Electric vs Gas Vehicles: The Long Term Cost Comparison

Electric vs Gas Vehicles: The Long Term Cost Comparison


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papaGhurka - 26.06.2023 20:05

Mini cars are not practical

Eric Montoya
Eric Montoya - 22.06.2023 04:00

What about higher car and home insurance rates for EV owners.

Michael Swanson
Michael Swanson - 19.06.2023 04:26

SMH. Electric Vehicles are not green. And where will the energy come from when 200 million American plug in their EV’s everyday? And why would I buy an EV, when on a longer trip, requires me to plug in for about an hour just for an 80% charge, when I can be in and out of a gas station in less than five minutes? And that expensive battery in the EV will require an exchange one day. What of the environmental impact of both production and disposal of these? Why does nobody speak of this? No sir, not for me. I’ll keep my ICE vehicle which is fast, fun, good looking, and still gets me 40 mpg on the highway and cost me HALF of what an EV costs from a dealer. EVs are fine for those who want one, but no way those of us who appreciate our ICE vehicles should be mandated to purchase them. I’m getting tired of all the propaganda pro EV and anti-ICE. Let we consumers decide for ourselves. Many, if not most, still choose ICE vehicles, so let us alone and stop pushing this electric technology upon us against our will. I’ve driven them and am not a fan!

Taylor - 10.04.2023 00:19

I have a 1982 corvette with the original engine. It still drives fine. I’d like to see a 40 year old EV

Michael Bedford
Michael Bedford - 20.03.2023 18:09

Rare elements...

Moabman - 25.02.2023 21:58

You can't put a charge chord across a sidewalk.

Vambo Roolz
Vambo Roolz - 03.02.2023 01:58

Ask the youngsters that are mining the cobalt and lithium what the long term costs of an electric vehicle is. (Clue…..the answer is not a currency but a timeline.)

Gerald S.
Gerald S. - 11.01.2023 16:32

Honda Civic 10th and 11th generations are still the best compact cars to buy when it comes to cost to own, fuel efficiency, interior space and aesthetics vs any version and year of the Model 3.

stmsaiya - 27.11.2022 01:20

He forgot about ev hiding money pit service u had pay over years more expensive that gasoline cars ..tires and pay gas tax even if u don't use gas car pay tax any state u live in and pay at charging stations or electricity u used to charge own car pay maintenance liquid of the batteries or pay new battery or if u crash u had buy parts that are more expensive that normally pay for gasoline car so won't buy ev car till 2030 when everyone is forced to buy one

stmsaiya - 27.11.2022 01:11

At least u can do it yourself oil change save money even parts u can do it yourself. Only ev u can't put hand inside it sucks

J B - 26.11.2022 03:44

EV's are all fine and good under the right conditions, and I think a lot of people leave these out when considering them. 1) Long trips that require charging overnight need to be more planned. You're not going to swing through the gas station and be on the road again in 5 or 10 minutes. And 2) if you're in an area impacted by rolling blackouts, you won't be charging them. But for the bulk of in town city errands and commutes, they are probably pretty good most of the time. But they are not a one-size-fits-all solution.

Vega LitWerkz
Vega LitWerkz - 11.11.2022 03:54

Electric cars still need AC recharges, and coolant change, water pumps, and a $21,000 battery every 10-15 years, the electric motors and controllers will eventually need to be replaced, unlike an engine, if you take really good care of it, you can roll the odometer over, please, let me know when an electric car hits 1,000,000 miles with the original battery and motors, I will love to see it 😁👍🏼

Jon Sayson
Jon Sayson - 06.11.2022 18:21

You did not address the issue that the initial cost of ownership on an EV can be as much as $15000 more than a similar ICE car.

Emily Kennedy
Emily Kennedy - 02.11.2022 01:31

Don't get an electric car. The main reason is a new battery cost almost 20,000 dollars. On the low end 6500.00 dollars plus 3500.00 for installation. Gas is cheaper. Unless your rich.

