Toxic Femininity vs True Femininity | The Lila Rose Podcast E50

Toxic Femininity vs True Femininity | The Lila Rose Podcast E50

Lila Rose

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@stephanielegarda5443 - 18.01.2024 03:13

What a positive representation of feminity and good explanation of the toxic - this was well done!

@stfu1992 - 16.01.2024 00:28

other than my mom for whom i admire, one lady i also admired was Selena Quintanilla Perez growing up. Not only was she a great singer she also was humble and kind to her fans and really was an excellent role model and made an excellent impact for us.

@thesolagratialife - 12.01.2024 08:24

The actress clutching onto the golden statue promoting the killing of babies reminds me of Leviticus 18 where they worshipped the golden calf, which had a carved into it, a furnace that heated its outstretched hands. Babies were placed on those outstretched hands as a sacrifice to their pagan gods. And we all know how God dealt with them.

@cosmicgalaxystudio1539 - 10.01.2024 12:06

First time seeing your video. But sorry to disagree of your views about birth control and abortion. I'm guessing you're a conservative christian. I mean I'm catholic but I'm open minded. And i think a woman should always have a choice. And the reason birh control was invented (if you didn't know) because women back in the day didn't have any contraceptives and some women can't hust always keep having kids because it might be harmful or a health concern or might kill them. So women shouldn't be protecting themselves and just have kids all the time even if it will be harmful to them? What about women who don't want kids? Maybe Michelle didn't want kids at that time because she wasn't in a good mental health. And you called her hating children when she has 3 kids herself? Don't get me wrong i think children are amazing. You have to accept not all women are the same. Not all want kids & it's not our business to tell them it's wrong. The world today is changing. The world doesn't have one single rule. Open your eyes.

@thuyhuongpham5240 - 10.01.2024 09:30

I love it so much that you mentioned role models like Mother Teresa, princess Diana, Grace Kelly , and Jackie Kennedy
Especially your story about the picture on your wall of Mother Teresa's feet ..made my cried.❤❤❤

@thuyhuongpham5240 - 10.01.2024 09:23

I love your sharing about true femininity. My daughter introduced your podcast to me..and i love it.
Thanks Lila .❤

@lisamoag6548 - 10.01.2024 07:38

Oh and gardens.
Grama gardens.
Thank you all good women for the gardens of my life and the kindness.

@lisamoag6548 - 10.01.2024 07:37

Grams always giving to others, feeding us , nurturing and praying and just beautiful.

@lisamoag6548 - 10.01.2024 07:23

Selfish is the same term as narcissist.
It is best to share.
Share the responsibilities and the sorrow and the joy .
Controlling is bossy.

In the history of woman , during the 1800’s and 1900’ woman would say “ unhand me Sir!
And “ I resist you, Sir.
And if needed a firm slap was delivered.
Also, a chaperone was near .

@harmonygordon6901 - 07.01.2024 20:14

Well done Lila 🌹

@heinzelmadchen7896 - 03.01.2024 20:22

Toxic femininity is choosing to have s3x and then acting like a r@p3 victim who had no other choice but to spread her legs when you find out you're pregnant and all of that to simply justify murdering your child.

@kayceetaylor2151 - 01.01.2024 18:36

That was a beautiful monologue dedicated to true femininity.
However, Johnny Depp was the only one who was abused in his marriage. Amber heard has BPD. Knowing she has that disorder, she should have sought proper nutrition and medication to treat it. Im not a fan of pharmaceuticals, but if one has a mental or personality disorder, they genuinely need medication to be normal/healthy -- diet and exercise will never be enough due to their hefty chemical imbalances. And she never should have drank alcohol, ever. People with a mental or personality disorder, especially, need to avoid alcohol. It is very hard for some people to imagine a woman who abuses a man or men, and the man not being abusive to her at all, but it does happen. There are a lot of women who are abusive to their husbands, who throw the first physical strike, and sometimes, the only strikes. I know that is a very uncomfortable thought for a lot of us, but there are a lot of women who are clinical sociopaths or clinical psychopaths. And there are a lot of people who assume that predatory sociopaths and predatory psychopaths wouldn't ever belong to a church, but some do, and some of them are women. Churches and clergy are not immune from manipulation and outright deception, especially from predatory sociopaths. They, especially, are vulnerable to such things because they assume they are attracting only well-intentioned people. It's a problem. I would advise, Lila, that you be more wary of evil women.

