The Secret Connection Between Quantum Physics And Buddhism

The Secret Connection Between Quantum Physics And Buddhism


1 год назад

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Phoenix Bird
Phoenix Bird - 01.10.2023 10:45

Buddha's teachings are absolutely correct ie without the trace of doubt

DrBeeSpeaks - 25.09.2023 10:13

I found Quantum Physics, before I found Buddhism and my mind is blown by both. I can see the science in spirituality, they are the same.❤

Aila Ranta
Aila Ranta - 22.09.2023 14:12

Unbelievable how, in the name o philosophies, the orientals had understood something that today the scienze proofs as real. The theory of particles and wawe as same, makes me think about concept o Maya in hinduism. This video claryfies such a difficult argument. I'll certainly search for more of your videos.

Devkanti - 22.09.2023 10:31

The "nothingness" according to Buddhism is not really nothing because nothing can't produce something. What Buddha actually indicated that 'it is not a thing' means it's not an object because we human beings are having sense organs programmed in such a way that we can only recognise objects. But reality is not an object.

Sam Artman
Sam Artman - 20.09.2023 06:00

I have been searching for 50 years and found that the greatest wisdom is in advaita Vedanta non duality...we can actually experience and be infinite Divine peace and love and deep inside and find the truth... check out Ramana maharshi 🙏☮️🕉️🥰

bhakta_joe - 19.09.2023 14:45

The mind manipulates the quantum foam in the future.

Navin Raut
Navin Raut - 12.09.2023 05:35

Buddhism is the only religion which is based on Science and the Scientific method.

Lines and lines!
Lines and lines! - 08.09.2023 11:40

Sounds like a bottomless pit to me.

felix mikolai
felix mikolai - 04.09.2023 15:50

yea realized it myself.. pretty spooky stuff

Jarrod Yuki
Jarrod Yuki - 04.09.2023 01:30

the univesr simualtion look a brain network so buddhism is true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jarrod Yuki
Jarrod Yuki - 04.09.2023 01:29

the universe simulation looks a brain network so buddhism is true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gary Hobbins
Gary Hobbins - 28.08.2023 22:08

Quantum physics is everything. It is that most people are too perverted to realize it.

BryGuy - 27.08.2023 20:27

Emptiness as functional 🙏🙏

XYZSoundOf Freedom
XYZSoundOf Freedom - 24.08.2023 19:57

Yes, well, this has been thoroughly explored in beautiful and better fashion in the timeless book: "THE TAO OF PHYSICS". Read it.

Shahriyar Rahat
Shahriyar Rahat - 24.08.2023 08:33

What is the chant in the end? 🙏

Kirill Obraztsov
Kirill Obraztsov - 23.08.2023 22:22

Sorry but this is just not true, and I am a spiritual person that wanted to belive that a persons contiousness effected quantum states in the douple slit experement. it doesnt. the confusion coms from people saying the particles are observed, but you cannot just see particles with your eyes, you need instruments, detectors to well detect the particles. detectors can only detect if they apply a force on the particle to detect it, this force is what causes the wave to colapse into a particle. you can evacuate the city and turn the experement on and it will still detect particles and break down waves as the detectors in the experement are the "observer"

rayan moti
rayan moti - 16.08.2023 02:06

🕉is satan

Aira Obregon
Aira Obregon - 15.08.2023 03:47

i thought theres no matter, no particle, & no existence, according to your buddhistic quantum mechanics?!..

Vincent Romei
Vincent Romei - 11.08.2023 20:08

I thought that the Big Bang was disproven

Miss Merrily
Miss Merrily - 22.07.2023 16:11

This is explained here in the simplest most eloquent way, such that even my poor old brain can easily understand it. A thousand grateful thanks!

