Hill - 08.05.2021 20:19

The next in my [HALF-LIFE HISTORIES] series. Enjoy our deepest dive yet. Thanks for watching.

Mark Mylabris
Mark Mylabris - 26.09.2023 10:44

How could you work with experimental nuclear reactor, and think "ah, faulty control rod, nothing out of the ordinary". Same goes for any other nuclear technology, how could you just ignore those!

Jesse - 25.09.2023 04:59

great story, couldn't be told better. Thanks Kyle!

Adam Morse
Adam Morse - 23.09.2023 05:36

It's important to note that if anything is going right at a nuclear plant it's because the control rods are involved.

Brett Karns
Brett Karns - 21.09.2023 02:52

After seeing so many different accidents and "malfunctions" through all of these videos... it occurs to me so much of it is negligence, or frugality. Higher ups not caring about proper protocol, or wanting things done cheaper. Workers not knowing what they should be doing, reporting issues, or again neglect.

So it appears the biggest issues with nuclear power, as is the case with so many other things in life... is humans.

Roger Stroklund
Roger Stroklund - 20.09.2023 23:50

I know this sounds like a miniscule thing, but it's actually got some serious implications; Richard Legg was a Construction Electrician, not an Electricians Mate.

As a Construction Electrician, Legg was a Seabee, or an enlisted member of the US Navy's Construction Force. That means that Legg was familiar with land based electrical grids, and most likely knew nothing about shipboard power systems. His training covered everything from the power plant down the line to the light switch, and his prior experience was most likely on construction sites and performing maintenance for the buildings on military bases.

One of the reasons this is important is because one of the only applications of the SLR type reactors was PM-3A, or "Nukey Poo," the reactor that powered McMurdo station on Antarctica. While it was in service, it was operated by Construction Electricians of the US Navy, guys who had the same training and experience as Legg.

Xan Montes
Xan Montes - 11.09.2023 16:20

Pov, you're a nuclear engineer working at the least loved nuclear power plant in the continental United States and the 'grunt' in charge of manually lifting the center control rod says: "To hell with it all."

Jeremy Philip John Penrice
Jeremy Philip John Penrice - 10.09.2023 05:34

Thank you.
Brilliant Presentation.
New Zealand.

Fantastic Brit
Fantastic Brit - 10.09.2023 02:20

I've lived in Idaho not 20 miles away from Idaho falls and around 60 away from the INL and I never knew about this. Very interesting!

Preston Hanson
Preston Hanson - 05.09.2023 03:36

If you go in the INL tour they said their had never been an accident their. Untill I raised my hand and said what about the sl1 incident? He quickly moved on. Nuclear energy people are always lieing

Preston Hanson
Preston Hanson - 05.09.2023 03:30

Women are not worth it guys. They never are

the amorphous flatsch
the amorphous flatsch - 04.09.2023 22:29

What i think is even more horrible is, that the control rod that killed byrnes moved so fast that it folded him in half

Tony - 03.09.2023 19:48

Thanks for keeping reality real. History seems to keep changing these days.

Saint_Noodles - 27.08.2023 08:00

MF there's a lot of people thinking that their Radiation detector is broken on a fcking nuclear site, have some common sense

E.PLUMBUS UNUM - 27.08.2023 06:06

Wow, from what is told about Legg's bad reputation, he should never have been put in charge of a nuclear reactor.

WORCESTERSHIRE - 26.08.2023 21:15

So1 looks a bit like Sol...

I'm not the only one, right?

Dibbs On It
Dibbs On It - 26.08.2023 15:38

What happens when we let the army play with navy's toys

imperial conquest
imperial conquest - 26.08.2023 14:00

Its obviously the wifes fault.

Nick - 25.08.2023 09:34

I remember having to study this incident for the first time in Navy nuke school, i was horrified then (although we didnt talk about the potential love triangle aspect at all obv). this and all your other videos are doing a great job at explaining nuclear related information exceptionally well, thank you.

Juice wrld clips
Juice wrld clips - 24.08.2023 19:34

Is this the same voice as infographics show?

Aaaa Aaaa
Aaaa Aaaa - 24.08.2023 02:58

My brother would always say “Murphies such a bitch for making his law”

Notaul Goodman
Notaul Goodman - 23.08.2023 09:16

Radiation is like god recontextualizing hellish horrors for man’s eyes.

