“INSANE MOIRA DIFF” Grandmaster support  - Overwatch 2

“INSANE MOIRA DIFF” Grandmaster support - Overwatch 2


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Arcadema - 02.02.2023 17:19

Moira is the only support where I feel I can do anything substantial. Every other support just feels like they're waaay to at the mercy of their team. Good work, you were defo MVP here.

________ Stephens
________ Stephens - 15.10.2023 08:22

As a low elo mercy moria main i feel ya, once i started as mercy doing like 5k heals before even first point noticed that the dps litterally did nothing but shoot the orissa, i switched to moira team wiped the enemy twice before they managed to kill the orisa once. They complain that i wasnt healing, swiched back to mercy did 10k heals 2k damage boost, 6 revs, they did not get a single kill.

Switched back to mora and trippled the lobbies kills.

Remember kids if your mercy switches to moria its because dps is doing jack.

1UGZ - 04.10.2023 11:06

Hi 😊

Slim Reaper777
Slim Reaper777 - 01.09.2023 18:48

Heal bot in gm crazy

Tony Greenman
Tony Greenman - 23.08.2023 19:33

Your Hanzo started playing for real....he honestly clutched out a LOT of situations in that final 3rd point defense. Kiriko had some massive plays as well. Dunno what your junkrat was doing though..

Firefly - 21.08.2023 18:50

I'm a Moira main and I'm sick of DPS players always blaming support for losing

Michael Scarborough
Michael Scarborough - 03.08.2023 09:20

What i see fom thus is to use a healing orb while ur fighting an enemy on your own so far

Pilili - 30.07.2023 18:10

nice video!!

Chin Chin
Chin Chin - 26.07.2023 07:59

I felt it when you said “I’m trying so hard” LMAOO . I swear I could go 40-0 20k healing 10k dmg and we still get smoked it’s insane

Forrest Brandenburg
Forrest Brandenburg - 26.07.2023 07:46

Your junkrat sucks 😂

mad world 1995
mad world 1995 - 19.07.2023 15:13

I am a moria player too and I want to be as strong as you 💪 😅

I am not a French man
I am not a French man - 13.07.2023 05:46

Is this actually a GM lobby?? I thought players were meant to be good higher up. I thought I wouldn't have to deal with trash DPS past the lower ranks ಥ╭╮ಥ though ILikeEmThicc did pick things up a good bit partway through.

I am a Moira main myself, and just yesterday reached gold (though an absolutely amazing feeling and moment, I'm definitely better than that. teammates keep dragging me down), and I really don't want to have to deal with trash teammates constantly.

I also main a rad Junker Queen, though I'm not even trying with anything but support in comp. I've dealt too many times with actual trash support, who sometimes deliberately choose not to heal. I hate it. That's why I only do support.

Now I gotta ask, because your Moira is rad, and my Moira is rad; wanna duo?? I'll be your support, you be mine?? I promise I'm worthy and and worth it (ᗒ🙏ᗕ)

Final note; brag. If you're a badass, flaunt it. Just don't be obnoxious about it. In this match? You deserved all bragging rights.

I am not a French man
I am not a French man - 13.07.2023 05:32

Is this actually a GM lobby?? I thought players were meant to be good higher up. I thought I wouldn't have to deal with trash DPS past the lower ranks ಥ╭╮ಥ
I am a Moira main myself, and just yesterday reached gold (though and absolutely amazing feeling and moment, I'm definitely better than that. teammates keep dragging me down), and I really don't want to have to deal with trash teammates constantly.

I also main a rad Junker Queen, though I'm not even trying with anything but support in comp. I've dealt too many times with actual trash support, who sometimes deliberately choose not to heal. I hate it. That's why I only do support.

Now I gotta ask, because your Moira is rad, and my Moira is rad; wanna duo?? I'll be your support, you be mine?? I promise I'm worthy and and worth it (ᗒ🙏ᗕ)

Shadowfox - 11.07.2023 11:51

That orissa just wouldn’t die and constantly focused. As a Moira main I’d be frustrated the dps weren’t dpsing to

bebe bebe
bebe bebe - 01.07.2023 04:02

Hi could you by any chance coach me on being a Moira main? For ranked im Xbox and pc I hit masters but my skills is that of a diamond one please teach me 😭

PartyHatDogger - 19.06.2023 14:42

Does no-one ping in gm at all?

Expertbean - 15.06.2023 03:46

if this is grandmaster then I should start playing comp

Expertbean - 15.06.2023 03:41

this is actually me. Moira is my support main and this game is so familiar since I've also lived it tens of times now

Jake Smith
Jake Smith - 08.06.2023 08:42

Bro plays jsut like me and I’m in diamond

ILuCkYxCh4rMz - 06.06.2023 02:17

I main Moira and it’s always my fault we lose. I poke and DPS tank focus or dive out of position and they flame me for not feeding with them. I stick to tank and they can’t win 1v1 or create space for DPS and it’s my fault. I dive a bottleneck and scatter their supports and the team THEN wants to play back…

Forever at fault, never praised. This is our curse

EarthWorms - 28.05.2023 08:07

bruh this is nuts

Black Talon
Black Talon - 26.05.2023 11:38

This is the universal Moira experience lmao. When DPS has 5 kills and i have 23 and 18k healing and they blame me for losing i scream i really really do. Thats also close to my highest amount of healing done. The most healing Ive done was 22.6k healing, is 22k about your average? Thats impressive.

