Bill Burr on Quarantine, Destroys Joe Rogan's take on not wearing a mask.

Bill Burr on Quarantine, Destroys Joe Rogan's take on not wearing a mask.


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@sak8485 - 31.01.2021 16:26

Alternate title: Ignorant DICK gets shut down by a Bald Boston comic.

@James-ij9cm - 28.01.2024 02:54

Joe needs Burr on every podcast to keep him in check. Joe has become such a right wing partisan hack

@minarik2001 - 27.01.2024 08:46

I love and understand Bill Burrs point here, but the other end of the stick showcases how scared he is to get cancelled. He is a massive fence sitter but still will never sieze to make me laugh

@cliffiez4540 - 26.01.2024 02:57

Rogan is not a comedian anymore. He is a Trump salesman and a conspiracy theory guy. His show got so stupid snd dull once Spotify bought him to be a Republican Hack.

@seansnipes8334 - 24.01.2024 17:54

This title aged like milk. Masks are.useless

@RyanS881 - 20.01.2024 01:35

Bill Burr being the Voice of Reason 😅

@WoodchipperKing - 19.01.2024 19:55

He didn’t destroy anything

@railroad_riley5084 - 07.01.2024 15:34

He called Joe a gorilla without saying the word gorilla. 😂

@delted438 - 03.01.2024 08:14

And people worship soyboys like burr lmfao

@thomaswaldon6860 - 27.12.2023 12:05

I wonder if any of these nimrods who commented 2 years ago still feel that way that all of their “science” behind the mask was total bullshit

@thespyinthecab7538 - 24.12.2023 07:27

Bill Burr absolutely hit the nail on the head with this one, lol. He’s the only one that can get Rohan ti totally concede to him. And how could you not, Bill does it so perfect try that you can’t help but admit it and also shit yourself laughing at the same time.
I remember it being like that even right before masks were the norm. I would go to the supermarket and some goofy ass guys in tight tshirts would be giggling like school girls at the first people who started wearing them, pretty much for the same reason….. “look at these dorks protecting themselves from a new illness that the CDC is saying could potentially be lethal to some people”. 😂

@irwinvasquez9858 - 23.12.2023 10:07

I listen to Rogan when he's not trying to play Dr. and act like an alpha male. Guy's like 5'2.

@joeyv51579 - 23.12.2023 03:10

Love that Bill Burr roasted him like that LMMFAO Rogan is a dumbass.

@CamRaven52 - 18.12.2023 15:33

😂 it’s funny coming back to all this years later and realizing Rogan was right and seeing all the comments from the sheep who were quick to dismiss him.

@toosavage3505 - 18.12.2023 03:03

Sounds delusional 3 years later.. hilarious. If bill was yelling at me to mask up while walking outside I’d laugh in his fucking face 🤣

@jolter7776 - 17.12.2023 04:54

Ha! Burr ridicules the American flag and praises the corrupt lying CDC? What a dipsht!

@99gypsies - 14.12.2023 00:03

Bill Burr uses the classic default defense that clueless or cowardly people use when they have no facts to back their opinion -- it is called an ad hominem attack. They just start insulting the person who disagrees with them, They attack their character, motivation, or even physical appearance -- whatever they can do to deflect from the fact that they have no facts and no case. Joe Rogan takes it all, very good-naturedly, even though he is dead right. This is why Rogan is the #1 podcaster in the world and, funny though he can be -- few people have even heard of Bill Burr, and, after seeing his woke-derangement syndrome on full display, even fewer will remain his fans. RIP Billy.

@ktakashismith - 10.12.2023 10:27

I think my favorite thing about this exchange is how Burr doesn't attack Joe's beliefs, he doesn't say "I'm right and you're wrong". He breaks Joe's argument against wearing masks into little pieces and lays it out in front of him so he can see how ridiculous he's being.

@Ryan-kf7of - 08.12.2023 15:49

More than half of CDC workers go to work for the pharmaceutical companies they once regulated meaning there is a huge revolvong door problem. But lets not listen to me lets listen to the British Medical Journal that recently highlighted this along with the former head of the FDA approving vaccines which later proved to be detrimental to men aged around 30-40.. this same person left their job at the FDA. 6 months later they were working for the company of the vaccines which they had approved.

The British Medical Journal confirmed big pharma is real. Something so obvious now established medical publishers are taking it seriously as a danger to public health.

@lonelylama5222 - 08.12.2023 03:05

Glad he stood up. A lot of people would just nod and faintly say yeah

@Saltee323 - 07.12.2023 00:09

Who knew Burr was such a simp.

@Keyir2k - 02.12.2023 17:21

Fun fact the rollerblade joke went like “what’s the hardest part about rollerblading, having to tell your parents you’re gay

@heckoffcommie4182 - 30.11.2023 02:55

This aged like milk. Hope everyone in the comments gets their boosters.

@fwendlyfwire - 28.11.2023 22:51

Bill Burr just did what so many cannot do. Admitted he has no built up knowledge in a subject therefore he will not speak on it😮

@GherkholmInc. - 28.11.2023 02:00

The only thing bill destroyed is his career.

