Firebase Realtime Database Android Endless Scroll Pagination with Recyclerview Example #2

Firebase Realtime Database Android Endless Scroll Pagination with Recyclerview Example #2

Cambo Tutorial

3 года назад

18,069 Просмотров

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@lifeless8781 - 02.02.2023 04:14

Hi! awesome video!
can you please helpme getting just the last information saved into the database and how to call it?
i have like a month struggling with this.

@youbsalama9309 - 04.12.2022 22:10

do you know some technics to avoid out of memory when using many pictures?

@youbsalama9309 - 04.12.2022 03:00

fun fact the _android:background_ make the error "Binary XML file line : Error Inflating class"

@jobs7390 - 31.10.2022 17:17

Bro employee data was inserted properly.. but only 8 items display in final output.

public Query get(String key)

if (key==null)
return databaseReference.orderByKey().limitToFirst(8);

return databaseReference.orderByKey().startAfter(key).limitToFirst(8);

startafter(key)...... not found why ??????

@aldairtellocastaneda9161 - 30.07.2022 02:59

Hello, thanks for the tutorial.
I have a small problem when implementing the Filterable in the adapter.
The search was working well for me, and after implementing the pagination when doing the search it returns me on the data that was already shown and then it no longer shows any more data.

@namanmodi7536 - 29.04.2022 13:25

can you please tell me how to retrive data from end

@user-jh9ut7in8i - 18.01.2022 18:11

Awesome tutorial. Thank you very much!!

@angelobunao2628 - 15.01.2022 16:41

Sir can you help me in my code, mine's keep reapting the recycler view when i change data on my data base , can you help me fix this issue?

@futuregyan555 - 03.01.2022 10:31

data is duplicated on scrolling

@wirelessmind9517 - 29.12.2021 20:06

Previous data is deleted bro

@therealityshow8264 - 01.12.2021 18:35

Appreciate your effort .but i can get result . I excactly follow your steps .what i cant get result

@therealityshow8264 - 01.12.2021 18:34

My hours waste

@therealityshow8264 - 01.12.2021 18:33

Data not shown in recycler view. item layout not loads not shows anything

@wirelessmind9517 - 01.11.2021 16:11

Can you provide source code

@Kanzan53037 - 05.09.2021 05:28

The tutorial is very easy and short. This is the kind of tutorial we need. Thanks.

@peterkariuki9475 - 24.07.2021 00:35

Hi combo , I keep getting this error and the app crushes immedietly amnot sure whats wrong

return ProductRef.orderByKey(). startAfter(key).limitToFirst(8);

ava.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: You must use startAt(String value), startAfter(String value), endAt(String value), endBefore(String value) or equalTo(String value) in combination with orderByKey(). Other type of values or using the version with 2 parameters is not supported

@krishnavanshipraveenkumary7498 - 18.07.2021 15:40

please make a video who to show native ads in recycle view and mix with firebase database in same project

@abdul_wahhab - 09.07.2021 13:37

Thankyou for uploading the code ❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️

@elestirensincap1481 - 15.06.2021 22:49

thanks bro :)

@neerajverma9226 - 26.05.2021 15:43

Can you make the same thing using Paging 3 library?

@merilokeihlj.8604 - 08.05.2021 08:27

What version is your android studio?

@virajabeywardana5112 - 05.05.2021 07:39

This video is awesome please make the next video asap! :D

@abahaini6943 - 01.05.2021 02:29

Bro, pls make a video how to implement database sqlcipher encrypt pass show to recyclview

@redwanahmed9827 - 01.05.2021 01:26

Thanks for sharing this. You have been a huge help <3. I have one problem, in the cardview you have put two texts like employee name and employee position but instead of position I want to display an integer value but the code does not allow it. Is there a way I can implement employee Id instead of employee position? It would be a huge help if you reply. thank you

@appsgames3513 - 30.04.2021 18:34

How to make realtime multiple web view with recycle view and control url,image,text using firebase make tutorial on it

@barangaming6782 - 30.04.2021 15:25

Bro plz make a video
how to show 1 facebook audience interstitlial ads per user per 1 day plz
Because in my case I have hater plz!
