Significations of the Twelve Houses - Part 1: Houses 1–6

Significations of the Twelve Houses - Part 1: Houses 1–6

The Astrology Podcast

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Magdalena VHurwitz
Magdalena VHurwitz - 14.09.2023 04:13

Also, I taught kindergarten - 1st grade in a parochial school before I became a parent. Edit: Jupiter is the ruler of my 5H but sits in 1H, square ☀️ in 10H 😊.

Diana A
Diana A - 14.09.2023 03:39

I have my sun, moon, and mercury in my 5th house, for me life without pleasure, enjoyment and creativity its not worth living haha, i get so frustrated when i feel like i am trap in responsability for a long time

M Giangiulio
M Giangiulio - 12.09.2023 22:22

Hell have merci, there are 5 6th houses in my natal chart. 😂
Well, I have been in this for years...

ashley myrick
ashley myrick - 10.09.2023 21:35

Thank you Soul much this was confirmation to all the work I thought I needed validation from. 🫶🏾🙏🏾 your work is amazing and always amazed of how eloquently you speak

La'Shay Williams
La'Shay Williams - 10.09.2023 16:50

What if it appears that there is nothing in a particular house? Is that where more of the native's free will reign? How do you find the ruling planet for a house with nothing in it? How does the native accurately read info directly on a line in the middle of two houses, is it the ending of the preceeding house or beginning of the proceeding house? What if a house appears to be split between two signs? What is the significance of the degrees and minutes? Does the degrees and minutes make any difference for houses that have more than one planet in them? Does an asteroid in retrograde mean the same as other planets in retrograde? I appreciate you all. I am a beginner.

Frater_FL - 09.09.2023 06:42

So the third house moon is like and exaltation and the moon naturally governs fourth? You speak with riddles master 😂 godamn astrology man...

Aracely Campbell
Aracely Campbell - 05.09.2023 00:40

I really enjoyed this but man it drove me crazy everytime Kelley jumped in to finish Austin's sentences. Just let people finish their thoughts and then you can say your part.

ChlorineHeart - 31.08.2023 20:36

My husband has saturn in the first house and has a spinal disc deformity from being a preemie

Abrir Caminhos
Abrir Caminhos - 20.08.2023 16:42

I ve diabetes, and i ve venus in the 6th house ( in taurus!)
Great podcast!

B.K.S Dev
B.K.S Dev - 20.08.2023 04:32

What a pleasant reunion of you three and to see you three in person in your studio. Have started seeing Chris Brennen:s Astrological Podcast since 2016 or 2017.Then some time during the Peak of the COVID pandemic I lost the touch with your channel and even lost my habit of watching your episodes.And later came to know that Kelly had moved to Belgium. But still you were getting together in some episodes via Zoom. Then I lost track of you all for the last 1 -1½ years..and now as pleasant surprise I see you all three together. For me you three are the three real CORE team members, I feel. A few weeks ago when I restarted my habit of watching The Astrological Podcast I could see some new faces with Chris being the only familiar face. Really missed the episodes with you three discussing and giving your opinion.. and now suddenly seeing you all three together not in s Zoom meeting but in a real face to face meeting ! So happy to see you together once again .!! Hope this will be a regular thing Asin the earlier days! Good Luck! And God Bless you all three! ❤🙏

Tanya Tsarkova
Tanya Tsarkova - 18.08.2023 22:51

It’s my first time watching the video on this channel and I’ve never heard of you guys before. But I guess the binge will be huge. It was SO informative and interesting, I need more 😂

Maybe it’s just me, but it felt like Kelly was not adding anything original, she was just repeating Austin in different kind of ways. Like “yeah yeah yeah” after each of his sentence, and even duplicating the words he said. It was a bit annoying.

audrey purple
audrey purple - 18.08.2023 17:43

Chris, your ability to balance the give & take dynamic of conversation is so admirable. thank you for all that you do! 💜

Kitty Hinkle
Kitty Hinkle - 14.08.2023 20:26

Time for me to learn the meaning for where the LOTS are in the houses now!