Eva Curiel
Eva Curiel - 13.07.2023 10:40

You will or u wont i know that is true but listen to me wen i say to u i am ur mother god ur lesterfent maid the creator of alk i am from madrud state yr name and i will come telk me yr mornings and ill dampen you funds helping ur kentle bently find me this a moment that a vessel in me chose to suffer ur untaken bak world netterment is wat u be but call in my neterment become the sature liniage is baleff liten my firr but creep up in ur anderson call me my shrub i am tge virgen mary calk ur laserment im her to begiven my salent interwiized i am tru better be broken and lustefeel good

AC - 07.07.2023 15:42

Buddha said none of this

anoma chandrani
anoma chandrani - 01.07.2023 18:39

Buddhism and physics can't equalise any day. Since physics is not utmost truth and since it is experimented by scientists. But Buddha reached emptiness by understanding the world and the nature of everything which cannot be compared with any living being todayyy

redstar katchina
redstar katchina - 29.06.2023 04:43

U where doing great untill U mention big bang the universe slowly warmed up from absolutely zero galaxies planet where birth out oceans liquid gas as universe warmed up those oceans became gas nebula we see all thought space ,

smokedavocados - 26.06.2023 12:24

I'm a Buddhist and when I found the law of assumption, I always had a feeling that it may have some connection to Buddhism. I'm not quite a religious person so I never dove deep into Buddhism to find out the connections but this video made it all click!

ExtremeForever - 19.06.2023 13:55

This is why human and life itself is confusing and why there are so many mythology and religion around the world regardless of which is the first and oldest because none of that even matters. Doesn't matter how old the universe is and what science says. We don't understand the universe or even know if there are others like us or if there are different dimension and realms. There might be no beginning and ending which could explain why any we will never find the answer. Even the big bang doesn't make sense. Is there even such as the the before the before and so on. Even if we are created by god or any gods we have to wonder if they even have a life and understand their existence before they decide to create us. Trying to understand if it's possible everything was created out of nothing will never be understand and what reality even is.

Rush Wijenayake
Rush Wijenayake - 19.06.2023 01:18

I have been studying Buddhism for a considerable period of time. Thank you very much for this video. Also I would like to point out that this program seems to have overlooked a crucial aspect of Buddhism, namely the concept of instant quantum field manifestation and the understanding of time from its inception to its conclusion. This omission may be due to the fact that these ideas are not widely discussed in mainstream media. Moreover, it is worth mentioning that Buddha himself discussed the existence of the smallest particles known as 'shrudhastaka', which primarily consist of three elements, as well as the smallest unit of time in the universe as 'Chithaksana'. These profound teachings can be found in the Abhidharma (Pure Dharma) section of the Tripitaka, specifically within the 'Pattana' section.
Also he has explained the nature of reality in two distinct ways. One approach pertains to the day-to-day social level, which comprises the majority of our understanding at present (approximately 99%). The second approach delves into the quantum level, which he refers to as "Pure Reality" instead of using the term "quantum."

Sinhala Slow Music
Sinhala Slow Music - 15.06.2023 18:54

Namo buddhaya

Charity de A
Charity de A - 14.06.2023 14:45

This is why Buddhism is an exalted path and not just another religion… BUDDHA WAS JUST PERFECT! ❤🙏

Maya - 12.06.2023 16:12

When you go deeper, you realize that particles are nothing but energies, and those energies are just waves and then nothing. ''I AM' is beyond all this, beyond particles, beyond energies, beyond waives. Beyond duality.

Tabara Tirest
Tabara Tirest - 05.06.2023 13:01


' ♥ # Y)=00ßß
' ♥ # Y)=00ßß - 03.06.2023 21:20

What about decoherence? Once we measure a particle, entanglement is broken? They are not always entangled

Fernando Suba
Fernando Suba - 30.05.2023 10:20

Budda abandoned his new born son and young wife Budda died of indigestion problems caused by eating pork older age even though he said not to kill animals
Budda showed a path he said that a person could evit karma but he could not escape from his karma
What quantum power you talk about ????????

Mario Feathers
Mario Feathers - 26.05.2023 15:25

Good video.
Big bang didn't happen (also proven scientifically), so the assumption that matter was compressed to a single point is wrong.
It was the "point of origin"
(Creator / God / Source / All Father)

This universe is built off another universe.
Like a dividing cell, splitting DNA, fractured Light (Sol) Ray.
Dimensions are part of the fabric of space stitched together with time.

If you are nothing, then there is nothing to measure (even time is a unit of measurement)
If you can be measured, you exist.
You are part of everything else in this universe. And nothing.