@tracytilford6735 - 29.12.2023 15:47

My mom is the most beautiful person I know. She is absolutely kindness itself. She will go out of her way to help others and give to others even though she doesn't have much herself.

@sarahking87 - 23.12.2023 03:28

My mom passed away 6 months ago. I look up to her in so many ways... She was gentle, generous, soft-spoken, selfless, respectful, classy, the list could go on and on. She always put everyone else before herself. She served her family and community daily. She showed us the love of God every day. I'm so grateful for her and all the women like her, who give us an example to look up to. ❤️

@samlynx2016 - 22.12.2023 02:42

Not only do the Kardashians hyper sexualize themselves for male attention, but they've also heavily altered their bodies through surgeries. I remember being in highschool and guys talking about how sexy Kim Kardashian was and that they didn't think they'd ever find a girl as hot as her or how they would leave their girlfriend if it meant they could "have a night" with her. On the brink of adulthood, that really crushed my self esteem. It made me think that I will never be good enough. No matter what I do, I can never look like Kim Kardashian. Heck, Kim Kardashian doesn't even look like that.

I remember being 25 and telling a group of friends (21-28) that I don't want to date because the guy will just drop me the second someone hotter comes along. They all told me that's completely unrealistic but then four of those same guys also said it's "all but impossible" to go four or more days without watching porn. So, tell me again that I'm the unreasonable one.

I do believe that there are guys out there that can go months without watching porn, I just haven't found one yet, and I'm staying single until I do.

@samlynx2016 - 22.12.2023 02:22

Pregnancy HAPPENED to her?? I'm pretty sure she had sex and knew it was a possibility...

@MSBowen-pk6ww - 19.12.2023 07:01

I am a Christian woman who was honored by God to have a strong femenine rolemodel in my mother. She went thru literal hell on earth! Her father was a drunk and abusive so much that she doesn't remember most of her childhood, she did not let her sad upbringing stop her from living her life with love. Not with anger or resentment over what happened in her childhood. She put God first and then family and friends she had such a wonderful ability to show love to those who she had just met!

Her father's family had a disease known as Huntington's Disease she took care of the father who had abused her when he got sick. This is how forgiving she was, in the end he ended up in the nursing home. He died when I was 17! I miss him but due to his illness I wasn' that close to him and I grew up for about 5 years in Texas not near her family except for the trips we made. She got the same disease he did, in her 30's she was getting worse but she and my family were in denial. I don't know when the test for HD was created but she took it when she was 45 and got diagnosed officially.

Her battle with HD did not break her, instead God used her weakness to show his strength. When you are in good health it is easy for people to shrug off what you say when you say "God is awesome!" but when you are clearly ailing health wise it's harder to just brush it off. When mom couldn't speak anymore we'd say it for her and she'd light right up! She got more frail and in such pain, by the time she passed away Nov 20, 2018 she was 5 feet and 8 inches tall and 95 lbs. I prayed to God about so much with her.

I remember around Mother's Day of 2018 she was really going down hill and God said to me that if she survived Mother's Day that she would die in November.... he put it on my heart to reach out to her family who I was estranged with at the time, and on Sept 23rd (not her bday because of the day of the week) we all came together it was the most beautfilul time. She was so happy and lit up! It was amazing to see the glow back in her!

I had been worried and praying for around 1 or 2 years I can't remmber about the fears i had with her death that Dad would be in bed with her and wake up to her gone. OR that her family who she loved would not be there! God helped us get her to a good hospice and her last days were surrounded by her family. God used her death to bring other's to him who would have ignored him. Her nephew Hunter got saved! The list goes on. It's what is the epitomy fo what you were tlaking about. I have th esame disease as her please pray?

