Our Top Artificer Spells in Dungeons and Dragons 5e

Our Top Artificer Spells in Dungeons and Dragons 5e

Dungeon Dudes

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Al Khemi
Al Khemi - 08.09.2023 04:27

Love Web also love my Catapult/Net combo... helps a ton. Made my Arti. a action economy monkey.

ElChapo The Taco
ElChapo The Taco - 08.07.2023 14:32

I really don’t like how they made artificer, their spells are really lacklustre and their martial abilities are really meh.

Half casters are pretty poorly implemented in 5e in general, ranger is a joke, artificer is impotent and paladin is the exception but that’s because the paladins martial prowess is so uniquely fueled by his limited spell casting that it works really well.

Sadly artificer won’t be a part of one dnds release so I think they’re giving up on it all together.

blindsay21 - 23.06.2023 21:29

4th and 5th spell level are so disappointing since they come online so late. Wizards make better artificers then artificers do minus magic item adept.

RandoSando - 04.06.2023 03:42

Ok, so if you're an artillerist, can you use mage hand to lift your eldritch canon in the air so that it can't attack but still provide support.

Adam Xei
Adam Xei - 04.05.2023 20:38

No unique spells unfortunately.

senta ukrai
senta ukrai - 25.04.2023 02:46

Catapult...It's so badly underrated and can result in some seriously funny and derailing moments.

PhatDog29 - 03.04.2023 11:07

No one ever mentions Catapult at level 1. Sure it has the chance to miss but its damage is no joke especially if you start throwing around odd objects like a vial of acid, lanterns, grappling hooks, flour or even a net.

Captain Wobbs
Captain Wobbs - 01.03.2023 14:33

Ritual Caster on Artificer sounds great. Not only are ritual spells utility-based, which is the area where Artificer already shines, but it gives them access to higher level spells than they can normally access.

Ju Uu
Ju Uu - 21.02.2023 07:30

Im currently building the anti adventurer based on yun from Yona the dawn a nerd alchemist who's really helpful and competent at everything but adventuring proficient in cartography cooking herbalism feet most knowledge skills. This was super helpful

Cody Cosman
Cody Cosman - 13.12.2022 16:38

I’m currently playing a level 6 armorer artificer, and the cantrips that I’m using are light (usually needed in my party) and I’ve been having fun with playing field control with lightning lure. I think this is the last level I’m going to have LL, but it has been very useful. My spells prepared are 1st: Absorb Elements, Cure Wounds (I’m the secondary healer), Faerie Fire, Feather Fall, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Thunderwave. 2nd: Aid, Enlarge/Reduce, Shatter, Mirror Image. It’s been a lot of fun handing magic items to people and making combat difficult for my dm.

Jacob Lewis
Jacob Lewis - 30.10.2022 14:47

That's a badass thumbnail; I'd want to join them.

Freinare Ryunimentra
Freinare Ryunimentra - 21.10.2022 19:09

Anyone else notice that Artificers are the only spell casting class who have no spells unique to them.

Sepulchral Moon
Sepulchral Moon - 15.10.2022 23:19

Also Alchemist Artificer would not benefit from ray of frost. Only spells dealing Acid, Fire, Necrotic or Poison

Jahrn - 09.10.2022 03:30

How to use Animate Object AND damage any creature with immunity to non-magic stuff:
Animate a steel rod, 4 inches in lenght and 1/4 inch in diameter (size: tiny, so you can do that with up to 10 of these) - command the objects to first "catch" a magical arrowhead with prefabricated sockets matching one end of the rods, and let it / them fly... For Artificer theme you even can do that by constructing a "shoulder cannon" on your armor, and use that for holding/carrying those lil darts
Also in a campaign with blackpowder, you can use this spell to create kamikaze drones, by animating a prefabricated iron casing (maybe inch in diameter hollow rods, with the same magical arrowheads...) filled with blackpowder - then just ignite the fuse before casting the spell...
Both are possible, since the spell states, that if the animated object has no legs etc. then they will hover and fly!

Danilo Papais
Danilo Papais - 18.09.2022 12:11

With a flying homunculus, which you can use to channel touch spells, I prefer having as many of those as possible. It gives you the opportunity to cast "Spare the Dying", "Cure Wounds" and "Revivify" on people in a distance, as well as mending to another construct. Of course a nice "Shocking Grasp" can also be delivered.