@GatoradeAppreciator - 27.11.2023 19:31

Imagine thinking Burr won here. Pathetic.

@jepman1075 - 27.11.2023 07:08

Appeal to authority fallacy. Sorry, Bill. You're an apologist for the genocidal tyrants who scam and poison us every day. You and Joe are cogs in the machine. They own the media and the government. They invite monsters into our homes and make it legal for them to rape us. They have big noses and rule the world. Equity and integrity are both things of the past.

@GabrielGarcia-lw4tb - 26.11.2023 17:08

"Gotta trust the CDC" hahahahaha

@GabrielGarcia-lw4tb - 26.11.2023 17:06

Its funny watching this years later after seeing how much they were actually lying about the whole thing.Bill burr with the "you gotta trust the poeple that are abusing their power and trying to control you".They manipulated you and millions of people bill,you are one of the sheeps congrats

@99gypsies - 25.11.2023 23:47

It's true that Joe put up a lousy argument, and Bill was funny -- but Burr's only argument was to TRUST the freakin CDC -- trust an agency with a long history of lying and corruption (not to mention the FACT that the CDC said masks do NOT work). Yes, Bill, by all means, always trust the government, they are here to help us. I guess he also trusted the actual puppy-torturer Fauci (who flip-flopped back and forth on masks at least three times). I guess trusting Bill would never just do a little research or use common sense. Or even consider the fact that Joe Rogan probably spoke to dozens of experts (that's his JOB) before he formed an opinion. Well, it's so disappointing that I am no longer a Burr fan. Woke comedians are a dime a dozen. I like comedians who can also think. The fact that his rude wife gives the finger to a former US president in a crowd of his cheering fans doesn't make him look too good either.

@stevengibson3788 - 24.11.2023 16:31

Bill flipped around and back and fourth and stuck his bullshit landing.

Joe did a Good Job.

@Nurse_Cipher - 23.11.2023 16:43

Bill Burr just loves making fun of idiots. Being a idiot myself, I can appreciate being put in my place.

@Very-Tired - 23.11.2023 11:55

People still holding on to the covid and vaccine argument are huffing so much copium omg

@ttrestle - 22.11.2023 18:02

I wish Bill would’ve said so you don’t believe in germ theory of disease

@sc3639 - 22.11.2023 15:40

I never or almost never put a mask on. It doesn't make sense. Follow the science. I do not listen to morons who are just following other morons who are doing what they are told for more money and power. No one cares about us. You have to start thinking for yourself people. These two guys here are great but just because you have a mic doesn't mean I will blindly follow you either. Smarten up people.

@maoristereo - 21.11.2023 07:29

didnt age well, did it Bill?

@ashleyvmoore - 18.11.2023 16:31

No joe you were scared your simping to the simp

@ashleyvmoore - 18.11.2023 16:31

Bill Burr turns into a woke liberal and there goes his Career.

@ashleyvmoore - 18.11.2023 16:29


@gilescorry - 16.11.2023 19:00

Bahahah!!!! This didn't age well now that they're admitting that masks don't work, that everything they tried to force people to do was exactly wrong, and that your side is asking for Covid Amnesty. If you check the CDC's death rate, you'll find that the death growth rate for 2020 was the lowest in 11 years, and the death rate for 2023 is a full point higher than 2020. Where was your Pandemic. Future historians won't find one.

@WWAWHTR - 15.11.2023 05:01

Mask idiot. Good grief.

@n00g75 - 14.11.2023 21:31

lol burr did what? :D destroyed rogan? :D are you serious? how?
burr attacks rogan that he has no degree in medicine .. but for himself its ok to give his opinion with and degree? or what do you mean?
bill made a medical statement and attacked people over it .. but when rogan uses the counter argument .. he cant make it because he has no degree?
so i guess .. to give billy boys opinion on something you DONT need a degree .. but if you oppose or at just question billies view you need to study and earn a degree?

is THIS what you are saying?
oh the irony .. if you only could see it!

@alxl6385 - 14.11.2023 18:26

It's been proven that masks and lockdown had zero effect. What the hell are you all on about? Completely and utterly duped.

@hamie7624 - 14.11.2023 16:34

Wearing a mask was always dumb though, especially outside where even the CDC said it was unlikely to spread covid outdoors. People just let the media manipulate them into fear. Poor hen pecked bill.

@sjohnson5813 - 14.11.2023 04:12

Soo many people are up bills ass....calm down fanboys

@Imnotabot78 - 14.11.2023 01:15

'i watch the news once or twice every week' says alot about his intelligence ( bill )

@jjohnsontl7973 - 13.11.2023 13:41

Look at all these clowns

@factoverfiction4699 - 13.11.2023 11:29

This bald guy had witty quips about the other bald guy. That means the one bald guy is clearly correct on everything else he says.

@Whetbeet - 12.11.2023 22:49

Bill was great and I like Joe didn’t take it personal and tell him he is wrong