It's a struggle at times but I learned around 5 years ago that I needed to pray and leave it in God's hands. I said I knjwo that you can heal me, but if you choose to use me like you used my mother to show your strength thru my weakness and bring other's to you please give me the strength and grace that I will need. Since I prayed my peace is there so much because of God I can handle anything that comes my way healthwise. I hope that people will learn to trust God and put him first in everything.

Huntington's Disease is like Parkinsons, ALS, Dementia, and Alzhyiermers at th e sametime! It is a Neurodegenerative Disease withotu a cure. Only a few things medication wise help!
Last year at this time I had just started the same meds my mother was on. I was unable to wlak or do much, I rode in those electric wheel chairs at stores. Now I can walk and do things tha tI couldn't do. God helped me to remmeber the 2 meds and he used it to change my life. He took me from intense all over muslce spasms that were so bad I couldn't look down at the Bible. It didn't matter if I stood up or sat odwn withing 5 minutes I was suffering again. God helped me find the right medication. He has changed my life physically for the better!

Last year in October I realized that I wasn't saved I remember weeping openly as a pastor was talking about Jesus and salvation and it was just so different than the other times when I swore i was saved. I never felt so moved before and I've never known such peace since giving it truly to my Lord and Savior! God's got me and my family in his hands. We all are struggling with our own issues but we are keeping him in our view. I pray that more people will focus on God and not worry about what hte world says about God!

God made men and women dif but not uneven. We should 100% defend children'ws rights to life! I am against Abortion, sadly I wasn't always thsi way because I was afraid of offending I think. Now I am not afraid. I think it is important as a woman to speak up against murder! Sadly due to health issues I am on birthcontrol. I have PCOS and Endometeriosis I hurt 24/7 whether on my period or not. I was suffering to the point of not being able to functioln. They had even done surgeries to help clear my uterus out but nothing helped with my pain. I am glad though that I am on this medication because for me it does work. I tried other things and lived without it for years but I realize that I can't stay away from it if it means i can function. I am a virgin btw, and I might stay single forever because of my high functionin autism. I tried to date needless to say it did not work for me. I respect men and love them.

I am trying my hardest to keep this short but I end up sharing a lot more often than not. Because I know it's important because it points people to God and to what it means to have peace beyond understanding in God! Jesus is all that I need! I praise him and ask him to strengthen those who are sfufering because of the false ideals of hte world. Sex is meant to be sacrade between men and women who are married. NO one else should partake. I think it's insane that women like tha twoman who got the award acted like it was something she couldn't control. She had sex... she was 100% in control of her actions.

You nailed it on bad fems and bad masculinity. There is no 100% perfect of either because in the end of it all we are just human and we need God in our lives! We need Jesus!

@MacN-gx3jv - 19.12.2023 03:59

Great video, although the Barbie movie is a trash 🗑️

@Redpillcontent1 - 09.12.2023 18:14

I’ve never considered that women consider fertility as a disease. This was eye opening.

@palalba882 - 08.12.2023 12:02

Wow! Thank you Lila, I agreed with everything you say about true feminity ☺☺☺
I think for me, my mom it's an example of true feminity, she have been marriage for almost 30 years, and she haven't had it easy with her husband, my dad used to be a pretty hard man to live with (he have been kind of grumpy, picky, selfish, to say the truth, kind of vain and materialistic , and He didn't have God in his heart). Even in her circumstances, my mom didn't left, she kept fighting for her marriage and her family, she raise us as better and loving as she could, I remember that I couldn't count on my dad sadly but my mom was always there for me, she almost always made the time to play with me and as I grow older, to talk with me about anything I would want to.
She teach us all she could about spiritual life and to follow God, she never ever stooped praying for all os us (me, my brother and my dad) even on that years where my dad was bitter with her, I left church and adopt paganism as "my religion", and my brother closed up in his room with video games and internet almost all day. She must have feel very lonely, she have told me recently indeed.
But her trust in God and her love helped us all, my brother is actually in process to be a priest studing in Rome, my dad and her are in apostolate together giving and reciving talks about Catholic marriage, my dad have a softer (very very softer) heart now and they have been working out their differences, as for me, I completely sure that they prayers of my mom convinced God to called me back home to Catholicism, and thanks God, He gave me an understanding as I ever experienced before about Him, finally I felt like I understood who He is and who I am for Him, I used to be promiscuous, kinf of feminist, proud, I have all this toxic feminity that Lila talks about that you just deny your own feminity and capacity to bring children to this world, but God held my heart of my daddy issues 😅😂😂😂 I'm happily married to a good man that is our provider, I'm stay at home mom (just like my mom 😂) have one daughter and expecting the second one, all thanks God and my mom's love and prayers (well, and my brother's too!!! 😂😂😂😂).