I_Love_Tibet - 23.05.2023 23:38

I recommend watching " Searching for the Lotus-Born Master" from Shambhala studio. He is our Second Buddha ( Guru Padmasambhava) who brought Buddhism to Tibet. He was considered to be the father of quantum physic and the greatest Master. His stories are very fascinating and miraculous. I did learnt alot from " Masters of Buddhism" channel..... about the enlightened beings. This is the greatness of Buddha Dharma, based on the reality...... May all beings be free from suffering. 🙏🪷☸️🕉️🌈

I_Love_Tibet - 23.05.2023 18:03

Buddha Dharma is past, present and future..... beyond the time and space. I hope all the Ignorance Human can realize this......... The Buddhist teaching is vast, enormous and mind boggling..... one can learned from our ancient enlightened Masters and stories...... its very fascinating. 🙏🪷☸️🕉️🌈

Viraj Chathuranga
Viraj Chathuranga - 15.05.2023 16:07

Storm Aurora
Storm Aurora - 14.05.2023 23:54

Buddha Shakyamuni was so in tune with reality and tried to help us understand the true nature of reality.

Reformed Education
Reformed Education - 13.05.2023 06:27

I love this channel so much, incredibly insightful.

Niyati Sharma
Niyati Sharma - 11.05.2023 21:57

Can anyone explain the orange example Here?

asdfsszfg123 - 11.05.2023 00:45

I came to this same conclusion after having a psychedelic experience with Ayahuasca, during the trance I felt oneness with all reality and the whole universe, everything can disappear, the whole material world, my memories, my sense of ego, but not my consciousness wich was the same consciousness of everyone. In that reality of nothingness, nothing really existed not even time or space, i felt like my whole life was just some kind of a dream and that state was eternal.

Vincent Yang
Vincent Yang - 10.05.2023 14:30


Chady - 09.05.2023 17:13

Its about when you Omm your using your throat and thats 1/8 using Amen thinking and when you do stop meditation you keep the stillness that you taugh your self and this is very important to quantum

Shaminda Kanchana
Shaminda Kanchana - 09.05.2023 15:04

🖤Well explainned. Lot of people see their religon is the only path of survive from this universe.Even most of budhdhist people not try to understand these type of concepts. As A Budhdhism from my point of view we need to understand the concepts with science. Then only we can find the right path of exploring the universe.

Manoj Jinadasa
Manoj Jinadasa - 08.05.2023 16:48


Licansen - 08.05.2023 13:28

"If I am nothing why do I feel like I exist alive"

Shivaaddict - 08.05.2023 13:18

I respect Buddha, but buddha teachings ends in the middle. he said the ultimate goal is "nothingness"(Shunya vaadam). If nothing is there, then how something comes from that ? If there is no athman (Existence consciousness bliss) then from where this mind/world is originating ?

Advaitha vednatha of Upanishds explains the complete theory.

Parabrahmam(Absolute reality) is nirguna(attribute less) Sath Chith Ananda (Existence consciousness bliss), we call it as shiva.
Shakti(Energy) was immersed in him. Here Shiva is like static force, Shakti is dynamic force. At the beginning dynamic force was immersed in static force.

When shakti identified herself as separate from shiva, she created false self, false individuality, she want to explore herself. Upto this, there is no space-time. When she identified herself as separate identity and wanted to explore, then born this false self(ego, the feeling of iam),

When that ego( the basic thought of mind) was born, space appeared.
From Space, air was born ( ego experienced the Touch and sound),
From air, fire was born ( ego experienced Vision),
From fire, water was born (ego experienced taste),
From water, material was born(ego experienced smell)
Ego(Aham) experiencing the five senses (Pancha indriyas) in five elements (Pancha bhootas) is called world(Pra Pancham)

In simple terms
I (shiva) is attribute less absolute reality
am is Shakti
I+am = Iam is ego
Iam this body, mind is ignorance

As per advaitha vedanta, Evething goes back to its origin.

Mind (life on the earth) is continuously searching for happiness, fearing to loose existence (death) and want to be conscious forever. Because Existence-consciousness-bliss (athman) is the source of mind.
Like galaxies moving towards its source black holes, mind moves towards its source atman.

But mind, instead of searching at its source inwardly, it is searching with five senses in in five elements results in suffering. That is the mistake. Suffering is nothing but a chance to realize that mistake and turn inwards. Mind want bliss, but it is getting only happiness. That's why desires are not ending.

Man conscious search for happiness is unconscious search of his true Self (Consciousness bliss) ~ Ramana Maharshi
