How to Know If You Need a Rest Day | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

How to Know If You Need a Rest Day | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Huberman Lab Clips

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The Fire Dragon
The Fire Dragon - 10.09.2023 22:24

they need to stop with the Latin. Laymen do not know Latin and ALL things should be explained for laymen.
For example, I bet any money they lost some people just by using the word "hypertrophy" when they could have just said "muscle cell growth."
Latin is utter garbage and leads to far more confusion than understanding. I understand why we used to use it but it is time to update it to English and make it much much much simpler to understand. Imagine how much faster we could train doctors if things like "Gluteus Maximus" were changed to "Butt Muscle?"
Filanges are fingers. Etc etc

Justice - 06.09.2023 02:17

Did he answer the question?

Louis Ong
Louis Ong - 23.08.2023 18:15

"If hypertrophy is the goal, remember, volume is the driver"

Rajiv Santosham
Rajiv Santosham - 06.08.2023 18:09

Loved it. Very clear and practical points. Thank you

Nicholas D'Orazio
Nicholas D'Orazio - 06.08.2023 18:07

"Yeah yeah sure" "Yeah okay" 😂😂 damn what a nice response

DD - 29.07.2023 17:25

My takeaway: Learn to listen to your body

pg - 25.07.2023 17:21

Ppl are over complicating shit when it’s rly simple. Just listen to your body. If you’re too sore to workout the same muscle group again the next day then don’t. Stop looking towards science and start being more intuitive and paying attention to how your body feels. There is no one answer for everybody

Goal To Troll
Goal To Troll - 24.07.2023 15:03

Science lol

Hobbyist - 20.07.2023 03:28

Would really appreciate understanding this from an endurance training standpoint. Like Ironman training which has volume requirements that exceed hypertrophy in vast proportions.

Tom (Tommy) Sawyer
Tom (Tommy) Sawyer - 17.07.2023 19:55

I was recently diagnosed with McArdle disease (GSD-V) at the age of 26. I'm in the Army, and have every intention in my heart to keep serving, any advice from either of you Docs would be much appreciated! I understand if you don't see this or don't want to answer. Thanks

DANGRON - 16.07.2023 10:30

When I’m doubt, rest.

Solid_ice - 14.07.2023 19:46

I run 8-10k every day cycle play football(soccer) and lift weights my rest day is every Friday on that rest day I’m happy that I can rest but in the back of my mind feel like I’m losing all my progress and feel really bad how do I overcome this?

Noble22nd - 16.06.2023 08:48

Sooo what I got is. When you feel concerned you might injure yourself. Rest day.

sda sda
sda sda - 14.06.2023 18:56

Terrible video. Does not answer the question directly. Nobody is able to use the markers that this guy stated, in day-today training… What a word salad warrior.

Wayne Brown
Wayne Brown - 09.06.2023 13:45

Mike Metzer enters the chat. Volume you say?

Andrew Gwadiva
Andrew Gwadiva - 09.05.2023 10:02

I wanted to discuss the effectiveness of implementing two days of workouts, targeting different muscle groups, followed by a single day of rest. Is this rest period sufficient for optimal recovery and progress?

While the concept of "listening to your body" is often recommended, it can be more challenging in practice than it sounds. Balancing exercise and rest is crucial, so I am seeking advice on whether this approach is suitable for maintaining a healthy and effective workout regimen.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

RedPhil 🔴
RedPhil 🔴 - 16.04.2023 00:10

Please stop giving complicated, convoluted answers to very simple questions

Justin McArthur
Justin McArthur - 15.04.2023 20:15

Have to stop calling them rest days... It's bad for the Psyche of all strength athletes...

It's a GROW DAY focus on food and recovery just like you focus on form

Rod Barrett
Rod Barrett - 13.04.2023 15:05

The down side is that everyone responds differently to training and there isn't really a wrong way. Some guys never take a day off. Some train to failure all the time. Some train light with high reps and others heavy with low reps. You have to experiment and see what works for you.
When I was training ( out with shoulder and bicep at the moment) I was sore everyday. Not terribly but a little sore. I like feeling that way.
As far as OG's and pros in the game 100% of them recommend to train when sore. If you wait till your not sore then you won't be able to stay consistent and will have way too many days off.
Honestly if you aren't a little sore for next 2 days then you didn't train hard enough. Imo.

GROEIBREIN - 11.04.2023 17:57

Many people listen to ASMR to fall a sleep and rest. Also to focus better. I think ASMR is very interesting to look into (with an expert in this field maybe?). What does ASMR do with our brain and body? How does it work and can it help us? And thank you for all your good work. I learned a lot from you and the experts in your podcasts. Thankful for that!