Thank you for this topic Lila because, for me, I have been on this journey firstly back home (Catholicism) and then back to embrace my feminity, something that I was never connected with before, college and media made me the average woman that thinks only on herself and wants to be "free from all feminine roles" but broken inside, so in this beautiful journey of acceptance and truth, where God have been the one leading me, your poadcast helped me understand in a very synthetic and clear way a lot more, this ideas poping up, but kind of disconnected, in my mind about what is real femininity. God bless you Lila and Mama Mary pray for you 😊😊😊

@Econobel - 07.12.2023 19:44

I would marry you, uppps, I'm married, sorry

@Books_Anime_92 - 01.12.2023 04:48

Michelle Williams does have a living daughter that she had with Heath Ledger who she met on the set of Brokeback Mountain. I was hoping that they would stay together and get married, but he left her for one of the Olsen Twins. It made me very sad that he struggled with drug and alcohol addiction, which eventually killed him.

@cowsal77 - 26.11.2023 00:52

I loved Barbie. She traded the feminist dream of shallow relationships, sterility and empowerment for real life, the chance of becoming a mom and aging into beauty, the older woman at the bus stop. A life without amazing older role models wouldn't be as rich. No sensible woman would want beta male Ken.

@elizabethgonzalez-hz7og - 25.11.2023 21:21

My grandmother, my mother and my preacher’s wife my mother in law , beautiful femininity 💙 I am not a mother yet but I am asking God to be one and be bless with that amazing gift of life , I love your podcast very important to hear this ❤️ as a woman now day’s ❤️

@Lauren-mj1zs - 18.11.2023 17:53

do you have more videos related to good femininity? i watch this one twice to really understand what i should be striving for, and i would like more content from you!

@chelle_e - 09.11.2023 11:45

The Michelle Williams acceptance speech was incredibly sad. To say that she is thankful for the right to abort her baby is devasting to hear. I will never understand the need to place personal gain before an unborn child.

@kanyekubrick5391 - 22.10.2023 23:53

Very profound. Lots of great quotes here

@MsPatrick1982 - 19.10.2023 12:17

Great breakdown

@user-hb1wm9sx3q - 12.10.2023 20:34

I agree with all of these points in this episode! Not to mention, to think that abortion is somehow more empowering than having your baby is a wild concept to me. You’d think the “feminist” argument would be “I can have this child while simultaneously achieving my career goals”. But to your point in the video, being a mother is seen as a setback to some women, rather than a beautiful role you get to take on in life.
The women I admire most in my life embody these traits and strive to always be better human beings and know they are uniquely qualified, in their womanhood, to encourage and nurture and I hope to be more and more like them 💫

@babs420th9 - 11.10.2023 16:21

Amber Heard is an unambiguous victim of Johnny Depp's. Goodnight. 🤗

@BasedYoga - 10.10.2023 08:00

Johnny Depp was not abusive. If you actually look at the evidence, you will see he was never physically abusive. She lied for money and clout.

