Ian & Lip | "Sex Any Good?" | S07E12 [Deleted Scene]

Ian & Lip | "Sex Any Good?" | S07E12 [Deleted Scene]

Gallavich Scenes

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Janean Rice
Janean Rice - 09.09.2023 21:57

No wonder they deleted it this scene it sucked boreeeeeew

Amanda Garrett
Amanda Garrett - 16.06.2023 00:53

Honestly I think Ian should have gone with mickey

Zoe Ward
Zoe Ward - 19.05.2023 02:05

How would lip know to ask that like yeh he was right they did but how would he know?yes and I get it’s shameless but still

ava - 13.05.2023 23:36

“you always went a little bit loco when mickey was around” maybe bc he was struggling with bipolar really bad when they were dating?

Demon Cake
Demon Cake - 30.03.2023 20:29

I think ian is different when mickey is around and he does look crazy to his family because ian always act nice and good but when he’s woth mickey he became comfortable in his own self and mickey is crazy that’s why ian loves him and we all do because a normal person wouldn’t think the same way mickey does and we love him for that i get why fiona and lip are scared for ian at the end of the day mickey did run from the FBI and he did try yo kill sami and went multiple times to jail and juvie

And ian have this problem where he listens to people alot and rarely listen to himself even his relationship woth trevor felt forced because it is he did it because everyone around him told him this is right and this is what you should do

That’s why he’s comfortable with mickey so much because he can do whatever he want say and move the way he want and he knows Mickey would never judge him or tell him to do something he doesn’t want maybe because Mickey is abnormal too

So they both are crazy and not normal in anyway or another that’s why they’re perfect for each other

tommo diaz
tommo diaz - 16.03.2023 06:29

What Fiona and Lip said about Mickey always seemed stupid to me, literally Mickey is the person who loves and cares for Ian the most, they have the best and most sincere relationship and Lip and Fiona never had a damn relationship that lasted more than one season, if someone talks about relationships that bring out your worst side, they are definitely talking about everyone's relationship except gallavich

nazrin - 27.02.2023 18:59

I don't know why Lip and Fiona had that habit of talking shit about Mick... He's literally one of the most fantastic characters in this show. Mick's glow up, his care and love to Ian, the fact that he was always ready to protect Ian and even sacrifice himself and his freedom for Ian hits so differently. Sometimes I can't get how Fiona and Lip could humiliate Mick when they, in turn, could never behave appropriately in their own relationships. And it's about them that it's worth talking about as those with whom it's better not to build any relationship. They've never seen the real Mick. Never really wanted to believe that the true identity of a person can be hidden by the person himself for any reasons or traumas which had happened to that person. In short, they just didn't know Mickey. Didn't know how amazing he was.

SuperBlablablaxxx - 14.02.2023 09:43

Maybe when Lip said Ian went loco with Mickey, he meant that he gets crazy for him like crazy in love

SuperBlablablaxxx - 14.02.2023 09:42

fucking fantastic sex ;)

noes too
noes too - 30.01.2023 14:33

Mickey and Ian have besides V and kev the strongest realtionship. I wished lip couldve found a good partner too i really dont like tami one bit

Ingrid Larcher
Ingrid Larcher - 12.01.2023 00:18

most gallaghers say mickey triggers ian's madness, and every time mickey was out ian would explode, the last one was with his boyfriend trevor who couldn't give a shit about his bipolar and his manic state. Gallagher's are hypocrites as fuck and always thought they were better than the milkovich family even though both families were fucked up the same

Lara Queiroz
Lara Queiroz - 27.11.2022 03:59

One thing about this scene that I love is when Ian says the sex was fucking fantastic. There's this thing about long term relationships when you know exactly what to do and how to do. I know people freak out with the idea of having sex with the same person for the rest of their lives, but after 13 years having sex with the same person, it only gets better. The level of intimacy is completely different.

HayHay - 07.10.2022 19:24

Anyone Ian dates will never compare to what he had with Mickey.. anyone who Mickey dates will ever compare to what he had with Ian! I got sad when Ian didn’t go because I figured they would never see each other again but I was wrong Mickey was always there for Ian when he needed him and the same with ian

Hanniballx - 08.07.2022 03:15


Payton dawson
Payton dawson - 30.05.2022 00:39

It’s great bc your top dumbass 😭

jpinkman._ - 07.03.2022 05:05

i could’ve swore this was in the show?

Sydney Weisheit
Sydney Weisheit - 03.02.2022 06:19

It’s like a brother to brother moment

Oddi Miseinen
Oddi Miseinen - 24.12.2021 04:48

" - How many days?
- I don't know, I'm just counting hours"
hits me so hard.

anncrocs - 24.11.2021 03:48

my fav lickey scene ❤️

AlCapone - 13.11.2021 06:04

We have this scene in the uk ;)

Katherine Codrescu
Katherine Codrescu - 06.11.2021 15:33

I hate that they cut this scene! It’s also a wonderful mirror to one of the first scenes when Lip found out Ian was gay. Lip told Ian that sex must hurt and it wasn’t supposed to be that way. Ian responds with a comment about how we are only given lungs to smoke.
I think it’s a cool parallel.

