Canon EOS R5 Canon RF 100-500  - First Impressions Bird Wildlife Photography

Canon EOS R5 Canon RF 100-500 - First Impressions Bird Wildlife Photography

Mark Smith

4 года назад

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@LA3198 - 23.12.2021 23:44

Mark, thank you for another wonderful video. The series of shots of the Osprey with the ribbon fish were spectacular.

@edithst-martin5626 - 28.12.2021 04:35

I so enjoyed this! Amazing story telling, you so enjoy nature it's great to hear you! Great pics and well explained!! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

@HawaiiCLIPS - 30.12.2021 09:06

those pelicans chasing the osprey shots are awesome!

@djack4125 - 16.01.2022 07:51

More facts, less poetry, please. imho

@KaiTiura - 17.01.2022 03:55

Mark, I have an R5 and an RF 100-500, and it's an amazing combo! Do you use back-button focus? I've found this to be an effective way to kinda force focus where you want it, even if it may have otherwise decided something else was more important.

The Osprey sequence with the Pelicans is gold! Testament to what the R5 can do, for sure.

Mine used to lock up occasionally, but not since the latest firmware update (1.5.0).

New sub because of this and any future R5 videos you may do. Have to check your other vids since I got here late!👍

@danbernskoetter - 24.01.2022 04:08

Amazing photographs.

@trouvallien76ck38 - 03.02.2022 17:01

Amazing 👍. I do agree this lense should not be priced at this cost. 😣

@kendol8836 - 04.02.2022 06:34

Hi! Where in Eastern Florida is this? I'm looking for good spots in Florida.

@arianmavriqi623 - 07.02.2022 20:03

Dear friends, I want to know your opinion about the 100-500rf lens! What's your opinion? Is it worth it to buy it or not?

@AndrzejZalewskiYT - 09.02.2022 00:38

congrats for all these stunning fotos you were able to take, pure pleasure to watch them :)

@GautamSingh-yn9cb - 09.02.2022 12:13

What a pleasure to hear you narrate..

@kristinahengtravel - 10.02.2022 06:22

I just got my R5 and rf100-500 i love it.

@KW86. - 24.02.2022 17:59

Conowingo dam, can't wait to see

@rvasquez8057 - 11.03.2022 01:20

Great video and info. Outstanding wildlife eye.

@bluejays5660 - 22.03.2022 08:14

Strange you would compare a $2800 lens to a $12000 lens and say it’s overpriced!

@georgesmith6785 - 23.03.2022 02:27

Awesome thank you

@Bob-gl3tr - 05.04.2022 19:44

Glad you included your camera settings for several of the bird images, very helpful to me.

@adinew8920 - 18.06.2022 22:06


@41stclair - 26.06.2022 21:38

over priced Lens no shit !!! wake up canon !!!!

@seantheo - 10.07.2022 19:35

I go to Florida often. My next trip, I want to take one of your workshops!

@SonicStates - 13.07.2022 17:17

Loved the video. On the cusp of a camera upgrade and this has helped me... well... become even more undecided. But seriously, always impressed by what you produce with the vids. Appreciate it!

@robertrogowski7813 - 26.08.2022 00:11

Hey Mark, How can I get copies of your amazing photos.

@pinakiray2005 - 05.09.2022 06:56

great review , was planning to buy the combo

@chadroberts44 - 09.09.2022 06:24

Loved the sequence of the osprey and the brown pelicans

@cisometro - 10.09.2022 19:51

Great reportage, fantastic!! Ciao from Italy

@davidclode3601 - 06.10.2022 15:57

Fantastic. My jaw dropped at the ribbon fish, and I loved the drama with the pelicans.

@ADNZ5442 - 14.11.2022 15:02

R5 or Z9 for wildlife?

@sayantansanyal2315 - 02.12.2022 05:20

Mark you are a true legend!

