HOW TO GET READY FOR REFORGED EDEN 1.7 | Empyrion Galactic Survival

HOW TO GET READY FOR REFORGED EDEN 1.7 | Empyrion Galactic Survival


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@GamerMax - 12.07.2022 06:38

The gladiator is T1. I thought that massive ship was T4. Do you not like the massive ships?

@mhaas281 - 05.05.2022 19:16

Anyone done the new sector command?

@lazarus3273 - 02.04.2022 08:00

The nerf to thrusters seems over the top ...

@tdunbar6148 - 29.03.2022 00:33

noob question: when using tt in my starting sector, right cliking on the map only brings up way point marker control... what am i doing wrong to move me and my ship across the sector map?

@thirdworldrider6991 - 25.03.2022 08:49

i feel like this major design change is as bad as eleon version of CPU. its a bad design decision because it basically breaks thousands of ships/svs/hvs for reforged eden just to touch on one thing: shields. Firstly...25 blocks EACH gives you the best which everyone will need. Highest recharge and capacity. Secondly, it throws cpu off a bit but that can be compensated, just drop some guns etc...but the main problem is to builds. without those devices, shields are bad. useless. where are you going to find the room for 50 2x1x1 devices suddenly? I feel the same thing could have been achieved without such a drastic change being required to builds. those little small nimble light assault tanks, now are useless, because they have zip for shields and no room to add 50 devices to give them proper shields. anything that fundamentally changes or impacts thousands of builds should be carefully considered. how would i revamp shields given the hard coded stuff? maybe along the same lines, but rebalance the figures, so you don't need 25/25. maybe 10/10. so make the figures higher per shield capacitor/recharger. and make the block 1 square in size like a container. that way you get the shield changes in game, the cpu stats remain the same, but the PHYSICAL space required then doesn't break your builds. why 25 of each? dont know. I mean like the numbers for the boosting could be doubled. instead of 6000 per unit. make it 12k per unit with 10 max. instead of -2000 for the recharge dude...maybe -4000 or -5000. to keep the numbers the same while requiring less of the device.

@moonshinebandit6158 - 24.03.2022 16:43

Project Eden just looked even better

@Nobbie248 - 23.03.2022 00:46

Just started playing and this game is wonderful and I hate myself for putting off playing it for so long

@SempSSY - 22.03.2022 09:13

I am of the less popular opinion of RE. While I appreciate all of the work that has been done, I feel too much was done. I prefer Project Eden over Reforged Eden. Project Eden acts as an expansion, Reforged Eden is Empyrion 2 with everything from the original changed, gutted, and revamped.

@ericschaefer4512 - 22.03.2022 07:10

How much of reforged galaxy was integrared into this Eden build. I hope none.

@ICKY427 - 22.03.2022 06:35

shield tanks lets gooooooo! "prismatic" anyone?

@Rebekah_Thomson - 22.03.2022 03:55

With that much shields on the gladiator you could reduce the amount of lag shot armour. Starting on the very inside of the armour, reduce some of the rows. This will help with the weight issues, which in turn could reduce some of the thrusters freeing up some CPU, which in turn lets you add more shields. This should allow you to find a better balance with the ship.

@diggles01 - 21.03.2022 23:43

Another great video thanks Spanj. Crew should definitely offset more cpu points, they are an important asset to your ships operation so should reflect that. Also it would be great to store crew in the Cryo chambers

@lilgroot135 - 21.03.2022 23:10

Ah Spanj the Jeremy Clarkson of spaceships, this definitely gave me top gear vibes lol. Very informative and witty sarcasm, 4 out of 5 stars. That's only because we didn't get to see stuff get blown up though :) personally I'd replace sum layers of the core blocks of the ship with hardened steel to reduce weight a bit as if they get in that far ya probably done for anyway and being able to move and manuver is kinda more important than just taking the hits all the time.

@Phyngrs - 21.03.2022 22:54

you have not touched on the spiny spiny ships, was this fixed or can you still make a plastics ship and have it move so fast it can't be hit? cose if not then this game is still broken!

@nedimmrsic4650 - 21.03.2022 22:30

My every ship turns out to be block shape. Im so sad cause i dont have imagination to design such good looking stuff..

@theredscourge - 21.03.2022 22:21

Protip: if you need to remove laser cannons to free up CPU but want to still have okay shield stripping ability, consider EMP cruise turrets in favor of plasma or laser, as they do a LOT more shield damage per unit of CPU cost. The ammo is expensive though.

@Bigrignohio - 21.03.2022 20:44

Have not played Empyrion in quite a while. I assume it has been reset at least once since then. Should probably pop on and see what's up.

@picklep3076 - 21.03.2022 20:43

Anyone remember when Spanjs first started playing Empyrion? People used to give him tips. Now his videos are teaching us. Man how the worm has turned.

@gman7923 - 21.03.2022 20:41

Ty for taking the time to explain these changes

@maddadplays7565 - 21.03.2022 20:39

How do we give vermillion money for all his hard work..

@Dumber0 - 21.03.2022 20:27

Cant wait.....its almost here

@poopfart551 - 21.03.2022 20:11

Great video Spanj. Greetings from Portugal.

@justin.s9783 - 21.03.2022 20:06

love the reactor. what if on the Gladiator you replaced some of the combat steel for xeno to make it lighter? maybe remove a layer of armor after every 2 layers to act like spaced armor to reduce weight? just a thought . the ship does look cool. looking forward to RE releasing even though i mainly just build stuff lol. good vid

@npenick66 - 21.03.2022 19:46

RFE has been my go to scenario for a while. It could be extremely challenging to get beyond mid game as a solo player. My last play through I finally solo'd the dyson sphere for the first time, the grind has had me take a 6 month break since. Getting quantum/aux cores, along with so many other things, was pretty brutal for a solo player. It completely burned me out on Empyrion for the first time in 5 years.