Peau et-os
Peau et-os - 18.10.2021 16:38

Fiona and Lip are the ones with the toxic relationships. Ian and Mickey have been committed for 10 yrs. Everything else was filler and they both knew it.

Golden Fred
Golden Fred - 18.10.2021 10:18

Love how Fiona said the exact same thing to Lip when he was condemning her for investing in the club: "Thanks for the vote of confidence, Lip." xD whether or not this was intentional I still think it's a nice detail.

Wency Sit
Wency Sit - 17.10.2021 22:03


gianna0526 - 03.10.2021 08:54

correction Lip: Ian went a little loco when Mickey wasn't around.

Louisa Marit
Louisa Marit - 03.10.2021 05:19

should've killed frank off in the early seasons, then hey wouldn't need to have all those deleted scene because his screen time would be available

Purrr - 16.09.2021 20:01

I never understood why the whole gallagher family kept insisting mickey sets ian off/is toxic/makes him go loco when every single time mickey's been in ian's life it's only ever to either love him, ground him, protect him or save his ass?? Mickey is literally Ian's lifeline.

ilovetotri23 - 30.08.2021 07:31

Wow! What a great scene that would have been super impactful! So many scenes were overly impactful, probably why I love this show. This scene would have been perfect. Sucks it was deleted. I love how the super intelligent "Lip" was always accepting of his brother. I think I was super hooked to this show in season 1 when Lip said something to the affect of....the butt was only developed for one reason. Ian responded, and the lungs are only for breathing? While they were both using their lungs for something else.

rosed - 18.08.2021 21:48

I feel like that’s such an important scene, wish they could’ve kept it when I watched it for the first time

Mac Hodgdon
Mac Hodgdon - 13.08.2021 21:19

This scene is actually so important to the narrative of that season, and cutting it to keep scenes with Debbie and Frank just hurts me

PV96 Mexico
PV96 Mexico - 09.08.2021 17:52

Lip was such a cool guy!

Juliet Margola
Juliet Margola - 06.08.2021 11:18

I absolutely love these intimate scenes with lip and Ian

Jana Cahill
Jana Cahill - 02.08.2021 13:15

Why was it so bad to show that Ian could be Victimized by Sex too? I though it was stupid to keep this out of the Story Line.

Arunima - 31.07.2021 20:43

Bromance at its best!❣️

Kyana Verduyckt
Kyana Verduyckt - 30.07.2021 12:38

I really hate that it’s only on Netflix in Amarica... or only the usa idk

The Mysterious Dude
The Mysterious Dude - 29.07.2021 22:28

As much as I love these deleted scenes, you have to admit why it makes sense they cut them. Cuz you get the point without ever seeing the scene. We all knew how Ian felt about the situation just because we already knew how much Ian loved Mickey. The editor has to cut something in order for the episode to fit in the time slot and have room for commercials. And if you can get the story of the episode without the scene… then it’ll probably get cut.

Huitzilyolotl Anahuac
Huitzilyolotl Anahuac - 21.07.2021 18:57

“You were always loco when Mickey was around!! Wtf smh

Bianca Quinonez
Bianca Quinonez - 13.07.2021 07:30

They really shouldn't have cut this

eden - 26.05.2021 01:15

why do they always get rid of the best scenes🤔🤔

dontletdonghaedrive - 27.04.2021 14:47

I mean realistically as much as we would've loved for Ian to go with Mickey, we knew it couldn't have happened because Cam would've needed to leave the show. They couldn't cut to Ian and Mickey in Mexico all the time otherwise the dynamic between him and the Gallagher family would end and the show revolves around their dynamic. In a way how it ended was the best way possible to bring back together what the writers fucked up with his character. That being said they could've also brought him back a lot sooner than they did. Season 8 was empty without a gallavich scene and we all felt that hole.

Aaima Ehtesham
Aaima Ehtesham - 19.04.2021 21:17

No lip n ian scene should ever be cut. Their relationship is the best

Kimberly Holt
Kimberly Holt - 17.04.2021 02:07

Yeah, th 'counting hours' wth no alcohol, got me! EVERYONE needs a 'poison' to cope. Especially when circumstances gives one NO option

mccorama - 16.04.2021 04:25

That was just f'n lovely

M S - 10.04.2021 23:40

Ian's face at the end. Period.

emma - 10.04.2021 03:43

i hate that they cut this, it gives a lot of context to ian’s choice and also shows just how much ian does still love mickey

all it took was for lip to ask why he didn’t do it and he immediately got emotional, also when lip says the same thing mick said in episode 11, you can tell it hits ian hard. the only thing i didn’t like about this scene was lip saying ian went crazy when mick was around bc that’s literally exactly the opposite from what happened. the only times ian did do crazy shit was when mick WASNT around

Billy Wong
Billy Wong - 09.04.2021 13:57

They don't make shows like these anymore

Hana J
Hana J - 09.04.2021 01:59

I miss this Lip

Loading... - 08.04.2021 06:17

Why tf do they cut scenes like this but feel the need to include 600 Frank taking drugs scenes

bernsoprettyy - 07.04.2021 15:42