Rajiv Kumar
Rajiv Kumar - 10.04.2023 21:05


Colin W
Colin W - 09.04.2023 04:51

I don’t have a PHD so I don’t understand.

TheCenturionIT - 08.04.2023 11:11

Volume Is not the driving factor of muscle growth but intensity 😅

Brycen Hernandez
Brycen Hernandez - 08.04.2023 01:26

I like how Andy answered Andrew’s question regarding “how to know if your nervous system is fatigued/if you need rest” and he answers with “get blood work”. 🤡

If:Then - 06.04.2023 23:51

He gave 80% of 5 different answers... Nothing useable

Joe Rogain
Joe Rogain - 06.04.2023 04:01

In my experience, sun exposure can relieve muscle soreness. Listen to that podcast for more detailed reason why.

MP - 05.04.2023 20:22

English Please.

Wood - 05.04.2023 19:45

did not answer a single question in a way the average dude can understand.

jeb jed
jeb jed - 04.04.2023 19:17

Ill save you 6 minutes - if your sore and tired yes take a rest day.

SigmaApe - 04.04.2023 07:48

Nowadays I am trying not give any rest days unless my body asks for it. More likely I'll simply rely on whether I wake up on first alarm or second alarm which is after 1.5 hrs later. If it's second alarm that's it I won't workout that day. Otherwise I have self discipline tuned in to wake up at first alarm always and go for a workout every freaking day.

fitchefdave - 03.04.2023 18:00

as the great legend said a rest day is like taking a shit, you dont stop to think do i need to take a shit you just take a shit

Fortune Bubble 1 cent
Fortune Bubble 1 cent - 31.03.2023 19:04

My workouts run 2-3 hours.... hit training atleast 5 days a week and my cardio is on point, but I wasn't growing, I've recently been experimenting with Mike Metzger style training actually taking days off, which is hard for me to do as I'm bipolar manic depressive and the gym is my addiction and only vice, but have noticed It seems as though it may be working, but like I said he recommended 3-4 days off 😳 that to me is just insane and really hard for me to do 😆

Ariel Barbosa
Ariel Barbosa - 31.03.2023 15:10

Being a roofer in Texas,it is very complicated to be able to stand the heat,many hours at work and still exercising. None of these specialists have an recipe for people like me.

gofio123456 - 30.03.2023 19:50

What would be your intake for someone who does full body workouts to failure with each exercice ?

K - 30.03.2023 16:06

Welll bodybuilding your muscle most time is always sore after each training session so this doesn’t work for stuff like that out the window this advice goes . If you train to build muscle simple if your getting weaker , feel over tired , getting sick all the time , Ed , sleep quality getting worse . stuff like that you are over taxing your body needs recovery

Brendan Scully
Brendan Scully - 30.03.2023 02:30

I need a rest when I lie down on my bed during the day....and my body says "thanks"

Jose Espinal
Jose Espinal - 29.03.2023 18:29

Volume is not the driver of muscle building, its intense mechanical resistance. 💪🏾

Stackshot Bobby
Stackshot Bobby - 29.03.2023 15:51

David Goggins would not approve this message!

Ice Fall
Ice Fall - 29.03.2023 14:05

Taking a day(s) off should be built into the lifting program, as long as it is consistent.

Easier than rocket science.

IvanGonzalez - 29.03.2023 00:46

I got a workout in the brain trying to understand everything he was saying. I get the bulk of it.

JamesDee - 27.03.2023 21:59

Boring!. I'm gone

Wetty - 26.03.2023 22:17

This is great

Gael Zane
Gael Zane - 25.03.2023 22:49

Thanks. I am 63 and have had deep muscle pain each day after gardening. I have been trying to figure out what's going on.

Choi요한 - 25.03.2023 10:25

volume isnt the driver tho...

Prblm Child
Prblm Child - 25.03.2023 08:29

Dorian Yates is best at science based bodybuilding

Matt Arndt
Matt Arndt - 25.03.2023 02:58

Really smart guy! Very interesting stuff.

Anthony Caruso
Anthony Caruso - 25.03.2023 00:25

True intelligence is not sounding smart and making something simple more elaborate it is making something elaborate seem more simple

mosin9105 - 24.03.2023 03:53


Fred - 22.03.2023 23:58

Love this content but I can do a bunch of sets and barley feel sore.
I’ll sleep like a baby afterwards but soreness rarely occurs for me.

GoldenEraZen - 21.03.2023 20:54