Dangelo Barton
Dangelo Barton - 02.09.2022 05:12

Plz make a how to play an artificer

OM - 27.08.2022 09:49

I am an artillerist supremacist

Salty Tattie
Salty Tattie - 26.08.2022 14:07

I'm gonna have to disagree with Armourer at least favouring extra attack over booming blade. Your max damage with extra attack is 2d8 + 10, Booming blade at level 5 is one attack roll for a potential 4d8 + 5, also increasing at higher levels whereas the armourer only ever gets one extra attack, so say at level 11 that's 6d8 + 5 vs 2d8 + 10 still. That being said half of booming blades damage does require the enemy to move willingly after being hit. I think you can definitely argue the use of extra attack over booming blade at 5th level since that's a min/max damage of 12 to 26 with extra attack or 9 to 34 with booming blade, but by level 11 that's 12 to 26 vs 11 to 53, both times assuming that the enemy then moves of course.

chadbrochill19 - 23.08.2022 08:26

Tasha's Caustic Brew is trash... How dare you recommend it. It's a trap. Cure Wounds also a trap and terrible spell. Giving up your action is horrible. Using a healing potion is MUCH better, as you can always use your Homunculus Servant as a bonus action to administer a healing potion. Aid however is a great action economy when 2 or more people are down. (You don't use it outside of combat gents, you use it in combat when 2 or more are down, it can bring up to 3 people or more (up cast) from being down.) Tiny Servant (another trap) terrible spell. Thematic? Yes. Worth a 3rd level spell slot? No. It's not like a familiar because it doesn't get the familiar traits making it worse, it's worse damage and hp than a Homunculus Servant and limits your options because they both take 'bonus actions'. Subclass spells, haste, fly, dispel magic, blink, intellect fortress are all much better options at 3rd. Stone shape? Another poor suggestion. It's a 5ft in any dimension and form it, must be rock/.stone. And.. that's it. That was your FOURTH level spell. It's one of the worst options and yet again, being recommended.

Nerfherder - 18.08.2022 19:28

I am mostly intrigued about the shirts. What's up with the tentacle and c'thulu shirt combo? Tis scary.

Single Step Gaming
Single Step Gaming - 09.08.2022 16:27

Fabricate is the most important spell in the game because it allows you to produce oars: the true mark of a master spellcaster.

Black Shadow
Black Shadow - 06.08.2022 00:04

Thank you for the guide, Dudes, the quality of your content remains high all the time :D

Greg Hood
Greg Hood - 01.08.2022 21:18

I think mending should just be a class feature for Artificer.

Solar 4 Planet A
Solar 4 Planet A - 25.07.2022 05:22

So, if they choose Fabricate as a 4th level spell, they can make oars?

FreyaMaluk - 01.06.2022 07:00

Still think Artificers should have gotten the Warlock spellcasting progression. Doesn't make sense that they aren't very competent as spellcasters specially when bards exist. 4 initial cantrips instead of 2.

Edendour - 28.05.2022 20:35

What do you think about kinetic jaunt on an armorer; being able to run through enemies to distribute the disadvantage inducing auto attack seems pretty nice. 10 ft of movement on top of also being only a bonus action seems very nice.

Eric Knutson
Eric Knutson - 22.05.2022 22:16

Create an artificer and take feytouched as a cantrip. Silvery barbs as a reaction is just about the best defensive reaction you can have. I have it on my battlesmith and it 1000% helps in battlefield control

TheFixer710 - 03.05.2022 07:24

Jeremy Crawford clarified that damage from spells is magical damage. So for spells like conjure volley conjure barrage I assume animate objects falls under the same.

KEDAR RAMAN - 25.04.2022 16:04

Honestly one of the most staple ones is to go V.human artificer taking spellsniper : thorn whip and have MH and mending as your cantrips and grease as a first level spell you have a real good damage+control combo

Jonathan Stern
Jonathan Stern - 13.04.2022 10:05

Idea in 4 steps.
1. Cast Tiny Servants at 5th level at the beginning of the day while having your homunculus on you.
2. Assign the servants to different allies.
3. Give the servants the blanket order to always help that ally and your homunculus the blanket order to help you unless told to do something else.
4. Profit.

Also, Tiny Servants helping your allies. Your homunculus helping your. Your steel guardian flanking with another party member, and a summoned construct going without any action taken on your part. Your party will always attack with advantage, and you'll get 5 attacks per round (2 for your artificer, 1 for your steel guardian, and 2 for your summoned construct), add to that your party's sorcerer, wizard, etc. casting hast on your party. You could end up killing every enemy before they have a chance to go.

Jonathan Stern
Jonathan Stern - 13.04.2022 09:48

Story about Aid. I've been playing a Battle Smith Artificer who uses her steel guardian as a mount. One of my party members, who was 60 ft away, was knocked out. I had my steel guardian pick me up, move the remainder of its movement (I believe it was 25 more feet), then I moved my maximum and cast AID on the downed player and two more allies. I ended up getting an inspiration point for that.

Nexes - 14.02.2022 23:21

Animated objects question? Is that acid a object? What about that dragon blood? How about that Musa head? What about that dead body over there? What about a door, trap, or lock? Hi intel. Artificer would most likely find answers to these questions an many more.....

Tristan De Ramos
Tristan De Ramos - 13.02.2022 15:27

I thank my dm for letting me play maverick

Jonathan S
Jonathan S - 28.01.2022 23:17

On my Celestial Warlock and my Armorer Artificer, as soon as I get access to Revivify I'm looking for enough downtime to create a scroll of Revivify which will allow you to use your limited spells for more interesting things while keeping it in reserve.