@anthonyclements6020 - 28.12.2022 01:21

As a bird photographer who has big Canon glass I much prefer the Sony 200-600 mm, especially at its price point. I would advise someone new to bird photography to go Sony just for that lens as long as it is not too heavy. The Sony @ 4.7 lbs. is very light to me but considering how many people in the bird shooting hobby are older, that lens may weigh too much. If you consider the 100-500 mm Canon as light, nearly all-purpose lens which can shoot limited macrophotography, aperture limited portraits, some landscape, and also birds in a carry around size the value proposition is much different, especially for non-professionals. Creating a 5:1 zoom is much more difficult than creating a 3:1 zoom. Pair the Canon lens with a single 24-105 mm f4 lens and you have a a two lens kit which is extremely versatile and can be easily carried in a backpack. Having a 100- 400 MM IS II, I have thus far resisted the 100-500 mm. The fact that it is not backward compatible with my DSLR cameras would prevent me from selling the 100-400mm lens so I could get the RF 100-500mm. As of 12/27/2022 the lens is currently $ 200 off but think that may put it back to its introductory price. If money were no object, it would be a no brainer to get this lens to carry with a second camera along with a 500 or 600 mm f4 with a teleconverter. In regards to the R5 locking up, I also had that problem frequently when using a Canon brand battery grip. A large percentage of my personal lock up issues were because I was worried about overtightening the grip and it would become loose. I still get a lock-up about once every three times out in extended shooting.

@kevinconville9258 - 14.01.2023 11:58

Amazing photography Mark! Cheers.

@tonyw3250 - 20.01.2023 02:55

Amazing shots

@drmiteshtrivedi - 10.02.2023 22:16

The last ribbon firsh shot is amazing

@tharindugunnawardhana2359 - 26.03.2023 10:12

Goood job

@xxxXXXCH04XXXxxx - 18.04.2023 02:59

wow, you always shoot at 1/4000s??

@bluejays5660 - 12.05.2023 06:56

I have no idea what the other photos looked like but all the ones you displayed were tack sharp! Seriously doubt you’ll find anything else in that price range that’s better.

@geraldofabianoartes3074 - 15.06.2023 02:31

Incrível parabens. Grande abraço Brasil

@vichakarnrattanasangpunth33 - 29.06.2023 03:04

Love the story telling!

@The_Idea_of_Dream_Vision - 01.07.2023 17:53

Maybe hou should jus do these video where you jus narrate. I keep coming nack for the narration and story telling

@CryptoCoyote-py3dd - 01.08.2023 05:56

Great images man!

@eerofi - 16.09.2023 16:37

Entertaining 😅

@naludog8087 - 12.12.2023 06:40

Mark. So glad I found this channel. Your work is amazing. I’m shooting surfing video with the R5C and rf100-500. Hawaii North Shore so plenty of sun. Do you recommend a UV or polarized lens protector filter and if so what do you recommend? Aloha.

@gonzagasantos2290 - 15.12.2023 17:36

Dear, I live in Brazil, I am a fan of nature photography; I recently sold all my dslr equipment and intend to buy new mirorless ones in the USA; I've always used Canon, but now seeing you click with Sony, I have that doubt: would you recommend Canon, Sony, Nikon...? When I go to buy equipment I intend to stop by your village to do a workshop with you and capture those beautiful eagles of yours; What would be the best time of year to see them? A hug, congratulations on the work.

@richardfichera2971 - 18.09.2024 04:43

Very helpful video, thanks. I just purchased an R5 Mark II and the 100-500mm lens, and in reading the instructions I am confused by the different autofocus modes on the lens. I shoot almost exclusively birds, mostly still or slowly moving, but when I am lucky, in flight, and I know I cannot switch between modes using the lens switch in real-time. Any recommendations?

@craigcarlson4022 - 21.11.2024 04:42

Ribbon fish…amazing!

@นายศุภฤกษ์วัฒนภิญโญ - 11.01.2025 18:14

Review R1/100-500

@huckventures7799 - 15.03.2025 16:56

I have this same setup, thanks for the video!