John Stephens
John Stephens - 10.10.2022 21:14

You didn't mention in the video that California officials (Gavin Newsom) told all Cali residents to stop using AC and other powered items since it's a strain on the power grid. Plus.. I'm sure those home chargers with be vandalized or stolen in a heartbeat. Smh🤦‍♂️

Mark design
Mark design - 10.10.2022 04:06

battery prices will continue to rise. and after 10 years, you are looking at $10k in battery replacement.

DavidLee Thompson III
DavidLee Thompson III - 02.10.2022 06:16

People look at the long-term cost,,, where is that on the window sticker

Liberalism is cancer
Liberalism is cancer - 26.09.2022 19:17

Whoa you can save 3k in 12 years buy purchasing an EV, so the price difference is nothing if you keep the car 72 years. Although when more electric dependence happens the light bill will go up. How much does those batteries cost? About 20k? And how long do they last? In 72 years I'd say you'll replace them at the very least 4 times so how much are you saving? EV is trendy garbage.

Robert Stotesbury
Robert Stotesbury - 16.09.2022 18:01

Please someone tell me recharge time on the batteries. ???

Jason Privately
Jason Privately - 09.09.2022 00:52

Try this in califukia, they can't even maintain their grid as it is.
Do the greenies realize that if you dig out ALL of the current lithium in China using SLAVE labor leaving just a barren wasteland, then you might (just maybe) have enough to make a battery source available for one electric car per family in the state of California ONLY.

Has any of these greenies done any of the environmental impact of the result when these batteries finally deplete themselves. And the human impact and environmental impact resulting from this extraction.

From a report by the world economic forum "The answer to the question is lithium, and the bad news for the world is that it potentially has nowhere near enough of it to power all the electric vehicle (EV) batteries it wants – and needs."...

Also... Not including the manufacturing and chemical dependency necessary for anything relative to the mining of cobalt,nickel and other materials necessary to manufacture global quantities of these sources. Let alone the disposition of waste during and after the manufacturing process plus after the depletion of said source at end of use.

With not only the batteries, there's glass, rubber (from petrochemicals for tires and seals) oils( for lubrication and manufacturer) plus the chemicals necessary to manufacture the inner cabin ( seat, dash , trim and components) the processes (chemical and processing for computer, electronics and cabling) and even more chemicals for the auto body systems including it's manufacture. As composites don't grow on trees. And this is further mitigated as necessary as weight is a prime concern.

Now comes the inevitable disposition of all this additional waste product AND THE RESULTANT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT.

Then there's the discussion of the means to produce the electricity for the resultant charge state and the mitigation of hysteresis in the composite structure of the battery.

Let alone that not ALL mined lithium is capable to be used for batteries. There is also needs from this mining for computers, cell phones, medical device manufacture and production. Storage devices for solar and wind and back up storage for power systems.

Then the eventual disposition of these cells when they are incapable of being used any further. That's just scratching the surface alone.

From the IEW (31 member nation group)

"We estimate there are now around 16 million electric cars on the road worldwide, consuming roughly 30 terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity per year, the equivalent of all the electricity generated in Ireland. Electric cars helped avoid oil consumption and CO2 emissions in 2021, although these benefits were cancelled out by the parallel increase in the sales of SUVs."
(This above document fails to provide the following information)

Multi-sourced information:

It takes 500,000 Ibs of raw grade a material to make a single 1000 lb. battery.

It takes 100 to 300 barrels of oil to produce a battery that contains the same energy of 1 barrel of oil

To manufacture 1 (automotive) battery for a new (green) electric car costs a carbon debt rate of 10 to 40 tons of co2

Not inclusive of the mining and chemical support and attributable waste produced for manufactured elements of cobalt,zinc and nickel

Bob1934 - 02.09.2022 13:59

This did not age well. Cost of electricity going up. The Lithium batteries are going up in price due to well they are used in everything laptops, cellphones, watches, and so on. Reference Ford Lightning prices, Tesla Prices, and so on. And now California, which passed a LAW stating that 2035 gas cars will be banned from sale along with the Gas stations, 3 days later placed restrictions on charging your fancy EV because surprise the electric grid powered by Rainbows and Smurf farts can not keep up with the UP surge in demand. So once again only the RICH can have cars and the peasants are told "Go Buy Solar Panels."