Christopher McCarthy
Christopher McCarthy - 09.08.2023 00:54

Much Appreciated, Chris, Kelly, and Austin, I have just started my astrology journey (61), absolutely fascinating video, so much content and sound advice.
So glad I found your website 😊

Linde Walker
Linde Walker - 04.08.2023 08:37

1st house Aquarius with Venus, I come across as charming, reasonable looks Asc dead center then Mars, = get to the point real quick, don't tolerate fools, I am a go getter, I don't have that book feel the fear and do it anyway, Mars - Aries 3rd I do it then feel the fear. Very petite but muscular and fit and slim natural brown with strong red hair coming through.Did exceptionally well in all sports, I needed to harness that energy and my Dad put me in sports. I really want to win. Then the opposit of Leo in 7th with Pluto ohhh deary me. haha. Mars 1st 19o opposite Leo with Pluto 19o. That can be a bit messy, but can be good at helping others in relationships with Neptune (Pisces) and Saturn (Aquarius and 12th Capricorn) in Libra. I use astrology and NLP to change peoples past hangups

Linde Walker
Linde Walker - 04.08.2023 08:29

Wow! Watching now 2023. 4 year Astrol student and this is gold. Aqua Rising so Pisces 2nd with Jupiter (2nd n 11th) plus North Node, I always feel I need to make more and Moon all in 2nd. Jupiter trine Mercury in 12th House Capricorn comes from Lord of 8th Virgo, I can hide a lot of cash in my business, (used to pre last 3 years haha) Moon trine Uranus in 6th Cancer, caring for small animals and being of service. Top Dog Grooming business plus Pices is larger animals. I at timse care give and train dogs on small farm holdings. I am not enjoying Saturn present transit in 2nd house haha. Im 72 for goodness sakes, i dont have time. haha. Hard to make large amounts. Moon in 2nd sextile Taurus 4th I have made good money on property and doing up property. Saturn in 2nd is so restricting my food intake easily although transit Venus in 7th opposite my 1st house Natal venus....ohhh chocolate how I love thee.

Trisha Demaree
Trisha Demaree - 01.08.2023 02:49

The first house is also the completion of the cycle of "the other". The 7th house completes the cycle of self, and the 1st completes the cycle of other. The moment you are born you go from 2, to 1. Suddenly instead of a partnership of sorts, or a combined unit with your mother, you're an individual.

Nerthus - 31.07.2023 07:38

As someone who has practiced Indian astrology for 15 years this was fantastic. How the four kinds of aspects to the ascendent determine the nature of houses, and the concept of cadent and succedent houses was very beautiful.

Mercury Ascending
Mercury Ascending - 26.07.2023 22:56

Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience! 🙏🏼 How money is spent has been an issue in my life, especially during my childhood (overspending by my middle class parents) Perhaps that experience has made me more frugal, even with Mars in the 2nd house ♋, with the Moon in the 6th♏. Both in their fall, but in mutual reception.

Annette Pedersen
Annette Pedersen - 23.07.2023 22:11

This is SO helpful! Thank you Kelly, Austin, and Chris!

Lucky Lucky
Lucky Lucky - 23.07.2023 18:58

Wow, Kelly interrupting every sentence drove me nuts. All of the yeahs, and mmm's were unnecessary. She did not let that guy get a complete thought out without chiming in! How is she not aware of how rude that is?? Geez.

aleksandra malogajski
aleksandra malogajski - 21.07.2023 12:19

Great podcast thank you ❤️
I have capricorn rising, aquarius sun and pisces moon. Also 1st house is mars in capricorn and mercury in aquarius, 2nd house of pisces is stellium moon, jupiter, venus , sun and lilith. I figured out that since saturn is in the 7h of cancer and taurus 4th house i should be able to make money from food, writing, restaurant, cooking etc
And regarding other people my ex husband is taurus 4th house, jupiter 2nd house and my daughter is scorpio (my 10th house)

8th House Alchemist
8th House Alchemist - 20.07.2023 23:03

I am Libra Ascendant with Mercury, Pluto, and Saturn in my Natal 1st House. Followed by Jupiter, Venus and Sun in my Scorpio 2nd House. Then Mars (29°), Neptune and Uranus in my Sag 3rd House. For fun, the universe put Aries Moon in my 7th House looking across to my Libra Ascendant. The new North Node Aries/Libra axis change will be great.

Lifecanbefun - 10.07.2023 18:03

I just came up with something regarding our Big 3 in astrology.