@happyaspiemom - 30.09.2023 22:04

Jesus said to Maria Valtorta ( in The gospel as revealed to me ) that women are superior to men in many ways because they obey God more easily , they sacrifice themselves bravely . Jesus also said women are meant to LOVE . Female prayers ( wife's , mom's , sister's ) are powerful to get the conversion of our loved ones . Let's LOVE AND PRAY ! 🙏🙏

@roxanahernandez5157 - 30.09.2023 06:46

"To compare yourself to another woman...there is only one of you. Celebrate the unique woman that you are & that nobody else is" Thank you Lila ❤ You are my female role model:)

@emiliaanker8003 - 28.09.2023 13:58

The way I see freedom of choice surrounds making a tough decision for the long term good of the fetus that could eventually become a child, since the individual pregnant woman knows what her situation is and how it could impact a innocent and helpless baby.

Polarising how femininity is portrayed in the media and therefore society should not be simplified as shown in this podcast. It is a complex issue that we should definitely have a conversation about where different opinions are represented. Could that be an idea for another podcast?

@dianeyun-vac1385 - 28.09.2023 00:27

Lila, you have beautifully portrayed toxic femininity as well as true and the genius of femininity with great examples of people to illustrate these terms in this culture. Thank you 🙏

@darrellhamblen3009 - 26.09.2023 03:11

Thank you for showing us there are still good women out there

@zacharyo3824 - 24.09.2023 09:24

Freedom, happiness and then fulfillment is the priority of most people. I believe we should aim for Fulfilment, happiness and then Freedom in that order. People in this world have been indoctrinated to seek happiness above all else but they must understand happiness is fleeting but fulfillment can make those not happy moments worth it if there is an end goal.

@FergusWalsh-dz7mq - 23.09.2023 06:26

Let Lizzo crow about her obesity as it basically means she will die sooner than if she were thin. And we don't have to listen to her after her face turns red and her left arm becomes rigid. Myocardial Infarction baby WOOHOO .for a complete lack of will power and stamina. And if you find her unattractive now a stroke will not enhance her appearance one bit . FAT SHAMING saves lives don't you know.

@joselynnschmidt5795 - 23.09.2023 05:13

The woman who played Eve on Last Man Standing seems concerned and a bit upset on that video.

I thought that's a lady when it comes to vertu and love.

There is this quote that has been around a bit... "Don't hit a lady, but if a woman hits you, she's not a lady"

@cindigonzalez7350 - 22.09.2023 01:36

I hate Taylor Swift and her "music"

@samanthadeelovejoy5 - 21.09.2023 21:34

At my church we have a woman named Lilo she was in Germany her and I grew quite close. Choosing the German resistance during WWII they're focused and begin tough old bird. When she died the thing I remember most about her ability to love people even if they made mistakes. She was very sick at the end but she still went to church for two times a week and tutored the little kids for free. All while being graceful and classy.

@user-wt5wg8hs2b - 21.09.2023 00:23

I don't agreed that Mother Teresa of Calcutta is an example of femininity 🤔
Actually she is Catholic by name but not her practices.

@danielaparra6829 - 20.09.2023 17:30

The woman I admire the most is my cousin, doesn’t have children, decided it. Is career oriented, a biotech scientist, has traveled around the world and the thing I admire the most is that she didn’t cared about the pressure our family put her through to be in certain ways.

I think your view about what makes a woman a woman is narrowed, not everybody fits in the mold of family oriented, not everyone wants to be a mother, or a wife

The person you have to be loyal first is to yourself ( in your values ) and then you can give it to other people

Of all you said in what you consider a “true femininity” the only thing I agree is that we shouldn’t compete against women but to support each other

@bivekhunjan2888 - 19.09.2023 16:01

Fab video 🖤

@PoliticalWonderland - 18.09.2023 23:21

You are such a beautiful representation of femininity Lila. In all you do and how you conduct yourself, u just shine. I’m happy to have you as a role model for me & my daughter

@destineeneville - 18.09.2023 22:46

thank you for this... I've felt at a loss with politics. Everything felt so angry and awful-

I've been craving something like this that is so elegantly firm, understanding, supportive, and encouraging.

@mathildebanco7982 - 18.09.2023 22:04

My personnal inspirational woman is Jennifer lawrence. She's the ultimate woman imo. She's very kind, playful, has a husband who looks put together has a good job, she pretty, married. She's not excessively quiet or polished but she's still very relatable.
Taylor Russell is a very good representation of feminity too
