Subtle Signs of the Dark Triad | Dark Personality Examples

Subtle Signs of the Dark Triad | Dark Personality Examples

Dr. Todd Grande

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@МК8 - 30.06.2024 02:59

Dis not just autism?

@elizabethdeak1374 - 26.06.2024 23:51

dear Dr TODD I always watch your program and I think you are brilliant, /what makes Whooppy Goldberg a complete idiot? and what's more he is on the air every day

@Beautiful_Days9249 - 25.06.2024 05:23

I have attracted narcissistic people 5 including my father who killed neighbor cats and was super abusive and threatened suicide and I married a narc who ran into a car going too fast and flipped a table on me in a restaurant because I told him no. I swear I attracted a sadist and a psychopath to. At 55, I just isolate to my apartment now. What is even the point of meeting people since there are so many with these traits walking around. I am so tired.

@DEVanderbiltCecil - 23.06.2024 00:41

Elon is dark tetrad.
Unless you have been
abused by him,
you wouldn't see it.
His life is the opposite
of his representation.

@leviahimsa - 22.06.2024 22:20

When someone kills other animals unnecessarily to eat them, is that part of the dark triad?

@TeamFriendship - 21.06.2024 11:19

My ex girlfriends eyes lit up after a great night of leaving her with her friends and then all of us hanging out. She switched right when people left and said “I just realized we never should have lived together! It’s too soon.” I calmly explained that it sounded like she wanted to move out and possibly break up, and I thought we just had a great time. She was like “you know what, yeah! Maybe that’s it!” I don’t remember her exact words but that was the tone. I didn’t even get mad, I was transfixed by her eyes which only reveled in the freedom she would have to get her girls together and drink and find guys to buy them things and whatever. This was after she cheated, so I don’t know what I expected. Sometimes I genuinely think I went back into her dark cave just to see those eyes for myself. I just calmly explained how she was smiling while she broke up with me, and it’s like “oh yeah, well, we’re just not a good fit!” I swear I might as well have been one of her friends she was gossiping to, but even then, the fact that it was so gleeful while absolutely crushing the person she claimed to love was just amazing. She begged me back later and blamed alcohol, then did it again stone cold sober. No doubt the 2 years of back and forth and healing weren’t really worth it, but I just had to see what she was capable of since she seemed so sweet and loving at first, and definitely was the one pushing the relationship. I think seeing that forever changed me, that and a few friend betrayals made me realize that I had to take responsibility for my own life, and it wasn’t going to be a team sport for most of it.

@SurnaturalM - 17.06.2024 22:51

People these days are using "narcissist" to describe every ex in their previous relationship, that if someone is believing every single person, that would make 1/4 of the population narcissist. Just because someone put their need first and don't do everything to please you, that doesn't mean they are narcissist. It just means the other person is taking care of himself/herself. I personally consider any woman ( because I date women only) that speak about her exes and label them "narcissist" an immense red flag. Same for if a man does the same thing. I think that person has some unresolved issues, and it's not your job or my job to fix them.
If you date someone who has ASPD traits, because that person is good-looking or has money, and date the person in thinking you will "fix" them, don't complain about it when the relationship falls apart.

@lauriedavies6183 - 06.06.2024 06:30

Not sure the best examples are offered here. For one, office politics are real. Many do get promoted for reasons other than merit. For two, people are different. For instance, I had a co-worker obsessed with Mickey Mouse. She listened to the Alvin & The Chipmunks Christmas album every day (all year round). She was highly neurotic & extremely low self-esteem. She demanded A LOT of attention... attention I didn't have time to give (cause I had a job to do) & attention I didn't want to give cause we had nothing in common.

Also, our communication styles were nothing alike. She's one of those: "Let me tell you about what happened last Wednesday, but before I get to that... remember what happened last Tuesday..." kind of people that could never get to the point.

I don't know what it makes me, but I had no patience for that.

@Harry..Highpants - 28.05.2024 12:46

This Machiavelli Ino hates the fact I now know more about the ‘subject’ he introduced me too. He ain’t the GOD🙌🏼🙌🏼 he thought he was no more, let’s just say he became very rude and intimidating. Like he changed over night… they can’t stand loosing

@southernbelladonna78 - 17.05.2024 18:41

Gosh I feel like I know a lot of Machiavellian people. Its kind of discouraging.

@blumenbeet92 - 08.05.2024 21:59

Hey thats me

@albirtarsha5370 - 07.05.2024 23:46

I just looked it up. There are two definitions of penultimate. The adjective form exactly as described and a noun form, which is a synonym for a penult.

@bearclaus2676 - 19.04.2024 03:08

I've dealt with so many narcissists in the last 10 years. That the way, they've all triangulated with the people around me. It feels like im in the centre of a pentagram.

@meamme8 - 16.04.2024 02:09

a lot of these seem like ADHD or Autistic traits, not all of it. Like the vacation example, one might offer their own experience from a past vacation as a means to try and relate and show they were listening to you, even if they we're looking away and around the room due to eye contact being uncomfortable.