Detah - 22.08.2022 06:48

they don't mention the 10,000 dollar battery change horror stories. Or how over time EV batteries lose their charge. But with a gas car this isn't the case

Juan Lopez
Juan Lopez - 17.08.2022 23:25

Electric cars are a scam

Men Guarding Their Own Wallets
Men Guarding Their Own Wallets - 15.08.2022 16:52

I drive a 2008 Corolla and I change the oil, other fluids, spark plugs, and brakes myself, so I don't have to worry about those costs. The big problem with electric cars is the $14,000 battery replacement cost you will have to shell out after 10 years of ownership. If you buy a used electric car you have to budget that extra $14,000 which makes buying a used EV sort of pointless as far as cost savings is concerned.

Master J
Master J - 28.07.2022 01:25

Price out a battery 10 k to 20 k and I work on them 27 years in the business for GM if we the techs can't make money or a living who's going to fix them? They will have to pay us way more and charge the customer way more for repairs so I call bullshit on the cheaper to maintain in the long run. It's now less time now we see the customers caused by they got taxed on every service the cars needed so they started the high milage coolant plugs oil changes do they last that milage hell no they are in the business of selling cars not maintaining them they dont care if the longer services cause more wear and tear to the car as they are designed to only last 5 years now and want you to buy another vehicle why eveything is plastic sold as its to save fuel they know that shit will not last long term. This alone caused costs to rise now even less maintenance the car price will jump high use very cheap parts on them or repair bills will rise big time business. We have to stay in business. And we the older guy are going into house kw system way more money in it same risk whos going to work on kw system same risk way more money or stay in cars kw system for no money would you? The younger internet I want to be a influencer generation and not work dont last long and we have problems finding technitions now days when gas is still around as to many are going into retirement no one is coming in and staying in the business when they find they cost of tools crazy and way less money made and the stress on your body with now lack of services cars lasting longer and our tools a pair of channel locks can cost 90$ each. As you can't use cheap tools that don't last. And special tools cost hundreds to tens of thousands of dollars we pay for them the technicians and thousands for the up dates for new modle car up dates. Also the tools we spent $50 to $150 thousand needed to fix gas diesel cars that took years to build up and money we spent on them are now useless. Mom pop shops tire shops exhaust shops custome car shops gone. As they can't de energize the systems to work on them dont have the computer program so dealerships will have a monopoly on the market . A major issue is with fires we can't put them out with a fire extinguisher so it will be a total shop loss if they go on fire. Loss of tools the building other cars as they are dangers just look up in hear ev fires we don't even have our chargers near the building now due to the risk of fires from them far from our dealership. They won't last gas or the combustion engine will never go away.

Rick Meyer
Rick Meyer - 19.07.2022 21:20

Big oil is trying it's best to convince you that electric cars will cost more. That's propaganda. Cut the cord! The first cars were electric. Then the model-T came out. It was a little cheaper. Big oil has the government in it's pockets, and to prove it, they (big oil) had the government put restrictions on the advancement of battery technology. Why do you think we've had the same weak batteries since the early 1900's until just recently. Cut the cord! Drop big oil and we wouldn't be in this position

J Adams
J Adams - 03.07.2022 17:39

My 10 year old toyota yaris cost me 13k. It has 173k miles on it. I replaced the fan belt and radiator hoses. NOTHING else has failed. Lifrtime average mpg is 38.4. Tires get aroun 40k. Beat that with your EV!!!