Dauferm - 21.05.2023 21:02

That was a great game for you!

Noc Fox
Noc Fox - 15.05.2023 22:12

As a Moira Main, nothing gets me more frustrated when I enable my team by pumping them full of heals until I'm empty AND THEY STILL DIDN'T DO ANYTHING
Then they say in chat "hEaLs?!" when I need to charge my heals and pick up some of the slack of our struggling dps

Like really, If their dps doesn't need to be babysat and ours do to barely win battles, I'd rather do more dps while keeping our tank or other support alive
Which I know some people won't agree with that, but it worked for me so far

IceMan - 10.05.2023 12:40

The fact it takes so long for your team to kill a solo tank when its 5v1 is so so so sad 😭

IceMan - 10.05.2023 12:35

People on your team literally have never heard of Highground or just basically shooting from different angle’s, they literally were all bunches up the entire game and you were the only one in good positioning

keine ahnung
keine ahnung - 06.05.2023 20:26

The Most i had with moira heal was 26k

ur mom
ur mom - 03.05.2023 21:59

do u have dyed hair in real l?

A S - 24.04.2023 16:56

I don't think it was good honestly (watched first 4 minutes). At least I play moira more aggressively. I am gm only mora too. But who knows, maybe it works this way too. Can you share link to your profile? I want to compare our stats.

ChubbeexChas3r - 22.04.2023 08:32

Bruh this game pisses me off so much

VAGO604 - 21.04.2023 23:57

Insane! I feel the pain tho for the first rounds where you talkin about the dps or tank blaming Moira mains. I feel what people don't grasp is that Moira is SUPPORT hero, not a HEALER per se. We support team and are not dedicated to solely heal. Any Moira that plays just or mostly healer, is either nonexistent, or a detriment to the team overall. The amount of games I've carried as Moira and still lost, is off the fkn charts. Also, it's always a trash dps or trash tank that love to pass the blame to support for them being shite. Great vid, insane Moira play. Bung!

zero - 20.04.2023 20:46

Advice for new moira players increase your sensitivity in order to deal with pesky characters like tracer or genji that move around a lot and to quickly turn and try and heal your teammates that are fast asf and bounce everywhere cause regular sensitivity is too slow to react also use ways the walls to utilize your orbs better youvdont always have to to be looking at enemy team to use em especially if they got a sniper on their team

Abdullah Alnuaimi
Abdullah Alnuaimi - 19.04.2023 01:45

shut up

Badal - 14.04.2023 03:43

I hate it when you go into open queue and your the only healer

Eb - 13.04.2023 09:40

Being a toxic butthole is worse than being bad at a game imo 😭 with that being said if Moira has good DPSers she can absolutely COOK

Spence - 12.04.2023 07:53

You were the best player in your team, great Moira gameplay ❤

Extreme Gamer
Extreme Gamer - 11.04.2023 16:08

😭bruh when u spoke bruh shi got me dying

B. N
B. N - 08.04.2023 01:44

I would say that your doing so well, there’s no other support that can turn it around one is Ana, but your kiriko isn’t doing a good job cleansing your tank when there anti-heal, and it’s just a dps and tank diff. You did so well!!

Momo45867 !
Momo45867 ! - 04.04.2023 21:50

Lol all his interactions are just flirty and then there’s sigma, very uncanny

Tad Naughty
Tad Naughty - 02.04.2023 18:37

Omg. How could you play so well with 160ms ping? I feel useless when I’m like in the 70-80ms 😂

le hoang
le hoang - 30.03.2023 17:26

The dps never look at how much you heal . They just blame :) cuz they just dont want to admit a support better than them .

# ; 𝐵𝑟𝑖 !¡ ♡︎
# ; 𝐵𝑟𝑖 !¡ ♡︎ - 28.03.2023 18:53

Thats the only skin that makes me want to Main Moira

Huepeople - 23.03.2023 14:05

That's so frustrating having DPS being bodied by a sniper. Matches like this are the reason why I miss the "on fire" system was still visible. You could readily tell who was doing something on either team. They could even make it more robust by having the fire colors mean something to indicate whether it was gained from eliminations, healing or captures. GG though.

k v
k v - 22.03.2023 16:08

ive just unlocked ranked and always play as moira and sometimes even carry the team, got hated on yesterday cuz i didnt heal "enough" but my dps' werent doing anything, happy to see it wasnt me being bad (hopefully) but rather others hating and blaming support for everything

Priscella Camberos
Priscella Camberos - 22.03.2023 10:13

I feel that when u say that ur team will say stop dpsing like we’ll step it up???? We can play both support and dps XD we doing the best we can and then we end up doing better than dps an overall all support xD

Der Haas
Der Haas - 20.03.2023 08:58

I just started playing ow and i'm one tricking moira since she fits my playstyle the best. I've learned so much tech bc of this video, thanks!

Alex Clark
Alex Clark - 18.03.2023 09:42

Zzzzzzz playskool hero

kae jonesz
kae jonesz - 17.03.2023 05:50

what a carry! well done!

Shane Bellinger
Shane Bellinger - 16.03.2023 22:35

Great job! Especially with the terrible matchmaking in this game support just seem to get shafted a lot on matchups. When you have bastions that turret into a deflecting genji and they are just like "where's my heals bro" it makes you question why you play this game sometimes.
