You are cosmic mind living an individual mind. Nothing can exist in this universe unless it belongs to the cosmic mind. Death is just an exist / detachment of the individual mind from the cosmic mind that it so far belonged. The same applies to everything in this universe, even the universe itself.I always remind my wife and daughter that this universe itself is a mental sickness/ailement /illness.
I am glad you are at last with me. Reality is exclusively a mental event.. A mental interface of its own interpretation and perceptions.
This made me cry. Joy
ОтветитьWonderful words of Wisdom thank you Alan Watts my you R. I. P. You're still with us... ❤💋
ОтветитьTrue wisdom 😊 Keep Sharing!
ОтветитьAI generated voice?
ОтветитьSo good!! Thank you!
ОтветитьIt is AI
ОтветитьAlan watts didn’t speak this way it’s AI
ОтветитьVery awakening content, grateful thanks.🙏
Ответить"Why has this illusion 'I am the body' arisen in the human being? What was the condition of the human being when he was born? How did he develop this idea of 'me' and 'mine'? Is his condition in the world free from fear? If so, by whom and how was he helped to be rid of that fear?
"First, the human being was lying twisted up in a small space inside the mother's womb. When he was born, he came into this boundless world and slightly opened his eyes and looked around. Upon seeing the immense space and tremendous light, he averted his eyes, and he was in shock. 'Where is this that I have come alone? Who is going to give me support? What is going to be my fate?' These types of fear arose in his mind Immediately after birth, with the first shock, he started to cry. After a little while he was given a drop of honey to lick. With this, he felt relieved thinking that all was well, and that he had someone's support. Thus, he pacified himself. However, that first shock of fear was so ingrained in his mind that he became startled at the slightest sound, and then again become quiet when given honey or his mother's breast. In this way, taken external support at every step, this human being became dependent on the support of his parents. As he grew older, his parents as well as those who looked after him as a child started giving him knowledge about the world. After that, his school teachers taught him the various physical sciences such as geography, geometry, geology, etc., which are valueless like dust.
"As one enters the stage of youth, he again looks for additional props for his life. As it is determined in the world that support for life comes from money, wife, etc., he gathers wealth and takes on a wife. He takes it for granted that he can be sustained on this worldly support alone, and he squanders away his life. With fame, learning, power and authority, wealth, and wife, he gets added prosperity, and becomes entangled more and more. His principle possessions and his entire support, are his wife, wealth, status, youth, beauty, and authority. Taking special pride in all of this, and becoming intoxicated with worldliness, the human being misses knowing his 'Real Nature.' The pride about money, pride about authority, and pride about beauty absorb the man and he forgets his Real Nature. Eventually, the above possessions start to drop off according to the law of nature, the memory of the original shock that he received earlier shakes him to his very roots, and he becomes frustrated. Panicking, he inquires 'What shall I do now? I am losing support from all sides. What will happen to me?' However, this ignorant man does not understand that all of these possessions had only one solid support, which was his own Existence, or sense of 'I Am.' It is by that support alone, that money had its value, his learning gave him wisdom, his form acquired beauty, and his authority wielded power. Oh, poor man, you yourself are the support of all the above described wealth! Can there be a greater paradox than to feel that wealth gave you support? In addition to this wealth, power, woman, youth, beauty of form, and honor, if one further receives ill-gotten fortune, how strange and perverted would one's actions become?"
-- Sri Siddharameshwar Maharaj, from Master Key to Self-Realization
Sound or visuals were significantly edited or digitally generated :)
ОтветитьWatt speaks much more dynamically than this.
Ответитьyour hand is not your hand.
your legs are not your legs.
Please stop with this AI crap. The real thing is far superior and this is dishonest
ОтветитьAbsolutely Spot On. I tend to glass half full, I know it's from my adolescence. I try to overcome the negativity, but it is deep programmed. I am aware of what I really am. I am not entirely sure why I am here this time.
ОтветитьThank you for posting, Mr
Watts is absolutely correct in his stating and explaining the issue as it is clearly. There's a lot of people involved in well-meaning groups that fall into this exact trap. It isn't their fault because they are told certain things that keeps them going back to this group unless some sort of unquestionable, and unambiguous event occurs to make them reevaluate everything they've been told and taught throughout their lifetime and start to realize that it's all been a lie in the first place and that no society in this world wants you to have unconditional freedom because it threatens the group itself. 💯
Bullshit fake Alan W.
ОтветитьI used to listen to him on the radio back in the 70s while at school in Boston.
Today for me, these words mean even more. Alan has such a great way of explaining awareness.
Divine Timing ❤ thank you for this it was well received ❤❤
ОтветитьAI generated trash
ОтветитьHe didn't say this
ОтветитьR E A L 💩💩💩💩 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💪💪💪💪💪💪
ОтветитьSounds AI ish in spots, but the message is all Allen and Perfect for me❤
ОтветитьAmazing thank you 🙏 ❤
ОтветитьHe described arguing with religious people perfectly. He is sorely missed
ОтветитьI say out loud
I command my spirit to drop the thoughts in my head and bring them to my heart and repeat 3 times
3,2,1, Done
Your thoughts are gone
You can feel it's AI
ОтветитьAI or not, this is a very helpful framing of how the mind works. It’s useful to me and helps me reflect on the vicious cycle that emotions play in a person’s life.
ОтветитьI love ❤️ Alan he always with us
ОтветитьPeople I don’t get why you even mind the voice, did you get the message? This THIS is explaining everything! Thank you.
ОтветитьThis is not Alan Watts -AI
ОтветитьThe more we practice bringing ourselves back into the present moment, the stronger our awareness becomes and the weaker the mind gets. It's that simple coming back into our true devine selves.
ОтветитьThe more I learn the less I know. I learned to listen to my "heart" (DNA)`s much more trustworthy (jmho). Thanks for the epic upload, and for keeping Alan alive 👍
I wish everybody a magical and loving life 🙏
ОтветитьThe real Alan Watts rambles and goes off on tangents. He’s never this focused.
ОтветитьThis is AI !
Why are ppl doing this! 😢 where is his humor, cute chuckles and philosophical ramblings. Not to mention the often recorded sounds and audience of his lectures. Rude to be doing this and profiting from it honestly.
It's wonderful to hear.this from someone else ... So True. Thank You ❤
ОтветитьThis is fake simply because when Watts speaks he pause’s. Reality is 🔔
ОтветитьContent seems to be his but the voice is definitely AI.. His real talks are filled with sudden changes in tones and laughter.. plz don’t mislead people
ОтветитьMind control 101: your brain's been lying to you your whole life. 🤯 How many of you are ready to break free from these invisible filters? It's time to question everything!
ОтветитьThus The Matirx and getting dnloads. Programs running till you get upgrades. Enjoy the simulation / experience
ОтветитьIs the AI AW enlightened too?!
ОтветитьGreat content but as a longtime Alan Watts student, I could tell this wasn’t really him within the first 90 seconds. I think that a little bit more transparency on your part would be useful.
ОтветитьSo is this the future? AI apocrypha? Wonderful.