TerrorBelliDecusPacis - 26.06.2022 16:37

Electric cars sucks! Avoid this shit!

dj_knight_947 - 22.06.2022 14:42

I would never buy no electric car they may not use gas but an electric car will never be like a gas car but whoever wants to buy one go ahead you'll end up buying back a gas car only those who love the latest will buy one not me I'm happy with my gas car not the latest or newest car but it takes me to work, store and anywhere I want is not like having your own car so you won't be asking for a favor you know how some people are you ask them for a favor to take you somewhere they act like they to high end just because they have a car and a driver's license I remember I used to take all the so called friends everywhere and when you need a ride there's no one there for you trust me learn never to do favors to an ungrateful person take care of yourself to things for yourself no else will be there for you when you need a favor or help you stop helping others me I stopped helping and doing favors let them get mad let them suffer like you suffer.

Rob 44
Rob 44 - 20.06.2022 17:45

I think it ignores the cost of having proper fast charging installed at home as well

Ashish Stanley
Ashish Stanley - 19.06.2022 08:09

Conclusion: electric is better

Black Cat
Black Cat - 15.06.2022 05:00

The thing I don't like about electric vehicles is that if the battery dies then how are u supposed to get somewhere if battery dies

7thpilot - 10.06.2022 19:56

EV are they paying road Tax if charging system is in house I dont think so. Maybe that cost should be added

Padre - 28.05.2022 04:52

Watching this as I received an 8000 bill for a replacement part for my EV. Not everything in the drivetrain is covered under warranty. Cheaper to maintain but not cheaper to repair.

Craig Strong
Craig Strong - 24.05.2022 01:58

It all depends on how long those tires last, any auto mechanic will tell you there is more strain on the wheels on an EV. I believe on a Model Y it’s about 4,400 pounds.

On top of that all of the acceleration and braking goes to the wheels. So expect you could go through tires a lot faster and you need performance tires not all seasons.

Performance tires could cost more than 2x what you normally pay for your ICE. If you are going through those faster you can easily rack up a pretty big annual maintenance bill.

So I think you need to factor in the initial cost difference, upfront costs and tires / wheels etc. Not to mention convenience and non-standard stuff like roof replacement.

I think convenience is a factor too.

Nurse G
Nurse G - 16.05.2022 20:50

Elec cars take forever to charge, if you go on a road trip it takes you double the time. You spend most of your time charging these pos.

Bill Littlejohn
Bill Littlejohn - 14.05.2022 08:44

I can put 25 bucks of gas in mine and drive for about 2 weeks. Bet you can't do that in an EV.

Lets Connect the Dots
Lets Connect the Dots - 08.04.2022 17:10

Ask a mechanic....the truth is electric cars are more expensive than gas powered in the long run; of course if the media tells you that.......

Jose Montano
Jose Montano - 03.04.2022 18:23

I just don’t like the way electric look. I think Tesla’s are ugly cars If they would start to make them look like regular cars I would consider buying one.

Moa - 31.03.2022 16:38

What about the build up of condensation when the EV is out on the streets in the pouring rain; and will the electric motor have problems in the extremely hot; and cold weather?
What about certain parts of the EV that thieves will want to strip down from the EV?

Moa - 31.03.2022 16:35

I understand that there’s less moving parts inside of EV ; I’d like to know if there are break pads in the wheels; and will the wheels need to be lubed?

Steve - 31.03.2022 09:20

Charging power failures power outrages, NOT

Sabrina Gaskins
Sabrina Gaskins - 26.03.2022 19:27


Candice Renn
Candice Renn - 25.03.2022 22:37

I live in a poor coal town. I don’t see us getting evs anytime soon. Only the rich bugs have them. I’ve seen like maybe 4 around here.

thesemfnnutts - 23.03.2022 08:25

Why isn't there solar powered cars? That would solve everything.

greywolf7583 - 18.03.2022 04:09

Price of a Replacement Battery is way to much for the middle class especially with inflation and not everybody has a garage and the cold weather kills the battery but I bet you the tow truck industry will be way busier with these piece of💩 on the roads as they age.

Swampthang - 14.03.2022 01:17

When everyone has one, the price of electricity will go up and it will end up costing more to operate than a gas guzzler.

Glen M
Glen M - 12.03.2022 03:32

EV take too long to recharge