Now it looks like the grind and difficulty have gone to the point of not looking very fun. On top of that, all my designs are hosed or need major rebuilds? My initial reaction, especially to the shield/cpu changes are to say F that, going back to PE. There's challenging and there's being kicked in the pins.

I'll hold my breath and give RFE 1.7 a chance, but it really looks like solo players are SoL on this version.

@seliasthemage - 21.03.2022 19:32

They might as well taken out the original guns and make it so you can only use the ones they obviously want you to use. Also might as well make the shields not have any penalties from other stuff on your ships. That is the most ridiculous thing I have seen to date. Just lower the shield amounts then spend points on where you want it.

@samsquatch7285 - 21.03.2022 19:31

Wow, it looks like Vermillion made some big changes. Maybe time to jump back in when 1.7 is released. Hopefully ASY will let me team up with them again😁

@simon-ricardokuhn1713 - 21.03.2022 19:31

Man, these ships look so awesome and most of my CV's are just boxes with wings xD

@dirtybird2202 - 21.03.2022 19:04

I would have to do away with my Micro CV design due to the new shield restrictions alone. just no room or would have to do away with storage Have (1) 320 storage setup. And mostly standard shields and weapons. As it is with the Meta in the RE game it's now no longer a viable ship to be a small FreeLancer type of ship in RE.

Now if the NPC had to play with the same restrictions...... then it would really be a balanced game lol

@karmasjustice1432 - 21.03.2022 18:55

Am I the only one that Kinda wanted to see how the gladiator performed in combat after the changes were made?

@kalisthenes6650 - 21.03.2022 18:41

Huh. I had no idea crew actually lowered CPU. Is this a RE feature? Well the two aliens are chatting so only getting the work of one done.

@johanmaasing - 21.03.2022 18:36

Some turrets hit harder after the update so taking an existing build it will already have a bit more firepower than before. Be a bit clever with removing turrets and it will maybe not even be a nerf.

@23GreyFox - 21.03.2022 18:18

For real? Fuck Reforged Eden!!! With these numbers is it even worth it to build any ship at all? Is it even possible to fight later enemies without grinding for 1000 quantum cores? I don't see any reason to start a new game.

@CodockDraconin - 21.03.2022 18:18

Hmm upgrade the Gladiator's lag armor to xeno or heavy armored windows to trim weight a bit?

@wolfshadow7428 - 21.03.2022 17:49

there all ways brakeing thing took forever to buil my first ship to get it rdy for this and now its useless

@shkotayd9749 - 21.03.2022 16:59

I feel a tad irritated lol. It already was hard to make good stuff early to mid game. REALLY hard. This feels like a fair step up from that.

RFE is a superb mod. But the grind to get stuff actually hurts lol.

@dracconis69 - 21.03.2022 16:56

Spanj's attempt to say Behemoth American style "Be he a moth" ;)

@nwanzer - 21.03.2022 16:54

I think I'm going to stick with my Micro CV designs. I haven't published them because they look like crap but I'm thinking that is the way to go with the RF 1.7.

@tahaan99 - 21.03.2022 16:33

I can't wait to try out the new Vendetta. I think it is going to be better than the original!

@jacobellinger8027 - 21.03.2022 16:25

how to get ready? easy; don't play it, it's dumb and you should feel dumb.

@kreliz2845 - 21.03.2022 16:17

This answered all of my questions that i still had after the stream. Thanks Spanj!

@MrSchnabelente - 21.03.2022 15:59

Great walkthrough for the conversion process!
To note: Aux cores are 330k cpu again with yesterdays public test version of RE. Also, if you do use Colonists Bolters as decoys, be aware that you will need to keep a stockpile of those if you plan to use a repair block for ship repairs. You do need to add the built weapon to the repair platform if it gets blown off - which a decoy turret probably will.

@xlerb2286 - 21.03.2022 15:55

I've only ever played vanilla Empyrion but a buddy and I are going to give RE a try once it's out and has had a chance to work out a few of the kinks. Hopefully there will be some updated ship designs in the workshop by then too. I'm middling fair at tweaking ship designs in vanilla but this video is a great help to learning what that will take in RE. Thank you.

@or2169 - 21.03.2022 15:44

The real question is. Did vermilion penalize the ai also? Does the ai also have to trim down to meet cpu usage also? Does the ai also have to have the ammo it needs to shoot at us ? I think the ai also needs to be handicapped like players do.

@GSMonroeFolkMusic - 21.03.2022 15:35

Crew is clearly under powered and nearly worthless in the overall system. I ran some numbers and it takes 50 crewmen to offset the CPU of a single mining laser or primary weapon mount. 5 crewmen per gatling turret adds up quickly and barely scratches the CPU requirements of a large CV even with "Automation". Their value needs to be much Higher in my opinion.

@pappapandagamer7438 - 21.03.2022 15:24

LOL and you say the same thing... teach me to comment during the video

@pappapandagamer7438 - 21.03.2022 15:22

One thing I have noticed is that the ships dont need as much power as people think. Trimming a generator or two can definitely help save some CP

@cn7718 - 21.03.2022 15:03

2nd ... 👽

@pappapandagamer7438 - 21.03.2022 15:02

WOOOT first comment!!