Jarod Jagges
Jarod Jagges - 26.01.2022 07:48

Hey everyone, looking for some input on a character. I made a dhampir battle smith with the Strixhaven background/feat and picked Chill Touch, Spare The Dying, and Healing Word as my extra spells. For me I think that it works just well enough to give my battle smith some extra abilities and allow them to be somewhat effective as a healer in the field without breaking the game. If you were my DM, would you allow me to use said background in your game?

Pluto Should be a Planet
Pluto Should be a Planet - 18.01.2022 13:01

Thanks for these videos! I had absolutely no idea how to build an artificer before I saw them, I’m pretty sure they’re the only thing that’s kept my character alive this long 😅

Brotherchris - 29.12.2021 02:23

Just a thought, can an Artificer take the Artificer initiate feat? Just to give you another cantrip and 1st lvl spell?

professional sleeper
professional sleeper - 27.11.2021 04:36

Fun fact! When you get to 11th level artificer you can store aid in an object and cast it 10 (assuming +5 to int) times without expending a spell slot. This means, when you start your day, that is 150 extra hp, which is 25 extra hp for everyone in a group of 6

knate44 - 18.11.2021 01:55

I just wanted to say that Animate Objects doesn't seem to restrict the types of actions they can take, so honestly worse case scenario, they pester the other enemies and give the entire party advantage with the Help action.

MrNintoku - 07.11.2021 09:50

Our party decided to do a oneshot for Christmas and I decided to go as a lvl 10 Artificer. So hard to choose spells! This video saves me!

For those interested our DM gave us 1 uncommon and 1 rare item to choose plus one additional feat. I ended up abusing the Infusions feature to get 3 additional magic items.

Stefan Jentoft
Stefan Jentoft - 06.11.2021 08:02

I'm jumping in as a dwarf (eventually battlesmith) artificer. Given it's a Warhammer based campaign, and my character is the progeny of a line of gunsmiths, my DM let me start with a pistol instead of a hand crossbow. The wonderful thing about that is that the d10 + dex damage is higher than any of the cantrips would be, so it allowed me to double down on utility with Mending and Spare the Dying. The only dedicated healer in our party is a paladin, so I took both StD and Cure Wounds to help out.

William Turner
William Turner - 03.11.2021 06:03

How many rituals does an artificer have at level 1? A single level in artificer with a lucky role (or if you have a rogue who has high int. such as an arcane trickster) you can get a large batch of 1st level spells you can cast multiple times per day.

William Turner
William Turner - 03.11.2021 05:27

Custom lineage with a half feat would give you 18 (assuming point buy) and that would give you more spells, right? Taking that and as many rituals as possible would be nice.
If multiclassing don't do the half feat and get magic initiate instead.

Air Proci1
Air Proci1 - 01.11.2021 17:13

I think best cantrips For artificers are spare the dying and mending expetially if you are a battle Smith or armorer. I mean i already have good hurting optinons like magic weapons and fighing gautlets expetially the infiltrator that can do the damage of a ranged great sword per turn and with extra attack you can obliterate an enemy with at least 5d6 of damage between lighting gautlets and a spell with 3d6 of damage

whitescar2 - 01.11.2021 15:14

Get AID twice for double the AIDS!

captian bacon
captian bacon - 23.10.2021 15:16

My artificer
High elf for the free ray of frost catrip.
Went infiltrate armorer ( this was ua version at the time) with mending and guidance.
Dipd 1 lvl into forge cleric (for the extra cantrips spare the dying is huge and there free psudo infusion and realy helped lighten the spell load up even though my wisdom was only 14.

Spells i always had were cure wounds healing word MM and sheild
Heat metal levitate
(Thats what I remember using most of the time.) This was like over a yr ago and without going on r20 I don't remember. I remember my gimmick was in alot of our down time I had crafted 3 wands of MM. And had installed them into my shoulder (my hands were always free just for thematics) and id use all 7 charges and burst them out like a missile barrage whenever I could my infusions were I put repeater on our rouges crossbow and bag of holding and then I bestowed +1 armor to our ranger/druid multiclass. It was a 3 person party and I tanked and supported the later half after my khaos soccerer died. (It started out as a 6 person party but life had dropped us down to 3 after lvl6)

Erasmus - 15.10.2021 19:15

Surprised they didn't mention magic stone, which is a great ranged cantrip and still works with Extra Attack. Armorer and Battle Smith may not need it, though.

Freddie Gill
Freddie Gill - 04.09.2021 01:41

I love Catapult as a level 1 spell, just the idea of blasting a random object that is within 60ft of range from you, up to 90 feet smashing into an enemy for 3D8 damage! So fun, so funny and so flavourful!

B - 02.09.2021 12:19

Don't forget that shocking grasp can be delivered by a homunculus servant that's within 120ft of the Artificer

eatyo - 29.08.2021 21:00

I stan heat metal, will always take it asap