They say, that the Sun represents our mind, consciousness, sight, perspective and purpose. The moon signifies our body, life experiences, subconscious and implementation of the purpose.

The first house is the combination of the soul entering the body, and by signifying the horizon it shows emerging into existence. It also has both diurnal and nocturnal significance, thus it is the sunrise, where sometimes in the dark, sometimes it's bright - depending on the time of the year.

Therefore the 1st house (Ascendant in whole signs) has significations of the Sun and Moon together, so it glues both of those topics, representing the self and individual as a whole.

What do you think? It makes sense to me.

Lifecanbefun - 10.07.2023 17:38

So what is our "zodiac sign"? The Sun or the rising?

Mami a Color
Mami a Color - 07.07.2023 14:24

I'm so grateful I found you!

Kamau the Conqueror
Kamau the Conqueror - 04.07.2023 13:17

Do you lean more toward Mars or Pluto rulership for a Scorpio Rising?

Alex saved by Christ
Alex saved by Christ - 01.07.2023 19:32

Thank you all so much for your work!

lindsayarinify - 10.05.2023 01:23

I can't praise you guys enough. Such a perfect blend! ❤❤❤ Thank you so much

Kristýna Janečková
Kristýna Janečková - 26.04.2023 15:13

Thank you so much !

Alarex - 16.04.2023 07:09

Kelley and Austin are the best guests! I love their dynamic together, and with you too!

Thanks for the video it taught me a lot

Ephemeral - 15.04.2023 21:26

I love this episode!!

A Virgo thing of me (please forgive me! 😬) but it feels like traditional astrologers have no problem associating new/modern technology with Aquarius for example, or a "traditional" lord/ruler with a house, but then completely disregard the archetypal language of 12 to 12; 12 signs to 12 houses. No, they do not equal one another and are not the complete understanding of the house, but there is something to be said to the patterns and archetypal language of the association which give a more complete picture. To tell students that "No!! The signs do not equal houses! Period!!" to me really disregards the potential of understanding the patterning archetypes.

But then again, I have Uranus in the 6th. But traditional astrologers don't use that (?) ;)

Ephemeral - 15.04.2023 21:03

I’m not sure still about the 12 houses NOT being associated with the signs. The reason is this: if we were to disregard one for another, we start to become too narrow in our understanding and not open to the patterns. There are 12 signs and 12 houses. No, signs don’t equal houses. BUT, being aware that they are not = to one another YET can be used as ARCHETYPE is super helpful to understand. And we can do this through signs being loosely associated with houses knowing that they are their own things. It’s Al about patterns! WITH the complete understanding that they are not = to but are part of the same archetypal language is super helpful.

Douglas Sadownick
Douglas Sadownick - 14.04.2023 00:28

I can’t thank you enough as an early learner, amazing for my psychotherapy practice and my own inner work

Douglas Sadownick
Douglas Sadownick - 14.04.2023 00:26


Erica Haddad
Erica Haddad - 08.04.2023 02:08

when Austin says of the 4th house... "that's where I stash my things"

Minde - 02.04.2023 23:12

Do you use whole house Aries 1st or just whole house? TY

Meredith Hansen
Meredith Hansen - 01.04.2023 18:08

What if there are not any planets in a house?

Infinite Pisces
Infinite Pisces - 30.03.2023 03:08

What if there are no planets in the first house?

MeLov716 - 28.03.2023 21:55

Wondering about the true ruler of my 1st house. In my chart, I am Libra rising however the majority of my 1st house is in Scorpio, how would I figure this out?

D A.
D A. - 12.03.2023 05:37

In all one flat tone- "this is so exciting" haha lol I love it ge

Muriel - 10.03.2023 07:43

"The 4H from the 4H for my mom's mom" and I just realized that the 4H from my 4H is Scorpio and my grandma was a Scorpio sun

Rainbow Whisperss
Rainbow Whisperss - 05.03.2023 22:38

saturn transiting my capp ascendent with transiting pluto and south node, and with exact mars transiting IC. I fell at home and broke both of my legs (ankle, shin and foot, and I was opperated on)😅

michelle - 04.03.2023 14:41

wow you’re kinda my hero chris i’ve learned so much from you

Leila Auza
Leila Auza - 11.02.2023 14:04

That was incredible! Thank you