@faithwhite3175 - 12.04.2024 01:13

Oh, how I appreciate this info.... Wondering how someone who loved me could act like this.
I have listened to much re this and more.
I knew this behavior was abnormal......

@hhp2932 - 02.04.2024 17:06

Big fan but you're better at true crime vids.

@hopeloudon6371 - 31.03.2024 05:04

A lot of these I agree with and have come to myself. I appreciate this video.

@arumeh95 - 29.03.2024 00:00

My father exhibits classic traits of Narcissitic Personality Disorder (NPD). Physical abuse against me as a child, severe verbal abuse of my mother and I, right before wheeling us out to friends and being boasted about to keep rich/powerful acquaintances interested. I worry I both inherited his narcissistic gene, AND have a completely Machiavellian personality type as a result! The more I delve into my psyche the more I isolate myself so friends don't view me as narcissitic/machiavellian. I cope by trying to limit my social interactions to just very close friends and my dog

@andreaesther1991 - 25.03.2024 15:18

Wait could machiavenilissm be associated or linked with a dark empath? Dark empath is not an official diagnosis (yet) but obviously it could be factual possible to have aspd with intellectual empathy, maybe sympathy but not compassion and emtional empathy. You are just more emotional intelligent than other aspd's

@chesterfinecat7588 - 20.03.2024 03:53

Holy Punctures Batman, this predates cacti on display pricking your consciousness into yucca baskets.

@mishasuki - 10.03.2024 02:30

The trigger for me to begin to unravel my problematic friend is when I came to her crying about something painful I was going through and seeing the weird, beaming smile she gave me. Like she was enjoying my pain. Then she says, “she saw it coming” as if she had more insight into my life than I did. Looking back I could see the times she gaslit me, controlled, manipulated and insulted me came into sharp relief suddenly. Ugh I’m so grossed out we were friends

@pinkandsparkly - 06.03.2024 22:50

But what is the difference between someone with dark triad traits or someone who is just an asshole?

@donaldjesus5382 - 05.03.2024 20:46

I found this to be very interesting, I find myself to have a lot of traits similar to all of the nuances of the dark triad, although I think I am not, I might be, I plan to be good though, not the stereo typical manipulator who does things for themselves, I want to help and to love, and I figured out, all I need is myself.

@mmalon2908 - 03.03.2024 02:04

Was the term "Machiavellian" used, way back when, to describe what we call today a "conspiracy theorist?"

@AJ-tr5ml - 15.02.2024 21:53

I feel like a lot of stuff labeled as machiavellianistic is just stuff everyone should do

@symbolizeme - 13.02.2024 22:45

I hope the indented person saw this to the end. ❤😂

@eugenmalatov5470 - 11.02.2024 14:49

Grande lives in fantasy land - the normal and probably therefore also healthy reaction to hearing about a collegues fortune is envy and resentment. Especially in very competitive environments. Call my psychopatic and cynic, but I think this is just the empirical reality.

@eugenmalatov5470 - 11.02.2024 14:47

So people daydreaming about riches and sexual abundance are all narcissists? Wow, Dr. Grande is so normcore and mainstream it is not even funny.

@cath5017 - 06.02.2024 22:58

Thank you so incredibly much , Dr. Grande, for providing accurate pathology education. I am a survivor of psychopathic abuse and I had NO idea how uninformed the general public was in regards to pathology/psychopathy until I escaped the relationship and learned what happened to me.

Are you familiar with the work of Sandra L. Brown? She has been researching the survivors of the dark triad for decades now, and it’s through her Institute of Relational Harm that I am receiving pathology education and treatment. Her seminal book is called, Women Who Love Psychopaths 3rd Edition.

Should you ever like to do a video on the type of women that research has shown psychopaths target, that would be awesome and her work is the #1 resource for it in my opinion.

@WaAaAaAaW - 02.02.2024 17:09

pseudoscience 🎉🎉🎉

@samanthas2280 - 02.02.2024 00:18

What if the person did know what penultimate means?

@user-oy3bd9vp5p - 23.01.2024 13:05

we are all of these things and more. our circumstances challenge us in unexpected ways and our responses are a mix of genetics and environment. problem is , in this age of information overload the triad flourishes to the point where even our genders are in question in the name of sick DEI ideology. add to this the garbage that is hollywood, violent video games, corrupt media playing politics ,and corrupt politicians leading us to war. all of these stressors push our traits to the forefront as a response mechanism. the world is going insane and drawing the insanity out out of us in a negative far left feedback loop. good news is that we can end this global socialist nightmare experiment in november. the cure for the dark triad socialist mental disease and world wide government over reach is donald trump. from chaos will come the light of law and order and that is the best defense against the insanity of the political dark triad. democrats,UN,WEF

@oonaghmolyneux7760 - 21.01.2024 18:43

You see these dark triad traits in all historical dramas. So they are obviously beneficial/essential for achieving and maintaining power. We see this dark triad personalities stick together. They are very good to those they favour, and very bad to those they do not. We cannot deny their charisma, as this is why we find historical drama so entertaining.