Faint366 - 20.08.2023 22:11

Did the facts tell you to exit stage left?

HobbyloserMensch - 20.08.2023 19:03

why the fuck did they even build a reactor without mechanical control via motors of the control rods

Sui - 20.08.2023 06:09

"Alright, who let Carl play with the nuclear reactor"

madkuya - 18.08.2023 12:59

Always funny to think that they risk the whole world for some boiling water. ^^

Iron 0xide
Iron 0xide - 18.08.2023 05:49

Heavy water vs regular water. One is used to control reaction and the other is used to steam.

Steven - 17.08.2023 14:08

Shouldn't your fuel rods glow blue, not green?

Weareallbeingwatched - 17.08.2023 04:28

Legg was a setup

Ahhhhh - 15.08.2023 09:19

Isn't saying that was a Design someone signed off on.
I still say nuclear is completely safe without human interaction

MegaAstroFan18 - 15.08.2023 08:16

That's one of the same design flaws as the Chernobyl one; using water as a moderator. Problem is if the water doesn't flow fast enough for those voids to be replaced causing the voids to build up and losing water to the point that it loses its ability to moderate the reaction.

Ali Chamas
Ali Chamas - 14.08.2023 08:05

The fact that you could pull the rod out that far to cause criticality without some kind of lock or limiter is unbelievable from an engineering point of view.

TaylorW797 - 13.08.2023 20:56

This is why I don't buy any military grade equipment.

Meggo32 - 13.08.2023 12:37

So his wife calling for a divorce distacted him

Homebrew Horsepower
Homebrew Horsepower - 13.08.2023 00:30

I went to the SL-1 site today. Well, as close as I could get anyway. Fillmore Blvd has a gate at Highway 20 that is chained shut. The site is just bare land today, but I figured I'd check it out anyway. There is a memorial plaque at the EBR-1 museum 9 miles west of the SL-1 site, but the actual site has no signs or markers at all.

Mariska C
Mariska C - 12.08.2023 23:20

Really interesting!

Yashe - 12.08.2023 06:24

Here's something I don't want anywhere close to anything radioactive (beyond bananas*): my bare hands.
Or any part of exposed my skin, really, but I kinda feel like unprotected hands especially are just asking for shit to go a number of funky shapes.

fun fact: the SCP (3521, one of my personal favorites) that is supposed to kill you via banana induced radiation actually kills you with the amount of bananas it spawns (several tens of millions of unpeeled bananas) which I like to classify as a *safe dosage per serving.

Rick Hibdon
Rick Hibdon - 11.08.2023 06:47

There's also a great book called Idaho Falls, that goes into great detail about this

Goofy Goober
Goofy Goober - 09.08.2023 02:50

Imagine your jobs demands a regular maintenance task that puts you LITERALLY within inches of a brutal death.

thepuddinator - 07.08.2023 06:04

yeaht his sounds like a dude that had enough of life.

Evan Kennette
Evan Kennette - 05.08.2023 18:47

As a maintenance electrician around the same age as these guys, I'm really glad we have strict safety procedures and my work can't cause a massive radioactive explosion. I can't imagine the stakes being this high, a lot of people get comfortable with danger in a maintenance setting but luckily I'm just as cautious of electricity as I was in the beginning, if not more after seeing some arc flashes that vaporize copper lol

Agung Raden
Agung Raden - 04.08.2023 14:16

HBO should get in on this!

Jacob Toth
Jacob Toth - 03.08.2023 10:36

Imagine getting a phone call at work being asked for a divorce and her taking half your money that you're currently out there working for and then you die. Hell of a final couple hours.

emilyofjane - 02.08.2023 01:23

This story is infinitely more horrifying than the Three Mile Island accident, and yet look at which one was completely forgotten by the public and which one caused mass hysteria still felt to this day

Anja chan
Anja chan - 01.08.2023 22:20

we really don´t learn.

Youtube Moderator
Youtube Moderator - 01.08.2023 05:29

great documentary !!

Richard Mccann
Richard Mccann - 31.07.2023 13:22

Your graphic shows a reactor buried in the ground, but the SL-1 was only "shielded" with a steel building, fully above ground!
