Find the Datafort Command | Destroy Firewall Devices 6/6 | Somewhat Damaged | Cyberpunk 2077

Find the Datafort Command | Destroy Firewall Devices 6/6 | Somewhat Damaged | Cyberpunk 2077

Shark R

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@Thoraxe0987 - 15.10.2023 03:40

Thanks I was having trouble with the last 2

@brechtdelaet6495 - 15.10.2023 20:39

whenever i do thes, spider boy shwos up and offs me instantly

@shawngaming9733 - 16.10.2023 05:32

This part hard asf

@Ghost-bb5cs - 02.11.2023 00:38

Love this man

@nickmorales46 - 03.11.2023 21:27

Wtf literally after blowing 1 up the bot is attacking me

@casslane3932 - 28.11.2023 00:36

is there a command or mod to simply skip this horrific mission i didnt sign up for some shitty horror game it should be optional like the mod for vampires of the mascerade

@riki_XD - 25.03.2024 20:12

Fuck this
Go hell songbird
Im so done with this

@SithHappens9567 - 01.07.2024 07:25

Shit! Finally lol thanks. I kept using netrunner to blow them up I had the 2 in the hall already and I kept loading right there so I would go into the hub take out the other 4 and book it out the door but some how the damn spider kept seeing me even tho I was already gone around the corner and he would insta kill my ass, again thank you sir 🫡