@philipzerubbabel3583 - 17.01.2024 06:23

I found your channel today Dr. And I am grateful for your work. God bless ya! And hope, your content goes wild sooner. Deserves much more views as it is such a great educational content.

@dmbdmb3828 - 14.01.2024 00:14

4 yrs ago
✏️ Description:
“This video answers the question:
Can I provide some of the subtle signs we see associated with the dark triad?
Sometimes these are called the dark triad traits or referred to as the dark personality.

The Dark Triad includes includes psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism.

When we think of the dark triad, we think of narcissism as the ‘lightest trait’ and psychopathy as the ‘darkest trait.’
These different traits have characteristics in common like empathy deficits, selfishness, a short-term mating style, as well as being competitive, antisocial, hedonistic, and having antagonism.
We can think of antagonism as a low score on the agreeableness trait of the five-factor model.

Narcissism in the dark triad is really grandiose narcissism.
We see characteristics like arrogance, being socially dominant, being self-centered, a sense of entitlement, and a tendency to manipulate others (we see this characteristic with all three of the dark triad traits).

Psychopathy characteristics include callousness; a lack of empathy, remorse, or guilt; violating society's norms; being irresponsible; being impulsive; having shallow effect; and superficial charm.

The trait of Machiavellianism includes antisocial behaviors, but they're usually conceptualized as white-collar crime.
We also see cynicism, having good impulse control (so this would differentiate Machiavellianism from psychopathy), callousness and being goal-oriented (usually we conceptualize the goal as being negative).”

@xombiekilla - 03.01.2024 08:03

I'll tell you guys what's going on in the US and even in Israel right now:

If a Prince wishes to conquer a country that does not wish to be conquered, he will be hated by its people. However, if the Prince hires criminals to vandalize, break windows, destroy livestock and crops, and burn barns, then the people will begin to panic; they will run around in fear and cry for help.

Then, if the Prince heralded his arrival to come in and get rid of the same criminals that he initially bribed, he would be loved and praised as a hero by those people. They would be more inclined to hear him out.

So, if the Prince surreptitiously walks to the back of someone's house to light it on fire, then returns to its front to sell the homeowner a fire extinguisher, that owner will not only pay whatever the Prince demands, but they'll also thank the Prince for being there to help them.

It's a simple technique often used in warfare taught by Sun Tzu; "In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity." The Prince still gets what he wants, and the people are none the wiser.

This is called Machiavellianism.

@thephoenixhasflown - 27.12.2023 06:39

If you learn later that someone in your life has celebrated someone else's misfortune don't walk, run! It's not even worth talking to them about it they already know what they did.

@thephoenixhasflown - 27.12.2023 06:37

Yeah the problem causers that I'm dealing with in my daily life are exhibiting full on textbook examples of the behaviors described in the short description in the beginning of the video of the three different personality disorders. I'm already gone but I'll watch your video till the end anyway. Happy new year.

@Qprospecting - 21.12.2023 02:24

You have been an amazing leader and reference source for me for the last 3 yrs . I have took the information you provide to keep myself safe as I can and to educate myself to help others . At the moment I have a triad in a leadership position at a new job . I am so grateful for your guidance in my life I just wanted you to know I appreciate you .

@SandraMuller-vs8ck - 13.12.2023 01:54

Thanks for this educational message. This has given me a greater insight into mental illness which is significant in our society in these modern times. God bless.

@mannyquinn5841 - 09.12.2023 02:04

Hey Doc... It seems to me that you have NEVER worked out of your office.
Promotions are subjected to favoritism.
Not everybody who is the right person, or the most capable gets the promotion.
That is the sad reality.
Do not project this on the poor guy who emits an opinion.

@cheesescrust5399 - 30.11.2023 21:26

Why is there no criterion for clinical correlate for Machiavellianism? Is it because the DSM just hasn't defined one yet?

Psychiatry angers me how something goes in and out of favor. 15 years ago you heard about "Internet Addiction", then the smartphone came out and we all fell into that category so they scrubbed it from nomenclature. When is the last time you heard about "Internet Addiction" prior to 2004?

@diane5593 - 17.11.2023 22:34

Dr Grande don't lots of people,have some of thies trats ? See this stuff in normal people too.

@Texasjim2007 - 13.11.2023 04:29

It's interesting that there's no psychiatric disorder associated with Machiavellianism. Wouldn't that suggest that the psychotherapy profession tends to attract individuals with that trait so its not in their self-interest to see that labelled a psychiatric disorder?

@tshawn1356 - 10.11.2023 20:18

I love his videos

@Nataliav8 - 08.11.2023 02:52

I have all 3 of those traits and it took me a long time and a lot of anxiety to get those traits under control to be able to live in this society

@thomasbrown4194 - 23.10.2023 23:18

Bruh… that vacation story example is extremely common, no one likes hearing about co-workers vacations that is a common troupe

@user-hm8nw4oc6y - 15.10.2023 19:46

Sometimes people act like this when they are taking drugs.

@user-du3vo5ld2j - 07.10.2023 00:43

After watching a lot of vids like this I came to the conclusion that I know a lot of crazy Fs.
